Israel's Secret Weapon


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2017
Thereā€™s a story that US President Joe Biden has told many times over the years about his first trip to Israel.

As a freshman senator in 1973, Biden was granted a meeting with prime minister Golda Meir, who together with Yitzhak Rabin briefed Biden on the many threats Israel faced, showing him a series of maps.

ā€œI guess she could see the sense of apprehension on my face,ā€ Biden said in a 2010 retelling of the story. ā€œShe said, ā€˜Senator, donā€™t look so worriedā€¦ We Israelis have a secret weapon.ā€™ And I thought she only had said this to me, no one else in the whole worldā€¦ And I thought she was going to tell me about a new secret weapon.ā€

So what is Israelā€™s secret weapon, Biden asked eagerly.

ā€œWe have nowhere else to go,ā€ replied Golda.

In 2021, when Israelis travel the world and find success in a broad range of fields, when technology and globalization make a large ā€“ but privileged ā€“ segment of the global population feel like they hold the world in their hands, some may think that statement is an anachronism.

And yet Goldaā€™s words are as relevant today as ever, with the past two weeks of another mini-war with Hamas and the accompanying spike of antisemitism only further proving her point.

We, the Jewish people, have nowhere else to go.

Israelis and the vast majority of Jews in the world who feel a strong connection to Israel already knew this, of course.

Just walk down the street in Israel and ask any random passerby if they think they would be alive today if there was no Israel. Chances are the person would say ā€œno.ā€

The majority of Israeli Jews, descended from the 850,000 refugees of the ethnic cleansing of Jews from North Africa and the Middle East ā€“ minus our tiny corner of the region ā€“ have good reason to say ā€œno.ā€

I would also say no.

It was the pre-state Yishuv that kept all four of my maternal great-grandparents from meeting the deadly fate of their relatives at the hands of pogromists and then Nazis, and there are countless Israelis with similar stories.

But Hamas and their acolytes, the useful idiots in the West echoing the terrorist groupā€™s charter by chanting the genocidal rallying cry: ā€œFrom the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,ā€ seem to have missed this point.

When Palestinians compare Israel to crusaders, theyā€™re saying weā€™re a blip in history, destined to be driven out by a heroic Muslim-led army as was done to the crusaders after 88 years.

But when Palestinians who have picked up on leftist lingo, along with their fellow travelers, present Israel as an illegitimate ā€œsettler colonyā€ ā€“ as one meme that was shared by influential accounts in recent weeks claimed ā€“ they forget a key difference between Israel and actual settler colonies.

When the European Crusades conquered Jerusalem, when the French settled in much of North Africa, when the British took over India, to name some settler colonies, they were still the satellites of a home country, even as they remained for generations. When mid-20th-century rebellions in the colonies were too violent or costly, the European governments packed up and left, evacuating their citizens along with them.

We are in Israel so that we never have to pack our bags and leave again, so that we donā€™t have to keep the proverbial suitcase by the door. It is because Israel itself is our historic and present home country, and there is no satellite for us.

Palestinians and their advocates like to tell Israelis to go ā€œbackā€ to Poland or Russia or wherever else ā€“ itā€™s always Eastern Europe and not the part of the world from where the majority of Israelis actually come. But, of course, those places are not our homes, and the circumstances under which much of our ancestors left show that those places never were our homes.

In the last two weeks, there has been a 500% spike in recorded antisemitic incidents in the UK, according to the Community Security Trust, and a wave of antisemitic assaults, vandalism and harassment of Jews has hit cities across North America, from Montreal to New York to Tucson to Los Angeles. In Western Europe, antisemitism is there all the time, and it has been for years.

It seems unlikely that this uptick in violence will kick off a wave of Jewish immigration to Israel. While the percentage of American Jews ā€“ the largest Diaspora community ā€“ who have experienced antisemitism is on the rise, most are able to live safely and comfortably, as Jews should be able to do anywhere in the world.

But we donā€™t live in a world where Jews can live safely wherever they want. We never have.

The rise in antisemitic attacks comes from those who claim to be standing up for the Palestinians in the latest round of fighting between Israel and Gaza. Mobs of young, keffiyeh-wearing men maraud the streets of LA asking diners in a sushi restaurant if theyā€™re Jewish ā€“ not Israeli ā€“ so they can pick someone to assault.

In Manhattan, one man took part in a pro-Palestinian march and then went on to bludgeon a Jewish man; the NYPD is using the victimā€™s bloody kippah as evidence of a hate crime. The assailant, by the way, was featured in an Instagram post by supermodel Bella Hadid, whose father is Palestinian and who participated in the same march. She has nearly 45 million followers. And those are just a couple of examples.

There is something deeply ironic about people trying to ā€œfree Palestineā€ by attacking Diaspora Jews. By turning their violence on Jews outside of Israel, by driving around Jewish neighborhoods to intimidate and assault the residents, by asking people on the street if they are Jewish while brandishing knives, they are expressing their desire to ethnically cleanse their Western countries of Jews.

Donā€™t they know where Jews go when theyā€™re ethnically cleansed? To Israel, that very place from where they want Jews removed.

But weā€™re not like the crusaders. Weā€™re still here, 73 years later, and no number of Hamas rockets will get us out of here, not even 4,000 in 11 days, nor will antisemitic attacks on our brothers and sisters in the Diaspora.

And the reason is that we still have our secret weapon: We still have nowhere else to go.

Thereā€™s a story that US President Joe Biden has told many times over the years about his first trip to Israel.

As a freshman senator in 1973, Biden was granted a meeting with prime minister Golda Meir, who together with Yitzhak Rabin briefed Biden on the many threats Israel faced, showing him a series of maps.

ā€œI guess she could see the sense of apprehension on my face,ā€ Biden said in a 2010 retelling of the story. ā€œShe said, ā€˜Senator, donā€™t look so worriedā€¦ We Israelis have a secret weapon.ā€™ And I thought she only had said this to me, no one else in the whole worldā€¦ And I thought she was going to tell me about a new secret weapon.ā€

So what is Israelā€™s secret weapon, Biden asked eagerly.

