Jeb Bush, our Washington Establishment/Big Media candidate


Gold Member
May 24, 2009

It is difficult to understand why a patriotic Republican who supports and defends our constitutionally limited system of government would support Jeb Bush in the primary election process. Jeb Bush has already established he would ignore our Constitution just like Obama does.

Jeb Bush has already shown he is a big fan of allowing our president to exercise fast-track trade authority.

Fast-track trade power would allow President Obama to negotiate and create trade deals with foreign nations in secret, eliminating the American People’s Representatives from their assigned duty to fashion legislation regulating commerce with foreign nations.

Congress would no longer create the legislation and the process of adding corrective amendments to the president’s deals struck in secret to insure they promote America’s best interests would be totally circumvented.

The only part Congress would have in the President’s un-constitutional fast-track trade power would be an up or down vote within 90 days upon receiving the presidents deal which leaves little time to even allow the people’s representatives to read and study the deal and then debate it before the up or down vote.

Note also that the “treaty” making power requires a two “thirds consent” while fast-track requires a mere majority approval!

The very object of fast-track is to remove the people’s Representatives Republican and Democrat alike, from the legislative process and make it easy for deals to be made which are not in the best interest of the United States and will benefit international corporate giants and move America's system closer to global governance. And Jeb Bush supports this crap just like his unpatriotic brother!

Jeb Bush also wants the federal government involved in state public school systems as proposed under Common Core. Again, Jeb displays his disloyalty to our Constitution which grants no power to our federal government to meddle in public school systems created under state constitutions or grants a power to the federal government to tax and spend to finance them.

Finally, Jeb Bush has shown he would not protect our borders from an ongoing invasion and would refuse to make circumstances for those who have entered our country illegally so uncomfortable that they would leave on their own, i.e., self deportation.

SEE: Jeb Bush Pens New Year Wish: Immigration Reform in 2014

”Former Florida Governor and amnesty advocate Jeb Bush alleged that America's economy needs an influx of foreign workers across all sectors and declared that 2014 would be a "blockbuster year that finally takes [immigration] reform" across the finish line.”

Word is also out that Jeb Bush has met with Senator Juan McCain, to discuss how he can win the nomination without “conservative” support. SEE: Reports: Jeb Bush Asking John McCain How to Win Without Conservative Vote

”Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush is doing opposition research on himself and asking Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) about how he can potentially win the GOP presidential nomination without conservatives.”

Seems quite clear that our Washington Establishment along with the help of our pinko big Media are determined to pick the Republican Party’s candidate as they did when Sen. Juan McCain was picked. And it looks like they already have picked the Democrat Party’s candidate, Hillary!


To support Jeb Bush is to support our Global Governance crowd and their WTO, NAFTA, GATT, and CAFTA, all used to circumvent America First trade policies, while fattening the fortunes of international corporate giants who have no allegiance to America or any nation.
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What's difficult to understand is why any republican who claims to support and defend our Constitutionally limited system of government would ignore the Constitution and its case law and seek to violate the civil rights of American citizens – by working to deny gay Americans their right to equal protection of the law, women their right to privacy, and minorities their right to vote.

What's also difficult to understand is why any republican who claims to support and defend our Constitutionally limited system of government would contrive and propagate lies as how that system of government works – such as the lie that a fast-track trade policy would allow a president to negotiate agreements 'in secret,' or the lie that such a policy would 'circumvent' Congress.

And it's difficult to understand why any republican who claims to support and defend our Constitutionally limited system of government would exhibit such ignorance of that system of government by claiming that Congress lacks the authority to develop and implement education policies and programs, given the fact that the Constitution affords Congress powers both expressed and implied (McCulloch v. Maryland (1819)).

Last, it's difficult to understand why any republican who claims to support and defend our Constitutionally limited system of government would advocate the government violate the due process rights of undocumented immigrants, where one is not 'illegal' until such time as he has been found guilty of entering the country absent authorization in a court of law.

