Jewish Speaker: Multiculturalism Is Good for Jews

William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004
But bad for whites.

Kevin MacDonald: Jews and Other Minorities The Occidental Observer Blog

Kevin MacDonald: In this video, Ann Schaffer, director of the American Jewish Committee’s Belfer Center for American Pluralism, states the basic philosophy of Jews in America:

The Jewish community has always worked on the premise that as a minority, our security, our strength, our well being in American is interdependent with those of other minorities. This is a Jewish issue. It’s very much a Jewish issue.

This is quite correct, but it’s nice to see it so explicitly and baldly expressed. This is Culture of Critique: The quote is from Jewish activist Earl Raab:

The Census Bureau has just reported that about half of the American population will soon be non-white or non-European. And they will all be American citizens. We have tipped beyond the point where a Nazi-Aryan party will be able to prevail in this country.

Basically what Raab is saying is that Jews through open immigration policies engineered a minority-white country, and they did it to keep whites from organizing for their own-self-protection.
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Tough times ahead for Jewish people who aline themselves with the Neocons?
One of the comments from the link in OP

I hope karma catches up with Jews and they better hope karma gets to them before we do.
First, you racist rednecks can't have it both ways. You complain that the Jews don't assimulate into the native country, but when they do you say they are assimulating to undermined it. I guess with you racist rednecks we are damned if we do and damned if we don't! So why the hell should we do anything to impress you, especially when you are a dying breed. If you haven't noticed, we have a black man in the white house, a black, 2 Jews and a Latina on the Supreme Court and more Jews than ever in Congress!

Second, you racist rednecks have NO idea what you are talking. Look who is on the front line of the immigration debate undermining America and its latino. Look at the lawyers at the front lines of the immigration debate and its overwhelmingly Latinos. Yep there are your token greedy whites and even Jews, but the overwhelming majority of the lawyers fighting everything from the border fence, amnesty etc are LATINOS!

Third, funny you racist rednecks don't complain about one of the biggest culprits in the immigration debate - Large Corporations that hire illegals. I know you with your racist agenda will pick out the kosher meat factory, but in reality the vast majority of corporations are run by White Chritian Men. Yet you give them a pass to attack Jews! Typical of a man with a weak argument!

But bad for whites.

Kevin MacDonald: Jews and Other Minorities The Occidental Observer Blog

Kevin MacDonald: In this video, Ann Schaffer, director of the American Jewish Committee’s Belfer Center for American Pluralism, states the basic philosophy of Jews in America:

The Jewish community has always worked on the premise that as a minority, our security, our strength, our well being in American is interdependent with those of other minorities. This is a Jewish issue. It’s very much a Jewish issue.

This is quite correct, but it’s nice to see it so explicitly and baldly expressed. This is Culture of Critique: The quote is from Jewish activist Earl Raab:

The Census Bureau has just reported that about half of the American population will soon be non-white or non-European. And they will all be American citizens. We have tipped beyond the point where a Nazi-Aryan party will be able to prevail in this country.

Basically what Raab is saying is that Jews through open immigration policies engineered a minority-white country, and they did it to keep whites from organizing for their own-self-protection.
What crap! It's the Jews who sell out to the liberals that are in for a rough time.

I know you as a liberal, believe that William Joyce and racist rednecks represent neocons or the Republican party, but that is nothing less than a vicious lie of a person with no argument. You can't argue on facts, so you try to appeal to emotion!

Tough times ahead for Jewish people who aline themselves with the Neocons?
One of the comments from the link in OP

I hope karma catches up with Jews and they better hope karma gets to them before we do.
There will always be anti-semitic trash in the world... same as there will be terrorists. Neither changes if you "play nice" with the crud.

Yea, but the right-sided antisemitic trash is shrinking rapidly, its the left-side antisemitic trash that is growing by leaps and bounds!
There will always be anti-semitic trash in the world... same as there will be terrorists. Neither changes if you "play nice" with the crud.

Yea, but the right-sided antisemitic trash is shrinking rapidly, its the left-side antisemitic trash that is growing by leaps and bounds!

...says the guy who would rather die, screaming antisemite, than see an integrated israel where ethnic equality rises above zionism.


give your victim routine a fucking break, dude. I, personally, am glad that America is a place where jews can, AND SHOULD, integrate with the rest of us... But, and let's be honest here, tell me how you'd feel if your little princess married an Italian... You can step off of your soapbox now, ghook.
But bad for whites.

Kevin MacDonald: Jews and Other Minorities The Occidental Observer Blog

Kevin MacDonald: In this video, Ann Schaffer, director of the American Jewish Committee’s Belfer Center for American Pluralism, states the basic philosophy of Jews in America:

The Jewish community has always worked on the premise that as a minority, our security, our strength, our well being in American is interdependent with those of other minorities. This is a Jewish issue. It’s very much a Jewish issue.