ā€œWe have nowhere else to go,ā€ replied Golda.

In 2021, when Israelis travel the world and find success in a broad range of fields, when technology and globalization make a large ā€“ but privileged ā€“ segment of the global population feel like they hold the world in their hands, some may think that statement is an anachronism.

And yet Goldaā€™s words are as relevant today as ever, with the past two weeks of another mini-war with Hamas and the accompanying spike of antisemitism only further proving her point.

We, the Jewish people, have nowhere else to go.

Israelis and the vast majority of Jews in the world who feel a strong connection to Israel already knew this, of course.

Just walk down the street in Israel and ask any random passerby if they think they would be alive today if there was no Israel. Chances are the person would say ā€œno.ā€

The majority of Israeli Jews, descended from the 850,000 refugees of the ethnic cleansing of Jews from North Africa and the Middle East ā€“ minus our tiny corner of the region ā€“ have good reason to say ā€œno.ā€

I would also say no.

It was the pre-state Yishuv that kept all four of my maternal great-grandparents from meeting the deadly fate of their relatives at the hands of pogromists and then Nazis, and there are countless Israelis with similar stories.

But Hamas and their acolytes, the useful idiots in the West echoing the terrorist groupā€™s charter by chanting the genocidal rallying cry: ā€œFrom the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,ā€ seem to have missed this point.

When Palestinians compare Israel to crusaders, theyā€™re saying weā€™re a blip in history, destined to be driven out by a heroic Muslim-led army as was done to the crusaders after 88 years.

But when Palestinians who have picked up on leftist lingo, along with their fellow travelers, present Israel as an illegitimate ā€œsettler colonyā€ ā€“ as one meme that was shared by influential accounts in recent weeks claimed ā€“ they forget a key difference between Israel and actual settler colonies.

When the European Crusades conquered Jerusalem, when the French settled in much of North Africa, when the British took over India, to name some settler colonies, they were still the satellites of a home country, even as they remained for generations. When mid-20th-century rebellions in the colonies were too violent or costly, the European governments packed up and left, evacuating their citizens along with them.

We are in Israel so that we never have to pack our bags and leave again, so that we donā€™t have to keep the proverbial suitcase by the door. It is because Israel itself is our historic and present home country, and there is no satellite for us.

Palestinians and their advocates like to tell Israelis to go ā€œbackā€ to Poland or Russia or wherever else ā€“ itā€™s always Eastern Europe and not the part of the world from where the majority of Israelis actually come. But, of course, those places are not our homes, and the circumstances under which much of our ancestors left show that those places never were our homes.

In the last two weeks, there has been a 500% spike in recorded antisemitic incidents in the UK, according to the Community Security Trust, and a wave of antisemitic assaults, vandalism and harassment of Jews has hit cities across North America, from Montreal to New York to Tucson to Los Angeles. In Western Europe, antisemitism is there all the time, and it has been for years.

It seems unlikely that this uptick in violence will kick off a wave of Jewish immigration to Israel. While the percentage of American Jews ā€“ the largest Diaspora community ā€“ who have experienced antisemitism is on the rise, most are able to live safely and comfortably, as Jews should be able to do anywhere in the world.

But we donā€™t live in a world where Jews can live safely wherever they want. We never have.

The rise in antisemitic attacks comes from those who claim to be standing up for the Palestinians in the latest round of fighting between Israel and Gaza. Mobs of young, keffiyeh-wearing men maraud the streets of LA asking diners in a sushi restaurant if theyā€™re Jewish ā€“ not Israeli ā€“ so they can pick someone to assault.

In Manhattan, one man took part in a pro-Palestinian march and then went on to bludgeon a Jewish man; the NYPD is using the victimā€™s bloody kippah as evidence of a hate crime. The assailant, by the way, was featured in an Instagram post by supermodel Bella Hadid, whose father is Palestinian and who participated in the same march. She has nearly 45 million followers. And those are just a couple of examples.

There is something deeply ironic about people trying to ā€œfree Palestineā€ by attacking Diaspora Jews. By turning their violence on Jews outside of Israel, by driving around Jewish neighborhoods to intimidate and assault the residents, by asking people on the street if they are Jewish while brandishing knives, they are expressing their desire to ethnically cleanse their Western countries of Jews.

Donā€™t they know where Jews go when theyā€™re ethnically cleansed? To Israel, that very place from where they want Jews removed.

But weā€™re not like the crusaders. Weā€™re still here, 73 years later, and no number of Hamas rockets will get us out of here, not even 4,000 in 11 days, nor will antisemitic attacks on our brothers and sisters in the Diaspora.

And the reason is that we still have our secret weapon: We still have nowhere else to go.

They murdered Rabin, didn't they?

The Arab Jews were not ethically cleansed so put that lie aside. The Arab Jews left in 1948, 1956, 1967 and 1974.
You almost gotta laugh that Biden was briefed in a (secret)1973 meeting with the Israeli prime minister about a "secret weapon" but by 2010 he couldn't remember what it was.
But we donā€™t live in a world where Jews can live safely wherever they want. We never have.
Ah, yes, the eternal victims. 50% of US billionaires are Jews due to the horrid persecution you poor people suffer at the hands of the Gentile animals amongst whom you are forced to live due to the logistics of fleecing. Poor things, always with a genocide just around the corner threatening to slow down your ongoing cultural and civil genocide against your host populations. Your terror must be awful given the precariousness of your situation--a full 2% of the population and only 66% of President* Biden's cabinet. And you were forced to go to the extreme measure of stealing the last election in order get your obedient zombie-carcass in the White House. How you suffer! No wonder you live in such fear and hatred of the rest of humanity. Everyone knows you are God's Superduper specialness superior master supremacist race and until you have 100% of the cabinet positions, you are the victims of savage persecution. It's been a hundred years since you've been able to enjoy slaughtering tens of millions of Christians, even the little ones so that none unto him remained alive. Oh! The persecution by the goyim who have prevented you from obedience to your religion by not offering their necks to your knives. The agony!
Thereā€™s a story that US President Joe Biden has told many times over the years about his first trip to Israel.

