January 6 vs. last summer riots


Diamond Member
Mar 24, 2020
The January 6 'insurrection' - American Thinker

no further proof is needed to show what a bunch two faced lying sacks of BS the left has become.

A successful conspiracy should be limited in the number of people involved. They must be highly intelligent and free from the need to feed their egos by revealing how important they are. The events surrounding the Jan. 6 "insurrection" met none of these criteria. Hundreds of organizations were involved, and responsible officials contradicted each other.

The approved narrative: Because Donald Trump falsely claimed that the election was stolen, he incited his white supremacist followers to invade the Capitol in an attempt to overthrow the government. Sen. Gary Peters described it as a "direct attack on our democracy." This provided proof that white supremacists were a real threat. It also eclipsed the BLM and Antifa riot bad press. The FBI reported that there was no indication that individuals associated with Antifa disguised themselves among pro-Trump supporters in order to provoke the mob at the U.S. Capitol. Reason magazine admitted there was a single one, but "the existence of one person vaguely connected to antifa does not establish that antifa was ultimately culpable for what transpired."

The disturbance at the Capitol on Jan. 6 is routinely described as a "deadly insurrection." The riots that took place during the summer and caused between 1 and 2 billion dollars in damage and at least 17 deaths are described as "peaceful." The only death that can be attributed directly to the violence on Jan. 6 was the death of a woman shot by police in violation of any law enforcement's rules of engagement. It is clear that the government and the Deep State media are not giving an accurate picture of what took place.

You did not need a crystal ball to know that violent groups would use the gathering to promote violence. Past experience with mass gatherings, such as Trump's inauguration in 2017, should have required increased security.

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Yet, according to the Washington Post, "Capitol Police did not take the kind of extra precautions, such as frozen zones and hardened barriers, that are typically used for major events near the Capitol." Former House sergeant at arms Paul Irving said, "We all believed that the plan met the threat and that we were prepared." Some of their confidence was based on previous Trump rallies. Trump-supporters had held dozens of mass meetings in the recent past. Police were assaulted in none of them. Former Capitol Police chief Steven Sund claimed, "The intelligence that we based our planning on indicated that the Jan. 6 protests were expected to be similar to the previous [peaceful] MAGA rallies in 2020, which drew tens of thousands of participants." However, Sund remarked, "I witnessed insurgents beating police officers with fists, pipes, sticks, bats, metal barricades and flag poles." This version of the account does not match with other claims. Metro Police chief Robert Contee testified that Sund "pleaded" with military officials to send in the National Guard. He warned Congress six times about the high risk of violence before Jan. 6. John Falcicchio, chief of staff for D.C. mayor Muriel E. Bowser, claimed, "Literally, this guy is on the phone, I mean, crying out for help. It's burned in my memories."

There is evidence that the FBI withheld intelligence from the responsible parties prior to Jan. 6. Steven Sund told lawmakers he did not receive a copy of an FBI report warning of violence that was issued the day before the attack on the Capitol." It had been sent to the police but was not forwarded to Sund. Sund testified that on "January 5th, during a meeting I hosted with my executive team, the Capitol Police board and a dozen of the top law enforcement and military officials from D.C., no entity, including the FBI, provided any new intelligence regarding Jan. 6."
yeah if its a threat against main street America, riots and protests are "necessary" to make people feel "uncomfortable" and who cares if businesses are shut down and people have to stay in their homes?

But should there be a threat of a government shutdown, suddenly we hear how poor government workers cant make it if they are shut down and its all so unprecedented.
And when protests, riots and unrest rear their ugly head anywhere near the DC elites, they will surround themselves by National Guard for months.
Someone needs to make them understand that the people who put them in office are just as important as they are. And for that matter, they can stop DAMAGING our kids and let them go back to school. More of them will die by suicide than will ever die by covid.
They are completely out of touch.
The kicker here is the press is announcing that on march 5th(?) there MAY be another "insurrection". As opposed to months of mostly peaceful riots that cost millions in damages and unknown numbers of lives. But these FBI assholes don't seem to concerned with those, though. Because blacks, lives and stuff that matters.
The kicker here is the press is announcing that on march 5th(?) there MAY be another "insurrection". As opposed to months of mostly peaceful riots that cost millions in damages and unknown numbers of lives. But these FBI assholes don't seem to concerned with those, though. Because blacks, lives and stuff that matters.

