Japan's Deputy Prime Minister says 'World Health Organization' should be renamed the "China Health Organization"


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
I have much more respect now for this man, than any American liberal !

Oh, note to libs, 'Taro Aso' is NOT Donald Trump !

The World Health Organization needs a name change STAT, according to Japan’s deputy prime minister.

Since the Chinese Communist Party is pulling its strings, the WHO should actually be called the China Health Organization, Taro Aso implied during a speech in his country’s parliament, where he referenced China’s failure to contain the virus when it first emerged in Wuhan.

Said Aso, “People think the World Health Organization should change its name. It shouldn’t be called the WHO. It should be renamed the CHO. Early on, if the WHO had not insisted to the world that China had no pneumonia epidemic, then everybody would have taken precautions.”

WATCH: Japanese Deputy Prime Minister explain how the Chinese Communist government covered up the Wuhan #COVIDー19 epidemic, endangering millions. Says the World Health Organization should be renamed the “China Health Organization” bc they parrot CCP propaganda. pic.twitter.com/rMaatXPBEq
— World Updates (@Rntk____) April 2, 2020

Japan's Deputy Prime Minister is absolutely right! :113:
When you're right, you're right. Also long time historical enmity between the Japanese and Chinese not helped by some disputed islands stirring up anti Japanese feelings in China and visa versa.

The Chinese are acting like the Nazis prior to WWII.


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