'It's A Witch Hunt' Hillary Declares....


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
US AG Barr made it clear that the DOJ was going to investigate the obvious - and exposed - 'mishandling' of the Hillary Clinton Illegal Server / E-Mail Scandal Investigation...and they have been.

Recently Hillary had been popping up like a giddy gopher of a mad Meer Cat to take shots at President Trump for being under investigation again by the Democrats and to help nudge Biden toward 'Drop Out' Cliff while reportedly talking to Warren. Some suggested she was trying to make herself a 'power player' again in the Democratic Party or even setting herself for an attempted successful theft of the DNC nomination in 2020.

Yeah, about that....Hillary is pissed that - getting 'close to election time again - the DOJ is once again up in her bidness with their investigation of the FBI's faux investigation of her crime, which Obama's DOJ made it clear to the FBI they wanted no part of at the time.

With a legitimate, truly objective DOJ conducting the investigation this time, Hillary is getting a little worried.

The fact is Hillary getting nervous is funny, especially since she SEEMS not to fully understand the clock on being able to charge her has run out.

Hillary takes page out of Trump's playbook and labels email investigation a 'witch hunt'
The rats are crawling out from under their rocks...Barr must be getting close....
The rats are crawling out from under their rocks...Barr must be getting close....
Remember when Trump sent his goons to Hawaii to get dirt on Obama? Same bullshit.
Now he has taxpayer paid cabinet officials looking for dirt? What corrupt people will they find and pay off?

Women who try and run for higher office are really brave, Hillary has not held Any office for quite some time, yet the HILLARY HILLARY drums keep beating. Could a woman do any worse than what we have been seeing for years from our elected leaders.
Women who try and run for higher office are really brave, Hillary has not held Any office for quite some time, yet the HILLARY HILLARY drums keep beating. Could a woman do any worse than what we have been seeing for years from our elected leaders.
/----/ "Could a woman do any worse than what we have been seeing for years from our elected leaders."
Why is it always gender politics with your libtards? It 's the quality of the candidate, not the gender - you big dope.
Women who try and run for higher office are really brave, Hillary has not held Any office for quite some time, yet the HILLARY HILLARY drums keep beating. Could a woman do any worse than what we have been seeing for years from our elected leaders.
/----/ "Could a woman do any worse than what we have been seeing for years from our elected leaders."
Why is it always gender politics with your libtards? It 's the quality of the candidate, not the gender - you big dope.
Indeed, for Democrats skin color, religion gender, etc. are more important than what a person does or says. America was created to be a meritocracy, and the Dem's insistence that race, gender, etc. come first is clearly unAmerican.
Women who try and run for higher office are really brave, Hillary has not held Any office for quite some time, yet the HILLARY HILLARY drums keep beating. Could a woman do any worse than what we have been seeing for years from our elected leaders.
Everything that could happen for Hillary to lose the 2016 election....happened! I always read that elections were fixed in what candidates are pushed and started to believe it. A little bit with W. Bush and especially after McCain and Romney. 99% of the media was for her. 99% of the entertainers were for her. 99% of the TV talk shows were for her. 99% of the TV shows produced that are dramas/comedies/ sci fi/horror and more were for her. The Prog Political class anyone else close were given carte blanche to schlep for her. The debates were rigged. And she still blew it. She actually was so sure of her coronation she called half the voters Deplorables! Before the election even! She was and is medically unfit for the Presidency and no word on it by anyone except for the few Non Progs who brought the issue up! She was the overwhelming favorite like no on else in history and lost! She has no charisma. She has an ego that she can not stand on alone. She took no advice from her husband. She though her crap did not stink in everything she does. And she showed her true colors by not meeting with her supporters on election night. She even held the results up a few hours because they were canvassing for illigitimate votes and she was drugged and drunk to oblivion. In affect she was the most unqualified candidate we have had in much of our history. She had her wheels greased to win. Backed up by our corrupted system her whole life and very little to show for it. and we the people have suffered for it all. It takes a village. Well we are the village as she lived high off the hog and gave little in return. And the Prog controlled system has not changed.
Reality sucks, half the world has had women leaders, women are half the population of USA, why all the women bashing? she just like You & can say what ever she wants . I can like or not like her, the hate keeps expanding, they said Eisenhower played too much golf, back Then they did not make it a national nonstop daily talking point.
just tired of the never give an inch negative on negative on negative.

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