Jim Jordan Torches Garland In Opening Statements - Nadler/Democrats Refuse To Allow Video To Be Played


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
R-Jim Jordan brutalized US AG Garland, the corrupt DOJ, and the criminal FBI. In his opening statement Jordan presented the long list of:
- Tyrannical abuses of Democrats during the pandemic (civil and Constitutional rights-violating quarantines / lock-downs that forced Americans to stay at home, to wear masks in their homes, and shuttered small businesses, making many go bankrupt), their own hypocritical refusal to adhere to their own illegal mandates
- FISA Court-exposed FBI crimes of illegal spying and their part in Obama's failed coup
- The Democrats and DOJ's intent to spy on all Americans' financial records over transactions over $600
- And of the intrusion of the DOJ in local and state law enforcement matters regarding parents' threats against teacher / school boards, calling upon the FBI to intimidate and silence parents opposition to CRT and wanting to have a say in their children's education.

Jordan told how Republicans had requested documents and communication with Garland for WEEKS without EVER getting a response, yet when a political group wrote the DOJ and asked for the FBI to intervene in the matter outside of its jurisdiction / authority 5 (FIVE) DAYS LATER Garland ordered the FBI to intervene. Jordan added that one of the things the FBI immediately did was to set up a 'snitch line' to target PARENTS.

Jordan made the point of emphasizing how the DOJ has not attempted to do anything to resolve criminal actions that ARE in their jurisdiction, such as Biden's Open Border policy that has rapist, pedophiles, and MS-13 members just walking into the country and committing crimes against US citizens, like taking action against the proven highly criminal FBI that have been preying on American citizens for the last 2 decades (at least).

He then told about how he has talked to constituents who have recently told him that for the 1st time in their lives they are afraid of their own government.

Jordan next stated he had a video he wanted to play, a video of parents speaking at school boards. At this point a Democrat stood up and demanded the video NOT be played because Jordan had BROKEN A RULE requiring 24-hour notification in advance that a video would be shown. Nadler jumped at the the obviously pre-coordinated move to DENY THE VIDEO PLAYING AND DECLARED THE VIDEO WOULD not BE SHOWN.

Multiple Republicans immediately challenged the Democrats' desperate move, pointing out that there was no such rule, that there had been an issue of PROTOCOL brought up in the past that was NOT A RULE. Nadler rejected all objections, despite his forced admission that there was no such rule based on the fact that RULES are required to be voted on and passed and no such vote had been taken on this '24-hr protocol' issue.

Multiple Republicans, to include Jordan, asked what the Democrats were so afraid of a video of parents talking at a school board meeting - Nadler refused to answer and repeated they would not allow the video to be shown. This exchange made the Democrats, especially Nadler, look really bad, desperate and scared of what the video showed.

It is still mind-numbing that Nadler is still in charge of the JUDICIAL COMMITTEE. Nadler is the completely stupid corrupt Democrats who proved in the past he has no clue about the law - or does not give a damn what it says if it gets in his / the Democrats' way.

Nadler is the fat toad asshole who demanded US AG Barr release Grand Jury information that, by US law, he could NOT release.... So Nadler led the criminally partisan Democrats in CENSURING the US AG for NOT VIOLATING US LAW by releasing the information they demanded.

Republicans are hammering Garland over the fact that he asked the FBI to 'INTERVENE' in a local / state law enforcement matter, especially in response to a political organization - the National School Board Association - request for the FBI's involvement over incidents of non-violent disruption of school board meetings.

Rep. Steve Chabot, R-Ohio, was quick to bring up the school board issue early in the hearing, telling Garland that he "found it deeply disturbing that the National School Boards Association convinced the Biden administration to sick you and your Justice Department, the FBI … on involved parents as if they were domestic terrorists." He added, "I can tell you, not in a million years did we dream that one day we would see the Justice Department treat American parents as domestic terrorists."
R-Jim Jordan brutalized US AG Garland, the corrupt DOJ, and the criminal FBI. In his opening statement Jordan presented the long list of:
- Tyrannical abuses of Democrats during the pandemic (civil and Constitutional rights-violating quarantines / lock-downs that forced Americans to stay at home, to wear masks in their homes, and shuttered small businesses, making many go bankrupt), their own hypocritical refusal to adhere to their own illegal mandates
- FISA Court-exposed FBI crimes of illegal spying and their part in Obama's failed coup
- The Democrats and DOJ's intent to spy on all Americans' financial records over transactions over $600
- And of the intrusion of the DOJ in local and state law enforcement matters regarding parents' threats against teacher / school boards, calling upon the FBI to intimidate and silence parents opposition to CRT and wanting to have a say in their children's education.

Jordan told how Republicans had requested documents and communication with Garland for WEEKS without EVER getting a response, yet when a political group wrote the DOJ and asked for the FBI to intervene in the matter outside of its jurisdiction / authority 5 (FIVE) DAYS LATER Garland ordered the FBI to intervene. Jordan added that one of the things the FBI immediately did was to set up a 'snitch line' to target PARENTS.

Jordan made the point of emphasizing how the DOJ has not attempted to do anything to resolve criminal actions that ARE in their jurisdiction, such as Biden's Open Border policy that has rapist, pedophiles, and MS-13 members just walking into the country and committing crimes against US citizens, like taking action against the proven highly criminal FBI that have been preying on American citizens for the last 2 decades (at least).

