Joe Scarborough Lecturing Republicans You're A Judas You Have No Standing For Such Talk!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
Joe Scarborough is a reprehensible disgrace he has sold out his principles he should at least have the integrity to come out and say the truth that he is no longer a Republican not even an independent he is fully in the left wing political camp he is in the same league of a Rachel Maddow and Lawrence O'Donnell although he hides his true values. I hope MSNBC is paying him well because they bought his soul! Him coming out that this American Rescue Act Bill is a good piece of legislation ya there is a lot of good in this bill and Democrats could have crafted a bipartisan piece of legislation with all this good stuff in it with a price tag of a trillion dollars there was no good reason to essentially double the price tag. Democrats have hurt America bad with this bill with poorly thought out left wing agenda items like incentivizing poor unskilled women to have babies so they can get a debit card from the Federal government that puts $500.00 a month on it or incentivizing American's with incomes under 400 percent of the poverty level to low ball their incomes so they can get insurance premium credits they don't fairly deserve and never have to account for their abuse of this health insurance assistance program created by ACA or an $86 billion payoff to union's for the political support funneled vis-a-vis their pension systems. Joe Scarborough don't try to lead Republicans you are a sellout and principled enemy of Republicans; take your thirty pieces of silver and go be a permanent Pharisee!
I read it was 300/mo, per child, with certain qualifications- and tapers down as income goes up- no, I'm not defending, just pointing out- talking heads are wanna be celebrities feeling like they are rock stars and probaly paid like they are- rock stars are more interesting and believable- and I don't even like rock music btw-

I suspect, that if one wants to be aggravated by, or, at talking heads, they might want to consider a different form of entertainment-

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