Jordan rules out Palestinian-Jordanian 'confederation'


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
Jordan on Sunday rejected the idea of the establishment of a “confederation” between the Palestinian Authority (PA) and the Hashemite Kingdom as part of a solution to the Israel-PA conflict.

Jumana Ghunaimat, a spokeswoman for the Jordanian government, said that “a confederation between Jordan and Palestine is not up for discussion.”

She added that Jordan’s position on the issue is based on a two-state solution and the establishment of a Palestinian state on the pre-1967 borders with eastern Jerusalem as its capital.

Sources within the leftist organization Peace Now said earlier on Sunday that PA chairman Mahmoud Abbas had told them that the Trump administration offered a plan for a final status agreement with Israel which would include the establishment of a “confederation” between the PA and Jordan.
Jordan rules out Palestinian-Jordanian 'confederation'

OCCUPIED JERUSALEM — US officials working on a Middle East peace plan have asked Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas about forming a confederation with Jordan, Abbas told activists on Sunday, according to one of them.

Abbas recounted the conversation he had with White House aides Jared Kushner and Jason Greenblatt during a meeting with Israeli peace activists in Ramallah, said Hagit Ofran of the Peace Now NGO, who also attended the meeting.

According to Ofran, Abbas said he told the US officials he would only be interested if Israel was also part of such a confederation.

It was not clear when the conversation took place, though Abbas has declined to meet with the White House since US President Donald Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital in December.
Abbas offered confederation with Jordan by US team — NGO

Jordan is all
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No country knows Palestinians & how to deal with them better than Jordan. When will Israel ever learn? LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!
No country knows Palestinians & how to deal with them better than Jordan. When will Israel ever learn? LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!


Yes indeed. So true. And has ANYONE EVER heard a single Palestinian or Pali supporter complaint about it? When will those Zionists in Israel ever learn from Jordan how to treat the Palestinians?

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