It Is Heartbreaking What Democrats Are Doing On Healthcare!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
The real tragedy and heartbreak over the Democrats effort to ram their Healthcare bill into law is not that it is foolishly costly, will blow a giant hole in the Federal budget, jack up bigtime the cost of insurance purchased on the individual market and with the community health insurance option put America on an unescapable trajectory to a single payer government run health insurance system that the American people will hate and it will do all of these things the real tragedy is that the Democrat leadership is blowing priceless leverage in negotiating a bi-partisan healthcare bill that would pass into law and be a dramatic improvement over the present system and would make them look great with the American electorate. On this reconciliation option no human being knows whether the Democrats will succeed or not but what many American human beings know is that they could have used the threat of this option to get a health care bill that would have expanded insurance coverage to ten to fifteen million Americans, stopped insurance company abuses and made dramatic steps in holding down and stabilizing health insurance costs and wouldn't be economically unfair and dangerous.

If the Democrats win in this healthcare crap shoot they will be real happy for a short time that is until America gets into the thick of the election season and Democrats have to defend this terrible legislation. But if the Democrats lose in this crap shoot you can bank on the Republicans saying forget it to any healthcare reform bill this year you liberals are gettin a butt-kickin in November and we'll see you in committee meetings in 2011 and the Democrats will then have to be super lucky to get any bill that provides government financial assistance to lower and middle class Americans that do and will desperately need financial help to buy health insurance no matter if the Democrats and Republicans get their wish list passed into law on cutting health insurance costs. So pursue your arrogance you Democrats and I think many Americans hope you are oustandingly haunted for many years by this gamble your taking which is a gamble of many millions of Americans lives when it comes to relief on health care for them!
It will screw things up , but the media is complicate and will run story after story about the recovery and hale and healthy people learning new tricks.
I honestly believe that if they force this bill upon us, and even if somehow they get it passed through conventional means, that it will spell out the end of Democratic power for many years. The people want better health care, But they do not want higher taxes for 4 years before any changes take place in the system. How do you justify that? You pay for 4 years before you see anything? Only in the US Congress.

Do not vote for incumbents.
Lets see......

If we left healthcare up to the GOP we would have....

Let me think here....

Hmmm tough choice here:

Nothing - Things stay the same

Something - things get worse.

Tough choice there.
The bill will pass because the Dems campaigned that thing would change.

A passed bill will force both parties to talk honestly about it, and the direction, of the country in this election and 2012. The pressure will force the loons of the far left and the far right into the center, where Americans will see them for what they are and defeat them.
I honestly believe that if they force this bill upon us, and even if somehow they get it passed through conventional means, that it will spell out the end of Democratic power for many years. The people want better health care, But they do not want higher taxes for 4 years before any changes take place in the system. How do you justify that? You pay for 4 years before you see anything? Only in the US Congress.

Do not vote for incumbents.

I have to agree with SFC Ollie on this one. We do need a change in health care administration, costs, pharmaceuticals, etc. and the list goes on. To attempt jamming this down our throats using this reconciliation 'slight of hand' is nothing less than a pseudo dictatorship manouver.

With this BILL being so complex I feel many will do whatever they want, screwing things up, using their own interpretation of the Bills contents and letting someone else challenge their decisions in court. Years of boondoggle are on the horizon in my opinion.
I honestly believe that if they force this bill upon us, and even if somehow they get it passed through conventional means, that it will spell out the end of Democratic power for many years. The people want better health care, But they do not want higher taxes for 4 years before any changes take place in the system. How do you justify that? You pay for 4 years before you see anything? Only in the US Congress.

Do not vote for incumbents.

I have to agree with SFC Ollie on this one. We do need a change in health care administration, costs, pharmaceuticals, etc. and the list goes on. To attempt jamming this down our throats using this reconciliation 'slight of hand' is nothing less than a pseudo dictatorship manouver.

With this BILL being so complex I feel many will do whatever they want, screwing things up, using their own interpretation of the Bills contents and letting someone else challenge their decisions in court. Years of boondoggle are on the horizon in my opinion.

I see. Then your Republicans have used this "dictatorship" method 14 times recently, as opposed to only 8 times for the Democrats.

Yes, I would prefer a simpler bill. Just do the Canadian system. We can see that it works far better than our system, at considerbly less cost.
The real tragedy and heartbreak over the Democrats effort to ram their Healthcare bill into law is not that it is foolishly costly, will blow a giant hole in the Federal budget, jack up bigtime the cost of insurance purchased on the individual market and with the community health insurance option put America on an unescapable trajectory to a single payer government run health insurance system that the American people will hate and it will do all of these things the real tragedy is that the Democrat leadership is blowing priceless leverage in negotiating a bi-partisan healthcare bill that would pass into law and be a dramatic improvement over the present system and would make them look great with the American electorate. On this reconciliation option no human being knows whether the Democrats will succeed or not but what many American human beings know is that they could have used the threat of this option to get a health care bill that would have expanded insurance coverage to ten to fifteen million Americans, stopped insurance company abuses and made dramatic steps in holding down and stabilizing health insurance costs and wouldn't be economically unfair and dangerous.