I heard Charlie Flynn stopped the Nation Guards due to Jan 6th.
Army falsely denied Flynn’s brother was involved in key part of military response to Capitol riot - The Washington Post

On June 1, 2020, amid the George Floyd protests in Washington, D.C., law enforcement officers used tear gas and other riot control tactics to forcefully clear peaceful protesters from Lafayette Square and surrounding streets, creating a path for President Donald Trump and senior administration officials to walk from the White House to St. John's Episcopal Church.[1][2][3] Trump held up a Bible and posed for a photo op in front of Ashburton House (the church's parish house), which had been damaged by a fire during protests the night before.[4][5][6]
Donald Trump photo op at St. John's Church - Wikipedia

There are rioters and non peaceful protestors that I don't agree with, but most of BLM protestors were peaceful. How much is it costing to keep the NG at the capital, which will be needed in the now as well as the future, because white supremacist are violent.
The January 6 'insurrection' - American Thinker

no further proof is needed to show what a bunch two faced lying sacks of BS the left has become.

A successful conspiracy should be limited in the number of people involved. They must be highly intelligent and free from the need to feed their egos by revealing how important they are. The events surrounding the Jan. 6 "insurrection" met none of these criteria. Hundreds of organizations were involved, and responsible officials contradicted each other.

The approved narrative: Because Donald Trump falsely claimed that the election was stolen, he incited his white supremacist followers to invade the Capitol in an attempt to overthrow the government. Sen. Gary Peters described it as a "direct attack on our democracy." This provided proof that white supremacists were a real threat. It also eclipsed the BLM and Antifa riot bad press. The FBI reported that there was no indication that individuals associated with Antifa disguised themselves among pro-Trump supporters in order to provoke the mob at the U.S. Capitol. Reason magazine admitted there was a single one, but "the existence of one person vaguely connected to antifa does not establish that antifa was ultimately culpable for what transpired."

The disturbance at the Capitol on Jan. 6 is routinely described as a "deadly insurrection." The riots that took place during the summer and caused between 1 and 2 billion dollars in damage and at least 17 deaths are described as "peaceful." The only death that can be attributed directly to the violence on Jan. 6 was the death of a woman shot by police in violation of any law enforcement's rules of engagement. It is clear that the government and the Deep State media are not giving an accurate picture of what took place.

You did not need a crystal ball to know that violent groups would use the gathering to promote violence. Past experience with mass gatherings, such as Trump's inauguration in 2017, should have required increased security.

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Yet, according to the Washington Post, "Capitol Police did not take the kind of extra precautions, such as frozen zones and hardened barriers, that are typically used for major events near the Capitol." Former House sergeant at arms Paul Irving said, "We all believed that the plan met the threat and that we were prepared." Some of their confidence was based on previous Trump rallies. Trump-supporters had held dozens of mass meetings in the recent past. Police were assaulted in none of them. Former Capitol Police chief Steven Sund claimed, "The intelligence that we based our planning on indicated that the Jan. 6 protests were expected to be similar to the previous [peaceful] MAGA rallies in 2020, which drew tens of thousands of participants." However, Sund remarked, "I witnessed insurgents beating police officers with fists, pipes, sticks, bats, metal barricades and flag poles." This version of the account does not match with other claims. Metro Police chief Robert Contee testified that Sund "pleaded" with military officials to send in the National Guard. He warned Congress six times about the high risk of violence before Jan. 6. John Falcicchio, chief of staff for D.C. mayor Muriel E. Bowser, claimed, "Literally, this guy is on the phone, I mean, crying out for help. It's burned in my memories."

