Jesus the first socialist


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Jesus healed the sick. (pre-existing conditions)
Jesus gave his life and right wingnuts and village idiots complain about having to give a few dollars they have because of blessings from GOD.
Jesus fed the poor. (welfare)
Jesus told his followers to give away all their possessions and follow him.
Jesus paid taxes.
Jesus fed the poor with fish and wine. (food banks)
GOD created the law of debt forgiveness every 7 years.
Gleaning was taking from the haves and giving to the have nots.
Jesus said take care of widows and orphans. (welfare)
Jesus provided for the "potter's" field to bury the poor.
GOD create "tithing" Abraham and Jacob gave a tenth of their belongings.
Muslims have a box in their home that they contribute to weekly and give to the government to give to the poor and all the poor has to do is come and ask for help. 1 Cor 16;2,3.

Jesus set an example for us to follow, but we follow in words only and not in deeds.
Future kingdom (government) ruled by Jesus will be free from war, ample food, comfortable housing for everyone, no sickness or death, justice and security that would put present government to shame as socialism.

This government take your money and give billions to other countries and you do not complain but when it come to your own, you complain with rage. Government commands you to pay taxes.
Jesus was the ultimate of socialism. A commandment is force
Moving on to the next area that might prove my point and which certainly has a few feathers ruffling today; that of health care or in this case Jesus Healing those in need. He certainly didn’t seem to pay much attention to the conventions of the time, like oh say working on the Sabbath, which got him into a few bits of trouble with the powers that be. Nonetheless, heal he did without concern or consideration for pre-existing conditions or whose toes he was stepping on Jesus made his way through the land casting out demons, healing leprosy, epilepsy, and other dastardly illnesses that afflicted the people, he cared not a whit for whether a person was rich or poor, of the ruling class, or the most destitute beggar before the temple he healed them. The Pharisees, although the ruling class within the temple at the time and thus in control of wealth, law, and healing could not prevent him from teaching or healing, even on the Sabbath. There are many examples of this sprinkled throughout the New Testament, here are just a few:
Matthew 4:23, 9:35, 17:14
Mark 7:31, 8:22
John 9:51
Now to one of the best proofs and that is found in Matthew 25:31-46: The Parable of the Sheep and the Goats. For those that don’t know this one the key statement is as follows:
41"Then he will say to those on his left, 'Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 42For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, 43I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.' 44"They also will answer, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’ 45"He will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’ 46"Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life”.
So I say again, Jesus was the first Socialist. Perhaps all those who shout from their pulpits and their soapboxes about their moral right to gain riches on the backs and at the cost of others should check their premise. While they are pointing fingers and calling names, perhaps they should read the book they are standing upon, yes that would be the Bible they so readily reference usually incorrectly. During their ranting and ravings, their demand that the government “keep their hands off their Medicare”; perhaps it would serve them well to review the statements and teachings of the man who is the basis of their entire belief system, maybe this would help them.>
Obama is not a Socialist. Jesus however was the first Socialist.
I don’t think Jesus was political at all.

Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s (pay your fucking taxes, indeed don’t worry about external power) render unto God that which is God’s (this is what you should be concentrating your energy on).

Jesus turns tables at the Temple because the Temple had become a political-economic center rather than a place of God, much like many Christian evangelical institutions in our day. Many are nothing more the Christian casinos selling spiritual luck.

To my mind the closest political ideology to Jesus would be pacifist anarchism.

I am not saying that works in the real world, after all Jesus did end up on a cross.
But I will lend the man the dignity of his own his own words and life.
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Jesus did not mean to take care of people who are physically and mentally able to work and earn their own money and pay their own way. He did want us to take care of those who were unable to care for themselves or in some manner of need, either temporary or permanent.

I for one, just one of millions, am going to be forced to take on another family or two and pay for their healthcare, while I and others are struggling to make ends meet, plus pay for our own health care as it is. Doesn't matter if many can afford it or not, this new law will take the money from you and you will like it! Does that make me angry? You betcha. Being forced to take care of people, who for the most part, are healthy enough to work, but refuse to, is insane.I,and I am sure most of you, have no problem with helping those in real need, most of us have done it for many many years I would bet.
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Jesus may not have wanted you to pay to help take care of other people when they get sick but private insurance does, that is what private insurance is by definition.

The insurance company is betting you will not get sick and your premium money will pay for those who do, (and their profits), you are betting you will get sick and others will pay for you.

All insurance is betting against your own good fortune.

Universal insurance is saying we all get sick so we will spread the risk to all of us.
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I love Karen Armstrong but you know even with the Golden Rule there is a political philosophical divide?

Jesus probably knew of the Rabbi Hillel's saying "What is hateful to thee, do not unto thy fellowman". Jesus changes this to "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

Hillel is a libertarian, mind your own business and do no harm to others.

Jesus is an activist, what you think is good for you, you must expose to others.

There are very different consequences for each of these noble aspirations.
Pathagoras predates Jesus by about 500 years.

He was a hippi, folks.

A proto-communist, too.

He created a highly viable society in Groten (Italy) based on the concept that property is theft.

Groten was eventually crushed by neighboring city states that were supporting the then novel concept for society called DEMOCRACY.

Nothing new under the sun, is there?
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Pythagoras' utopia deserved annihilation simply for inflicting the Pythagorean theorem on generations of school kids.
Pythagoras' utopia deserved annihilation simply for inflicting the Pythagorean theorem on generations of school kids.

