Jerry Brown closing 70 state parks in Ca.


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
The headline should be " Ca. gov. to eliminate security and maintenance in 70 state parks". What's going to happen? The greenies will assume that state parks will become a natural haven for wildlife while they will become a haven for criminals as the state deteriorates further and further into the 3rd world.
The headline should be " Ca. gov. to eliminate security and maintenance in 70 state parks". What's going to happen? The greenies will assume that state parks will become a natural haven for wildlife while they will become a haven for criminals as the state deteriorates further and further into the 3rd world.

You're such a dishonest partisan hack. Wait, maybe I wrote too soon. Maybe you really are stupid and don't understand the issues here. Sorry, mea culpa I should never call a mentally challenged fool, oops, mentally challenged partisan hack dishonest. Stupid is as stupid is.
The headline should be " Ca. gov. to eliminate security and maintenance in 70 state parks". What's going to happen? The greenies will assume that state parks will become a natural haven for wildlife while they will become a haven for criminals as the state deteriorates further and further into the 3rd world.

You're such a dishonest partisan hack. Wait, maybe I wrote too soon. Maybe you really are stupid and don't understand the issues here. Sorry, mea culpa I should never call a mentally challenged fool, oops, mentally challenged partisan hack dishonest. Stupid is as stupid is.

so explain it nitwit.
No, they only complain, matters not what the action is, as long as a democrat does it, it be damned by GOPers.(and those that claim to be independants).
The headline should be " Ca. gov. to eliminate security and maintenance in 70 state parks". What's going to happen? The greenies will assume that state parks will become a natural haven for wildlife while they will become a haven for criminals as the state deteriorates further and further into the 3rd world.

You're such a dishonest partisan hack. Wait, maybe I wrote too soon. Maybe you really are stupid and don't understand the issues here. Sorry, mea culpa I should never call a mentally challenged fool, oops, mentally challenged partisan hack dishonest. Stupid is as stupid is.

Wry, come on dude, you can call me a partisan hack if you want to but you have to make a point about the issues you apparently defend. Otherwise it's just schoolyard drivel. Why does the right have to give instructions to the left on how to conduct a discussion? Because the left consists of emotional sissies who were raised on video games.
The headline should be " Ca. gov. to eliminate security and maintenance in 70 state parks". What's going to happen? The greenies will assume that state parks will become a natural haven for wildlife while they will become a haven for criminals as the state deteriorates further and further into the 3rd world.

illegals will make them havens for there meth labs and pot fields.
Why are Republicans complaining? This is what they want for the entire country.
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The headline should be " Ca. gov. to eliminate security and maintenance in 70 state parks". What's going to happen? The greenies will assume that state parks will become a natural haven for wildlife while they will become a haven for criminals as the state deteriorates further and further into the 3rd world.

You're such a dishonest partisan hack. Wait, maybe I wrote too soon. Maybe you really are stupid and don't understand the issues here. Sorry, mea culpa I should never call a mentally challenged fool, oops, mentally challenged partisan hack dishonest. Stupid is as stupid is.

so explain it nitwit.

Califorinia, much as the nation, spends to much and collects too little. California also has the line item veto, so the deficit could have been avoided had the past Gov. exercised fiscal responsibility; he was too busy practicing family values with his maid.

Gov. Brown is exercising fiscal responsibility. The money is not there to fund everything. He attempted to put a minor tax issue on the ballot, not to raise taxes, but to continue to collect taxes which were set to expire. The Republicans refused to "raise taxes".

It's really that simple. The fact is the OP author isn't stupid, he is a partisan hack and a liar.
The headline should be " Ca. gov. to eliminate security and maintenance in 70 state parks". What's going to happen? The greenies will assume that state parks will become a natural haven for wildlife while they will become a haven for criminals as the state deteriorates further and further into the 3rd world.

Yes, sad to say we will be closing many state parks for lack of funds....

However we seem to have enough money to pay for college educations of ILLEGALS in this state.

I would think Republicans would be thrilled with Jerry Brown. Wasn't the budget shortfall under Ahhnold almost 30 billion? Isn't it now down to about 10 billion?

And look at the things he cuts: Welfare, state workers are taking a 10% pay decrease and Republicans favorite: $750 million from services for the developmentally disabled

Don't Republicans want to end the Special Olympics and other programs to help disabled Americans?

