Joe Biden: Trump is going to delay the election so he wont be humiliated, Ten Reasons that is total kaka

The Elections Clause:

Clause 1: Time, place, and manner of holding
The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing [sic] Senators.

This is proof that Joe Biden is a fucking brain damaged idiot.

There is no way Trump is going to lose, never mind these stacked polls that say Biden is like ten points ahead nationally, they are total bullshit.

Why is Trump going to win?

1) Biden cant campaign on the same level of activity as Trump, in part because he is not healthy enough, and also in part because his brain damage comes out if he is given too many opportunities to fuck up.

2) The entire nation is sick to death of Dimocrat lies and bullshit. I live in a mixed race neighborhood and NOBODY is planning to vote for Biden, lol.

3) Biden got the nomination because Andrew Cuomo did not want to lose to Trump. If his internal polling was showing an idiot like Biden could win, Andrew would be out there in a single titty bounce. But he is not, and so Biden is not going to win.

4) in the 2018 elections, Republicans had 14 million voters sit it out, while only about 1.4 million Dims did. ALL of those Trump voters will return, and many Dims are going to vote for Trump as well.

5) Nobody wants their taxes raised, and everyone realizes that that is exactly what Biden administration will do each and every year.

6) No one with a functioning brain wants to implement the 'New Green Deal' as they are not going to replace fossil fuels with nuclear power, gas or anything useful. It will be just another political pay off to corrupt Dimocrats who have heavily invested in 'Green energy'. No one wants to live in the 15th century again.

7) Trump is going to have poll monitors at each and every precinct watching for fraud. There will not be wide spread vote harvesting.

8) Illegals will not be allowed to vote this year, and most of them have gone back home anyway.

9) Trump will blow Biden back into the 13th Century in the Presidential debates. Biden is going to be shown to the whole country to be a blithering idiot.

10) More and m ore people realize that the whole Dimocratic Party is an auxilliary of the Chinese Communist Party, bought and paid for with billions of purloined USD.

Biden promised to raise taxes so that we can have more free shit for illegals.

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