It's 3 AM: Where's Our President?


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
It has become painfully clear. Obama is now going down the same road Bush did during the last three years of his term. Americans everywhere are waking up to the fact that this president is nowhere to be found as far as leading is concerned. They now know that they've been taken for fools. As seen here in a running average of polls, the President is taking a beating:


RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval

His agenda is faring no better. His signature achievement (the term used lightly of course), Obamacare, suffers from a 55% disapproval rate. At no point during the five years after it's implementation has it ever seen favorable ratings via the American public.


RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Public Approval of Health Care Law

According to a Fox News poll, more than 59 percent of Americans disapprove of Obama's handling of the economy, as opposed to 38 percent; 40 percent say his policies have done more to hurt the economy than helped it. Overall, the President is not faring well in any key facet of his presidency or major policy issue. Noticing a trend here, folks?



I wasn't kidding when I said Obama's presidency has given it's last. Not only do the polls show it, the scent of death has been long on the air, and his head is no longer held up in pride, but hung down in abject shame. Where is our president? Most certainly not doing his job.

For reference:
Ah now you will hear the liberals tell you that the only poll that matters is the one taken in November.
Ah now you will hear the liberals tell you that the only poll that matters is the one taken in November.

Then those liberals will be living in the past. What matters is now. It only hurts them to ignore the reality of it all. Obama's a failure.

Freewill is right. Liberals can't admit how untrustworthy and damaging the man they voted for has become, because it would be admitting their own defeat and perceived judgment of the man who would be king. The liberals I know are really embarrassed and won't even discuss his honor. It was Bush's fault...still. That is the mindset of those I know and work with. :eusa_eh:
I know this is off topic, but what the ***** is up with Rasmussen these days? There's a liberal forum called US Election Atlas, and Rasmussen was their worst fiend in the past, but now they absolutely adore the firm. It's polls did tilt GOP in 2012(though they were pretty darn good in 2010 for estimating seat pickup in the House, though it was off in the Senate in Nevada/Colorado), but now they're super Democrat-outliers. When you're 8 points away from the next most extreme figure, something's wrong.
Then it all comes down to this: those who ignore their mistakes are doomed to repeat them. Those who ignore history are doomed to relive it. Even as Liberals continue blaming Bush for Obama's failures, they'll fail to remember that Obama is going down the same road. His poll numbers are taking a dive in his last term as Bush's did.
I know this is off topic, but what the ***** is up with Rasmussen these days? There's a liberal forum called US Election Atlas, and Rasmussen was their worst fiend in the past, but now they absolutely adore the firm. It's polls did tilt GOP in 2012(though they were pretty darn good in 2010 for estimating seat pickup in the House, though it was off in the Senate in Nevada/Colorado), but now they're super Democrat-outliers. When you're 8 points away from the next most extreme figure, something's wrong.

People's views on Rasmussen as with most pollsters change greatly depending on what their numbers say trust me if there numbers start going against Obama they will again be the left's favorite right wing pollster.
It has become painfully clear. Obama is now going down the same road Bush did during the last three years of his term. Americans everywhere are waking up to the fact that this president is nowhere to be found as far as leading is concerned. They now know that they've been taken for fools. As seen here in a running average of polls, the President is taking a beating:


RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval

His agenda is faring no better. His signature achievement (the term used lightly of course), Obamacare, suffers from a 55% disapproval rate. At no point during the five years after it's implementation has it ever seen favorable ratings via the American public.


RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Public Approval of Health Care Law

According to a Fox News poll, more than 59 percent of Americans disapprove of Obama's handling of the economy, as opposed to 38 percent; 40 percent say his policies have done more to hurt the economy than helped it. Overall, the President is not faring well in any key facet of his presidency or major policy issue. Noticing a trend here, folks?



I wasn't kidding when I said Obama's presidency has given it's last. Not only do the polls show it, the scent of death has been long on the air, and his head is no longer held up in pride, but hung down in abject shame. Where is our president? Most certainly not doing his job.

For reference:

The problem is that you guys will look at these polls and deduce that the country wants to move further to the right when alot of those dissatified voters in the poll are mad because Obama did not go further left. What's the approval rating of Republicans in Congress right now?

Obama is a corporatist not the socialist boogeyman you guys make him out to be. Look at his cabinet for christ sakes, full of former Wall St heavy hitters.
It has become painfully clear. Obama is now going down the same road Bush did during the last three years of his term. Americans everywhere are waking up to the fact that this president is nowhere to be found as far as leading is concerned. They now know that they've been taken for fools. As seen here in a running average of polls, the President is taking a beating:


RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval

His agenda is faring no better. His signature achievement (the term used lightly of course), Obamacare, suffers from a 55% disapproval rate. At no point during the five years after it's implementation has it ever seen favorable ratings via the American public.


RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Public Approval of Health Care Law

According to a Fox News poll, more than 59 percent of Americans disapprove of Obama's handling of the economy, as opposed to 38 percent; 40 percent say his policies have done more to hurt the economy than helped it. Overall, the President is not faring well in any key facet of his presidency or major policy issue. Noticing a trend here, folks?



I wasn't kidding when I said Obama's presidency has given it's last. Not only do the polls show it, the scent of death has been long on the air, and his head is no longer held up in pride, but hung down in abject shame. Where is our president? Most certainly not doing his job.

For reference:

The problem is that you guys will look at these polls and deduce that the country wants to move further to the right when a lot of those dissatisfied voters in the poll are mad because Obama did not go further left. What's the approval rating of Republicans in Congress right now?

Obama is a corporatist not the socialist boogeyman you guys make him out to be. Look at his cabinet for christ sakes, full of former Wall St heavy hitters.

So uh, Dutch, where in my OP did I refer to Obama as a "socialist"? Are we discussing the approval ratings of congress right now? I'll indulge you for one split second. How does Toronto Mayor Rob Ford have a higher approval rating than the President? Now, if you can't stay on topic, we can exchange negs right now and be on our way.
It has become painfully clear. Obama is now going down the same road Bush did during the last three years of his term. Americans everywhere are waking up to the fact that this president is nowhere to be found as far as leading is concerned. They now know that they've been taken for fools. As seen here in a running average of polls, the President is taking a beating:


RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval

His agenda is faring no better. His signature achievement (the term used lightly of course), Obamacare, suffers from a 55% disapproval rate. At no point during the five years after it's implementation has it ever seen favorable ratings via the American public.


RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Public Approval of Health Care Law

According to a Fox News poll, more than 59 percent of Americans disapprove of Obama's handling of the economy, as opposed to 38 percent; 40 percent say his policies have done more to hurt the economy than helped it. Overall, the President is not faring well in any key facet of his presidency or major policy issue. Noticing a trend here, folks?



I wasn't kidding when I said Obama's presidency has given it's last. Not only do the polls show it, the scent of death has been long on the air, and his head is no longer held up in pride, but hung down in abject shame. Where is our president? Most certainly not doing his job.

For reference:

I normally enjoy your posts but why did you have to toss in the "Bash Bush" comments?

We are deal with THIS president NOW not something that happened more than 5 years ago!!! Don't we already have enough "It's Bush's Fault" posters on here already? :eusa_whistle:
It has become painfully clear. Obama is now going down the same road Bush did during the last three years of his term. Americans everywhere are waking up to the fact that this president is nowhere to be found as far as leading is concerned. They now know that they've been taken for fools. As seen here in a running average of polls, the President is taking a beating:


RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval

His agenda is faring no better. His signature achievement (the term used lightly of course), Obamacare, suffers from a 55% disapproval rate. At no point during the five years after it's implementation has it ever seen favorable ratings via the American public.


RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Public Approval of Health Care Law

According to a Fox News poll, more than 59 percent of Americans disapprove of Obama's handling of the economy, as opposed to 38 percent; 40 percent say his policies have done more to hurt the economy than helped it. Overall, the President is not faring well in any key facet of his presidency or major policy issue. Noticing a trend here, folks?



I wasn't kidding when I said Obama's presidency has given it's last. Not only do the polls show it, the scent of death has been long on the air, and his head is no longer held up in pride, but hung down in abject shame. Where is our president? Most certainly not doing his job.

For reference:

The problem is that you guys will look at these polls and deduce that the country wants to move further to the right when a lot of those dissatisfied voters in the poll are mad because Obama did not go further left. What's the approval rating of Republicans in Congress right now?

Obama is a corporatist not the socialist boogeyman you guys make him out to be. Look at his cabinet for christ sakes, full of former Wall St heavy hitters.

So uh, Dutch, where in my OP did I refer to Obama as a "socialist"? Are we discussing the approval ratings of congress right now? I'll indulge you for one split second. How does Toronto Mayor Rob Ford have a higher approval rating than the President? Now, if you can't stay on topic, we can exchange negs right now and be on our way.

What topic? There were no questions asked. All I see is you grandstanding about the Presidents approval rating.
Obama is a corporatist not the socialist boogeyman you guys make him out to be. Look at his cabinet for christ sakes, full of former Wall St heavy hitters.

There is truth in this.
I have said numerous times in the past several years - there has never been a better friend to Wall Street and super corporations than Barrack Obama.
Which is also why, when the OWS's were out protesting - I said they were protesting the wrong street. They should have been protesting on Pennsylvania Avenue, not Wall Street.
What Obama truly despises is a free middle class. To an elitist like himself there is no greater threat than a large free and prosperous middle class population. They have fewer to lord over.
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Back to the thread topic: It's 3 AM and Obama is 'playing cards' with Reggie Love's replacement.
Mo is sleeping soundly in her bedroom at the other end of the residence one floor up.

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