If the Democrats win in this healthcare crap shoot they will be real happy for a short time that is until America gets into the thick of the election season and Democrats have to defend this terrible legislation. But if the Democrats lose in this crap shoot you can bank on the Republicans saying forget it to any healthcare reform bill this year you liberals are gettin a butt-kickin in November and we'll see you in committee meetings in 2011 and the Democrats will then have to be super lucky to get any bill that provides government financial assistance to lower and middle class Americans that do and will desperately need financial help to buy health insurance no matter if the Democrats and Republicans get their wish list passed into law on cutting health insurance costs. So pursue your arrogance you Democrats and I think many Americans hope you are oustandingly haunted for many years by this gamble your taking which is a gamble of many millions of Americans lives when it comes to relief on health care for them!

Pure lies and bullshit.

Yes, the bill will increase costs, but it will also cover 30 million more Americans. So the per capita costs of health care will actually decrease.

If any here really gave a damn about the cost of health care, and the health of the American Citizen, they would be pushing for single payer health care such as the other industrial nations have. However, much more important to most here, is that President Obama not be allowed any success, and that the insurance companies continue to profit off of the deaths and ill health of the American citizenery.
The real tragedy and heartbreak over the Democrats effort to ram their Healthcare bill into law is not that it is foolishly costly, will blow a giant hole in the Federal budget, jack up bigtime the cost of insurance purchased on the individual market and with the community health insurance option put America on an unescapable trajectory to a single payer government run health insurance system that the American people will hate and it will do all of these things the real tragedy is that the Democrat leadership is blowing priceless leverage in negotiating a bi-partisan healthcare bill that would pass into law and be a dramatic improvement over the present system and would make them look great with the American electorate. On this reconciliation option no human being knows whether the Democrats will succeed or not but what many American human beings know is that they could have used the threat of this option to get a health care bill that would have expanded insurance coverage to ten to fifteen million Americans, stopped insurance company abuses and made dramatic steps in holding down and stabilizing health insurance costs and wouldn't be economically unfair and dangerous.

If the Democrats win in this healthcare crap shoot they will be real happy for a short time that is until America gets into the thick of the election season and Democrats have to defend this terrible legislation. But if the Democrats lose in this crap shoot you can bank on the Republicans saying forget it to any healthcare reform bill this year you liberals are gettin a butt-kickin in November and we'll see you in committee meetings in 2011 and the Democrats will then have to be super lucky to get any bill that provides government financial assistance to lower and middle class Americans that do and will desperately need financial help to buy health insurance no matter if the Democrats and Republicans get their wish list passed into law on cutting health insurance costs. So pursue your arrogance you Democrats and I think many Americans hope you are oustandingly haunted for many years by this gamble your taking which is a gamble of many millions of Americans lives when it comes to relief on health care for them!

Pure lies and bullshit.

Yes, the bill will increase costs, but it will also cover 30 million more Americans. So the per capita costs of health care will actually decrease.
If any here really gave a damn about the cost of health care, and the health of the American Citizen, they would be pushing for single payer health care such as the other industrial nations have. However, much more important to most here, is that President Obama not be allowed any success, and that the insurance companies continue to profit off of the deaths and ill health of the American citizenery.

Saying that the per capita costs will decrease is simply not true if one looks at the REAL numbers. That is, the numbers that the Democrats are talking around but tangently referancing.

The costs of premiums will increase for EVERYONE. There will be 30 million more people paying the increased premiums AND the will be an additional Trillion Dollars ponied up in added tases.

How does that convert to less per capita?

This is another cash grab and anyone who cannot see it is blind.
The Cons have no plan, how can we have a bipartisan plan?

Just because ideas are ignored, shouted down or steamrolled out of existance doesn't mean there are none.

That you don't know what they are doesn't mean they don't exist.

That you refuse to research says plenty.

There is no media organization, including the hated FOX News, that presents the arguments on this as a group of small bills that can be incrementally introduced against an unintellibible money monster that nobody understands.

All of the talk is about a something or a nothing. That is the doing of the Demodrat Party because that is the way that they have done everything since the last election. They reject everything that the GOP offers and then claims that the GOP offered nothing.

Partisan hacks.

