It's time to take our Democracy back!

I agree

  • with all of the bullet points

    Votes: 2 33.3%
  • most of the bullet points - namely

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • few of the bullet points - namely

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • none of the bullet points

    Votes: 2 33.3%

  • Total voters

Wry Catcher

Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2009
San Francisco Bay Area
Repeal Citizens United;

pass campaign finance reform;

make bribery of elected officials easier to prosecute;

increase the penalties for bribery to include mandatory prison sentences for anyone who offers bribes and those who fail to report such an offer;

deny those convicted of bribery or failure to report bribery of the franchise to vote and to hold elected or appointed office;

repel those who want to abolish "Obamacare" and work to make health care a right for all citizens of our country.

drill baby drill but we must also assure protection for our environment;

develop wind, solar, geothermal, tidal, switchgrass and other sources of energy;

make the following felonies and require prison sentences for a conviction of fraudulent voting; ballot box manipulation and / or denial of the right to any eligible voter.
Ban all paid lobbyists. They should be allowed to collect only reasonable expenses.
Ban access to elected officials based on campaign donations.

Also refine baby refine. Put an export tariff on refined products until our refining capacity is increased 25%.
Oil prices would remain on the world market but refined products would be based on demand in the USA more if export tariffs were placed on them.
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  • #3
Ban all paid lobbyists. They should be allowed to collect only reasonable expenses.
Ban access to elected officials based on campaign donations.

Also refine baby refine. Put an export tariff on refined products until our refining capacity is increased 25%.
Oil prices would remain on the world market but refined products would be based on demand in the USA more if export tariffs were placed on them.

I don't have a problem with reputable lobbyists, per se. Those who cross the line with bribes - in any shape or form - are the problem and are criminals. The DOJ needs to prosecute and the courts must put in prison those who offer and those who accept bribes. It matters not if he offender is a member of congress or a staffer, a member of our military or any federal agency.

I also hope that those who cheat Medicare - and a number were busted the other day - should if convicted loose their medical license if they have one, pay full restitution to the government and be placed in prison for not less than one year and one day.
Ban all paid lobbyists. They should be allowed to collect only reasonable expenses.
Ban access to elected officials based on campaign donations.

Also refine baby refine. Put an export tariff on refined products until our refining capacity is increased 25%.
Oil prices would remain on the world market but refined products would be based on demand in the USA more if export tariffs were placed on them.

I don't have a problem with reputable lobbyists, per se. Those who cross the line with bribes - in any shape or form - are the problem and are criminals. The DOJ needs to prosecute and the courts must put in prison those who offer and those who accept bribes. It matters not if he offender is a member of congress or a staffer, a member of our military or any federal agency.

I also hope that those who cheat Medicare - and a number were busted the other day - should if convicted loose their medical license if they have one, pay full restitution to the government and be placed in prison for not less than one year and one day.

Enlist - cocksmoker.
Ban all paid lobbyists. They should be allowed to collect only reasonable expenses.
Ban access to elected officials based on campaign donations.

Also refine baby refine. Put an export tariff on refined products until our refining capacity is increased 25%.
Oil prices would remain on the world market but refined products would be based on demand in the USA more if export tariffs were placed on them.

I don't have a problem with reputable lobbyists, per se. Those who cross the line with bribes - in any shape or form - are the problem and are criminals. The DOJ needs to prosecute and the courts must put in prison those who offer and those who accept bribes. It matters not if he offender is a member of congress or a staffer, a member of our military or any federal agency.

I also hope that those who cheat Medicare - and a number were busted the other day - should if convicted loose their medical license if they have one, pay full restitution to the government and be placed in prison for not less than one year and one day.

Better yet on the fraud.

A law requireing 200% restitution of all fraudlent money gained.
So no one can just pay a $50K fine on a 200 million profit.
It would no longer just be a cost of doing business.
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  • #7
Ban all paid lobbyists. They should be allowed to collect only reasonable expenses.
Ban access to elected officials based on campaign donations.

Also refine baby refine. Put an export tariff on refined products until our refining capacity is increased 25%.
Oil prices would remain on the world market but refined products would be based on demand in the USA more if export tariffs were placed on them.

I don't have a problem with reputable lobbyists, per se. Those who cross the line with bribes - in any shape or form - are the problem and are criminals. The DOJ needs to prosecute and the courts must put in prison those who offer and those who accept bribes. It matters not if he offender is a member of congress or a staffer, a member of our military or any federal agency.

I also hope that those who cheat Medicare - and a number were busted the other day - should if convicted loose their medical license if they have one, pay full restitution to the government and be placed in prison for not less than one year and one day.

Better yet on the fraud.

A law requireing 200% restitution of all fraudlent money gained.
So no one can just pay a $50K fine on a 200 million profit.
It would no longer just be a cost of doing business.

Good plan; that's one way to put us on track to reduce the debt. Though I would add this caveat, restitution to be paid by the management of the corporation, as a condition of probation and in lieu of a long prison sentence. Miss one payment and off they go to a cell with Buba Warrior as a roommate.
Enlist - cocksmoker.


and warrior102 loves dick.
Couldn't agree more that we need to take back democracy.

Couldn't agree with any of your suggestions.
Citizens United would need to be overturned or the Constitution amended to carve out an exemption to First Amendment free expression concerning certain political speech.

Overturning the ruling is highly unlikely, as is passing an amendment designed to limit free speech, it won’t go over well with most voters, not to mention the problematic task of wording such an amendment in a way that would achieve the desire goal.

And lobbyists have the same First Amendment right to access elected officials as everyone else.

As has always been the case, the solution to the issues noted in the OP and subsequent posts rests with the voters, not top-down laws and amendments.
I would suggest that the Supreme Court address the issue of lying, as improbable as that may be. If slander and libel can restrict free speech I would hope an enlightened judiciary would at least consider looking at how sophisticated and not so sophisticated propaganda is used to misrepresent every issue by every faction of the political spectrum.
Ban all paid lobbyists.

Does that include the NRA, the VFW, the Chamber of Commerce, the Cattleman's Association, the American Legion?

Ban access to elected officials based on campaign donations

What makes you think access to your elected officials in Washington is limited? Both the House and Senate office buildings only require that someone pass through a metal detector. That's all. Pass through that and ANYONE can walk right into any Congresscritters office and make himself heard.

I know because I've done it...multiple times. So can you. So can anyone.

Also refine baby refine. Put an export tariff on refined products until our refining capacity is increased 25%.

We're already a net exporter of refined products. What else do you want?

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