Jerry Brown

Specifically, the budget plan would cut:

• $1.5 billion from welfare

• $1.7 billion from Medi-Cal

• $500 million each from the UC and CSU systems

• $750 million from services for the developmentally disabled

• And $200 million from the state bureaucracy.
The headline should be " Ca. gov. to eliminate security and maintenance in 70 state parks". What's going to happen? The greenies will assume that state parks will become a natural haven for wildlife while they will become a haven for criminals as the state deteriorates further and further into the 3rd world.

Yes, sad to say we will be closing many state parks for lack of funds....

However we seem to have enough money to pay for college educations of ILLEGALS in this state.


Another half-truth. Do you want me to explain that issue or will you? Do you know the facts and have chosen to lie by omission? Or are you a partisan parrot and don't know the facts.
"Closing" is a political term. Does the governor think the state parks can be locked up and preserved? Jerry is abandoning 70 structures and state parks to criminals and junkies. The dirty little secret is that local sheriff's depts will be extended beyond their ability to protect citizens and property within the parks and the situation will snowball until local municipalities cannot support the tax burdon.
"Closing" is a political term. Does the governor think the state parks can be locked up and preserved? Jerry is abandoning 70 structures and state parks to criminals and junkies. The dirty little secret is that local sheriff's depts will be extended beyond their ability to protect citizens and property within the parks and the situation will snowball until local municipalities cannot support the tax burdon.

No shit sherlock. I was a manager in a California law enforcement agency and understand very well how the state raided our revenue. Ever since prop. 13 California has had a revenue problem. In his first term Jerry Brown got rid of the Governors Mansion and drove a Plymouth (and not a new one). He was fiscally responsible; the next several Governors were not, and that included 22 years of Republican Governors and 5 years of one Democratic Governor - who got recalled. Remember, the governor of CA has the line item veto.
"Closing" is a political term. Does the governor think the state parks can be locked up and preserved? Jerry is abandoning 70 structures and state parks to criminals and junkies. The dirty little secret is that local sheriff's depts will be extended beyond their ability to protect citizens and property within the parks and the situation will snowball until local municipalities cannot support the tax burdon.

No shit sherlock. I was a manager in a California law enforcement agency and understand very well how the state raided our revenue. Ever since prop. 13 California has had a revenue problem. In his first term Jerry Brown got rid of the Governors Mansion and drove a Plymouth (and not a new one). He was fiscally responsible; the next several Governors were not, and that included 22 years of Republican Governors and 5 years of one Democratic Governor - who got recalled. Remember, the governor of CA has the line item veto.

True enough Wry. I'd be making a hell of a lot more money if I had a solution to Ca.'s financial problems. I don't. I'm making a point that Ca is in such trouble that it is abandoning responsibility for the property (and people) it has protected without offering an alternative just by drawing a line through the system.
The headline should be " Ca. gov. to eliminate security and maintenance in 70 state parks". What's going to happen? The greenies will assume that state parks will become a natural haven for wildlife while they will become a haven for criminals as the state deteriorates further and further into the 3rd world.

Yes, sad to say we will be closing many state parks for lack of funds....

However we seem to have enough money to pay for college educations of ILLEGALS in this state.


Just wait until all that manzanita and dead fall from the bark beetles builds up to. You will have a spectacular fire season to due to neglect.
No, they only complain, matters not what the action is, as long as a democrat does it, it be damned by GOPers.(and those that claim to be independants).

No, it's just that dems in charge tend to do some of the stupidest things. There IS a reason that liberals are known as the kings of unintended consequences. They put little thought into the real world ramifications of their policy decisions.
Why are Republicans complaining? This is what they want for the entire country.

Where do you get such silly ideas? Show me an example of republicans wanting any such thing for the entire country; and do try to compare apples to apples.
"Closing" is a political term. Does the governor think the state parks can be locked up and preserved? Jerry is abandoning 70 structures and state parks to criminals and junkies. The dirty little secret is that local sheriff's depts will be extended beyond their ability to protect citizens and property within the parks and the situation will snowball until local municipalities cannot support the tax burdon.

You want those parks have to pay for it.

It's as simple as that.

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