Jim Rogers : Worst Crash of our Lifetime is Coming


Platinum Member
Aug 9, 2012
San Francisco Bay Area
I have seen this happening in the San Francisco Bay area already with the Asians buying up our real estate , over bidding jacking up the prices, and making it impossible for anyone else to find housing..

Rogers: Well, that’s why I moved to Asia. My children speak Mandarin because of what’s coming. You’re going to see governments fail. You’re going to see countries fail, this time around. Iceland failed last time. Other countries fail. You’re going to see more of that. You’re going to see parties disappear. You’re going to see institutions that hav e been around for a long time -- Lehman Brothers had been around over 150 years. Gone. Not even a memory for most people. You’re going to see a lot more of that next around, whether it’s museums or hospitals or universities or financial firms.

JIM ROGERS: The worst crash in our lifetime is coming
What in the Hell does him living in Asia have to do with a crash? He made his billions not in Asia but America. If a crash does come he will be part of the problem. Does he think that those in Asia will have a second thought about taking the holdings of a pasty white guy?
Because of Capital flight, Brain Drain and huge contingent liabilities( 55 retirement age for women and 60 for men) China is heading for another warring states period. Saipan makes an insane level of money providing anchor baby services to Chinese couples and China exempts anchor babies from the one child rule. So there is a problem coming but Rogers is prone to hyperbole.

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