it begins....pastor says romney is not a christian


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2008
chicken farm
The Texas pastor who introduced Gov. Rick Perry at Friday's Values Voters Summit in Washington told reporters that he does not believe that former Massachusetts Mitt Romney is a Christian, and called Romney's Mormon faith a "cult."

"Well, Rick Perry's a Christian. He's an evangelical Christian, a follower of Jesus Christ," Dr. Robert Jeffress told NBC News. "Mitt Romney's a good moral person but he's not a Christian. Mormonism is not Christianity. It has always been considered a cult by the mainstream of Christianity. So it's the difference between a Christian and a non-Christian."

Perry's campaign quickly distanced itself from the words of the pastor. The Texas governor, according to campaign spokesman Mark Miner, does not believe Mormonism is a cult.

First Read - Pastor backing Perry: Romney not a Christian

if we have learned anything ....its that one cannot distance themselves from their ministers

the religious destruction of romney has began....and will continue
Actually, you can distance yourself from you minister. Just ask Reverand Wright.

I think that as this heats up, people are going to learn more about Mormonism, and it isn't going to go well for Romney.

i have to agree with you.....once people really start looking at this beliefs....all hell is gonna break loose.....people harken back to jfk.......catholics dont think they become gods....and then the every present and controversial....'special garments'
The Texas pastor who introduced Gov. Rick Perry at Friday's Values Voters Summit in Washington told reporters that he does not believe that former Massachusetts Mitt Romney is a Christian, and called Romney's Mormon faith a "cult."

"Well, Rick Perry's a Christian. He's an evangelical Christian, a follower of Jesus Christ," Dr. Robert Jeffress told NBC News. "Mitt Romney's a good moral person but he's not a Christian. Mormonism is not Christianity. It has always been considered a cult by the mainstream of Christianity. So it's the difference between a Christian and a non-Christian."

Perry's campaign quickly distanced itself from the words of the pastor. The Texas governor, according to campaign spokesman Mark Miner, does not believe Mormonism is a cult.

First Read - Pastor backing Perry: Romney not a Christian

if we have learned anything ....its that one cannot distance themselves from their ministers

the religious destruction of romney has began....and will continue

I really am not a fan of Romney but the above is just WRONG.

Christendom already went through its period of rooting out heretics and debating the one and true religion, and we certainly don't need that internacine war to recommence.

NO religion group OWNS the Christian franchise
This is going to be an interesting primary season. The Teabaggers and other radicals now seem to dominate the GOP.

Oct 19th Ron Paul will raise another 8 million to put him on par with Perry. The media will then accept him as a front runner and it will then be Mitt who? Rick whats his name? and nobody will remember not funny bill cosby.
If I was going to discuss any shortcomings of Romney, I wouldn't choose his religion, but perhaps his Health Care Program. His religion means nothing to me and would mean nothing to the country if he was president.
The Texas pastor who introduced Gov. Rick Perry at Friday's Values Voters Summit in Washington told reporters that he does not believe that former Massachusetts Mitt Romney is a Christian, and called Romney's Mormon faith a "cult."

"Well, Rick Perry's a Christian. He's an evangelical Christian, a follower of Jesus Christ," Dr. Robert Jeffress told NBC News. "Mitt Romney's a good moral person but he's not a Christian. Mormonism is not Christianity. It has always been considered a cult by the mainstream of Christianity. So it's the difference between a Christian and a non-Christian."

Perry's campaign quickly distanced itself from the words of the pastor. The Texas governor, according to campaign spokesman Mark Miner, does not believe Mormonism is a cult.

First Read - Pastor backing Perry: Romney not a Christian

if we have learned anything ....its that one cannot distance themselves from their ministers

the religious destruction of romney has began....and will continue

If anything, it results in the destruction of Perry as he fades in the polls

Romney comes off like a victim against unfair slander by Perry supporters
This is going to be an interesting primary season. The Teabaggers and other radicals now seem to dominate the GOP.

Oct 19th Ron Paul will raise another 8 million to put him on par with Perry. The media will then accept him as a front runner and it will then be Mitt who? Rick whats his name? and nobody will remember not funny bill cosby.

Ron who?
If I was going to discuss any shortcomings of Romney, I wouldn't choose his religion, but perhaps his Health Care Program. His religion means nothing to me and would mean nothing to the country if he was president.
there is no way that Mitt Romney will win.

The southern states are heavily Republican and mainly Christian.

They would never will vote for a Mormon. Period. :cool:
If I was going to discuss any shortcomings of Romney, I wouldn't choose his religion, but perhaps his Health Care Program. His religion means nothing to me and would mean nothing to the country if he was president.

Would you have the same opinion if Rick Perry suddenly proclaimed himself a satanist on fox news?
If I was going to discuss any shortcomings of Romney, I wouldn't choose his religion, but perhaps his Health Care Program. His religion means nothing to me and would mean nothing to the country if he was president.

Would you have the same opinion if Rick Perry suddenly proclaimed himself a satanist on fox news?

Even better

What if he declared himself a witch?
The Best Of God Warrior - YouTube

^^^^^^^^^Perry follower ya think?^^^^^^^^

I couldnt determine who they followed.

But lets label them religious right. Because even when the religious left acts like this, we must label them right.

All kidding aside, this appears desperate.

Which this, the "God Warrior" woman or the Perry supporter pastor? ;)

Yes, it is desperation. Perry is plummeting in the polls and his supporters are pulling out all the stops.

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