Joe Walsh, no need for abortion to save woman's life

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
If people would stay out of everyone else's business we wouldn't have to spend so much time deliberating over stupid shit like this.

Joe Walsh is the most endangered incumbent this election cycle, so I don't think we'll be hearing too much more from him.
Joe Walsh On Abortion: No Exception For 'Life Of The Mother' Thanks To 'Advances In Science And Technology'

Our national Dead Bead Dad aka ASSHOLE of EPIC PROPORTIONS is the latest of the pubpots to say something so incredibly stupid that your mouth just falls open.

Republican Rep. Joe Walsh, running against Democratic challenger Tammy Duckworth in Illinois, told reporters Thursday night that there should be no abortion exception for the "life of the mother" because "with modern technology and science, you can't find one instance" in which a woman would actually die, according to a radio station. Walsh, of course, is flat wrong.

Yes, childbirth is more dangerous for women than the abortion pill | MinnPost

Check out the links from this article.

Incredibly, Walsh does not support his own kids but wants to force other women to give birth against their will.
Hope you're right. He's the last person who should be trying to force women to give birth against their will.
OMG..another outrage coming...LOOK OUT

You should lay off the Huffington post, I don't think your blood pressure can take much more
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Why am I not surprised that Stephanie knows (and CARES) as much about death in childbirth as she does about vets.

Why am I not surprised that Stephanie knows (and CARES) as much about death in childbirth as she does about vets.


now now, the blood pressure...Nobody can care as MUCH as you evidently.
gawd, you just search out things to be outraged over, it's a sickness with you
LOL, this isn't the stone ages, I don't hear of a lot of women dying because they give birth.
Joe Walsh On Abortion: No Exception For 'Life Of The Mother' Thanks To 'Advances In Science And Technology'

Our national Dead Bead Dad aka ASSHOLE of EPIC PROPORTIONS is the latest of the pubpots to say something so incredibly stupid that your mouth just falls open.

Republican Rep. Joe Walsh, running against Democratic challenger Tammy Duckworth in Illinois, told reporters Thursday night that there should be no abortion exception for the "life of the mother" because "with modern technology and science, you can't find one instance" in which a woman would actually die, according to a radio station. Walsh, of course, is flat wrong.

Yes, childbirth is more dangerous for women than the abortion pill | MinnPost

Check out the links from this article.

Incredibly, Walsh does not support his own kids but wants to force other women to give birth against their will.

Women never die getting abortions do they? :eusa_whistle:
Dear the (You don't mind if I call you by your first name, do you?)

Many MANY more die giving birth than from abortion. If you had read the links, you would know that. You're stupid though so you just vomit up what fux tells you too. Since rw's are too fucking stooopid to think for themselves, allow me ...

American women are dying during pregnancy and childbirth at double the rate they were 20 years ago (from 6.6 per 100,000 live births in 1987 to 13.3 deaths per 100,000 live births in 2006). You can read The Deadly Delivery Report here -

Maternal Health in the U.S. | Amnesty International USA

... two to three women are dying daily in the United States from pregnancy-related complications. And the number may be even higher, for no federal agency requires hospitals or other institutions to report maternal deaths.

Read more at the link.


2007, SIX women were reported to have died as a result of abortion complications.
Are you IN THE KNOW: references

Abortion Surveillance --- United States, 2008

Maybe Stephanie will take her shoes off and help you do the math.

As for accidental pregnancies, more than one third are unplanned. The responsibility for that is equally that of the woman AND the man. Problem is, just like Joe Walsh (refer to op), men can walk away from their responsibility and leave the woman to raise the child alone.

Snarky-ness aside, if you have a mother, daughter, wife, girlfriend - these numbers are important. Instead of being a idiot bobblehead, turn off fux and turn ON your own brain.

Bottom line is YOU do not the right to control anyone elses body. Period.
Did he pay off his child support? What about the ship cruise with his mistress?
Did he pay off his child support? What about the ship cruise with his mistress?

Last I heard, the scum had settled with his wife and his wages are being garnished against his will. Before that, he had said he could not afford the $117THOUSAND DOLLARS of back child support on his meager salary of only $175THOUSAND DOLLARS a year. He also said he would fight against Affordable Health Care because his wife was using it to give his children health insurance on a policy SHE paid for.

Also, just read that he's "walked back" his earlier ASSSSinine and completely incorrect statement and now says

Rep. Joe Walsh Walks Back Abortion-Without-Exception Comment - ABC News

But Walsh said he supports a woman’s right to have an abortion in the “very rare” case where “both mother and baby will die if the baby is not aborted.”

As he went on, Walsh seemed to contradict himself.

“While, I do not support abortion, I do of course support medical procedures for women during their pregnancies that might result in the loss of the unborn child. When such an occurrence takes place, that decision on whether to perform that procedure is a very difficult one and one that should be left up to the mother and her family,” Walsh wrote.

Complete and total idiot.
Daily Kos: Joe Walsh: Women Should Die Because I Don't Google Things.

The Huffington Post is reporting that Joe Walsh said that there should be no "life of the mother" exception for abortion because " "with modern technology and science, you can't find one instance" of pregnancy threatening the life of a woman.

with headlines like that now you see why the dailyKos is not a reputable site..but it does have a nice DRAMATIC effect so you lefties can get you panties in a bunch..shame you people get your political news from dailykos, thinkprogress
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If people would stay out of everyone else's business we wouldn't have to spend so much time deliberating over stupid shit like this.

Joe Walsh is the most endangered incumbent this election cycle, so I don't think we'll be hearing too much more from him.

Now seriously...who the hell cares what Joe Walsh thinks about anything other than music?

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