Possibly, but the reasoning behind its destruction was less math-based motive.

Democratic city states saw Groten as a political threat to their new radical political system.(that they termed democracy)

The masters of those so called democratic city states saw that a city state that effectively denied the concept of private ownership (and WORKED!) would be a threat to their control over their own people, and they had to destroy that proto-communist system before their people saw it as a viable alternative system of governance to their own.
I don’t think Jesus was political at all.

Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s (pay your fucking taxes, indeed don’t worry about external power) render unto God that which is God’s (this is what you should be concentrating your energy on).

Jesus turns tables at the Temple because the Temple had become a political-economic center rather than a place of God, much like many Christian evangelical institutions in our day. Many are nothing more the Christian casinos selling spiritual luck.

To my mind the closest political ideology to Jesus would be pacifist anarchism.

I am not saying that works in the real world, after all Jesus did end up on a cross.
But I will lend the man the dignity of his own his own words and life.

You have rambled yourself into stating a paradox...if Jesus was an anarchist, he would not recognize any sovereignty or taxes.

The Pharisees tried to trick Jesus with their question: "Is it lawful to give tribute to Caesar, or not? Shall we give, or shall we not give?”

If He answered that it is not lawful, the Pharisees would have been able to arrest Him. If He answered that it is lawful then He would be discredited in the eyes of His followers.

Jesus outsmarted the Pharisees...he never answered, he posed a question:

“Why do you tempt me? Bring me a denarion, that I may see it.”

And he said, “Whose is this image and superscription?”

And they said, “Caesar’s.”

And Jesus said, “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.”

Jesus did not declare that people should pay taxes. Jesus declared that if something rightfully belongs to Caesar then return the property to Caesar. Caesar’s picture was a sign or seal that the coin might belong to Caesar.
Jesus was NOT remotely an anachist.

Neither was he remotely a libertarian.

He was, believe it or not, a monarchist.
Jesus was NOT remotely an anachist.

Neither was he remotely a libertarian.

He was, believe it or not, a monarchist.

Jesus was an anarchist. He did not believe any man should be elevated to rule over other men. The only sovereignty He recognized was God the father's...

Is THAT is your definition of monarchy?
Well, it is interesting that those who approve of murdering doctors who do abortions in the name of Christianity, do not approve of taking care of that baby once that it is born. A bit of a dissconnect in logic, there.

Jesus healed the sick. (pre-existing conditions)
Jesus gave his life and right wingnuts and village idiots complain about having to give a few dollars they have because of blessings from GOD.
Jesus fed the poor. (welfare)
Jesus told his followers to give away all their possessions and follow him.
Jesus paid taxes.
Jesus fed the poor with fish and wine. (food banks)
GOD created the law of debt forgiveness every 7 years.
Gleaning was taking from the haves and giving to the have nots.
Jesus said take care of widows and orphans. (welfare)
Jesus provided for the "potter's" field to bury the poor.
GOD create "tithing" Abraham and Jacob gave a tenth of their belongings.
Muslims have a box in their home that they contribute to weekly and give to the government to give to the poor and all the poor has to do is come and ask for help. 1 Cor 16;2,3.

Jesus set an example for us to follow, but we follow in words only and not in deeds.
Future kingdom (government) ruled by Jesus will be free from war, ample food, comfortable housing for everyone, no sickness or death, justice and security that would put present government to shame as socialism.

This government take your money and give billions to other countries and you do not complain but when it come to your own, you complain with rage. Government commands you to pay taxes.
Jesus was the ultimate of socialism. A commandment is force
Moving on to the next area that might prove my point and which certainly has a few feathers ruffling today; that of health care or in this case Jesus Healing those in need. He certainly didn’t seem to pay much attention to the conventions of the time, like oh say working on the Sabbath, which got him into a few bits of trouble with the powers that be. Nonetheless, heal he did without concern or consideration for pre-existing conditions or whose toes he was stepping on Jesus made his way through the land casting out demons, healing leprosy, epilepsy, and other dastardly illnesses that afflicted the people, he cared not a whit for whether a person was rich or poor, of the ruling class, or the most destitute beggar before the temple he healed them. The Pharisees, although the ruling class within the temple at the time and thus in control of wealth, law, and healing could not prevent him from teaching or healing, even on the Sabbath. There are many examples of this sprinkled throughout the New Testament, here are just a few:
Matthew 4:23, 9:35, 17:14
Mark 7:31, 8:22
John 9:51
Now to one of the best proofs and that is found in Matthew 25:31-46: The Parable of the Sheep and the Goats. For those that don’t know this one the key statement is as follows:
41"Then he will say to those on his left, 'Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 42For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, 43I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.' 44"They also will answer, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’ 45"He will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’ 46"Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life”.
So I say again, Jesus was the first Socialist. Perhaps all those who shout from their pulpits and their soapboxes about their moral right to gain riches on the backs and at the cost of others should check their premise. While they are pointing fingers and calling names, perhaps they should read the book they are standing upon, yes that would be the Bible they so readily reference usually incorrectly. During their ranting and ravings, their demand that the government “keep their hands off their Medicare”; perhaps it would serve them well to review the statements and teachings of the man who is the basis of their entire belief system, maybe this would help them.>
Obama is not a Socialist. Jesus however was the first Socialist.

Have you ever posted twice in a thread?

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