January 6th Investigation - Washington Debacle!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
Memorial Day is an occasion to remember veterans and their families and the tremendous sacrifices they have made on behalf of America! I think if it was asked of veterans that gave their life for America why were they prepared to make that ultimate sacrifice they would say because they believe in the goodness of America, that the country stands for goodness and they wanted to support and preserve that! When I think about politicians and the media's reaction to the June 6 interruption of the certification of the electoral college vote in the 2020 Presidential election, their behavior doesn't rise to the standard of goodness worthy of these veterans' sacrifice.

Sure the Jan 6th incident was extremely wrong because the protesters breached the U.S. Capitol and threatened the safety of sitting members of Congress and blemished the country's 250 year track record of a peaceful transfer of the Executive Branch of power for the nation. But these key elements of our country, elected officials in Washington and the media, are not responding like leaders in a really good country should they are not living up to the greatness of America because they are not spotlighting the real failure of America on January 6th which was the failure of authorities responsible for security at the Capitol that day! America's political parties are as different as night to day in regards to the public policies they espouse (sure each party has their moderate members thank God which offers hope of progress for the country), the election was close not from a popular vote standpoint but from an individual states' vote count standpoint which is what is practically most important, problems in the country are alarmingly serious the country is not working for a lot lot of people; the critical point being security authorities for the U.S. Capitol should have expected angry protest on January 6th and bare minimal competent security expertise considers and protects against the development that a large angry protest group can turn into an angry mob that goes on a rampage which is what America and the World saw on Jan. 6th in Washington D.C..

Yes of course the Jan 6th incident calls for an independent commission to determine what happened and advise how the country protects against such an incident from ever happening again. But not in the manner that members of Congress and the media have been talking about for months now; the country cannot have a competent commission without that commission hearing from an abundance of the protesters and determine what they were all about and how they came to breach and take control of key areas of the Capitol. Nobody is talking about how the country gets truthful statements from these people who were the major participants in this incident. Member of Congress and the media should be saying we cannot have this commission until the statute of limitations runs on the crimes committed by the protesters involved in the incident so these protesters will give forthright interviews to the commission so the commission can determine accurately what happened. Or members of Congress could be calling for and the media exploring the Department of Justice providing transactional immunity for protesters that speak to the commission and did not cause serious bodily injury to any Capitol Police Officer on that day. Members of Congress and the media are all happy with themselves calling the protesters insurrectionists and painting them as agents of evil that have character that needs to be eradicated from our society. This over-the-top self-serving behavior by these leaders warrants a prediction about the future over these matters such being that one day the country will be lead to have a truly good perspective about the January 6th incident resulting in the vast majority of these four hundred protesters arrested and charged with crimes over this incident receiving a Presidential pardon and the analysis concluding that it wasn't the protesters that committed a major transgression against America, it was those authorities responsible for security at the Capital that are overwhelmingly culpable here; but for their failure to do their duty none of this interference with the working of America's democracy would have occurred!
It is clear, the intent of Trump was to get people upset with fake news and unfounded lies about the election loss to whip up a frenzy of mob justice ala-putsch to keep the orange dick in the White House on the day of the certification by holding a rally the same day with the title "Stop the Steal"..it is very obvious the motivation for a president, the first one ever to have this type of rally...Reminds me of the Republicans from the Gilded Age...
Memorial Day is an occasion to remember veterans and their families and the tremendous sacrifices they have made on behalf of America! I think if it was asked of veterans that gave their life for America why were they prepared to make that ultimate sacrifice they would say because they believe in the goodness of America, that the country stands for goodness and they wanted to support and preserve that! When I think about politicians and the media's reaction to the June 6 interruption of the certification of the electoral college vote in the 2020 Presidential election, their behavior doesn't rise to the standard of goodness worthy of these veterans' sacrifice.