There is evidence that the FBI withheld intelligence from the responsible parties prior to Jan. 6. Steven Sund told lawmakers he did not receive a copy of an FBI report warning of violence that was issued the day before the attack on the Capitol." It had been sent to the police but was not forwarded to Sund. Sund testified that on "January 5th, during a meeting I hosted with my executive team, the Capitol Police board and a dozen of the top law enforcement and military officials from D.C., no entity, including the FBI, provided any new intelligence regarding Jan. 6."
"Because Donald Trump falsely claimed that the election was stolen" Then why does everything they do show guilt in Arizona and anywhere anyone has tried to recount or show fraud? You would think even these stupid leftist would come around after seeing the destruction Crusty Joe has done.
The January 6 'insurrection' - American Thinker

no further proof is needed to show what a bunch two faced lying sacks of BS the left has become.

A successful conspiracy should be limited in the number of people involved. They must be highly intelligent and free from the need to feed their egos by revealing how important they are. The events surrounding the Jan. 6 "insurrection" met none of these criteria. Hundreds of organizations were involved, and responsible officials contradicted each other.

The approved narrative: Because Donald Trump falsely claimed that the election was stolen, he incited his white supremacist followers to invade the Capitol in an attempt to overthrow the government. Sen. Gary Peters described it as a "direct attack on our democracy." This provided proof that white supremacists were a real threat. It also eclipsed the BLM and Antifa riot bad press. The FBI reported that there was no indication that individuals associated with Antifa disguised themselves among pro-Trump supporters in order to provoke the mob at the U.S. Capitol. Reason magazine admitted there was a single one, but "the existence of one person vaguely connected to antifa does not establish that antifa was ultimately culpable for what transpired."

The disturbance at the Capitol on Jan. 6 is routinely described as a "deadly insurrection." The riots that took place during the summer and caused between 1 and 2 billion dollars in damage and at least 17 deaths are described as "peaceful." The only death that can be attributed directly to the violence on Jan. 6 was the death of a woman shot by police in violation of any law enforcement's rules of engagement. It is clear that the government and the Deep State media are not giving an accurate picture of what took place.

You did not need a crystal ball to know that violent groups would use the gathering to promote violence. Past experience with mass gatherings, such as Trump's inauguration in 2017, should have required increased security.

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Yet, according to the Washington Post, "Capitol Police did not take the kind of extra precautions, such as frozen zones and hardened barriers, that are typically used for major events near the Capitol." Former House sergeant at arms Paul Irving said, "We all believed that the plan met the threat and that we were prepared." Some of their confidence was based on previous Trump rallies. Trump-supporters had held dozens of mass meetings in the recent past. Police were assaulted in none of them. Former Capitol Police chief Steven Sund claimed, "The intelligence that we based our planning on indicated that the Jan. 6 protests were expected to be similar to the previous [peaceful] MAGA rallies in 2020, which drew tens of thousands of participants." However, Sund remarked, "I witnessed insurgents beating police officers with fists, pipes, sticks, bats, metal barricades and flag poles." This version of the account does not match with other claims. Metro Police chief Robert Contee testified that Sund "pleaded" with military officials to send in the National Guard. He warned Congress six times about the high risk of violence before Jan. 6. John Falcicchio, chief of staff for D.C. mayor Muriel E. Bowser, claimed, "Literally, this guy is on the phone, I mean, crying out for help. It's burned in my memories."

There is evidence that the FBI withheld intelligence from the responsible parties prior to Jan. 6. Steven Sund told lawmakers he did not receive a copy of an FBI report warning of violence that was issued the day before the attack on the Capitol." It had been sent to the police but was not forwarded to Sund. Sund testified that on "January 5th, during a meeting I hosted with my executive team, the Capitol Police board and a dozen of the top law enforcement and military officials from D.C., no entity, including the FBI, provided any new intelligence regarding Jan. 6."
The blob lied his ass off like no other public figure in history. Period. Its funny you are suddenly a champion of honesty.

The blob attempted insurrection was designed to do one thing...stop the peaceful transfer of power. Essentially, it is what made our nation different than any other at the time of it's founding. No armies....no beheadings....just a counting of votes and a winner declared.

Comparing it to anything else in recent history is something only a fool would do. Congratulations; you are that fool
The January 6 'insurrection' - American Thinker

no further proof is needed to show what a bunch two faced lying sacks of BS the left has become.

