John S. McCain, Will You Please Go Now?


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2010
After decades of embracing the liberal media moniker “maverick” for his frequent derision of the conservative wing of the Republican Party, McCain has now abandoned the label. He told Newsweek magazine earlier this month: “I never considered myself a maverick.” But countless YouTube videos show McCain and vice-presidential running mate Sarah Palin invoking the “m” word. Here’s a typical bit of self-puffery from a McCain stump speech on Oct.14, 2008:

“It’s well known that I have not been elected Miss Congeniality in the United States Senate, nor with the administration. I have opposed the president on spending, on climate change, on torture of prisoner, on … on Guantanamo Bay. On a … on the way that the Iraq War was conducted. I have a long record, and the American people know me very well, and that is independent and a maverick of the Senate, and I’m happy to say that I’ve got a partner that’s a good maverick along with me now.”

With veteran tough-on-illegal-immigration GOP challenger J.D. Hayworth (whom I support) just five points behind McCain in the latest Rasmussen poll, Not-Maverick has now abandoned (or rather re-abandoned) his notoriously long-held open borders stance. Just a few short years ago, Not-Maverick was attacking Rush Limbaugh as a “nativist” for opposing the Bush-Kennedy-McCain amnesty plan. When GOP Sen. Jeff Sessions introduced an amendment to bar illegal aliens from receiving the earned income tax credit, McCain likened it to Jim Crow laws.

Michelle Malkin John S. McCain, Will You Please Go Now?

Malkin is so right. How McCain who had "Maverick" waving all over convention hall of his acceptance speech (to become the republicans candidat for prez in 2008) can now (with a straight face, I might add) now claim he doesn't consider himself a maverick????

It's a lie that would make Barack Obama blush for being so bold faced! :eek:

How stupid are Arizonians, though, I have to ask.

Why do they buy McCain's BS election after election, after election???

PLEASE ARIZONA! It's time for this pompous bag of wind to GO! Enough already!

We finally got rid of Kennedy, can we please get rid of McCain WITHOUT it taking prying the seat out of his cold dead fingers?????

I love starting the day out with Dead Kennedy jokes. Nicely done sir.

Oh and fuck Michelle Malkin. If she is against McCain suddenly, its political.
Who the hell is Michelle Malkin to question John McCains standing in the Republican Party??

McCain is an American hero who has served his state admirably for over 20 years. McCain has shown an ability to reach across the aisle to get things done and also has shown a willingness to put aside party pettyness to do the right thing. McCain is one of the standard bearers of the GOP while Malkin is a Rush Limbaugh wannabe with her own personal agenda.
I love starting the day out with Dead Kennedy jokes. Nicely done sir.

Oh and fuck Michelle Malkin. If she is against McCain suddenly, its political.

Good Lord can you look more dimwitted????????

Malkin has been criticizing McCain for YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You would know that if you opened your mind enough to ever read her columns.

How about some columns she did from two years ago criticizing McCain and company??

Michelle Malkin Duh of the day: McCain adviser admits bailout stance was a “blunder”

Heckuva job, McLame
By Michelle Malkin • November 12, 2008 06:38 AM
Michelle Malkin Heckuva job, McLame

Memo to McCain blabbermouths: Character is destiny
By Michelle Malkin • November 7, 2008 07:00 AM
Michelle Malkin Memo to McCain blabbermouths: Character is destiny

The McCain campaign’s classless cowards; Update: Palin reacts
By Michelle Malkin • November 5, 2008 10:29 PM

Sigh: McCain and his friends at…ACORNBy Michelle Malkin • October 13, 2008 01:14 PM

And they go on for a LONG time from there:

Michelle Malkin Search Results mccain

Do you know why you assumed otherwise?

Because you projected your OWN MINDSET about liberal matters onto us. Just because LIBERALS will back a Democrat REGARDLESS of the truth, you assumed we do the same.

Sorry but we aren't all mindless bots like the liberals.

We THINK and we don't support someone just because the Republicans order us to.

You can run away now.

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Who the hell is Michelle Malkin to question John McCains standing in the Republican Party??

