Jerusalem Is Sacred Muslim Land?


Jun 29, 2011
Jerusalem is sacred Muslim and "Palestinian" land? Well, no, after all.

Reality check for Muslims and so-called "Palestinians" from Eminent Islamic Scholar Bernard Lewis...
For some time now, it has come to be generally accepted by Muslims that Jerusalem is a holy city; indeed, most rank it third after Mecca and Medina. This was, however, by no means always accepted by Muslims, and in earlier times there was strong resistance among many [Muslim] theologians and jurists who regarded this notion as a Judaizing error--as one more among many attempts by Jewish converts [to Islam] to infiltrate Jewish ideas or practices into Islam. A story told by the great ninth-century historian Tabari, describing a visit by the caliph Umar to the newly conquered city of Jerusalem, illustrates the point:

"When Umar Aelia [Jerusalem, renamed Aelia Capitolina by the Romans]...he said, "bring me Ka'b" [Jewish convert to Islam] Ka'b was brought to him and Umar asked him, "Where do you think we should put the place of prayer?"

"By the Rock," [in Jerusalem] answered Ka'b. "By God, Ka'b," said Umar, "you are following after Judaism. I saw you take off your sandals."

"I wanted to feel the touch of it with my bare feet," said Ka'b. "I saw you," said Umar. "but no...we were not commanded concerning the Rock [in Jerusalem], but we were commanded concerning the Ka'ba [in Mecca]"

Ka'b al-Ahbar was a well-known Jewish convert to Islam and an important figure often cited in connection with what are seen as Judaizing insertions into true Islamic doctrine. The point of the story clearly is that the sanctity of Jerusalem is a Jewish, not a Muslim, belief, that Ka'b was at fault in maintaining it despite his conversion, and that only Mecca is the direction of prayer and the place of pilgrimage for Muslims.
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Jerusalem is sacred muslim land

As far as the Muslims are concerned, the entire Umma is Muslim land JStone.

I disagree personally and I think, "Of course it isn't".

However, that doesn't mean they will not get a piece of what we see as our pie.

Some see the entire ME kitchen as their pie. I disagree with that as well.
For now. G-d's time is H-s own. :)
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Jerusalem is sacred muslim land

As far as the Muslims are concerned, the entire Umma is Muslim land JStone.

I disagree personally and I think, "Of course it isn't".

However, that doesn't mean they will not get a piece of what we see as our pie.

Some see the entire ME kitchen as their pie. I disagree with that as well.
For now. G-d's time is H-s own. :)

As far as I'm concerned, I own Central Park.
As far as I'm concerned, I own Central Park.

As far as you are concerned, I think you believe you own this sub-forum because you are allowed to troll your way through it. I don't stick around these sub-forums much because there is too much unadulterated intent to stop discussion. Both you and PF Tinmore do the same useless diatribe laden posts that negate discussion.

You take it farther though. You call names, sexually denigrate others, etc. etc. with a view towards limiting, and intimidating discussion. You rule this free speech sub-forum board with tactics that I find personally distasteful and in my view, that's the antithesis of two-way and true discussion JStone.

Anyway, I'm out of this sub-forum as I need to remove your fear driven tactical responses from my mind.
I own the continental United States of America. All you squatters have one week to get the hell off my land. Capiche?
Jerusalem is the Holy City of Jews and Christians, not Muslims. It is absolutely unimportant that Muslims do not agree with.
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Jerusalem is the Holy City of Jews and Christians, not Muslims. It is absolutely unimportant that Muslims do not agree with.

You didn't know that Mahound flew overnight to Jerusalem on his winged donkey with the woman's head and peacock's tail? That's his story and he's sticking to it :lol:


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