As a freshman senator in 1973, Biden was granted a meeting with prime minister Golda Meir, who together with Yitzhak Rabin briefed Biden on the many threats Israel faced, showing him a series of maps.

ā€œI guess she could see the sense of apprehension on my face,ā€ Biden said in a 2010 retelling of the story. ā€œShe said, ā€˜Senator, donā€™t look so worriedā€¦ We Israelis have a secret weapon.ā€™ And I thought she only had said this to me, no one else in the whole worldā€¦ And I thought she was going to tell me about a new secret weapon.ā€

So what is Israelā€™s secret weapon, Biden asked eagerly.

ā€œWe have nowhere else to go,ā€ replied Golda.

In 2021, when Israelis travel the world and find success in a broad range of fields, when technology and globalization make a large ā€“ but privileged ā€“ segment of the global population feel like they hold the world in their hands, some may think that statement is an anachronism.

And yet Goldaā€™s words are as relevant today as ever, with the past two weeks of another mini-war with Hamas and the accompanying spike of antisemitism only further proving her point.

We, the Jewish people, have nowhere else to go.

Israelis and the vast majority of Jews in the world who feel a strong connection to Israel already knew this, of course.

Just walk down the street in Israel and ask any random passerby if they think they would be alive today if there was no Israel. Chances are the person would say ā€œno.ā€

The majority of Israeli Jews, descended from the 850,000 refugees of the ethnic cleansing of Jews from North Africa and the Middle East ā€“ minus our tiny corner of the region ā€“ have good reason to say ā€œno.ā€

I would also say no.

It was the pre-state Yishuv that kept all four of my maternal great-grandparents from meeting the deadly fate of their relatives at the hands of pogromists and then Nazis, and there are countless Israelis with similar stories.

But Hamas and their acolytes, the useful idiots in the West echoing the terrorist groupā€™s charter by chanting the genocidal rallying cry: ā€œFrom the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,ā€ seem to have missed this point.

When Palestinians compare Israel to crusaders, theyā€™re saying weā€™re a blip in history, destined to be driven out by a heroic Muslim-led army as was done to the crusaders after 88 years.

But when Palestinians who have picked up on leftist lingo, along with their fellow travelers, present Israel as an illegitimate ā€œsettler colonyā€ ā€“ as one meme that was shared by influential accounts in recent weeks claimed ā€“ they forget a key difference between Israel and actual settler colonies.

When the European Crusades conquered Jerusalem, when the French settled in much of North Africa, when the British took over India, to name some settler colonies, they were still the satellites of a home country, even as they remained for generations. When mid-20th-century rebellions in the colonies were too violent or costly, the European governments packed up and left, evacuating their citizens along with them.

We are in Israel so that we never have to pack our bags and leave again, so that we donā€™t have to keep the proverbial suitcase by the door. It is because Israel itself is our historic and present home country, and there is no satellite for us.

Palestinians and their advocates like to tell Israelis to go ā€œbackā€ to Poland or Russia or wherever else ā€“ itā€™s always Eastern Europe and not the part of the world from where the majority of Israelis actually come. But, of course, those places are not our homes, and the circumstances under which much of our ancestors left show that those places never were our homes.

In the last two weeks, there has been a 500% spike in recorded antisemitic incidents in the UK, according to the Community Security Trust, and a wave of antisemitic assaults, vandalism and harassment of Jews has hit cities across North America, from Montreal to New York to Tucson to Los Angeles. In Western Europe, antisemitism is there all the time, and it has been for years.

It seems unlikely that this uptick in violence will kick off a wave of Jewish immigration to Israel. While the percentage of American Jews ā€“ the largest Diaspora community ā€“ who have experienced antisemitism is on the rise, most are able to live safely and comfortably, as Jews should be able to do anywhere in the world.

But we donā€™t live in a world where Jews can live safely wherever they want. We never have.

The rise in antisemitic attacks comes from those who claim to be standing up for the Palestinians in the latest round of fighting between Israel and Gaza. Mobs of young, keffiyeh-wearing men maraud the streets of LA asking diners in a sushi restaurant if theyā€™re Jewish ā€“ not Israeli ā€“ so they can pick someone to assault.

In Manhattan, one man took part in a pro-Palestinian march and then went on to bludgeon a Jewish man; the NYPD is using the victimā€™s bloody kippah as evidence of a hate crime. The assailant, by the way, was featured in an Instagram post by supermodel Bella Hadid, whose father is Palestinian and who participated in the same march. She has nearly 45 million followers. And those are just a couple of examples.

There is something deeply ironic about people trying to ā€œfree Palestineā€ by attacking Diaspora Jews. By turning their violence on Jews outside of Israel, by driving around Jewish neighborhoods to intimidate and assault the residents, by asking people on the street if they are Jewish while brandishing knives, they are expressing their desire to ethnically cleanse their Western countries of Jews.

Donā€™t they know where Jews go when theyā€™re ethnically cleansed? To Israel, that very place from where they want Jews removed.

But weā€™re not like the crusaders. Weā€™re still here, 73 years later, and no number of Hamas rockets will get us out of here, not even 4,000 in 11 days, nor will antisemitic attacks on our brothers and sisters in the Diaspora.

And the reason is that we still have our secret weapon: We still have nowhere else to go.

They murdered Rabin, didn't they?

The Arab Jews were not ethically cleansed so put that lie aside. The Arab Jews left in 1948, 1956, 1967 and 1974.

who are "they' who murdered Rabin?
what are "arab jews"?