McCain is an American hero who has served his state admirably for over 20 years. McCain has shown an ability to reach across the aisle to get things done and also has shown a willingness to put aside party pettyness to do the right thing. McCain is one of the standard bearers of the GOP while Malkin is a Rush Limbaugh wannabe with her own personal agenda.

You really are John McCain right?

Yeah we can't question McCain can we?

It isn't a free country where we can do things like that.


Who the hell is Michelle Malkin to question John McCains standing in the Republican Party??

McCain is an American hero who has served his state admirably for over 20 years. McCain has shown an ability to reach across the aisle to get things done and also has shown a willingness to put aside party pettyness to do the right thing. McCain is one of the standard bearers of the GOP while Malkin is a Rush Limbaugh wannabe with her own personal agenda.

You really are John McCain right?

Yeah we can't question McCain can we?

It isn't a free country where we can do things like that.



John McCain is one of the few old school Republicans who has not sold his soul to the FoxNews agenda. McCain understands what it takes to get things done in Washington and has a distiguished history of doing what is best for the country instead of doing what is best for Fox News.

Malkin is just a FoxNews attack dog used to keep GOP candidates in line
Who the hell is Michelle Malkin to question John McCains standing in the Republican Party??

McCain is an American hero who has served his state admirably for over 20 years. McCain has shown an ability to reach across the aisle to get things done and also has shown a willingness to put aside party pettyness to do the right thing. McCain is one of the standard bearers of the GOP while Malkin is a Rush Limbaugh wannabe with her own personal agenda.

You really are John McCain right?

Yeah we can't question McCain can we?

It isn't a free country where we can do things like that.



John McCain is one of the few old school Republicans who has not sold his soul to the FoxNews agenda. McCain understands what it takes to get things done in Washington and has a distiguished history of doing what is best for the country instead of doing what is best for Fox News.

Malkin is just a FoxNews attack dog used to keep GOP candidates in line

Yeah Yeah Yeah. McCain is an old Rockefeller Republican and a RINO
He also lost and kisses Democrat ass at the drop of a hate.

And sure he knows how to get things done in Washington. Can you say Keating Five???????

I thought McCain's opponent J.D. Hayworth did a shameful job as my congressman. I consider myself fairly liberal and don't support McCain's foreign policy but with my tax dollars I trust him much more than anybody else in either political party.

From the article linked to below this pretty much sums up my previous disappointment with Hayworth:

Hayworth's support of Bush's big-government polices included voting for the No Child Left Behind Act; the paperwork- and red-tape-friendly (and business-unfriendly) Sarbanes-Oxley Act; the pork-laden 2005 highway bill that included the infamous "bridge to nowhere"; and, most expensive of all, a Medicare drug benefit that created more than $7 trillion in unfunded liabilities. What is more, his support for a monstrosity known as the 527 Reform Act, which was intended to close "loopholes" in McCain/Feingold, and which was arguably worse for conservatives than the original article.

McCain Challenger J.D. Hayworth Is No Conservative Hero
Can you say Keating Five???????

Having in past voted for 3 of those 5, when it comes to elections I never feel guilty in abstaining. :redface:

"As conservatives look to young leaders with fresh ideas, Hayworth is a step backward. For starters, he was heavily involved with former "super-lobbyist" Jack Abramoff. Although he later cooperated with federal investigators and was never found to have done anything illegal, Hayworth was the largest recipient of campaign money from the now-convicted Abramoff."

McCain Challenger J.D. Hayworth Is No Conservative Hero
You really are John McCain right?

Yeah we can't question McCain can we?

It isn't a free country where we can do things like that.



John McCain is one of the few old school Republicans who has not sold his soul to the FoxNews agenda. McCain understands what it takes to get things done in Washington and has a distiguished history of doing what is best for the country instead of doing what is best for Fox News.

Malkin is just a FoxNews attack dog used to keep GOP candidates in line

Yeah Yeah Yeah. McCain is an old Rockefeller Republican and a RINO
He also lost and kisses Democrat ass at the drop of a hate.