This is quite correct, but it’s nice to see it so explicitly and baldly expressed. This is Culture of Critique: The quote is from Jewish activist Earl Raab:

The Census Bureau has just reported that about half of the American population will soon be non-white or non-European. And they will all be American citizens. We have tipped beyond the point where a Nazi-Aryan party will be able to prevail in this country.

Basically what Raab is saying is that Jews through open immigration policies engineered a minority-white country, and they did it to keep whites from organizing for their own-self-protection.

It is not so much a Jewish thing. It is an American thing. Read Madison in Federalist #10 and he says pretty much the same thing. Liberty is protected when the rights of minorities are protected.
But bad for whites.

Kevin MacDonald: Jews and Other Minorities The Occidental Observer Blog

Kevin MacDonald: In this video, Ann Schaffer, director of the American Jewish Committee’s Belfer Center for American Pluralism, states the basic philosophy of Jews in America:

The Jewish community has always worked on the premise that as a minority, our security, our strength, our well being in American is interdependent with those of other minorities. This is a Jewish issue. It’s very much a Jewish issue.

This is quite correct, but it’s nice to see it so explicitly and baldly expressed. This is Culture of Critique: The quote is from Jewish activist Earl Raab:

The Census Bureau has just reported that about half of the American population will soon be non-white or non-European. And they will all be American citizens. We have tipped beyond the point where a Nazi-Aryan party will be able to prevail in this country.

Basically what Raab is saying is that Jews through open immigration policies engineered a minority-white country, and they did it to keep whites from organizing for their own-self-protection.

It is not so much a Jewish thing. It is an American thing. Read Madison in Federalist #10 and he says pretty much the same thing. Liberty is protected when the rights of minorities are protected.

Can't get it. My company's internet blocker blocks it.

Why the fuck would Jews want to get rid of the majority white population, when they ARE NEARLY ALL WHITE! Blacks and Latinos don't embrace Jews as fellow minorities. In fact Blacks, Latinos and Asians don't embrace each other in the fallacy of this article.

But you are right about one thing, illegal immigration is at a critical point and becoming such a hardship on our hospitals, schools, social services, welfare and YES on our police forces that it can't be ignored by either the party any longer. We have to stop letting liberal and Conservatives (yes many businesses support it from the shadows) neglect this issue.

But we also can't let WJ and his kind drape it in racism, because that turns a legitimate issue into a joke!
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If you haven't noticed, we have a black man in the white house, a black, 2 Jews and a Latina on the Supreme Court and more Jews than ever in Congress!

I have noticed.

That you are a dying breed! :clap2:

Funny thing is you might call me a Jewish supremist. However, I 100% preferred Mitt over Obama. I wish a great deal of the Jews in congress weren't there, not because they are Jewish, but rather, because they have flawed politicial views (I prefer someone with like politicial views and intelligence over a shared religious background or color or race), in fact I don't think I have ever voted for a Jews (mostly different politics than me) and I think it was an abomination that Sotomayor with her background of racist comments, racist organization affliation and discriminatory rulings could sit on the highest court of the lands. With so many great and talented Latinos, Obama had to pick a borderline racist! I think Beyer is OK, but I think Ginsburg is a fricking joke!

Competency and worthiness of the job is not about race or religion, rather it has much more to do than that.
Why the fuck would Jews want to get rid of the majority white population, when they ARE NEARLY ALL WHITE!
True, the majority Ashkenazi jews of the U.S. are white.

But they don't use that to define themselves or identify with the whites in America.

They have their own agenda that doesn't include the sub-human goyim whites.

Jews are the most racist people on the earth.

And secretly hate all non Jews with a passion.
Why the fuck would Jews want to get rid of the majority white population, when they ARE NEARLY ALL WHITE!
True, the majority Ashkenazi jews of the U.S. are white.

But they don't use that to define themselves or identify with the whites in America.

They have their own agenda that doesn't include the sub-human goyim whites.

Jews are the most racist people on the earth.

And secretly hate all non Jews with a passion.
Many jews suffer induced paranoia, an good example is Levine
Why the fuck would Jews want to get rid of the majority white population, when they ARE NEARLY ALL WHITE!
True, the majority Ashkenazi jews of the U.S. are white.

But they don't use that to define themselves or identify with the whites in America.

They have their own agenda that doesn't include the sub-human goyim whites.

Jews are the most racist people on the earth.

And secretly hate all non Jews with a passion.
Many jews suffer induced paranoia, an good example is Levine

What is that supposed to mean?
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Jews are quite the hypocrites aren't they?

They preach about Multiculturalism and the benefits of intermarriage, yet not to themselves...they want to remain racially pure, but point the finger at white people when they want to do the same.

It's no surprise that in the coming years, most Americans will probably look like South Americans...
It's like a Jeremiah Wright-Farrakhan-David Duke love fest in here. I've got to add my own well thought out and intelligent input:

"Damn Jews."
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