Sure the Jan 6th incident was extremely wrong because the protesters breached the U.S. Capitol and threatened the safety of sitting members of Congress and blemished the country's 250 year track record of a peaceful transfer of the Executive Branch of power for the nation. But these key elements of our country, elected officials in Washington and the media, are not responding like leaders in a really good country should they are not living up to the greatness of America because they are not spotlighting the real failure of America on January 6th which was the failure of authorities responsible for security at the Capitol that day! America's political parties are as different as night to day in regards to the public policies they espouse (sure each party has their moderate members thank God which offers hope of progress for the country), the election was close not from a popular vote standpoint but from an individual states' vote count standpoint which is what is practically most important, problems in the country are alarmingly serious the country is not working for a lot lot of people; the critical point being security authorities for the U.S. Capitol should have expected angry protest on January 6th and bare minimal competent security expertise considers and protects against the development that a large angry protest group can turn into an angry mob that goes on a rampage which is what America and the World saw on Jan. 6th in Washington D.C..

Yes of course the Jan 6th incident calls for an independent commission to determine what happened and advise how the country protects against such an incident from ever happening again. But not in the manner that members of Congress and the media have been talking about for months now; the country cannot have a competent commission without that commission hearing from an abundance of the protesters and determine what they were all about and how they came to breach and take control of key areas of the Capitol. Nobody is talking about how the country gets truthful statements from these people who were the major participants in this incident. Member of Congress and the media should be saying we cannot have this commission until the statute of limitations runs on the crimes committed by the protesters involved in the incident so these protesters will give forthright interviews to the commission so the commission can determine accurately what happened. Or members of Congress could be calling for and the media exploring the Department of Justice providing transactional immunity for protesters that speak to the commission and did not cause serious bodily injury to any Capitol Police Officer on that day. Members of Congress and the media are all happy with themselves calling the protesters insurrectionists and painting them as agents of evil that have character that needs to be eradicated from our society. This over-the-top self-serving behavior by these leaders warrants a prediction about the future over these matters such being that one day the country will be lead to have a truly good perspective about the January 6th incident resulting in the vast majority of these four hundred protesters arrested and charged with crimes over this incident receiving a Presidential pardon and the analysis concluding that it wasn't the protesters that committed a major transgression against America, it was those authorities responsible for security at the Capital that are overwhelmingly culpable here; but for their failure to do their duty none of this interference with the working of America's democracy would have occurred!
the trials of the jan 6 protesters will be interesting, there will be a lot of evidence given, and the dems will look really bad
If the Democrats are serious about a bipartisan investigation, they should add a deep dive into the claims of vote fraud in the 2020 election. I'm pretty sure the Rs wouldn't be able to say no to that. But the Ds won't allow THAT, of course.
Memorial Day is an occasion to remember veterans and their families and the tremendous sacrifices they have made on behalf of America! I think if it was asked of veterans that gave their life for America why were they prepared to make that ultimate sacrifice they would say because they believe in the goodness of America, that the country stands for goodness and they wanted to support and preserve that! When I think about politicians and the media's reaction to the June 6 interruption of the certification of the electoral college vote in the 2020 Presidential election, their behavior doesn't rise to the standard of goodness worthy of these veterans' sacrifice.

Sure the Jan 6th incident was extremely wrong because the protesters breached the U.S. Capitol and threatened the safety of sitting members of Congress and blemished the country's 250 year track record of a peaceful transfer of the Executive Branch of power for the nation. But these key elements of our country, elected officials in Washington and the media, are not responding like leaders in a really good country should they are not living up to the greatness of America because they are not spotlighting the real failure of America on January 6th which was the failure of authorities responsible for security at the Capitol that day! America's political parties are as different as night to day in regards to the public policies they espouse (sure each party has their moderate members thank God which offers hope of progress for the country), the election was close not from a popular vote standpoint but from an individual states' vote count standpoint which is what is practically most important, problems in the country are alarmingly serious the country is not working for a lot lot of people; the critical point being security authorities for the U.S. Capitol should have expected angry protest on January 6th and bare minimal competent security expertise considers and protects against the development that a large angry protest group can turn into an angry mob that goes on a rampage which is what America and the World saw on Jan. 6th in Washington D.C..