And sure he knows how to get things done in Washington. Can you say Keating Five???????


McCain is an old Rockefeller Republican and a RINO

Yes he opposed to the "FoxNews Republicans"

McCain harkens back to the days of real Republicans like Bob Dole, Gerald Ford, Nelson Rockefeller and Bush senior. Republicans of that era had an agenda but understood the value of compromise and integrity to reach long term objectives.

Today's Fox News Republicans are nothing more than attack dogs doing the networks bidding. Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachmann, Mitch McConnell all know who they report to and will do as they are told.....not what is good for the country
While I appreciate McCain's military service and am fully aware of the things he was subjected to while a POW, he is nothing more than a political hack like all the other's in Washington. I think it is pretty funny that he is making such a big deal out of protecting the border from Mexico's flood of illegal aliens but yet it hasn't been that long ago that he was against immigration reform. The reason he is fighting so hard for protecting the border now is because he is in a fight for his political life in his home state and this is a hot button topic that many are interested in. Before this, he had little interest in immigration reform and that was because he felt his seat in Congress was secure. Career politicians like McCain are a big part of the problem in Washington. They have been in Congress for so long that they have become a political stronghold within themselves and seem to have forgotten that they were elected to help the people of America and not just figure out ways to remain in office.
After decades of embracing the liberal media moniker “maverick” for his frequent derision of the conservative wing of the Republican Party, McCain has now abandoned the label. He told Newsweek magazine earlier this month: “I never considered myself a maverick.” But countless YouTube videos show McCain and vice-presidential running mate Sarah Palin invoking the “m” word. Here’s a typical bit of self-puffery from a McCain stump speech on Oct.14, 2008:

“It’s well known that I have not been elected Miss Congeniality in the United States Senate, nor with the administration. I have opposed the president on spending, on climate change, on torture of prisoner, on … on Guantanamo Bay. On a … on the way that the Iraq War was conducted. I have a long record, and the American people know me very well, and that is independent and a maverick of the Senate, and I’m happy to say that I’ve got a partner that’s a good maverick along with me now.”

With veteran tough-on-illegal-immigration GOP challenger J.D. Hayworth (whom I support) just five points behind McCain in the latest Rasmussen poll, Not-Maverick has now abandoned (or rather re-abandoned) his notoriously long-held open borders stance. Just a few short years ago, Not-Maverick was attacking Rush Limbaugh as a “nativist” for opposing the Bush-Kennedy-McCain amnesty plan. When GOP Sen. Jeff Sessions introduced an amendment to bar illegal aliens from receiving the earned income tax credit, McCain likened it to Jim Crow laws.

Michelle Malkin John S. McCain, Will You Please Go Now?

Malkin is so right. How McCain who had "Maverick" waving all over convention hall of his acceptance speech (to become the republicans candidat for prez in 2008) can now (with a straight face, I might add) now claim he doesn't consider himself a maverick????

It's a lie that would make Barack Obama blush for being so bold faced! :eek:

How stupid are Arizonians, though, I have to ask.

Why do they buy McCain's BS election after election, after election???

PLEASE ARIZONA! It's time for this pompous bag of wind to GO! Enough already!

We finally got rid of Kennedy, can we please get rid of McCain WITHOUT it taking prying the seat out of his cold dead fingers?????


Ah teapartysamuri. We all have our crosses to bear. We don't all invite them back to campaign with us time and time again, but there are regrettable memberships in both parties.

Heard Carter lately? Believe me, I feel your McCain-pain. I like both men as people, enormously, but holy fuck! Maybe we need an upper age limit on politicians?

Who the hell is Michelle Malkin to question John McCains standing in the Republican Party??

McCain is an American hero who has served his state admirably for over 20 years. McCain has shown an ability to reach across the aisle to get things done and also has shown a willingness to put aside party pettyness to do the right thing. McCain is one of the standard bearers of the GOP while Malkin is a Rush Limbaugh wannabe with her own personal agenda.

I have never seen you post anything implying you are against freedom of speech.

"Who the hell is Michelle Malkin to question John McCains standing in the Republican Party??" was your question.

