Jobless Claims Rising Again--(Retail Year-End Shopping--Not A Spree!)


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
New Jobless Claims rose, and so did emergency relief filings since regular benefits are expiring. January 20 may spark the beginning of sales surge, nothing holiday-like too much on radar.

Then who can expect the people least-likely to get the vaccines, slowly then becoming available? The anti-vaccine rallies likely even start in Gettysburg, PA, today! The Trumped-Up Zero Evidence campaign will be continuing. Courts will just as likely be declared a "Hoax!" GOP money is for burning!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!)
(Deut 23: 19-20 is thought to have set up the basis "Gouging and Screwing" role of the deity alleged. The follow-up became the basis of All Christianity--Matt 25: 14-30--even put into practice in Holocaust!)
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Republicans in office--and at the top--created their visions of damage and decimation Decimations are the illiterate poster, harmonica brand.

Decimations: GOP! Decimations: GOP!

All Continuing, harmonica poster intended, too!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!)
(Deut 23: 19-20 is thought to have set up the basis "Gouging and Screwing" role of the deity alleged. The follow-up became the basis of All Christianity--Matt 25: 14-30--even put into practice in Holocaust!)
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New Jobless Claims rose, and so did emergency relief filings since regular benefits are expiring. January 20 may spark the beginning of sales surge, nothing holiday-like too much on radar.

Then who can expect the people least-likely to get the vaccines, slowly then becoming available? The anti-vaccine rallies likely even start in Gettysburg, PA, today! The Trumped-Up Zero Evidence campaign will be continuing. Courts will just as likely be declared a "Hoax!" GOP money is for burning!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!)
(Deut 23: 19-20 is though to have set up the basis "Gouging and Screwing" role of the deity alleged. The follow-up became the basis of All Christianity--Matt 25: 14-30--even put into practice in Holocaust!)
You can sure thank the Prog masters of the Blue States for fucking the prog slaves who subjugated themselves under the elites. Down here in Floor E. Da, in the St. Augustine area, we are at 4% unemployment and the ex NYC citizens who moved here, just love it down here. It must suck to be a prog slave....
Republicans in office--and at the top--created their visions of damage and decimation Decimations are the illiterate poster, harmonica brand.

Decimations: GOP! Decimations: GOP!

All Continuing, harmonica poster intended, too!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!)
(Deut 23: 19-20 is though to have set up the basis "Gouging and Screwing" role of the deity alleged. The follow-up became the basis of All Christianity--Matt 25: 14-30--even put into practice in Holocaust!)
I had this prog slave on ignore, i see why i did the first time, back to the slave pen for you , slave, and be with all the other prog slaves on ignore. Just cant deal with people with an IQ less than 30, you cant fix stupid people. Ta ta..
Illiterate andaronjim poster clearly on board with the illiterate poster harmonica visions of decimations of glory! Decimations, GOP!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!)
(Deut 23: 19-20 is thought to have set up the basis "Gouging and Screwing" role of the deity alleged. The follow-up became the basis of All Christianity--Matt 25: 14-30--even put into practice in Holocaust!)
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New Jobless Claims rose, and so did emergency relief filings since regular benefits are expiring. January 20 may spark the beginning of sales surge, nothing holiday-like too much on radar.

Then who can expect the people least-likely to get the vaccines, slowly then becoming available? The anti-vaccine rallies likely even start in Gettysburg, PA, today! The Trumped-Up Zero Evidence campaign will be continuing. Courts will just as likely be declared a "Hoax!" GOP money is for burning!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!)
(Deut 23: 19-20 is though to have set up the basis "Gouging and Screwing" role of the deity alleged. The follow-up became the basis of All Christianity--Matt 25: 14-30--even put into practice in Holocaust!)

Have you thanked you CCP masters today for their virus that poisoned the world? You know damned well that China Joe would have never made the grade if that hadn't happened, so be sure to sacrifice a baby at the altar and give thanks for your good fortune.
Republicans in office--and at the top--created their visions of damage and decimation Decimations are the illiterate poster, harmonica brand.

Decimations: GOP! Decimations: GOP!

All Continuing, harmonica poster intended, too!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!)
(Deut 23: 19-20 is though to have set up the basis "Gouging and Screwing" role of the deity alleged. The follow-up became the basis of All Christianity--Matt 25: 14-30--even put into practice in Holocaust!)
Let's get one thing straight, mascale, there is no one more illiterate than you, make no mistake about that.
Harmonica was spot on with the numbers rising and blue states Ca. and NY locking down.
mascale poster intended to be illiterate, it's the best he/she has
260 thousand deaths ignored and celebrated: GOP and Illiterate supportive posters! The public record now supports the prayers: With visions of flames and burning even posted!

GOP Illiterates are clearly not too up on arithmetic and math! It's even in the books of the fables.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!)
(Deut 23: 19-20 is thought to have set up the basis "Gouging and Screwing" role of the deity alleged. The follow-up became the basis of All Christianity--Matt 25: 14-30--even put into practice in Holocaust!)
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And still Mitch and his crew in the Senate sit on their hands when it comes to another relief package. The deficit hawks (like the eagles in the Hobbit) have returned after four years. Not sure why people aren't taking a blow torch to the wrinkled behinds of each Republican Senator right now?
Then see the illiterates throwing cold water on Democratic States attempting limiting the spread. The unthinking, uncaring illiteracy most recently is fundamentally Red States everywhere! The limiting factor now is recognized the super-spreader, at-home level events. . . .and Trumped-Up rallies!

The Democrats are noted to have taken preventive steps, putting preventive measures in place.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!)
(Deut 23: 19-20 is thought to have set up the basis "Gouging and Screwing" role of the deity alleged. The follow-up became the basis of All Christianity--Matt 25: 14-30--even put into practice in Holocaust!)
Republicans in office--and at the top--created their visions of damage and decimation Decimations are the illiterate poster, harmonica brand.