He then told about how he has talked to constituents who have recently told him that for the 1st time in their lives they are afraid of their own government.

Jordan next stated he had a video he wanted to play, a video of parents speaking at school boards. At this point a Democrat stood up and demanded the video NOT be played because Jordan had BROKEN A RULE requiring 24-hour notification in advance that a video would be shown. Nadler jumped at the the obviously pre-coordinated move to DENY THE VIDEO PLAYING AND DECLARED THE VIDEO WOULD not BE SHOWN.

Multiple Republicans immediately challenged the Democrats' desperate move, pointing out that there was no such rule, that there had been an issue of PROTOCOL brought up in the past that was NOT A RULE. Nadler rejected all objections, despite his forced admission that there was no such rule based on the fact that RULES are required to be voted on and passed and no such vote had been taken on this '24-hr protocol' issue.

Multiple Republicans, to include Jordan, asked what the Democrats were so afraid of a video of parents talking at a school board meeting - Nadler refused to answer and repeated they would not allow the video to be shown. This exchange made the Democrats, especially Nadler, look really bad, desperate and scared of what the video showed.

It is still mind-numbing that Nadler is still in charge of the JUDICIAL COMMITTEE. Nadler is the completely stupid corrupt Democrats who proved in the past he has no clue about the law - or does not give a damn what it says if it gets in his / the Democrats' way.

Nadler is the fat toad asshole who demanded US AG Barr release Grand Jury information that, by US law, he could NOT release.... So Nadler led the criminally partisan Democrats in CENSURING the US AG for NOT VIOLATING US LAW by releasing the information they demanded.

Constitutional laws has been dead for years, especially with the appointments of Democratic Judges on Federal benches, overturning local and state elections all over the U.S. and refusing to enforce any violations of Federal laws commited by Democratic Party gangsters, like Biden's extortions of foreign countries like the Ukraine for personal gain for instance.

Forget those arguments; they don't matter any more. Focus on generating and aiding the general decay in the Democratic Party itself, like maybe organizing a movement to vote in Democrat primaries around the country and primarying the commies and deviants out of their local and state offices; it won't work for the national offices, thanks to the 'super-delegate rule' the elites invented to keep those uppity proles from wrecking their clubhouse candidates, but at this point the local and state elections is where any resistance can be successful. We've seen that the GOP is going to do nothing, so there is nothing to lose by primarying out the gimps and commies at the state and loval levels, especially the judges and DA's that are elected at local and state levels. The Burbs can still swing county and state elections, and win without the urban hood rats and other criminal mobs'; let them keep destroying themselves and turning their neighborhoods into war zones and shitholes.
Constitutional laws has been dead for years, especially with the appointments of Democratic Judges on Federal benches, overturning local and state elections all over the U.S. and refusing to enforce any violations of Federal laws commited by Democratic Party gangsters, like Biden's extortions of foreign countries like the Ukraine for personal gain for instance.

Forget those arguments; they don't matter any more. Focus on generating and aiding the general decay in the Democratic Party itself, like maybe organizing a movement to vote in Democrat primaries around the country and primarying the commies and deviants out of their local and state offices; it won't work for the national offices, thanks to the 'super-delegate rule' the elites invented to keep those uppity proles from wrecking their clubhouse candidates, but at this point the local and state elections is where any resistance can be successful. We've seen that the GOP is going to do nothing, so there is nothing to lose by primarying out the gimps and commies at the state and loval levels, especially the judges and DA's that are elected at local and state levels. The Burbs can still swing county and state elections, and win without the urban hood rats and other criminal mobs'; let them keep destroying themselves and turning their neighborhoods into war zones and shitholes.
Constitutional laws allowed the use of mandates and lockdowns along with vaccinations during the two centuries of US existence.
And of the intrusion of the DOJ in local and state law enforcement matters regarding parents' threats against teacher / school boards, calling upon the FBI to intimidate and silence parents opposition to CRT and wanting to have a say in their children's education.

The request was done by the teachers and administrators and there is nothing illegal about it.
In their request for FBI interference the political teacher's union/group could not even cite any violent incident against teachers. Theirs was not a plea for the FBI to investigate for deal with any specific threat of violence - it was a request for the proven criminal FBI to intimidate and silence parents who opposed their Marxist-based CRT curriculum being used to indoctrinate their kids.
Garland is branding mainstream Americans who are opposed to the Democrat Party's dangerous far left wing extremist agenda with epitaphs such as "domestic terrorist" and "white supremist".
This level of hate and fear demagoguery is another indication that the Democrat Party is a cult.
Not a Federal issue; there are no 'Federal school districts' in the U.S., except maybe D.C.'s, and even that is a local. Not that such facts matter to Democrats, which is part of my point.
There are federal installations that were shut down, closed or had severe mandates for entry...There are federal schools ever hear of West Point?
Sounds about right, there is no party that comes close to the democrat party in regards to corruption.
Wait, what? The Republican Party stormed the capital and tried to hang the Vice President of the United States less than a year ago...because they are sore losers. How are Democrats the ones that 'nobody comes close to' in corruption? What are you talking about?
Nadler is a despicable hate monger and smear merchant.

I have to disagree. If you were to poll all the Marxists in the world, I'm sure his views would fall right in the middle.
The Democrats / extremists have dragged the nation so far to the Left that what used to be the far right is now centric.

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