An American Citizen exercising her right to free speech is the answer.

Now, I can ask "who the hell was Harry Reid to say the iraq war was lost" and he, too had the right to free speech.

But he is a politician and one most assume has "inside information" so when he speaks out, he has the responsibility to say that it is his OPINION and not based on the facts he is exposed to. However, he didnt do that. He presented his opinion as fact. And he was dead wrong as well.
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Who the hell is Michelle Malkin to question John McCains standing in the Republican Party??

McCain is an American hero who has served his state admirably for over 20 years. McCain has shown an ability to reach across the aisle to get things done and also has shown a willingness to put aside party pettyness to do the right thing. McCain is one of the standard bearers of the GOP while Malkin is a Rush Limbaugh wannabe with her own personal agenda.

I have never seen you post anything implying you are against freedom of speech.

"Who the hell is Michelle Malkin to question John McCains standing in the Republican Party??" was your question.

An American Citizen exercising her right to free speech is the answer.

Now, I can ask "who the hell was Harry Reid to say the iraq war was lost" and he, too had the right to free speech.

But he is a politician and one most assume has "inside information" so when he speaks out, he has the responsibility to say that it is his OPINION and not based on the facts he is exposed to. However, he didnt do that. He presented his opinion as fact. And he was dead wrong as well.

I am fully aware of the first amendment. There is nothing in the first amendment that says you can spout off any nonsense you want without being subject to criticism. Everything you say can have consequences. The first amendment says "Congress shall pass no laws..." it does not say you cannot be criticized for what you say

Malkin is a two bit FoxNews republican who has no business questioning John McCains legitimacy as a Republican. McCain has paid his dues.....Malkin is just a Fox attack dog
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John McCain is one of the few old school Republicans who has not sold his soul to the FoxNews agenda. McCain understands what it takes to get things done in Washington and has a distiguished history of doing what is best for the country instead of doing what is best for Fox News.

Malkin is just a FoxNews attack dog used to keep GOP candidates in line

Yeah Yeah Yeah. McCain is an old Rockefeller Republican and a RINO
He also lost and kisses Democrat ass at the drop of a hate.

And sure he knows how to get things done in Washington. Can you say Keating Five???????


McCain is an old Rockefeller Republican and a RINO

Yes he opposed to the "FoxNews Republicans"

McCain harkens back to the days of real Republicans like Bob Dole, Gerald Ford, Nelson Rockefeller and Bush senior. Republicans of that era had an agenda but understood the value of compromise and integrity to reach long term objectives.

Today's Fox News Republicans are nothing more than attack dogs doing the networks bidding. Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachmann, Mitch McConnell all know who they report to and will do as they are told.....not what is good for the country


In other words you want to return to the days when Republicans were in the minority and were happy to be in the minority.

Enough said!

Yes he opposed to the "FoxNews Republicans"

McCain harkens back to the days of real Republicans like Bob Dole, Gerald Ford, Nelson Rockefeller and Bush senior. Republicans of that era had an agenda but understood the value of compromise and integrity to reach long term objectives.

Today's Fox News Republicans are nothing more than attack dogs doing the networks bidding. Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachmann, Mitch McConnell all know who they report to and will do as they are told.....not what is good for the country

IOW, he's a squishy, copping out, selling out, unprincipled RINO wimp.
Who the hell is Michelle Malkin to question John McCains standing in the Republican Party??

McCain is an American hero who has served his state admirably for over 20 years. McCain has shown an ability to reach across the aisle to get things done and also has shown a willingness to put aside party pettyness to do the right thing. McCain is one of the standard bearers of the GOP while Malkin is a Rush Limbaugh wannabe with her own personal agenda.

I have never seen you post anything implying you are against freedom of speech.

"Who the hell is Michelle Malkin to question John McCains standing in the Republican Party??" was your question.

An American Citizen exercising her right to free speech is the answer.

Now, I can ask "who the hell was Harry Reid to say the iraq war was lost" and he, too had the right to free speech.