In reality jews in lands controlled by occupying muslims were subjected
to GENOCIDE just as Hindus in East Bengal were subjected to Genocide and
Buddhists in Afghanistan were subjected to Genocide and Zoroastrians in
Persia were subjected to Genocide------the list is very long------The massive
Armenian Genocide actually INSPIRED the muslim hero---ADOLF ---august 1939--
Personal anecdote----I was only about seven when my mother told me about
the ARMENIAN GENOCIDE------it was a kind of LEAD IN---to the activities of the
islamic hero---Adolf Hitler---she did not want me to feel as if it happened only to
jews. -----way back then I had no idea that the Armenian genocide was effectuated
by muslims for allah
Thereā€™s a story that US President Joe Biden has told many times over the years about his first trip to Israel.

As a freshman senator in 1973, Biden was granted a meeting with prime minister Golda Meir, who together with Yitzhak Rabin briefed Biden on the many threats Israel faced, showing him a series of maps.

ā€œI guess she could see the sense of apprehension on my face,ā€ Biden said in a 2010 retelling of the story. ā€œShe said, ā€˜Senator, donā€™t look so worriedā€¦ We Israelis have a secret weapon.ā€™ And I thought she only had said this to me, no one else in the whole worldā€¦ And I thought she was going to tell me about a new secret weapon.ā€

So what is Israelā€™s secret weapon, Biden asked eagerly.

ā€œWe have nowhere else to go,ā€ replied Golda.

In 2021, when Israelis travel the world and find success in a broad range of fields, when technology and globalization make a large ā€“ but privileged ā€“ segment of the global population feel like they hold the world in their hands, some may think that statement is an anachronism.

And yet Goldaā€™s words are as relevant today as ever, with the past two weeks of another mini-war with Hamas and the accompanying spike of antisemitism only further proving her point.

We, the Jewish people, have nowhere else to go.

Israelis and the vast majority of Jews in the world who feel a strong connection to Israel already knew this, of course.

Just walk down the street in Israel and ask any random passerby if they think they would be alive today if there was no Israel. Chances are the person would say ā€œno.ā€

The majority of Israeli Jews, descended from the 850,000 refugees of the ethnic cleansing of Jews from North Africa and the Middle East ā€“ minus our tiny corner of the region ā€“ have good reason to say ā€œno.ā€

I would also say no.

It was the pre-state Yishuv that kept all four of my maternal great-grandparents from meeting the deadly fate of their relatives at the hands of pogromists and then Nazis, and there are countless Israelis with similar stories.

But Hamas and their acolytes, the useful idiots in the West echoing the terrorist groupā€™s charter by chanting the genocidal rallying cry: ā€œFrom the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,ā€ seem to have missed this point.

When Palestinians compare Israel to crusaders, theyā€™re saying weā€™re a blip in history, destined to be driven out by a heroic Muslim-led army as was done to the crusaders after 88 years.

But when Palestinians who have picked up on leftist lingo, along with their fellow travelers, present Israel as an illegitimate ā€œsettler colonyā€ ā€“ as one meme that was shared by influential accounts in recent weeks claimed ā€“ they forget a key difference between Israel and actual settler colonies.

When the European Crusades conquered Jerusalem, when the French settled in much of North Africa, when the British took over India, to name some settler colonies, they were still the satellites of a home country, even as they remained for generations. When mid-20th-century rebellions in the colonies were too violent or costly, the European governments packed up and left, evacuating their citizens along with them.

We are in Israel so that we never have to pack our bags and leave again, so that we donā€™t have to keep the proverbial suitcase by the door. It is because Israel itself is our historic and present home country, and there is no satellite for us.

Palestinians and their advocates like to tell Israelis to go ā€œbackā€ to Poland or Russia or wherever else ā€“ itā€™s always Eastern Europe and not the part of the world from where the majority of Israelis actually come. But, of course, those places are not our homes, and the circumstances under which much of our ancestors left show that those places never were our homes.

In the last two weeks, there has been a 500% spike in recorded antisemitic incidents in the UK, according to the Community Security Trust, and a wave of antisemitic assaults, vandalism and harassment of Jews has hit cities across North America, from Montreal to New York to Tucson to Los Angeles. In Western Europe, antisemitism is there all the time, and it has been for years.

It seems unlikely that this uptick in violence will kick off a wave of Jewish immigration to Israel. While the percentage of American Jews ā€“ the largest Diaspora community ā€“ who have experienced antisemitism is on the rise, most are able to live safely and comfortably, as Jews should be able to do anywhere in the world.

But we donā€™t live in a world where Jews can live safely wherever they want. We never have.

The rise in antisemitic attacks comes from those who claim to be standing up for the Palestinians in the latest round of fighting between Israel and Gaza. Mobs of young, keffiyeh-wearing men maraud the streets of LA asking diners in a sushi restaurant if theyā€™re Jewish ā€“ not Israeli ā€“ so they can pick someone to assault.

In Manhattan, one man took part in a pro-Palestinian march and then went on to bludgeon a Jewish man; the NYPD is using the victimā€™s bloody kippah as evidence of a hate crime. The assailant, by the way, was featured in an Instagram post by supermodel Bella Hadid, whose father is Palestinian and who participated in the same march. She has nearly 45 million followers. And those are just a couple of examples.

There is something deeply ironic about people trying to ā€œfree Palestineā€ by attacking Diaspora Jews. By turning their violence on Jews outside of Israel, by driving around Jewish neighborhoods to intimidate and assault the residents, by asking people on the street if they are Jewish while brandishing knives, they are expressing their desire to ethnically cleanse their Western countries of Jews.

Donā€™t they know where Jews go when theyā€™re ethnically cleansed? To Israel, that very place from where they want Jews removed.

But weā€™re not like the crusaders. Weā€™re still here, 73 years later, and no number of Hamas rockets will get us out of here, not even 4,000 in 11 days, nor will antisemitic attacks on our brothers and sisters in the Diaspora.

