Jan.6 Sargeant at Arms Michael Stenger: "what appears to be professional agitators."


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012

Why did this key testimony get ignored and not followed up on?

Michael Stenger: we have an opportunity to learn lessons from January 6th. Investigations should be considered as to the funding and traveling of what appears to be professional agitators. First Amendment rights should always be considered in conjunction with these investigations.

"The 20,000-pound Columbus Doors that lead into the Rotunda on the east side of the U.S. Capitol are secured by magnetic locks that can only be opened from the inside by using a security code controlled by Capitol Police,"


Ray Epps, inciting crowd to go into Capitol, never charged by FBI

AOC Calls for Committee Investigation of "Officers on the inside working with" Jan. 6 protesters..."clearly sympathetic...opening the doors"

J6 Reichstag Fire

In the aftermath of the storming of the U.S. Capitol by Trump supporters on Jan. 6, new video footage has emerged on social media, showing Antifa activist John Sullivan inciting violence at the federal building under the garb of a Trump supporter.

Sullivan, who was arrested by authorities on Thursday, told Fox News in an interview last week that he was at the protest in the capacity of a video journalist and to film what was happening but did not actively participate in the attack. "It's just recording, solely, and not being active in it," he said.

'Let's Go, Get This Sh*t'

John Sullivan
John Sullivan Twitter
The footage, obtained from his social media channels, where he goes by Jayden X, Sullivan can be heard provoking violence inside the U.S. Capitol.

The Founder of the anti-fascist civil rights group, Insurgence USA, also documented the death of Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt. "Let's go, get this sh*t," Sullivan says moments before Babbitt is shot and killed by the Capitol Police while attempting to clamber through a broken window into the Speaker's Lobby off the House floor.

'We're Going to Burn This Sh*t Down'

"If we don't get in, we're going to burn this sh*t down," he says in the clip as he is surrounded by a mob of pro-Trump supporters. "Let's go! This sh*t's ours. F*ck yeah. I can't believe this is reality. We accomplished this sh*t. We did this sh*t together."
"I didn't know I hit [the window] that hard, " he can be heard saying about a window he smashed off-camera from footage inside the building. "No one got that on camera." "Dude I was trying to tell you, I couldn't say much," he tells his accomplice Jade Sackler at one point.

'I Am Going to Wear a Trump Hat'

While the FBI, mainstream media outlets and fact-checking websites have insisted that there is no evidence of Antifa playing any role in the attack on the Capitol, Sullivan brags about wearing a Trump hat and carrying a "big ass camera" to the insurrection under the guise of a journalist in the video.

"It's all fake, my face is not on Instagram" he says. "I learned that sh*t already – I am going to wear a Trump hat. I am going to wear a Trump hat. I bought one today. I was wearing a Trump hat at the f*cking last Trump – at that Trump rally during the daytime – because I was like, 'nah, that sh*t ain't happening, bro."

"Oh yeah, I was just a journalist, but I use that all the time," he continues. "'Yeah I'm just a journalist. I am just recording. I've got my camera on my shoulder.' Literally, I have my big ass camera on my shoulder right here."

"I have to blend in to the f------ crowd because, you know, there's a lot of people who wanted to hurt me," he said in a posted on his YouTube channel about his presence at the riots.
For the100th time via Reality Land-
They let the people in
The room filled and at the end two dozen Pelosi plants arrived in the rear and the ruckus started. None of the legitimate protestors knew what was going on and the ruckus started. Pelosi could not advance the incessant witch hunts unless this event got out of control and she made damn sure it did inside and outside
J6 Reichstag Fire

LOL a mod shoved this right into some "law and justice" burial ground.

It is clear as day that the man tries to open the doors here, walks back, is looking up communicating with someone as he points to the doors, he pushes again and at 11 seconds they are unlocked, and open. Someone buzzed them open. Another man with the flagpole looks up in the same direction.

Retired US Embassy Marine: "They were opened from the inside. Now one of the stories I read recently was that some Marine, some Marine Major, went inside and managed to run around and open up the doors. And I think that was on your website, as well. But here’s what I can tell you about magnetic locks. If a door is locked by a mag lock it cannot be opened from the outside or the inside unless the person controlling that door opens that door by turning off the magnetic lock which those doors according to the photos I took are equipped with." Reports: U.S. Capitol magnetic doors were opened from the inside on Jan. 6
LOL a mod shoved this right into some "law and justice" burial ground.

It is clear as day that the man tries to open the doors here, walks back, is looking up communicating with someone as he points to the doors, he pushes again and at 11 seconds they are unlocked, and open. Someone buzzed them open. Another man with the flagpole looks up in the same direction.

Retired US Embassy Marine: "They were opened from the inside. Now one of the stories I read recently was that some Marine, some Marine Major, went inside and managed to run around and open up the doors. And I think that was on your website, as well. But here’s what I can tell you about magnetic locks. If a door is locked by a mag lock it cannot be opened from the outside or the inside unless the person controlling that door opens that door by turning off the magnetic lock which those doors according to the photos I took are equipped with." Reports: U.S. Capitol magnetic doors were opened from the inside on Jan. 6

The Desantis thread got shoved to “taunting” because it was killing libs. The effective threads frequently suffer that.
Also, didn’t Stenger just conveniently up and die when it was time for him to talk ?
The Desantis thread got shoved to “taunting” because it was killing libs. The effective threads frequently suffer that.
Also, didn’t Stenger just conveniently up and die when it was time for him to talk ?

Some mods here are very biased.
Always remember Stenger, what he knew and saw, and how once again he conveniently went away

The testimony under oath of the Sargeant at Arms should have sent the investigation in a different direction. This is how corrupt, dishonest, cynical, manipulative the DemoRats are. They still just want to get Trump and send as many innocent Americans to jail as they can. How can anyone stand to be in the same room with them the stench must be gawdawful.

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