Jews, Christians and Muslims: you will never be on the same side


VIP Member
Oct 5, 2016
Look, I'm just pointing out the reality of the situation. Your religion, your territories, your races are in complete conflict.

There is no reconciliation, there is no siding with anybody other than your own. You are completely deluded if you think otherwise.

American Christians: Muslims are of course becoming your sworn enemy, but you are deluded if you think you can side with the Jews; the Jews mock you and think of you only as useful cannon fodder, they don't care about Christians or white people, at all

Jews: of course you will never side with Muslims, but do you think the Christians will just keep doing your bidding forever and ever? This too is a delusion; you are completely on your own

Muslims: The Jews and Israel are going to fight you to the death; the Christians, meanwhile, hate your guts
Your religion, your territories, your races are in complete conflict.

My religion is in conflict with no one. Unlike xtians and Muslims, I don't feel the need to force anyone to adopt my religion, beliefs, or religious practices. I don't even want you to believe what I believe.

Don't drag me and mine into your religious disputes.
My religion is in conflict with no one.
Really? Who's that bashing the shit out of those Palestinians?
My religion is in conflict with no one.
Really? Who's that bashing the shit out of those Palestinians?

If you think the I/P conflict has anything to do with religion you're woefully misinformed.
Not true the pendulum always swings back and forth..It wasn't that long ago that Islam was the tolerant one and Christianity was the puritanical one and now they are reversed... One could also say that Judiasm is the glue or middle road for all three as Christianity is the very very tolerant take on Judiasm where everything is slack and easy while Islam is the harsh side of Judiasm where everything is written in stone and harsh to the extreme... If we are allowed at some point to build our temple and have a platform to teach our less extreme version ( currently Islam) and less soft version ( currently Christianity) then maybe just maybe all three can meet in the middle and come to a happy understanding... Not everything is as it seems and people should realize that all energy and that includes everything moves in waves and that these waves of energy are in constant motion and that Judiasm in the centre holds these waves together in perfect harmony once people RETURN to the source or original teachings without the mistaken beliefs and understandings...
Jews, Christians and Muslims: you will never be on the same side...

they all three are on the same side already, reading a book for one's religion obviously has its drawbacks.
Not true the pendulum always swings back and forth..It wasn't that long ago that Islam was the tolerant one and Christianity was the puritanical one and now they are reversed... One could also say that Judiasm is the glue or middle road for all three as Christianity is the very very tolerant take on Judiasm where everything is slack and easy while Islam is the harsh side of Judiasm where everything is written in stone and harsh to the extreme... If we are allowed at some point to build our temple and have a platform to teach our less extreme version ( currently Islam) and less soft version ( currently Christianity) then maybe just maybe all three can meet in the middle and come to a happy understanding... Not everything is as it seems and people should realize that all energy and that includes everything moves in waves and that these waves of energy are in constant motion and that Judiasm in the centre holds these waves together in perfect harmony once people RETURN to the source or original teachings without the mistaken beliefs and understandings...

when was islam ever tolerant? lol. You are not too bright are you?
When was Judaism ever tolerant? or should I start with Hebrews.
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Not true the pendulum always swings back and forth..It wasn't that long ago that Islam was the tolerant one and Christianity was the puritanical one and now they are reversed... One could also say that Judiasm is the glue or middle road for all three as Christianity is the very very tolerant take on Judiasm where everything is slack and easy while Islam is the harsh side of Judiasm where everything is written in stone and harsh to the extreme... If we are allowed at some point to build our temple and have a platform to teach our less extreme version ( currently Islam) and less soft version ( currently Christianity) then maybe just maybe all three can meet in the middle and come to a happy understanding... Not everything is as it seems and people should realize that all energy and that includes everything moves in waves and that these waves of energy are in constant motion and that Judiasm in the centre holds these waves together in perfect harmony once people RETURN to the source or original teachings without the mistaken beliefs and understandings...

when was islam ever tolerant? lol. You are not too bright are you?
Really usually bright people discuss things instead of name calling and insulting... So whom is the intolerant one then....hmmmmm...
We'll all be unified when we die and are, hopefully, accepted into God's kingdom.

Now, some guy to spout "spaghetti monster" drivel in 3...2...1... while simultaneously believing that everything came from nothing.
We'll all be unified when we die and are, hopefully, accepted into God's kingdom.

Now, some guy to spout "spaghetti monster" drivel in 3...2...1... while simultaneously believing that everything came from nothing.
No, but how about some proof for your god theory?
When was Judaism ever tolerant? or should I start with Hebrews.

There are very, very few Jews in the world. Perhaps you wish that Hitler had been able to finish the job.

Goes way back to the OT and history.

what "goes back to the "OT" and history"??

Maybe you should read it.

read what? the "OT" and history? that's your specific answer?. Maybe you
should grow a brain
the history for all three religions to the present time is without exception the opposite of the events that occurred in the first century irregardless what credit is given to one particular individual - at any time.
When was Judaism ever tolerant? or should I start with Hebrews.

There are very, very few Jews in the world. Perhaps you wish that Hitler had been able to finish the job.

Goes way back to the OT and history.

what "goes back to the "OT" and history"??

Maybe you should read it.

read what? the "OT" and history? that's your specific answer?. Maybe you
should grow a brain

I have one, maybe you should realized Israel is playing the same game today as they did in the OT, killing and taking the land that belonged to others, in the OT it was the land of Canaan.

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