And the reason is that we still have our secret weapon: We still have nowhere else to go.

They murdered Rabin, didn't they?

The Arab Jews were not ethically cleansed so put that lie aside. The Arab Jews left in 1948, 1956, 1967 and 1974.

who are "they' who murdered Rabin?
what are "arab jews"?

In reality jews in lands controlled by occupying muslims were subjected
to GENOCIDE just as Hindus in East Bengal were subjected to Genocide and
Buddhists in Afghanistan were subjected to Genocide and Zoroastrians in
Persia were subjected to Genocide------the list is very long------The massive
Armenian Genocide actually INSPIRED the muslim hero---ADOLF ---august 1939--
Personal anecdote----I was only about seven when my mother told me about
the ARMENIAN GENOCIDE------it was a kind of LEAD IN---to the activities of the
islamic hero---Adolf Hitler---she did not want me to feel as if it happened only to
jews. -----way back then I had no idea that the Armenian genocide was effectuated
by muslims for allah
way back then I had no idea that the Armenian genocide was effectuated
by muslims for allah"

What isit with you people and truth? Are you allergic. The Armenian genocide was instigated by the Young Turks, significantly Jewish. Really, when it comes to genocide, you people are uniquely committed
Thereā€™s a story that US President Joe Biden has told many times over the years about his first trip to Israel.

As a freshman senator in 1973, Biden was granted a meeting with prime minister Golda Meir, who together with Yitzhak Rabin briefed Biden on the many threats Israel faced, showing him a series of maps.

ā€œI guess she could see the sense of apprehension on my face,ā€ Biden said in a 2010 retelling of the story. ā€œShe said, ā€˜Senator, donā€™t look so worriedā€¦ We Israelis have a secret weapon.ā€™ And I thought she only had said this to me, no one else in the whole worldā€¦ And I thought she was going to tell me about a new secret weapon.ā€

So what is Israelā€™s secret weapon, Biden asked eagerly.

ā€œWe have nowhere else to go,ā€ replied Golda.

In 2021, when Israelis travel the world and find success in a broad range of fields, when technology and globalization make a large ā€“ but privileged ā€“ segment of the global population feel like they hold the world in their hands, some may think that statement is an anachronism.

And yet Goldaā€™s words are as relevant today as ever, with the past two weeks of another mini-war with Hamas and the accompanying spike of antisemitism only further proving her point.

We, the Jewish people, have nowhere else to go.

Israelis and the vast majority of Jews in the world who feel a strong connection to Israel already knew this, of course.

Just walk down the street in Israel and ask any random passerby if they think they would be alive today if there was no Israel. Chances are the person would say ā€œno.ā€

The majority of Israeli Jews, descended from the 850,000 refugees of the ethnic cleansing of Jews from North Africa and the Middle East ā€“ minus our tiny corner of the region ā€“ have good reason to say ā€œno.ā€

I would also say no.

It was the pre-state Yishuv that kept all four of my maternal great-grandparents from meeting the deadly fate of their relatives at the hands of pogromists and then Nazis, and there are countless Israelis with similar stories.

But Hamas and their acolytes, the useful idiots in the West echoing the terrorist groupā€™s charter by chanting the genocidal rallying cry: ā€œFrom the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,ā€ seem to have missed this point.

When Palestinians compare Israel to crusaders, theyā€™re saying weā€™re a blip in history, destined to be driven out by a heroic Muslim-led army as was done to the crusaders after 88 years.

But when Palestinians who have picked up on leftist lingo, along with their fellow travelers, present Israel as an illegitimate ā€œsettler colonyā€ ā€“ as one meme that was shared by influential accounts in recent weeks claimed ā€“ they forget a key difference between Israel and actual settler colonies.

When the European Crusades conquered Jerusalem, when the French settled in much of North Africa, when the British took over India, to name some settler colonies, they were still the satellites of a home country, even as they remained for generations. When mid-20th-century rebellions in the colonies were too violent or costly, the European governments packed up and left, evacuating their citizens along with them.

We are in Israel so that we never have to pack our bags and leave again, so that we donā€™t have to keep the proverbial suitcase by the door. It is because Israel itself is our historic and present home country, and there is no satellite for us.

Palestinians and their advocates like to tell Israelis to go ā€œbackā€ to Poland or Russia or wherever else ā€“ itā€™s always Eastern Europe and not the part of the world from where the majority of Israelis actually come. But, of course, those places are not our homes, and the circumstances under which much of our ancestors left show that those places never were our homes.

In the last two weeks, there has been a 500% spike in recorded antisemitic incidents in the UK, according to the Community Security Trust, and a wave of antisemitic assaults, vandalism and harassment of Jews has hit cities across North America, from Montreal to New York to Tucson to Los Angeles. In Western Europe, antisemitism is there all the time, and it has been for years.

It seems unlikely that this uptick in violence will kick off a wave of Jewish immigration to Israel. While the percentage of American Jews ā€“ the largest Diaspora community ā€“ who have experienced antisemitism is on the rise, most are able to live safely and comfortably, as Jews should be able to do anywhere in the world.

But we donā€™t live in a world where Jews can live safely wherever they want. We never have.

The rise in antisemitic attacks comes from those who claim to be standing up for the Palestinians in the latest round of fighting between Israel and Gaza. Mobs of young, keffiyeh-wearing men maraud the streets of LA asking diners in a sushi restaurant if theyā€™re Jewish ā€“ not Israeli ā€“ so they can pick someone to assault.

In Manhattan, one man took part in a pro-Palestinian march and then went on to bludgeon a Jewish man; the NYPD is using the victimā€™s bloody kippah as evidence of a hate crime. The assailant, by the way, was featured in an Instagram post by supermodel Bella Hadid, whose father is Palestinian and who participated in the same march. She has nearly 45 million followers. And those are just a couple of examples.

