John Lewis Disgraces Himself


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
And the left try to blame Trump, but Lewis started it and Trump will probably finish it...
John Lewis Disgraces Himself
Calling President-elect Trump “illegitimate,” Lewis has a long record of Communist affiliations and radical agendas.
January 19, 2017
John Perazzo


Or must we, as proof of our moral virtue and good manners, dutifully turn a blind eye to all these things?

Is it permissible to be unimpressed by the fact that in the late Sixties, Lewis was listed as a sponsor of the GI Civil Liberties Defense Committee, an anti-U.S.-military organization that served as a front for the Socialist Workers Party?

Are we allowed to wonder why, in May 1973, Lewis co-sponsored “A Call” for a founding conference of the National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression, a Communist Party front group that grew out of the movement to free the incarcerated Marxist revolutionary and Black Panther ally Angela Davis?

Are we permitted to think it less-than-wonderful that in 1989 Lewis was a founding member of the Institute for Southern Studies—a North Carolina-based spinoff of the Institute for Policy Studies—in light of the fact that the IPS was described in 1983 by then-Secretary of State George Shultz as an organization “which has for 20 years consistently supported foreign policy objectives that serve the interests of the Soviet Union”?

Would it be okay for some of us to take offense at Lewis's assertion in March 1995—four months after the Republican Party had won House and Senate majorities on the strength of its “Contract With America”—that Republicans were akin to Nazis intent upon exploiting and abusing “the children,” “the poor,” “the sick,” “the elderly,” and “the disabled”?

Or must we forever bow our heads and genuflect whenever Lewis's name is mentioned?

Are we permitted to wonder why Lewis in 2003 contributed an article to the Communist newspaper People's Weekly World?

Are we allowed to question why Lewis in 2007 was a special guest at the annual conference of the Democratic Socialists of America, an organization whose explicit aim is to “radically transform” the American government and economy?

Are we permitted to find it disgraceful that when the House of Representatives in 2009 voted overwhelmingly to defund the notoriously corrupt, pro-socialist, community organization ACORN—which had elevated voter-registration fraud into a veritable art form—Lewis was one of the relatively few Democrats who voted to continue pouring rivers of taxpayer dollars into that moral cesspool?

Are we allowed to be outraged by the fact that in mid-July 2014, after scores of thousands of (mostly unaccompanied) Central American minors had crossed the southern U.S. border illegally since October of the previous year, Lewis called for open borders and proudly declared that “our doors are open”?

Or must we perpetually build shrines in Lewis's honor?

Are we permitted to be repulsed by the fact that in October 2008, Lewis likened Republican presidential candidate John McCain and and his running mate, Sarah Palin, to George Wallace, the former the segregationist former governor of Alabama who had “created the climate and the conditions that encouraged vicious attacks against innocent Americans”?

Are we allowed to think badly of Lewis for having lied in 2010 when he said that conservative Tea Party protesters on the steps of Capitol Hill had shouted the “N-word” at him as he walked past them?

Is it permissible to be disgusted by Lewis's claim—in a speech he gave at the Democratic National Convention in September 2012—that Republicans were eager to bring back the days of Jim Crow segregation and bloody violence against blacks?

And are we allowed to wonder why Gary Dotterman, a prominent Communist Party member in Massachusetts, described Lewis in 2015 as “my hero, my comrade, my inspiration and my friend”?

The great scholar and author Thomas Sowell, writing about the grotesque moral decline which the NAACP had undergone over a period of decades, once noted that “in time even monuments can become overgrown by weeds,” and “even a great crusade can degenerate into a hustle.”

Once-respectable individuals can likewise degenerate into malevolent hustlers. If you need proof, just look at John Lewis.

John Lewis Disgraces Himself
Ahhh...........who cares about John Lewis? Nobody ever heard of him a week ago and nobody will ever hear of him after tomorrow.:bye1:
You just highlighted your ignorance. His place in American history as an American hero and important figure is secure.
Trump will probably be recorded as a despised and mocked President, not likely as any kind of hero.
Ahhh...........who cares about John Lewis? Nobody ever heard of him a week ago and nobody will ever hear of him after tomorrow.:bye1:

Oh here in Ga we hear his stupid shit all the time, he's still riding MLK coat tall.
Good example of we need term limits.

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Ahhh...........who cares about John Lewis? Nobody ever heard of him a week ago and nobody will ever hear of him after tomorrow.:bye1:
You just highlighted your ignorance. His place in American history as an American hero and important figure is secure.
Trump will probably be recorded as a despised and mocked President, not likely as any kind of hero.
All a criminal needs to do is take up the causes of the left and all of their crimes will be forgiven. It's why traitors and terrorists receive pardons by our socialist president and why Cuban oppression gets a pass. Cop-killers and child-molesters alike are celebrated by the left as long as they say that man-made climate change is legit and abortion should be paid for with taxpayer cash.

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