Yes of course the Jan 6th incident calls for an independent commission to determine what happened and advise how the country protects against such an incident from ever happening again. But not in the manner that members of Congress and the media have been talking about for months now; the country cannot have a competent commission without that commission hearing from an abundance of the protesters and determine what they were all about and how they came to breach and take control of key areas of the Capitol. Nobody is talking about how the country gets truthful statements from these people who were the major participants in this incident. Member of Congress and the media should be saying we cannot have this commission until the statute of limitations runs on the crimes committed by the protesters involved in the incident so these protesters will give forthright interviews to the commission so the commission can determine accurately what happened. Or members of Congress could be calling for and the media exploring the Department of Justice providing transactional immunity for protesters that speak to the commission and did not cause serious bodily injury to any Capitol Police Officer on that day. Members of Congress and the media are all happy with themselves calling the protesters insurrectionists and painting them as agents of evil that have character that needs to be eradicated from our society. This over-the-top self-serving behavior by these leaders warrants a prediction about the future over these matters such being that one day the country will be lead to have a truly good perspective about the January 6th incident resulting in the vast majority of these four hundred protesters arrested and charged with crimes over this incident receiving a Presidential pardon and the analysis concluding that it wasn't the protesters that committed a major transgression against America, it was those authorities responsible for security at the Capital that are overwhelmingly culpable here; but for their failure to do their duty none of this interference with the working of America's democracy would have occurred!
the trials of the jan 6 protesters will be interesting, there will be a lot of evidence given, and the dems will look really bad
The Dems are the ones having trials over their criminal actions? I don't think you know what you mean.


Sure preoccupied with January 6th. How about the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commie supported violence throughout 2019 and 2020? PM/DSA Democrat false flag supported violence. January 6th a 2 1/2 hour rampage by frat boy types and Antifa ringers. The Democrats are upset about the shoe prints on Pelosi's desk. They don't bring up the Year of their Marxist support for the violence by BLM/Antifa against innocent people and destruction of minority businesses. The 200 officers killed. The 400 injured. They dont care about the 2 billion in damages. They don't care about bystanders killed. They don't care about the women and children assualted. They ignore the Black on Black murder and crime. They ignore the damage their pet antifa caused. And BLM donated millions to the DNC.
Memorial Day is an occasion to remember veterans and their families and the tremendous sacrifices they have made on behalf of America!

Indeed, was it a significant amount of not just Americans, but also America's allies who fought to uphold democracy, as opposed to fighting for the cause of aggression in foreign lands.

I would say yes. But there's no doubt that many if not most of America's wars wouldn't qualify for the sake of the soldiers who fought them.

America and/or its allies must not allow a free pass to aggression. It dishonours those who truly fought to uphold democracy.


Sure preoccupied with January 6th. How about the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commie supported violence throughout 2019 and 2020? PM/DSA Democrat false flag supported violence. January 6th a 2 1/2 hour rampage by frat boy types and Antifa ringers. The Democrats are upset about the shoe prints on Pelosi's desk. They don't bring up the Year of their Marxist support for the violence by BLM/Antifa against innocent people and destruction of minority businesses. The 200 officers killed. The 400 injured. They dont care about the 2 billion in damages. They don't care about bystanders killed. They don't care about the women and children assualted. They ignore the Black on Black murder and crime. They ignore the damage their pet antifa caused. And BLM donated millions to the DNC.

This thread is not about your whataboutisms...It is about 1/6 and a Congressional investigation that Republicans used to ghost the USA.
Don't sweat the commisssion idea. The Democrats are just interested in playing politics with it and the Repubs got wise to it.

There's very little for a commission to discover that won't already be evidence in the many trials that are coming for the perps.

What the fuk could a commission discover that hasn't already been discovered?

No matter what the Trumpers do, their perps aren't going to escape justice they own and deserve.