There is something deeply ironic about people trying to ā€œfree Palestineā€ by attacking Diaspora Jews. By turning their violence on Jews outside of Israel, by driving around Jewish neighborhoods to intimidate and assault the residents, by asking people on the street if they are Jewish while brandishing knives, they are expressing their desire to ethnically cleanse their Western countries of Jews.

Donā€™t they know where Jews go when theyā€™re ethnically cleansed? To Israel, that very place from where they want Jews removed.

But weā€™re not like the crusaders. Weā€™re still here, 73 years later, and no number of Hamas rockets will get us out of here, not even 4,000 in 11 days, nor will antisemitic attacks on our brothers and sisters in the Diaspora.

And the reason is that we still have our secret weapon: We still have nowhere else to go.

They murdered Rabin, didn't they?

The Arab Jews were not ethically cleansed so put that lie aside. The Arab Jews left in 1948, 1956, 1967 and 1974.

who are "they' who murdered Rabin?
what are "arab jews"?

In reality jews in lands controlled by occupying muslims were subjected
to GENOCIDE just as Hindus in East Bengal were subjected to Genocide and
Buddhists in Afghanistan were subjected to Genocide and Zoroastrians in
Persia were subjected to Genocide------the list is very long------The massive
Armenian Genocide actually INSPIRED the muslim hero---ADOLF ---august 1939--
Personal anecdote----I was only about seven when my mother told me about
the ARMENIAN GENOCIDE------it was a kind of LEAD IN---to the activities of the
islamic hero---Adolf Hitler---she did not want me to feel as if it happened only to
jews. -----way back then I had no idea that the Armenian genocide was effectuated
by muslims for allah
way back then I had no idea that the Armenian genocide was effectuated
by muslims for allah"

What isit with you people and truth? Are you allergic. The Armenian genocide was instigated by the Young Turks, significantly Jewish. Really, when it comes to genocide, you people are uniquely committed

the idiot idea that the YOUNG TURKS were jews and ----I have even come across islamo
nazi propaganda that insists that ATATURK was a jew------is just that----idiot islamo nazi
propaganda SHIT.------is this something you picked up from the weekly Khutbah-jumaat
feces fling?
Thereā€™s a story that US President Joe Biden has told many times over the years about his first trip to Israel.

As a freshman senator in 1973, Biden was granted a meeting with prime minister Golda Meir, who together with Yitzhak Rabin briefed Biden on the many threats Israel faced, showing him a series of maps.

ā€œI guess she could see the sense of apprehension on my face,ā€ Biden said in a 2010 retelling of the story. ā€œShe said, ā€˜Senator, donā€™t look so worriedā€¦ We Israelis have a secret weapon.ā€™ And I thought she only had said this to me, no one else in the whole worldā€¦ And I thought she was going to tell me about a new secret weapon.ā€

So what is Israelā€™s secret weapon, Biden asked eagerly.

ā€œWe have nowhere else to go,ā€ replied Golda.

In 2021, when Israelis travel the world and find success in a broad range of fields, when technology and globalization make a large ā€“ but privileged ā€“ segment of the global population feel like they hold the world in their hands, some may think that statement is an anachronism.

And yet Goldaā€™s words are as relevant today as ever, with the past two weeks of another mini-war with Hamas and the accompanying spike of antisemitism only further proving her point.

We, the Jewish people, have nowhere else to go.

Israelis and the vast majority of Jews in the world who feel a strong connection to Israel already knew this, of course.

Just walk down the street in Israel and ask any random passerby if they think they would be alive today if there was no Israel. Chances are the person would say ā€œno.ā€

The majority of Israeli Jews, descended from the 850,000 refugees of the ethnic cleansing of Jews from North Africa and the Middle East ā€“ minus our tiny corner of the region ā€“ have good reason to say ā€œno.ā€

I would also say no.

It was the pre-state Yishuv that kept all four of my maternal great-grandparents from meeting the deadly fate of their relatives at the hands of pogromists and then Nazis, and there are countless Israelis with similar stories.

But Hamas and their acolytes, the useful idiots in the West echoing the terrorist groupā€™s charter by chanting the genocidal rallying cry: ā€œFrom the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,ā€ seem to have missed this point.

When Palestinians compare Israel to crusaders, theyā€™re saying weā€™re a blip in history, destined to be driven out by a heroic Muslim-led army as was done to the crusaders after 88 years.

But when Palestinians who have picked up on leftist lingo, along with their fellow travelers, present Israel as an illegitimate ā€œsettler colonyā€ ā€“ as one meme that was shared by influential accounts in recent weeks claimed ā€“ they forget a key difference between Israel and actual settler colonies.

When the European Crusades conquered Jerusalem, when the French settled in much of North Africa, when the British took over India, to name some settler colonies, they were still the satellites of a home country, even as they remained for generations. When mid-20th-century rebellions in the colonies were too violent or costly, the European governments packed up and left, evacuating their citizens along with them.

We are in Israel so that we never have to pack our bags and leave again, so that we donā€™t have to keep the proverbial suitcase by the door. It is because Israel itself is our historic and present home country, and there is no satellite for us.

Palestinians and their advocates like to tell Israelis to go ā€œbackā€ to Poland or Russia or wherever else ā€“ itā€™s always Eastern Europe and not the part of the world from where the majority of Israelis actually come. But, of course, those places are not our homes, and the circumstances under which much of our ancestors left show that those places never were our homes.

In the last two weeks, there has been a 500% spike in recorded antisemitic incidents in the UK, according to the Community Security Trust, and a wave of antisemitic assaults, vandalism and harassment of Jews has hit cities across North America, from Montreal to New York to Tucson to Los Angeles. In Western Europe, antisemitism is there all the time, and it has been for years.

It seems unlikely that this uptick in violence will kick off a wave of Jewish immigration to Israel. While the percentage of American Jews ā€“ the largest Diaspora community ā€“ who have experienced antisemitism is on the rise, most are able to live safely and comfortably, as Jews should be able to do anywhere in the world.