Health Care - GOP Solutions for America -

■Number one: let families and businesses buy health insurance across state lines.
■Number two: allow individuals, small businesses, and trade associations to pool together and acquire health insurance at lower prices, the same way large corporations and labor unions do.
■Number three: give states the tools to create their own innovative reforms that lower health care costs.
■Number four: end junk lawsuits that contribute to higher health care costs by increasing the number of tests and procedures that physicians sometimes order not because they think it's good medicine, but because they are afraid of being sued.
For the full text of Leader Boehner’s address, click HERE.


For more information about some of the other common-sense health care reforms proposed by Republicans, please visit the links below:

■Empowering Patients First Act (Republican Study Committee Health Care Reform Bill, introduced July 30, 2009) ■Improving Health Care for All Americans Act (Shadegg Health Care Reform Bill, introduced July 14, 2009)
■Medical Rights & Reform Act (Kirk-Dent Health Care Reform Bill, introduced June 16, 2009) ■Help Efficient, Accessible, Low-cost, Timely Healthcare (HEALTH) Act (Gingrey medical liability reform bill, introduced June 6, 2009)
■Small Business Health Fairness Act of 2009 (Johnson small business health plans bill, introduced May 21, 2009) ■Promoting Health and Preventing Chronic Disease through Prevention and Wellness Programs for Employees, Communities, and Individuals Act of 2009 (Castle Wellness & Prevention Bill, introduced July 31, 2009)
■Improved Employee Access to Health Insurance Act of 2009 (Deal auto-enrollment bill, introduced October 15, 2009)
■Health Insurance Access for Young Workers and College Students Act of 2009 (Blunt bill to improve health insurance coverage of dependents, introduced October 21, 2009)
I honestly believe that if they force this bill upon us, and even if somehow they get it passed through conventional means, that it will spell out the end of Democratic power for many years. The people want better health care, But they do not want higher taxes for 4 years before any changes take place in the system. How do you justify that? You pay for 4 years before you see anything? Only in the US Congress.

Do not vote for incumbents.

I have to agree with SFC Ollie on this one. We do need a change in health care administration, costs, pharmaceuticals, etc. and the list goes on. To attempt jamming this down our throats using this reconciliation 'slight of hand' is nothing less than a pseudo dictatorship manouver.

With this BILL being so complex I feel many will do whatever they want, screwing things up, using their own interpretation of the Bills contents and letting someone else challenge their decisions in court. Years of boondoggle are on the horizon in my opinion.

I see. Then your Republicans have used this "dictatorship" method 14 times recently, as opposed to only 8 times for the Democrats.

Yes, I would prefer a simpler bill. Just do the Canadian system. We can see that it works far better than our system, at considerbly less cost.

What causes the increased costs? Does medical care cost more in the USA vs. Canada? Are the costs identical except that here we pay insurnace premiums?

I suspect that the actual costs in the USA are higher. The Insurance companies are paying the costs and the Medical industry is raising the costs.

Once agin, the Dems are shooting at the wrong target. They are attacking the Insurance companies when the people who are raising the prices are the Doctors and the Hospital Corporations.

Unless we address the real cause of the increases, the increases will continue.

However, if the Dems found a way to reduce costs, they couldn't steal much of the multiple trillions that will now run through Washington.

If there was not real cash money that the thieves could steal, they wouldn't be trying to steal it.
I honestly believe that if they force this bill upon us, and even if somehow they get it passed through conventional means, that it will spell out the end of Democratic power for many years. The people want better health care, But they do not want higher taxes for 4 years before any changes take place in the system. How do you justify that? You pay for 4 years before you see anything? Only in the US Congress.

Do not vote for incumbents.

I have to agree with SFC Ollie on this one. We do need a change in health care administration, costs, pharmaceuticals, etc. and the list goes on. To attempt jamming this down our throats using this reconciliation 'slight of hand' is nothing less than a pseudo dictatorship manouver.

With this BILL being so complex I feel many will do whatever they want, screwing things up, using their own interpretation of the Bills contents and letting someone else challenge their decisions in court. Years of boondoggle are on the horizon in my opinion.

I see. Then your Republicans have used this "dictatorship" method 14 times recently, as opposed to only 8 times for the Democrats.

Yes, I would prefer a simpler bill. Just do the Canadian system. We can see that it works far better than our system, at considerbly less cost.

Get real, the Dems have controlled congress more than twice as long as the Republicans, these past 50 years. twice the Reps had both the Presidency and control of congress vs 11 times for the Dems. And the dems have controlled both houses of congress for the past 3 years. You have no excuses. Having to make new rules and make backroom deals and bribes should tell the world what's happening in Washington. And the Canadian system does not work any better than ours. This isn't Canada, we are not the same.
OK, Ollie, I will go along with you that we can't compare our situation to Canada (or, by extension, to any other national health care program). Thus, we can't consider their bad as well as their good. However, if we consider the bad to the good here in the US on health care, buddy, something has to be done, and OUR GOP SIDE did not do it. Got a problem with it?

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