It's Time to Say it: If HCQ Works, Hyper-Partisan Democrats Have Murdered Most of COVID Patients


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
It's Time to Say it: If HCQ Works, Hyper-Partisan Democrats Have Murdered Most of COVID Patients — Steemit

The gist of the story is kind of hard to argue against. Prove it wrong. I dare you.

It's Time to Say it: If HCQ Works, Hyper-Partisan Democrats Have Murdered Most of COVID Patients

No matter how you spin it, the judgement of a Yale Professor of Epidemiology, thousands of doctors worldwide who work directly with COVID-19 patients on a daily basis, and dozens of studiescannot be discounted.

The fact that frontline doctors have stepped forward in revolt against the hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) ban in every state but Ohio, knowing they risk being fired for speaking out, is almost secondary. At least one of the doctors of "America's Frontline Doctors," who wish to be able to prescribe a protocol for COVID which employs HCQ, has already been fired.

If the math and science are correct, then the death toll for COVID in the US is not merely incrementally higher than what it might have been. If the science is correct, this was a genocide of the vulnerable.

It is a harsh accusation, but no worse than accusations that people who refuse to wear masks outside are killing people. And the science is far more compelling.

Different doctors and studies arrive at roughly the same numbers. For a ballpark figure, the numbers indicate that 80% of the people who have so far died from COVID in the US have died needlessly, if the differing death rates between HCQ countries and non-HCQ countries are extrapolated.

click to enlarge
Source: "Largest Statistically Significant Study by 6,200 Multi-Country Physicians on COVID-19 Uncovers Treatment Patterns and Puts Pandemic in Context."

Dr. Zev Zelenko independently arrives at about the same proportion of patients who he says can be helped or saved by an HCQ protocol, saying if his numbers hold across a larger sample of patients, "the pandemic is over."

And I don't care a good film-flam if one doctor who says it is some funky devil-baiting Bible-thumper. So don't even go there. Disprove the data. It's time to say it.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, who is focused more on vaccines, has argued against evidence that HCQ works, by saying that no "double blind randomized clinical trial" has proven that it does. But the absence of such a study does not mean that the dozens of peer-reviewed studies which indicate that it does work are meaningless.

Absence of proof does not equal absence of evidence. Especially if that evidence is strong evidence, such as the great majority of 65-plus studies.
COVID-19 Treatment Analysis

World COVID Death Rate Declining Even as New Cases Rise

Source: Daily confirmed COVID-19 cases and deaths

Chart below: Can we believe COVID numbers?


FULL ARTICLE: It's Time to Say it: If HCQ Works, Hyper-Partisan Democrats Have Murdered Most of COVID Patients — Steemit
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And supposing it doesn't.. what then? Millions of people with diseases like lupus have been paying way too much if they can manage to get HCQ at all anymore?
you're trying to link to your own blog, and fail at it?

sure. you be serious person.

And supposing it doesn't.. what then? Millions of people with diseases like lupus have been paying way too much if they can manage to get HCQ at all anymore?
Spare me your crocodile tears. There a 60 million doses in stockpile. US stockpile stuck with 63 million doses of hydroxychloroquine
Lol. Watch the video in your own link. HCQ kills. It's very toxic. But we knew that already.

Sure that's why it is given to millions of people a year traveling to malaria countries. Or were you referring to the studies showing heart problems, when it was given at four times the safe dose?

Better question, who would commission such a study and be so interested in killing people? Oh yes, it was NIH and Anthony Fauci.
History hath shown the radical communist leaders have no problem sacrificing hundreds of millions of innocent lives in pursuit of their ambitions.

Radical leftists don't want HCQ to be available for treating Covid-19 because it might reflect positively on President Trump. They are disgusting human beings who want to control others to compensate for their own miserable lives. I recommend they take Zyclon instead of HCQ.
And supposing it doesn't.. what then? Millions of people with diseases like lupus have been paying way too much if they can manage to get HCQ at all anymore?
Spare me your crocodile tears. There a 60 million doses in stockpile. US stockpile stuck with 63 million doses of hydroxychloroquine
Lol. Watch the video in your own link. HCQ kills. It's very toxic. But we knew that already.