Given the ignorance of, and contempt for, the Constitution and its case law exhibited by so many conservatives, it's understandable why any republican politician would seek the presidential nomination without their support.
Mr Clayton is exhibit A for the case study in why it is not worth engaging in debate. His response could(and probably is) used for every thread. His first paragraph is so liberal boilerplate it probably prints itself, and has absolutely no bearing on the op. You just can't fix partisanship.

It is difficult to understand why a patriotic Republican who supports and defends our constitutionally limited system of government would support Jeb Bush in the primary election process. Jeb Bush has already established he would ignore our Constitution just like Obama does.

Jeb Bush has already shown he is a big fan of allowing our president to exercise fast-track trade authority.

Fast-track trade power would allow President Obama to negotiate and create trade deals with foreign nations in secret, eliminating the American People’s Representatives from their assigned duty to fashion legislation regulating commerce with foreign nations.

Congress would no longer create the legislation and the process of adding corrective amendments to the president’s deals struck in secret to insure they promote America’s best interests would be totally circumvented.

The only part Congress would have in the President’s un-constitutional fast-track trade power would be an up or down vote within 90 days upon receiving the presidents deal which leaves little time to even allow the people’s representatives to read and study the deal and then debate it before the up or down vote.

Note also that the “treaty” making power requires a two “thirds consent” while fast-track requires a mere majority approval!

The very object of fast-track is to remove the people’s Representatives Republican and Democrat alike, from the legislative process and make it easy for deals to be made which are not in the best interest of the United States and will benefit international corporate giants and move America's system closer to global governance. And Jeb Bush supports this crap just like his unpatriotic brother!

Jeb Bush also wants the federal government involved in state public school systems as proposed under Common Core. Again, Jeb displays his disloyalty to our Constitution which grants no power to our federal government to meddle in public school systems created under state constitutions or grants a power to the federal government to tax and spend to finance them.

Finally, Jeb Bush has shown he would not protect our borders from an ongoing invasion and would refuse to make circumstances for those who have entered our country illegally so uncomfortable that they would leave on their own, i.e., self deportation.

SEE: Jeb Bush Pens New Year Wish: Immigration Reform in 2014

”Former Florida Governor and amnesty advocate Jeb Bush alleged that America's economy needs an influx of foreign workers across all sectors and declared that 2014 would be a "blockbuster year that finally takes [immigration] reform" across the finish line.”

Word is also out that Jeb Bush has met with Senator Juan McCain, to discuss how he can win the nomination without “conservative” support. SEE: Reports: Jeb Bush Asking John McCain How to Win Without Conservative Vote

”Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush is doing opposition research on himself and asking Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) about how he can potentially win the GOP presidential nomination without conservatives.”

Seems quite clear that our Washington Establishment along with the help of our pinko big Media are determined to pick the Republican Party’s candidate as they did when Sen. Juan McCain was picked. And it looks like they already have picked the Democrat Party’s candidate, Hillary!


To support Jeb Bush is to support our Global Governance crowd and their WTO, NAFTA, GATT, and CAFTA, all used to circumvent America First trade policies, while fattening the fortunes of international corporate giants who have no allegiance to America or any nation.
I've been saying for months or even years that the New Republican Party is, today, what the Democrat Party was 10 years ago and the Democrat Party has become one step away from the Communist Party. There's no doubt that the Democrat Party is a full-fledged Socialist Party. Nevertheless, Jeb Bush DOES NOT represent conservatism in any shape, form, or manner and I will not support him even if the election boils down to him and Shillary the Shyster.

As far as I'm concerned we may as well hit bottom as a nation. The sooner we crumble and fall the sooner we can sweep up the pieces and start with a clean slate. As long as the Democrats and/or the Neocons are running the show we can expect the collapse of our once, great nation.
Mr Clayton is exhibit A for the case study in why it is not worth engaging in debate. His response could(and probably is) used for every thread. His first paragraph is so liberal boilerplate it probably prints itself, and has absolutely no bearing on the op. You just can't fix partisanship.

Could be a paid government poster.


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