CDZ It's All About Other People's Money


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
If you want to continue the corrupt and destructive social experiments of the past 50 years, why not contribute to the Clinton Foundation or some other "charity" of your choice? Why force others to participate in your misbegotten theories?
Man. I thought this was going to be about getting loans to make money.

Dear Asclepias and why not use the political parties and their corporate foundations
to manage microloans so people can learn to save and make money instead of paying taxes into other people making money? how else are student loans going to get paid back unless we set up means for paying forward for the next loans?

why not take on the prison system, turn it into medical training and service programs,
where people can work for their medical education by serving in public health to meet the demand.
why not cut the prison costs and repurpose those tax resources and facilities and manpower
into sustainable health care, housing education and social services.

with all the billions the Democratic party alone collects for campaign contributions,
why can't that be invested in sustaining health care as a collective national membership
and use that structure to teach business management and govt leadership skills on the state and local levels.

wouldn't that fulfill the long promised goals of uplifting the poor and underrepresented minority interests,
providing health care for all, covering education and equal opportunity, reforming prisons
and replacing the death penalty, and ending poverty and oppression that most affects women, minorities,
and working people at the very bottom.

PS if you look up the RICO act, this is used to reclaim property as restitution that was previously abused in racketeering or organized crime, whether drugs or or child abuse and other human trafficking.

If political parties and their corporate media and financial foundations aren't under govt but are private institutions, can't their resources be confiscated and used as restitution to the victims of their racketeering?

So if the Democratic Party leaders claimed to represent the working minorities and underclass, yet they robbed communities of resources while profiting politically and financially isn't that FRAUD and misrepresentation and FALSE advertising?

Could they be sued and legally compelled to repurpose all those falsely gained profits into rebuilding the programs of the working communities that were robbed of support while the officials sold out these communities to corporate interests in exchange for financial and political support for office.
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Man. I thought this was going to be about getting loans to make money.

Dear Asclepias and why not use the political parties and their corporate foundations
to manage microloans so people can learn to save and make money instead of paying taxes into other people making money? how else are student loans going to get paid back unless we set up means for paying forward for the next loans?

why not take on the prison system, turn it into medical training and service programs,
where people can work for their medical education by serving in public health to meet the demand.
why not cut the prison costs and repurpose those tax resources and facilities and manpower
into sustainable health care, housing education and social services.

with all the billions the Democratic party alone collects for campaign contributions,
why can't that be invested in sustaining health care as a collective national membership
and use that structure to teach business management and govt leadership skills on the state and local levels.

wouldn't that fulfill the long promised goals of uplifting the poor and underrepresented minority interests,
providing health care for all, covering education and equal opportunity, reforming prisons
and replacing the death penalty, and ending poverty and oppression that most affects women, minorities,
and working people at the very bottom.
Thats a great idea. The only problem I see with that is how are you going to get people to pay for what essentially amounts to a sort of Job Corp for convicts?
Man. I thought this was going to be about getting loans to make money.

Dear Asclepias and why not use the political parties and their corporate foundations
to manage microloans so people can learn to save and make money instead of paying taxes into other people making money? how else are student loans going to get paid back unless we set up means for paying forward for the next loans?

why not take on the prison system, turn it into medical training and service programs,
where people can work for their medical education by serving in public health to meet the demand.
why not cut the prison costs and repurpose those tax resources and facilities and manpower
into sustainable health care, housing education and social services.

with all the billions the Democratic party alone collects for campaign contributions,
why can't that be invested in sustaining health care as a collective national membership
and use that structure to teach business management and govt leadership skills on the state and local levels.

wouldn't that fulfill the long promised goals of uplifting the poor and underrepresented minority interests,
providing health care for all, covering education and equal opportunity, reforming prisons
and replacing the death penalty, and ending poverty and oppression that most affects women, minorities,
and working people at the very bottom.
Thats a great idea. The only problem I see with that is how are you going to get people to pay for what essentially amounts to a sort of Job Corp for convicts?

Under RICO as restitution for organized conspiracy to violate equal civil rights.
by setting up ACA as right to health care, these mandates deprived citizens of liberties
without due process of law.

ACA was a corporate agreement between Obama and corporate insurance
abusing Congress and switching votes to get it to pass. They basically bought
votes at the end by swinging deals with key states to trade favors.
So this is part of the collusion and conspiracy to violate the rights of others
not represented and not profiting off the deal.

FT is another example we can use. where millions of tax dollars, including
federal reserve, were redirected to corporate developers so Democrats
could keep and get into offices.

All part of collusion and conspiracy to violate equal rights of others
"not protected equally" as the financial interests needed for political support.

Problem with this argument: because lawyers are involved, they make sure
there are no or very hard to prove "financial" connections or relations.
lawyers write the laws on conflicts of interest to require a professional
relationship. Just being part of the same party doesn't count as a conflict!

people are free to donate to political campaigns, so that is hard to police
as a conflict of interest.

So again, we may have to argue that the political conflict of interest
includes the legal monopoly itself that decides and determines
what is a conflict. otherwise the vicious cycle keeps feeding itself.

