jailtime for healthcare


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2010
this is going to come up more soon... i could see where this was heading in back since in 2008...
here are two great examples.
one is a fabulously wealthy politician dancing around a question.
the other is a lone reporter that's just been brushed off....

backstage WHO the f*#@! !! let him in !!!
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Nancy Pelosi is a succubus from hell.

She learned her politics under JFK.
If you don't buy health insurance, Obama will put coal in your income tax refund envelope.

But it will be clean coal. So there's that.
this is going to come up more soon... i could see where this was heading in back since in 2008...
here are two great examples.
one is a fabulously wealthy politician dancing around a question.
the other is a lone reporter that's just been brushed off....

backstage WHO the f*#@! !! let him in !!!

I fricking hate that "freeloader" bullshit the liberals try to stain the voluntarily uninsured with as Pelosi did in that video.

One third of the involuntarily uninsured are high school dropouts. These are the people who will be subsidized by forcing the voluntarily uninsured to get insurance, and to overpay for that insurance. The high school dropouts are the freeloaders, riding on the backs of those who will have to pay more taxes and higher insurance rates.

This is one of many reasons I so fucking hate liberals. Calling the people being robbed the "freeloaders" so the leeches can get a free ride is a page right out of an Ayn Rand dystopian nightmare.
this is going to come up more soon... i could see where this was heading in back since in 2008...
here are two great examples.
one is a fabulously wealthy politician dancing around a question.
the other is a lone reporter that's just been brushed off....

backstage WHO the f*#@! !! let him in !!!

I fricking hate that "freeloader" bullshit the liberals try to stain the voluntarily uninsured with as Pelosi did in that video.

One third of the involuntarily uninsured are high school dropouts. These are the people who will be subsidized by forcing the voluntarily uninsured to get insurance, and to overpay for that insurance. The high school dropouts are the freeloaders, riding on the backs of those who will have to pay more taxes and higher insurance rates.

This is one of many reasons I so fucking hate liberals. Calling the people being robbed to pay for leeches the "freeloaders" is a page right out of an Ayn Rand dystopian nightmare.

Yes we know the far left hates the true liberals..
I do remember Pelosi saying that jail time would be fair for those who don't pay healthcare fines. Of course, they are treating the penalties like taxes, though they are not a tax, and we can all go to jail for tax evasion. In the case of some people, it's a matter of not being able to afford healthcare and not having the money for the fines, so instead of jailing people for cheating on taxes, we will now jail them for not having enough money. In a way, we are bringing back debtors' prisons. The ones in trouble will be the lower middle class who are expected to pay the 'shared responsibility tax' and simply don't have enough money left after paying their bills to pay the ever-increasing insurance rates. The ones who don't work will get everything for free like they always do. As always, the ones who contribute nothing are treated like sacred cows while the workers get hit with the whip again.

I still want to know if Obamacare is a tax or not a tax. They still need it both ways to justify the legality of it. Taxes must originate in the House. This didn't, so Obama said it is not a tax. SCOTUS said the only way it's constitutional is if it's tax, so Obama said it is a tax. Only in the Obama administration can two opposing lies hold up.

Bottom line is that we are being forced to participate in commerce, which is directly in violation of our rights.
I do remember Pelosi saying that jail time would be fair for those who don't pay healthcare fines. Of course, they are treating the penalties like taxes, though they are not a tax, and we can all go to jail for tax evasion. In the case of some people, it's a matter of not being able to afford healthcare and not having the money for the fines, so instead of jailing people for cheating on taxes, we will now jail them for not having enough money. In a way, we are bringing back debtors' prisons.

I still want to know if Obamacare is a tax or not a tax. They still need it both ways to justify the legality of it. Taxes must originate in the House. This didn't, so Obama said it is not a tax. SCOTUS said the only way it's constitutional is if it's tax, so Obama said it is a tax. Only in the Obama administration can two opposing lies hold up.

Bottom line is that we are being forced to participate in commerce, which is directly in violation of our rights.
If you don't have a mortgage, you are paying more taxes than someone who does, even if you both earn identical incomes.

That is "being forced to participate in commerce" just as much as you paying more taxes than someone who has health insurance.

We have been demanding the government perform these behavioral modification experiments on us for a century. Adding one more penalty was no big leap. Too late to whine now.
I do remember Pelosi saying that jail time would be fair for those who don't pay healthcare fines. Of course, they are treating the penalties like taxes, though they are not a tax, and we can all go to jail for tax evasion. In the case of some people, it's a matter of not being able to afford healthcare and not having the money for the fines, so instead of jailing people for cheating on taxes, we will now jail them for not having enough money. In a way, we are bringing back debtors' prisons.

I still want to know if Obamacare is a tax or not a tax. They still need it both ways to justify the legality of it. Taxes must originate in the House. This didn't, so Obama said it is not a tax. SCOTUS said the only way it's constitutional is if it's tax, so Obama said it is a tax. Only in the Obama administration can two opposing lies hold up.

Bottom line is that we are being forced to participate in commerce, which is directly in violation of our rights.
If you don't have a mortgage, you are paying more taxes than someone who does, even if you both earn identical incomes.

That is "being forced to participate in commerce" just as much as you paying more taxes than someone who has health insurance.

We have been demanding the government perform these behavioral modification experiments on us for a century. Adding one more penalty was no big leap. Too late to whine now.

We all know there are property taxes. It's totally your decision to own property or rent. With Obamacare, there is no choice.

It's never too late to complain and pressure congress to make changes. People don't stand up for their rights until they've been pushed too far and feel the pain of oppression. I think that has happened in the last few years. Of course, nearly half of the people like it because they are getting more for nothing. The left panders to them and ACORN seeks them out before elections. Don't see anyone knocking on the doors of middle class and offering them perks to go vote.
I do remember Pelosi saying that jail time would be fair for those who don't pay healthcare fines. Of course, they are treating the penalties like taxes, though they are not a tax, and we can all go to jail for tax evasion. In the case of some people, it's a matter of not being able to afford healthcare and not having the money for the fines, so instead of jailing people for cheating on taxes, we will now jail them for not having enough money. In a way, we are bringing back debtors' prisons.

I still want to know if Obamacare is a tax or not a tax. They still need it both ways to justify the legality of it. Taxes must originate in the House. This didn't, so Obama said it is not a tax. SCOTUS said the only way it's constitutional is if it's tax, so Obama said it is a tax. Only in the Obama administration can two opposing lies hold up.

Bottom line is that we are being forced to participate in commerce, which is directly in violation of our rights.
If you don't have a mortgage, you are paying more taxes than someone who does, even if you both earn identical incomes.

That is "being forced to participate in commerce" just as much as you paying more taxes than someone who has health insurance.

We have been demanding the government perform these behavioral modification experiments on us for a century. Adding one more penalty was no big leap. Too late to whine now.

We all know there are property taxes. It's totally your decision to own property or rent. With Obamacare, there is no choice.
I'm not talking about property taxes. I'm talking about deductions, credits, and exemptions.

A person with a mortgage gets a huge income tax deduction. That means someone who has not engaged in housing commerce has to pay more taxes than someone who has.

No different than paying more in taxes than someone who has engaged in health insurance commerce.

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