Decimations: GOP! Decimations: GOP!

All Continuing, harmonica poster intended, too!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!)
(Deut 23: 19-20 is thought to have set up the basis "Gouging and Screwing" role of the deity alleged. The follow-up became the basis of All Christianity--Matt 25: 14-30--even put into practice in Holocaust!)
You own the dregs who sit home hiding from the leftyflu while jobs are plentiful....
And still Mitch and his crew in the Senate sit on their hands when it comes to another relief package. The deficit hawks (like the eagles in the Hobbit) have returned after four years. Not sure why people aren't taking a blow torch to the wrinkled behinds of each Republican Senator right now?
no asswipe, its your pig-lousy twat that has been whining all the way. try watching some real news, then you would see it. until then, go lay down, because thats all you are good for
The illiterately stated "Plentiful Jobs" actually decreased through the end of September about 6.0 mil. The Federal Government does track jobs availability, but further reports that the Covid-19 crisis has adversely impacted even that.

The Trumped-Up Administration clearly failed to respond, mostly recently probably reflected in the 30 plus lawsuits thrown out of court for their lack of evidence or anything meaningful to even pretend to suggest!

Republicans are mainly skilled at "Playing Office." Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic are not widely noted to be in the skill-set(?), such as it is!
Over the 12 months ending in September, hires totaled 70.4 million and separations totaled 76.4 million,
yielding a net employment loss of 6.0 million. These totals include workers who may have been hired
and separated more than once during the year.

The Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey estimates for October 2020 are scheduled to be
released on Wednesday, December 9, 2020 at 10:00 a.m. (ET).

| Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic Impact on September 2020 |
| Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey Data |
| |
|Data collection for the JOLTS survey was affected by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. While 42 |
|percent of data are usually collected by phone at the JOLTS data collection center, most phone |
|respondents were asked to report electronically. However, data collection was adversely impacted due to |
|the inability to reach some respondents that normally respond by phone. The JOLTS response rate for |
|September was 47 percent, while response rates prior to the pandemic averaged 54 percent. |
| |
|BLS modified the JOLTS estimation methods in March through September to better reflect the impact of the|
|coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The estimation process usually includes an alignment of monthly hires |
|minus separations to the over-the-month change in the Current Employment Statistics (CES) employment |
|estimates. For September estimates, as in earlier months, BLS suspended the alignment process. The |
|differing reference periods for the CES employment estimates (pay period including the 12th of the |
|month) and the JOLTS hires and separations estimates (the entire reference month) led to different |
|measurement outcomes. More information about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the JOLTS survey, |
|including information about the JOLTS estimation methodology, is available at |
"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!)
(Deut 23: 19-20 is thought to have set up the basis "Gouging and Screwing" role of the deity alleged. The follow-up became the basis of All Christianity--Matt 25: 14-30--even put into practice in Holocaust!)
New Jobless Claims rose, and so did emergency relief filings since regular benefits are expiring. January 20 may spark the beginning of sales surge, nothing holiday-like too much on radar.

Then who can expect the people least-likely to get the vaccines, slowly then becoming available? The anti-vaccine rallies likely even start in Gettysburg, PA, today! The Trumped-Up Zero Evidence campaign will be continuing. Courts will just as likely be declared a "Hoax!" GOP money is for burning!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!)
(Deut 23: 19-20 is thought to have set up the basis "Gouging and Screwing" role of the deity alleged. The follow-up became the basis of All Christianity--Matt 25: 14-30--even put into practice in Holocaust!)

People getting laid off in anticipation of the Harris/Biden disaster.
Illiterate Nostra poster doesn't even believe in synonyms. The reference can be found in the Badlands Section. Anyone can only give thanks that Nostra is likely not a teacher, beating and smacking little kids for using synonyms! Then there is the compelling evidence of the Judeo-Christian Fables on which to rely. The "Playing Office" brand is about the year-long decimation of jobs and recovery.

The usual Republican preventive measures for anything? "Place your hands on a chair! Sit On Them!"

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!)
(Deut 23: 19-20 is thought to have set up the basis "Gouging and Screwing" role of the deity alleged. The follow-up became the basis of All Christianity--Matt 25: 14-30--even put into practice in Holocaust!)
New Jobless Claims rose, and so did emergency relief filings since regular benefits are expiring. January 20 may spark the beginning of sales surge, nothing holiday-like too much on radar.

Then who can expect the people least-likely to get the vaccines, slowly then becoming available? The anti-vaccine rallies likely even start in Gettysburg, PA, today! The Trumped-Up Zero Evidence campaign will be continuing. Courts will just as likely be declared a "Hoax!" GOP money is for burning!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!)
(Deut 23: 19-20 is thought to have set up the basis "Gouging and Screwing" role of the deity alleged. The follow-up became the basis of All Christianity--Matt 25: 14-30--even put into practice in Holocaust!)
Recession coming----------regardless of who president is....but worse under Biden--longer more harsh especially in dem lock down areas.
Illiterate Nostra poster doesn't even believe in synonyms. The reference can be found in the Badlands Section. Anyone can only give thanks that Nostra is likely not a teacher, beating and smacking little kids for using synonyms! Then there is the compelling evidence of the Judeo-Christian Fables on which to rely. The "Playing Office" brand is about the year-long decimation of jobs and recovery.

The usual Republican preventive measures for anything? "Place your hands on a chair! Sit On Them!"

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!)
(Deut 23: 19-20 is thought to have set up the basis "Gouging and Screwing" role of the deity alleged. The follow-up became the basis of All Christianity--Matt 25: 14-30--even put into practice in Holocaust!)
:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

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