People can also VOLUNTEER to pay restitution to break the cycle.
I know people who either have records or who should have, for
crimes they were involved in. And these men ARE willing to come
forward and ask the public to start investing in rebuilding programs
and not paying to send more people like them to prison for 50K a year.
Instead, start raising 30K to pay a teacher or mentor to train a new medical
student and 20K to pay for an intern to be mentored, and break the cycle
of poverty by investing in business and medical education and programs.

So we can do this voluntarily if all the people who WANT to create
jobs so they CAN pay back restitution to society agree to team up.

Asclepias if you have any interest in business building education
an dmicrolending, I have 2-3 men ready to lead the FT project through KPFT radio.

I will PM you their contact info, one is a veteran tring to save his house,
so I wanted to set up microlending for vets helping vets since he has
a real estate background. one is a coach who helps other men with
records to get and keep jobs to stay on track towards financial stability
and independence. Another used to be involved in gangs and drugs even selling
kids but he nearly died from a bullet in the spine, is paralyzed and dedicated the
rest of his life to reaching kids in schools to walk away from gangs drugs and crime
since he can't walk anymore he asks them to walk away for him.

If you can help these men, I believe it will help all African American men to band
together and quit letting corporate politics and party division keep you from
uniting and overcoming the "rich vs poor" "field slave vs house slave" tactic
of divide and conquer that has damaged if not destroyed the African American leadership
and community, from churches to businesses destroyed in the name of politics.

I hope you can help before the city decides to mow down the last of FT
because the Super Bowl is coming up and anyone can get away with anything saying it's necessary for that event.

I hope you join in. You and these men deserve all the support you can get to rebuild the right way and set a better example of what can be done instead of the negative image we see in the media.
Thanks A!
I thought this was going to be about Louis Brandeis and his essay. "Other People's Money".

OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY by Louis D. Brandeis — Louis D. Brandeis School of Law Library

How about Paul Glover of the Greens and issuing your own local currency:
Paul Glover, community organizer
Introducing HOUR Money

What about starting your own time bank as an alternative to a credit union
that is also labor based about swapping hours and credits for work done:
DC TimeBank
Started by a Washington DC university professor

I am looking into the gift circles or looms
where some are run as gift giving and others
that involve money are pyramid based. If these
are done as fixed circles of nonprofits, taking turns
raising money for each one to receive donations,
then help each other the next time, then nonprofits
can form cooperative trust or endowments, buy
land tax free, and develop sustainable business
plans to keep funding their services. Why not
set up local business and lending coops, where
people in each community agree to pay back
loans to help fellow members, and STOP paying
for mortgages, interest, late fees, charges on
credit cards etc outside their group. if they lend
and keep the capital within their own network
of businesses nonprofits and schools in their
local districts, why can't everyone develop their
own endowments and grants to sustain independently?
Even make money lending to other groups to get
started, so they can grow their own business base?

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I thought this was going to be about Louis Brandeis and his essay. "Other People's Money".

OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY by Louis D. Brandeis — Louis D. Brandeis School of Law Library

How about Paul Glover of the Greens and issuing your own local currency:
Paul Glover, community organizer
Introducing HOUR Money

What about starting your own time bank as an alternative to a credit union
that is also labor based about swapping hours and credits for work done:
DC TimeBank
Started by a Washington DC university professor

I don't have a problem with other alternatives, as long as wages and debts and the like are paid in legal tender; issuing coupons for part time public services and the like would be fine, as are coupons and such. Most of the other schemes probably aren't workable long term, except in Christian church community environments and the like.
I thought this was going to be about Louis Brandeis and his essay. "Other People's Money".

OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY by Louis D. Brandeis — Louis D. Brandeis School of Law Library

How about Paul Glover of the Greens and issuing your own local currency:
Paul Glover, community organizer
Introducing HOUR Money

What about starting your own time bank as an alternative to a credit union
that is also labor based about swapping hours and credits for work done:
DC TimeBank
Started by a Washington DC university professor

I don't have a problem with other alternatives, as long as wages and debts and the like are paid in legal tender; issuing coupons for part time public services and the like would be fine, as are coupons and such. Most of the other schemes probably aren't workable long term, except in Christian church community environments and the like.

Dear Picaro Last I checked with Paul Glover, how the Ithaca community was going,
and they had plans to build an entire building using locally earned and paid labor,
he said the threat to the group was outside corporate interests buying out their notes
and sitting on them to try to kill them off.

when I consulted with a member of a loom group, it only works
if the members agree to keep getting or donating help to keep the
group going. it dies if people get involved who suck money out
and pay competing groups under the system of high interest
where people will pay to save their houses and cars
and give the profits made off debts to creditors outside their community interests.

So we need to help all people in all communities
start banking their own capital locally. if anyone
makes or saves money on interest, it should be
re invested into their local pool. And that's how
you can tell who is part of your group or not.
If they don't fit in, they will suck money out and
keep investing elsewhere. So we need to organize.

The community of Freedmen's Town used to have
its own economy and was written up as such,
as having its own local independent economy,
in a NY times article. But the city abused local state
and federal govt and authority to seize land and kill it.

I still struggle to find other people who are willing
to invest in, but most people suck resources out.

so the same thing that kills us, kills any group
that isn't built around the commitment to
patronize people who invest in and quit
involving people who take and don't pay back.

the whole liberal mentality of govt used
to pay benefits is not sustainable
but needs to be based on self-reliance.

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