A successful conspiracy should be limited in the number of people involved. They must be highly intelligent and free from the need to feed their egos by revealing how important they are. The events surrounding the Jan. 6 "insurrection" met none of these criteria. Hundreds of organizations were involved, and responsible officials contradicted each other.

The approved narrative: Because Donald Trump falsely claimed that the election was stolen, he incited his white supremacist followers to invade the Capitol in an attempt to overthrow the government. Sen. Gary Peters described it as a "direct attack on our democracy." This provided proof that white supremacists were a real threat. It also eclipsed the BLM and Antifa riot bad press. The FBI reported that there was no indication that individuals associated with Antifa disguised themselves among pro-Trump supporters in order to provoke the mob at the U.S. Capitol. Reason magazine admitted there was a single one, but "the existence of one person vaguely connected to antifa does not establish that antifa was ultimately culpable for what transpired."

The disturbance at the Capitol on Jan. 6 is routinely described as a "deadly insurrection." The riots that took place during the summer and caused between 1 and 2 billion dollars in damage and at least 17 deaths are described as "peaceful." The only death that can be attributed directly to the violence on Jan. 6 was the death of a woman shot by police in violation of any law enforcement's rules of engagement. It is clear that the government and the Deep State media are not giving an accurate picture of what took place.

You did not need a crystal ball to know that violent groups would use the gathering to promote violence. Past experience with mass gatherings, such as Trump's inauguration in 2017, should have required increased security.

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Yet, according to the Washington Post, "Capitol Police did not take the kind of extra precautions, such as frozen zones and hardened barriers, that are typically used for major events near the Capitol." Former House sergeant at arms Paul Irving said, "We all believed that the plan met the threat and that we were prepared." Some of their confidence was based on previous Trump rallies. Trump-supporters had held dozens of mass meetings in the recent past. Police were assaulted in none of them. Former Capitol Police chief Steven Sund claimed, "The intelligence that we based our planning on indicated that the Jan. 6 protests were expected to be similar to the previous [peaceful] MAGA rallies in 2020, which drew tens of thousands of participants." However, Sund remarked, "I witnessed insurgents beating police officers with fists, pipes, sticks, bats, metal barricades and flag poles." This version of the account does not match with other claims. Metro Police chief Robert Contee testified that Sund "pleaded" with military officials to send in the National Guard. He warned Congress six times about the high risk of violence before Jan. 6. John Falcicchio, chief of staff for D.C. mayor Muriel E. Bowser, claimed, "Literally, this guy is on the phone, I mean, crying out for help. It's burned in my memories."

There is evidence that the FBI withheld intelligence from the responsible parties prior to Jan. 6. Steven Sund told lawmakers he did not receive a copy of an FBI report warning of violence that was issued the day before the attack on the Capitol." It had been sent to the police but was not forwarded to Sund. Sund testified that on "January 5th, during a meeting I hosted with my executive team, the Capitol Police board and a dozen of the top law enforcement and military officials from D.C., no entity, including the FBI, provided any new intelligence regarding Jan. 6."
The blob lied his ass off like no other public figure in history. Period. Its funny you are suddenly a champion of honesty.

The blob attempted insurrection was designed to do one thing...stop the peaceful transfer of power. Essentially, it is what made our nation different than any other at the time of it's founding. No armies....no beheadings....just a counting of votes and a winner declared.

Comparing it to anything else in recent history is something only a fool would do. Congratulations; you are that fool
And you are so full BS your eyes are brown. lucky for your side you have friends in the GOP who are bottom feeding political sluts like the demrats with their rigging key states for Thief in Chief Biden. The only mistake the January 6 protesters made was going inside the capital building . but the left was looking for a way to smear anyone questioning the 2020 results. If the protestors stayed outside nothing much would have happened though the leftist storm troopers would have tried to start something.
The fake news narrative on this has all the credibility of Barry Soetoro's birth certificate.... or Big Mike's pap smear results...

Like most of the country, I just want to see that cowardly mother fuck who murdered Ashli to suffer.... in unspeakable ways.

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