Jesus was a liberal


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2013
Washington State
Liberals almost never get Bible quotes correct. It's intentional.
Matthew 19:21 (KJB)
"Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me."

Jesus isn't saying that you should be poor, He's saying help the poor and don't be materialistic.

Plus, He's saying "Come follow Me".

Liberals don't repeat that because they don't wanna' do it.
"The Poor" was a sub-cult of the Essenes, not modern day White Trash or Neggahs. Jesus, who probably never existed, was a very sick individual with an Oedipus Complex. And he was not even the non-existent, limp wristed Yahweh "Catholics" made him hundreds of years after the failed overthrow of Rome.
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Regardless of how whomever wants to classify Jesus he was a revolutionary badass for his time. Doesn't matter if you believe he is the son of god or not, still badass.
Liberals are not business men? Really? You think all business men are conservatives? How narrow is your world?
"Businessmen" is one word and stop with the ditzy comments. We've already had this discussion several times and I am tiring of it.
In the words of the Virgin Mary, "Come again?"

He's a moron and a stalker and tries to pretend we have a relationship. I have never had any discussion with him at any time ever. He's very sick and pathetic. It's very creepy, actually, that he tries to pretend we have a relationship. In another post one time he said we have a relationship based on the fact I had negged him a couple of times. It's creepy and pathetic and he is a very sick individual.
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:eusa_pray:That's why he would be appalled at the liberal notion of government providing aid to people. It should come from the heart of the individual. "Give to Caesar that which is Caesar..." Personally I prefer a "thousand points of light."
"Businessmen" is one word and stop with the ditzy comments. We've already had this discussion several times and I am tiring of it.
In the words of the Virgin Mary, "Come again?"

He's a moron and a stalker and tries to pretend we have a relationship. I have never had any discussion with him at any time ever. He's very sick and pathetic. It's very creepy, actually, that he tries to pretend we have a relationship. In another post one time he said we have a relationship based on the fact I had negged him a couple of times. It's creepy and pathetic and he is a very sick individual.
Please love me! I have always been attracted to liberal women in their declining years! You can't image how much SCJs Kagan and Ginsberg attract me; thus, by extension, my fantasy!
Did Jesus say give all that someone else has to the poor? If not then He was no liberal.
The story of the loaves and fishes is a perfect example of Jesus being a 'liberal.' If everyone pools their resources, what they have, some a little, some a lot, if we all work together and give what we have, then we all have what we need.

From each according to his ability, to each according to his need (French: De chacun selon ses moyens, à chacun selon ses besoins.; German: Jeder nach seinen Fähigkeiten, jedem nach seinen Bedürfnissen!) is a slogan first used by Louis Blanc in 1851[1] (although an earlier version of the saying appeared in Morelly's The Code of Nature[1]) and popularised by Karl Marx in his 1875 Critique of the Gotha Program.[2]
:eusa_pray:That's why he would be appalled at the liberal notion of government providing aid to people. It should come from the heart of the individual. "Give to Caesar that which is Caesar..." Personally I prefer a "thousand points of light."

It's a sin for the Government to try to end hunger in this country? I don't recall reading that in the Bible.

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