JMA says July was second hottest in recorded history.


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
The monthly anomaly of the global average surface temperature in July 2017 (i.e. the average of the near-surface air temperature over land and the SST) was +0.41°C above the 1981-2010 average (+0.75°C above the 20th century average), and was the 2nd warmest since 1891. On a longer time scale, global average surface temperatures have risen at a rate of about 0.69°C per century.
Global Average Surface Temperature Anomalies


Five Warmest Years (Anomalies)
1st. 2016(+0.43°C), 2nd. 2017(+0.41°C), 3rd. 2015(+0.38°C), 4th. 1998(+0.30°C), 5th. 2014(+0.28°C)

We just want toe to toe with 2015 with a very powerful nino and won. This is the first of the surface temperature databases as the UAH and RSS are satellite databases of above the surface.
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Funny, when you look at temperature records from individual regions of the globe, very few show warming...most show either stable or slightly decreasing temperatures...only in the heavily homogenized and massaged global product does "global warming" show up...
Funny, when you look at temperature records from individual regions of the globe, very few show warming...most show either stable or slightly decreasing temperatures...only in the heavily homogenized and massaged global product does "global warming" show up...
Really? Link? Or do you just expect us to accept your word on it? Kind of like smart photons?

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