Joe's Out Of The Gate - Champion For The American Worker!


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
Joe told you he would. He is fighting for YOU. Fighting for every American. Fighting for you even if you AREN'T an American. Huh? Are there any other country's presidents out there fighting for me, not a citizen of THEIR country?

Don't hold your breath.

Fighting for America: with the economy totally on the skids, Joe's first action was to put 11,000 more people OUT OF WORK. All the better, to seriously injure America's low energy costs and energy independence.

Fighting for America: with crime at a low, Joe has now made it impossible to deport criminal illegal alien repeat offenders killing Americans! Let's keep killers on the streets!

Fighting for America: Joe is on target to add between ten to thirty million more mouths to feed, to house, clothe and educate at a time when budget deficits are spiraling through the roof. And those 30 million will become 100 million in a generation.

Fighting for America: Joe has waved on hundreds of thousands of illegals to COME ON IN and join the team. Come here for a better life rather than expect it from YOUR OWN COUNTRY.

And these were his first, top priorities!

Won't you sleep well tonight? Hasn't this made YOUR life better? Your president, working for YOU.

Joe told you he would. He is fighting for YOU. Fighting for every American. Fighting for you even if you AREN'T an American. Huh? Are there any other country's presidents out there fighting for me, not a citizen of THEIR country?

Don't hold your breath.

Fighting for America: with the economy totally on the skids, Joe's first action was to put 11,000 more people OUT OF WORK. All the better, to seriously injure America's low energy costs and energy independence.

Fighting for America: with crime at a low, Joe has now made it impossible to deport criminal illegal alien repeat offenders killing Americans! Let's keep killers on the streets!

Fighting for America: Joe is on target to add between ten to thirty million more mouths to feed, to house, clothe and educate at a time when budget deficits are spiraling through the roof. And those 30 million will become 100 million in a generation.

Fighting for America: Joe has waved on hundreds of thousands of illegals to COME ON IT and join the team. Come here for a better life rather than expect it from YOUR OWN COUNTRY.

And these were his first, top priorities!

Won't you sleep well tonight? Hasn't this made YOUR life better? Your president, working for YOU.

Slow joe is a moron, he is clueless, you bet there will be more unemployment, higher taxes, skyrocketing gas prices, and all these assholes can think about now is impeachment for Trump, Democrats are scumbags.
Joe told you he would. He is fighting for YOU. Fighting for every American. Fighting for you even if you AREN'T an American. Huh? Are there any other country's presidents out there fighting for me, not a citizen of THEIR country?

Don't hold your breath.

Fighting for America: with the economy totally on the skids, Joe's first action was to put 11,000 more people OUT OF WORK. All the better, to seriously injure America's low energy costs and energy independence.

Fighting for America: with crime at a low, Joe has now made it impossible to deport criminal illegal alien repeat offenders killing Americans! Let's keep killers on the streets!

Fighting for America: Joe is on target to add between ten to thirty million more mouths to feed, to house, clothe and educate at a time when budget deficits are spiraling through the roof. And those 30 million will become 100 million in a generation.

Fighting for America: Joe has waved on hundreds of thousands of illegals to COME ON IN and join the team. Come here for a better life rather than expect it from YOUR OWN COUNTRY.

And these were his first, top priorities!

Won't you sleep well tonight? Hasn't this made YOUR life better? Your president, working for YOU.

I know China Joe isn't working for me, I'm a real American just like you Toob!
Slow joe is a moron, he is clueless, you bet there will be more unemployment, higher taxes, skyrocketing gas prices, and all these assholes can think about now is impeachment for Trump, Democrats are scumbags.

Joe's just getting going. He wants to end the oil industry which is the underpinning of our energy sector and make us totally green in just 15 years! And the funny thing is that even green energy pollutes! There is no true green energy, not even nuclear fusion, except maybe hydrogen fuel cells.

The cosmic humor is that there is no life on this Earth that nature has designed nor intended to be totally "green."
Joe Biden gets thousands of union workers laid off, ships their jobs overseas to the middle east. What a dick. In related news Joe didn't lay off a single government worker.
What a set up though--got to give it to them. Democrats trash the economy and send UE numbers in the shitter and now downplay covid. Economies rise, people go back to work and China Joe can hide in his basement. Wonder if he'll ever regain Trumps UE numbers. Doubt it.
Joe Biden gets thousands of union workers laid off, ships their jobs overseas to the middle east. What a dick. In related news Joe didn't lay off a single government worker.
What a set up though--got to give it to them. Democrats trash the economy and send UE numbers in the shitter and now downplay covid. Economies rise, people go back to work and China Joe can hide in his basement. Wonder if he'll ever regain Trumps UE numbers. Doubt it.

When Trump challenged Biden on his anti oil plans during the debate Joe Biden LIED and claimed it would be phased in over a long period of time. Then one of Biden's first actions is to shut down a key pipeline project between the US and Canada and get thousands of union oil industry workers laid off.

AND it was just reported that Biden is about to slam the poor and middle class with a tax increase on gas. This fool is already out of control.
Joe told you he would. He is fighting for YOU. Fighting for every American. Fighting for you even if you AREN'T an American. Huh? Are there any other country's presidents out there fighting for me, not a citizen of THEIR country?

Don't hold your breath.

Fighting for America: with the economy totally on the skids, Joe's first action was to put 11,000 more people OUT OF WORK. All the better, to seriously injure America's low energy costs and energy independence.

Fighting for America: with crime at a low, Joe has now made it impossible to deport criminal illegal alien repeat offenders killing Americans! Let's keep killers on the streets!

Fighting for America: Joe is on target to add between ten to thirty million more mouths to feed, to house, clothe and educate at a time when budget deficits are spiraling through the roof. And those 30 million will become 100 million in a generation.

Fighting for America: Joe has waved on hundreds of thousands of illegals to COME ON IN and join the team. Come here for a better life rather than expect it from YOUR OWN COUNTRY.

And these were his first, top priorities!

Won't you sleep well tonight? Hasn't this made YOUR life better? Your president, working for YOU.

I see faux niwz is back in full retard mode.
‘The Permit is hereby revoked’: Biden order halts Keystone XL pipeline construction Our new president has already got the Canadians mad at us. Major job losses stopping a project already under way.

The Canadians are pissed and he already insulted the UK. Joe Biden attacking our allies just 2 days in.
Weren't these the relationships Chicom Joe was supposed to repair?

Breaking reports are that Canadian prime minister Trudeau called Biden today and ripped him a new one. Alberta is demanding reparations from the US. Unions on both sides of the border are livid with Biden. Naturally there wasn't a single question on this international disaster during the White House press briefing today, shocker.

Can you explain why you think these actions are good?
Listen, Taz, millions of people are out of work through no fault of thier own, that's number one....secondly, most of these jobs were temporary, it was a controversial move in the first place and this nation, the world is tiring of fossil fuels...its time we embrace global warming, move toward stronger better efficient energy uses and get over the fact WHITE MEN LOST A JOB.....Jesus effin Chrix, can you people for once take a fuckin licken and move on.

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