But we donā€™t live in a world where Jews can live safely wherever they want. We never have.

The rise in antisemitic attacks comes from those who claim to be standing up for the Palestinians in the latest round of fighting between Israel and Gaza. Mobs of young, keffiyeh-wearing men maraud the streets of LA asking diners in a sushi restaurant if theyā€™re Jewish ā€“ not Israeli ā€“ so they can pick someone to assault.

In Manhattan, one man took part in a pro-Palestinian march and then went on to bludgeon a Jewish man; the NYPD is using the victimā€™s bloody kippah as evidence of a hate crime. The assailant, by the way, was featured in an Instagram post by supermodel Bella Hadid, whose father is Palestinian and who participated in the same march. She has nearly 45 million followers. And those are just a couple of examples.

There is something deeply ironic about people trying to ā€œfree Palestineā€ by attacking Diaspora Jews. By turning their violence on Jews outside of Israel, by driving around Jewish neighborhoods to intimidate and assault the residents, by asking people on the street if they are Jewish while brandishing knives, they are expressing their desire to ethnically cleanse their Western countries of Jews.

Donā€™t they know where Jews go when theyā€™re ethnically cleansed? To Israel, that very place from where they want Jews removed.

But weā€™re not like the crusaders. Weā€™re still here, 73 years later, and no number of Hamas rockets will get us out of here, not even 4,000 in 11 days, nor will antisemitic attacks on our brothers and sisters in the Diaspora.

And the reason is that we still have our secret weapon: We still have nowhere else to go.

They murdered Rabin, didn't they?

The Arab Jews were not ethically cleansed so put that lie aside. The Arab Jews left in 1948, 1956, 1967 and 1974.

Of course Ya' Zalameh, how else,
don't also forget your usual comparison to the Christian Inquisition,
and call this a proof that the history of Islamist sadism and rape of several continents

was a special form of merciful "protection"...

UAE Writer: The Arab Countries' Expulsion Of The Jews Was A Disastrous Mistake


Emirati writer Salam Hamid, founder and head of the Al-Mezmaah Studies and Research Center in Dubai, published an article titled "The Cost of the Expulsion of the Arab Jews" in the UAE daily Al-Ittihad, in which he lamented the expulsion of the Jews from the Arab countries following the establishment of Israel in 1948.

This expulsion, he said, was a grave mistake, since the Arab countries thereby "lost an elite population with significant wealth, property, influence, knowledge, and culture," which could have helped them, including against Israel, and lost the potential contribution of the Jews in many spheres, especially in the financial sphere.

The Arabs, he added, should have learned a lesson from the expulsion of the Jews of Spain in 1492, and from Hitler's expulsion of the Jews of Europe, which eventually harmed the countries that lost their Jews.

He stated further that antisemitism, which is deeply entrenched in Arab societies, stems from the books that teach Islamic heritage, studied in schools throughout the Arab world, and therefore called for an overhaul of the curricula in order to strengthen tolerance and banish extremism.

Last edited:
Thereā€™s a story that US President Joe Biden has told many times over the years about his first trip to Israel.

As a freshman senator in 1973, Biden was granted a meeting with prime minister Golda Meir, who together with Yitzhak Rabin briefed Biden on the many threats Israel faced, showing him a series of maps.

ā€œI guess she could see the sense of apprehension on my face,ā€ Biden said in a 2010 retelling of the story. ā€œShe said, ā€˜Senator, donā€™t look so worriedā€¦ We Israelis have a secret weapon.ā€™ And I thought she only had said this to me, no one else in the whole worldā€¦ And I thought she was going to tell me about a new secret weapon.ā€

So what is Israelā€™s secret weapon, Biden asked eagerly.

ā€œWe have nowhere else to go,ā€ replied Golda.

In 2021, when Israelis travel the world and find success in a broad range of fields, when technology and globalization make a large ā€“ but privileged ā€“ segment of the global population feel like they hold the world in their hands, some may think that statement is an anachronism.

And yet Goldaā€™s words are as relevant today as ever, with the past two weeks of another mini-war with Hamas and the accompanying spike of antisemitism only further proving her point.

We, the Jewish people, have nowhere else to go.

Israelis and the vast majority of Jews in the world who feel a strong connection to Israel already knew this, of course.

Just walk down the street in Israel and ask any random passerby if they think they would be alive today if there was no Israel. Chances are the person would say ā€œno.ā€

The majority of Israeli Jews, descended from the 850,000 refugees of the ethnic cleansing of Jews from North Africa and the Middle East ā€“ minus our tiny corner of the region ā€“ have good reason to say ā€œno.ā€

I would also say no.

It was the pre-state Yishuv that kept all four of my maternal great-grandparents from meeting the deadly fate of their relatives at the hands of pogromists and then Nazis, and there are countless Israelis with similar stories.

But Hamas and their acolytes, the useful idiots in the West echoing the terrorist groupā€™s charter by chanting the genocidal rallying cry: ā€œFrom the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,ā€ seem to have missed this point.

When Palestinians compare Israel to crusaders, theyā€™re saying weā€™re a blip in history, destined to be driven out by a heroic Muslim-led army as was done to the crusaders after 88 years.

But when Palestinians who have picked up on leftist lingo, along with their fellow travelers, present Israel as an illegitimate ā€œsettler colonyā€ ā€“ as one meme that was shared by influential accounts in recent weeks claimed ā€“ they forget a key difference between Israel and actual settler colonies.

When the European Crusades conquered Jerusalem, when the French settled in much of North Africa, when the British took over India, to name some settler colonies, they were still the satellites of a home country, even as they remained for generations. When mid-20th-century rebellions in the colonies were too violent or costly, the European governments packed up and left, evacuating their citizens along with them.

We are in Israel so that we never have to pack our bags and leave again, so that we donā€™t have to keep the proverbial suitcase by the door. It is because Israel itself is our historic and present home country, and there is no satellite for us.