Sure that's why it is given to millions of people a year traveling to malaria countries. Or were you referring to the studies showing heart problems, when it was given at four times the safe dose?

Better question, who would commission such a study and be so interested in killing people? Oh yes, it was NIH and Anthony Fauci.
I have a daughter with lupus and am still waiting for you to substantiate your claims. Until then, enjoy your fantastic voyage.
And supposing it doesn't.. what then? Millions of people with diseases like lupus have been paying way too much if they can manage to get HCQ at all anymore?
Spare me your crocodile tears. There a 60 million doses in stockpile. US stockpile stuck with 63 million doses of hydroxychloroquine
Lol. Watch the video in your own link. HCQ kills. It's very toxic. But we knew that already.

Sure that's why it is given to millions of people a year traveling to malaria countries. Or were you referring to the studies showing heart problems, when it was given at four times the safe dose?

Better question, who would commission such a study and be so interested in killing people? Oh yes, it was NIH and Anthony Fauci.
I have a daughter with lupus and am still waiting for you to substantiate your claims. Until then, enjoy your fantastic voyage.

In the study, researchers from Brazil and Spain report that a high dosage of chloroquine given to COVID-19 patients at a Brazilian hospital was associated with more patient deaths than a low dose of the drug, and that a higher percentage of high-dose patients experienced prolongation of the corrected QT (QTc) interval. The patients were taking part in the phase 2b randomized CloroCovid-19 trial, which had a target of 440 patients but was terminated after only 81 patients were enrolled, based on the occurrence of adverse events.

Of the 81 patients enrolled in the double-blind, randomized trial, 41 were allocated to a high-dosage group that received 600 milligrams (mg) of chloroquine (CQ) twice daily for 10 days,

Normal doses for Plaquenil (HCQ)

Adults: 400 mg once weekly on the same day of each week starting 2 weeks prior to exposure, and continued for 4 weeks after leaving the endemic area.

Treatment of Uncomplicated Malaria
Adults: 800 mg followed by 400 mg at 6 hours, 24 hours and 48 hours after the initial dose

Translation: They found a bunch of old people already doing poorly then zapped them with way over recommended doses, at the high end of recommended. 1200 mg a per for 10 days! Then found that, duh, their hearts started skipping beats. "Cardiac arrhythmia."

This is the data the influential FDA warning was based on, which helped lead to the banning of HCQ. BUT YES, it was a "double-blind, randomized trial" just like Fauci said is the "gold standard." Which is only a statistical standard. But if you feed bad data to a stats equation you get GIGO. Garbage In Garbage Out.

The FDA was complicit in a scheme to defraud the public which killed people.
Sorry, nothing new there. Where's your major, peer reviewed study results supporting any notion that HCQ or CQ helps people fight off COVID-19? You mentioned a huge stockpile being held by the govt. That's created even more of a shortage, driving the price way up. The price doesn't just fall because no one's using the govt's stockpile anymore - including Trump.
Sorry, nothing new there. Where's your major, peer reviewed study results supporting any notion that HCQ or CQ helps people fight off COVID-19? You mentioned a huge stockpile being held by the govt. That's created even more of a shortage, driving the price way up. The price doesn't just fall because no one's using the govt's stockpile anymore - including Trump.

I answered your question and all you can say is "nothing new?" How is giving massive doses then crying "heart arrhythmia" nothing new? Why are you here? Why do you want people to die?

Oh on those other studies here ya go:
We've already covered some of the arrhythmia problem on various threads, and the FDA would likely agree: it's between you and your doctor whether or not to use hcq. However, there is no study on the planet that links procyanidins with hcq/chloroquine use. This would be a good question to a physician: "Why not try a natural cardiac rhythm stabilizers (procyanidins) along with hcq/chloroquine?" After all, procyanidins are also antiviral:

Ap 2009 Procyanidins / SARS-CoV

The COVID-19 Treatment -- Analysis page we have already quoted: Iacoviello mentions the rarity of some cardiac symptoms.

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