Best wishes from Canada.
It is clear, the intent of Trump was to get people upset with fake news and unfounded lies about the election loss to whip up a frenzy of mob justice ala-putsch to keep the orange dick in the White House on the day of the certification by holding a rally the same day with the title "Stop the Steal"..it is very obvious the motivation for a president, the first one ever to have this type of rally...Reminds me of the Republicans from the Gilded Age...
they should have declared washinton a chomp zone first then it would have been ok
Memorial Day is an occasion to remember veterans and their families and the tremendous sacrifices they have made on behalf of America! I think if it was asked of veterans that gave their life for America why were they prepared to make that ultimate sacrifice they would say because they believe in the goodness of America, that the country stands for goodness and they wanted to support and preserve that! When I think about politicians and the media's reaction to the June 6 interruption of the certification of the electoral college vote in the 2020 Presidential election, their behavior doesn't rise to the standard of goodness worthy of these veterans' sacrifice.

Sure the Jan 6th incident was extremely wrong because the protesters breached the U.S. Capitol and threatened the safety of sitting members of Congress and blemished the country's 250 year track record of a peaceful transfer of the Executive Branch of power for the nation. But these key elements of our country, elected officials in Washington and the media, are not responding like leaders in a really good country should they are not living up to the greatness of America because they are not spotlighting the real failure of America on January 6th which was the failure of authorities responsible for security at the Capitol that day! America's political parties are as different as night to day in regards to the public policies they espouse (sure each party has their moderate members thank God which offers hope of progress for the country), the election was close not from a popular vote standpoint but from an individual states' vote count standpoint which is what is practically most important, problems in the country are alarmingly serious the country is not working for a lot lot of people; the critical point being security authorities for the U.S. Capitol should have expected angry protest on January 6th and bare minimal competent security expertise considers and protects against the development that a large angry protest group can turn into an angry mob that goes on a rampage which is what America and the World saw on Jan. 6th in Washington D.C..

Yes of course the Jan 6th incident calls for an independent commission to determine what happened and advise how the country protects against such an incident from ever happening again. But not in the manner that members of Congress and the media have been talking about for months now; the country cannot have a competent commission without that commission hearing from an abundance of the protesters and determine what they were all about and how they came to breach and take control of key areas of the Capitol. Nobody is talking about how the country gets truthful statements from these people who were the major participants in this incident. Member of Congress and the media should be saying we cannot have this commission until the statute of limitations runs on the crimes committed by the protesters involved in the incident so these protesters will give forthright interviews to the commission so the commission can determine accurately what happened. Or members of Congress could be calling for and the media exploring the Department of Justice providing transactional immunity for protesters that speak to the commission and did not cause serious bodily injury to any Capitol Police Officer on that day. Members of Congress and the media are all happy with themselves calling the protesters insurrectionists and painting them as agents of evil that have character that needs to be eradicated from our society. This over-the-top self-serving behavior by these leaders warrants a prediction about the future over these matters such being that one day the country will be lead to have a truly good perspective about the January 6th incident resulting in the vast majority of these four hundred protesters arrested and charged with crimes over this incident receiving a Presidential pardon and the analysis concluding that it wasn't the protesters that committed a major transgression against America, it was those authorities responsible for security at the Capital that are overwhelmingly culpable here; but for their failure to do their duty none of this interference with the working of America's democracy would have occurred!
the trials of the jan 6 protesters will be interesting, there will be a lot of evidence given, and the dems will look really bad

Trials for what charges, trespassing? Because that's the only charge that's been made to date, and people don't typically go to trial for trespass charges. It typically involves a small fine, particularly where, as here, no guns or deadly weapons are involved.
Sure the Jan 6th incident was extremely wrong because the protesters breached the U.S. Capitol and threatened the safety of sitting members of Congress and blemished the country's 250 year track record of a peaceful transfer of the Executive Branch of power for the nation. But...

There is not BUT...

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