But he is a politician and one most assume has "inside information" so when he speaks out, he has the responsibility to say that it is his OPINION and not based on the facts he is exposed to. However, he didnt do that. He presented his opinion as fact. And he was dead wrong as well.

I am fully aware of the first amendment. There is nothing in the first amendment that says you can spout off any nonsense you want without being subject to criticism. Everything you say can have consequences. The first amendment says "Congress shall pass no laws..." it does not say you cannot be criticized for what you say

Malkin is a two bit FoxNews republican who has no business questioning John McCains legitimacy as a Republican. McCain has paid his dues.....Malkin is just a Fox attack dog

Excuse me, but I was responding to your question:

"Who the hell is Michelle Malkin to question John McCains standing in the Republican Party??"

And I answered it.

The rest of what you say is your opinion and much I agree with, some I disagree with. But regardless, it is strictly your opinion and yuou have the right to articulate your opoinion.

But according to your question, you seem to believe that a conservative like Malkin does not have the right to express her opinioin especially becuase you disagree with her.

You can argue her; debate her if you wish.

But you questioned her right to express her opinion.

It is an attiude such as yours that is wrong with America.

It disgusts me to be quite frank.
But according to your question, you seem to believe that a conservative like Malkin does not have the right to express her opinioin especially becuase you disagree with her.

I don't question the right of any idiot to express their opinion.

What I do question is Michelle Malkins standing within the Republican Party vs John McCains. I also question her standing to make a determination of who a "Real Republican" is

In the end....isn't it the voters who get to decide who the "Real Republican" is??
In 2008, the FoxNews republicans tried to label McCain as not a "Real Republican"....The Republican voters in the primaries had a different view
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Who the hell is Michelle Malkin to question John McCains standing in the Republican Party??

McCain is an American hero who has served his state admirably for over 20 years. McCain has shown an ability to reach across the aisle to get things done and also has shown a willingness to put aside party pettyness to do the right thing. McCain is one of the standard bearers of the GOP while Malkin is a Rush Limbaugh wannabe with her own personal agenda.

You really are John McCain right?

Yeah we can't question McCain can we?

It isn't a free country where we can do things like that.



John McCain is one of the few old school Republicans who has not sold his soul to the FoxNews agenda. McCain understands what it takes to get things done in Washington and has a distiguished history of doing what is best for the country instead of doing what is best for Fox News.

Malkin is just a FoxNews attack dog used to keep GOP candidates in line

Served his country bravely and admirably without a doubt and deserves our respect for having done so... without a doubt, I agree with that.

However, that does not translate to meaning that we should respect his politics.

I can't stand the man now. Never have been able to as a politician. That does not mean that I don't respect what he did and what he sacrificed for this country. I still would not vote for him.

And by the way, he doesn't reach across the aisle. He is already on the left side of the aisle and he never reaches to the right.

But according to your question, you seem to believe that a conservative like Malkin does not have the right to express her opinioin especially becuase you disagree with her.

I don't question the right of any idiot to express their opinion.

What I do question is Michelle Malkins standing within the Republican Party vs John McCains. I also question her standing to make a determination of who a "Real Republican" is

In the end....isn't it the voters who get to decide who the "Real Republican" is??
In 2008, the FoxNews republicans tried to label McCain as not a "Real Republican"....The Republican voters in the primaries had a different view

I was simply answering your question and explaining to you that the question you ORIGINALLY asked is what is wrong with America.

Your question implied that she had no right to question McCains place. ANd I mde it quite clear that she, you, I , my grandmother and the guy on the corner has every right in the world.

You just diagree with her. And so do I for that matter. But that does not diminish her right to articulate her opinion.

Besides, how do you know you are correct? I believe you are, but maybe you are wrong?

I choose not to listen to Malkin, Hannity and Rush. Not becuase I do not agree with them, but becuase they like to make issues out of things that are not real issues.

Much like how the left and our mature democratic politicians made a big deal out of Palin writing on her hand. And how the right made a big deal out of Bides BFD error.

But I am digressing. I am disappointed that you feel it OK to stifle someone you dont agree with. However, I will admit, that seems to be the new political atmosphere these days.

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