Palestinians and their advocates like to tell Israelis to go ā€œbackā€ to Poland or Russia or wherever else ā€“ itā€™s always Eastern Europe and not the part of the world from where the majority of Israelis actually come. But, of course, those places are not our homes, and the circumstances under which much of our ancestors left show that those places never were our homes.

In the last two weeks, there has been a 500% spike in recorded antisemitic incidents in the UK, according to the Community Security Trust, and a wave of antisemitic assaults, vandalism and harassment of Jews has hit cities across North America, from Montreal to New York to Tucson to Los Angeles. In Western Europe, antisemitism is there all the time, and it has been for years.

It seems unlikely that this uptick in violence will kick off a wave of Jewish immigration to Israel. While the percentage of American Jews ā€“ the largest Diaspora community ā€“ who have experienced antisemitism is on the rise, most are able to live safely and comfortably, as Jews should be able to do anywhere in the world.

But we donā€™t live in a world where Jews can live safely wherever they want. We never have.

The rise in antisemitic attacks comes from those who claim to be standing up for the Palestinians in the latest round of fighting between Israel and Gaza. Mobs of young, keffiyeh-wearing men maraud the streets of LA asking diners in a sushi restaurant if theyā€™re Jewish ā€“ not Israeli ā€“ so they can pick someone to assault.

In Manhattan, one man took part in a pro-Palestinian march and then went on to bludgeon a Jewish man; the NYPD is using the victimā€™s bloody kippah as evidence of a hate crime. The assailant, by the way, was featured in an Instagram post by supermodel Bella Hadid, whose father is Palestinian and who participated in the same march. She has nearly 45 million followers. And those are just a couple of examples.

There is something deeply ironic about people trying to ā€œfree Palestineā€ by attacking Diaspora Jews. By turning their violence on Jews outside of Israel, by driving around Jewish neighborhoods to intimidate and assault the residents, by asking people on the street if they are Jewish while brandishing knives, they are expressing their desire to ethnically cleanse their Western countries of Jews.

Donā€™t they know where Jews go when theyā€™re ethnically cleansed? To Israel, that very place from where they want Jews removed.

But weā€™re not like the crusaders. Weā€™re still here, 73 years later, and no number of Hamas rockets will get us out of here, not even 4,000 in 11 days, nor will antisemitic attacks on our brothers and sisters in the Diaspora.

And the reason is that we still have our secret weapon: We still have nowhere else to go.

They murdered Rabin, didn't they?

The Arab Jews were not ethically cleansed so put that lie aside. The Arab Jews left in 1948, 1956, 1967 and 1974.
One murder vs how many Muslim on Muslim murders?
Notice how stupid you are.
But we donā€™t live in a world where Jews can live safely wherever they want. We never have.
Ah, yes, the eternal victims. 50% of US billionaires are Jews due to the horrid persecution you poor people suffer at the hands of the Gentile animals amongst whom you are forced to live due to the logistics of fleecing. Poor things, always with a genocide just around the corner threatening to slow down your ongoing cultural and civil genocide against your host populations. Your terror must be awful given the precariousness of your situation--a full 2% of the population and only 66% of President* Biden's cabinet. And you were forced to go to the extreme measure of stealing the last election in order get your obedient zombie-carcass in the White House. How you suffer! No wonder you live in such fear and hatred of the rest of humanity. Everyone knows you are God's Superduper specialness superior master supremacist race and until you have 100% of the cabinet positions, you are the victims of savage persecution. It's been a hundred years since you've been able to enjoy slaughtering tens of millions of Christians, even the little ones so that none unto him remained alive. Oh! The persecution by the goyim who have prevented you from obedience to your religion by not offering their necks to your knives. The agony!
50% of US billionaires are Jews due to the horrid persecution you poor people suffer

It's the opposite
You hate us because when we come to a country we are poor and become wealthy within 3 generations.
But we donā€™t live in a world where Jews can live safely wherever they want. We never have.
Ah, yes, the eternal victims. 50% of US billionaires are Jews due to the horrid persecution you poor people suffer at the hands of the Gentile animals amongst whom you are forced to live due to the logistics of fleecing. Poor things, always with a genocide just around the corner threatening to slow down your ongoing cultural and civil genocide against your host populations. Your terror must be awful given the precariousness of your situation--a full 2% of the population and only 66% of President* Biden's cabinet. And you were forced to go to the extreme measure of stealing the last election in order get your obedient zombie-carcass in the White House. How you suffer! No wonder you live in such fear and hatred of the rest of humanity. Everyone knows you are God's Superduper specialness superior master supremacist race and until you have 100% of the cabinet positions, you are the victims of savage persecution. It's been a hundred years since you've been able to enjoy slaughtering tens of millions of Christians, even the little ones so that none unto him remained alive. Oh! The persecution by the goyim who have prevented you from obedience to your religion by not offering their necks to your knives. The agony!
50% of US billionaires are Jews due to the horrid persecution you poor people suffer

It's the opposite
You hate us because when we come to a country we are poor and become wealthy within 3 generations.
No shlomo, we hate you because you destroy
But we donā€™t live in a world where Jews can live safely wherever they want. We never have.
Ah, yes, the eternal victims. 50% of US billionaires are Jews due to the horrid persecution you poor people suffer at the hands of the Gentile animals amongst whom you are forced to live due to the logistics of fleecing. Poor things, always with a genocide just around the corner threatening to slow down your ongoing cultural and civil genocide against your host populations. Your terror must be awful given the precariousness of your situation--a full 2% of the population and only 66% of President* Biden's cabinet. And you were forced to go to the extreme measure of stealing the last election in order get your obedient zombie-carcass in the White House. How you suffer! No wonder you live in such fear and hatred of the rest of humanity. Everyone knows you are God's Superduper specialness superior master supremacist race and until you have 100% of the cabinet positions, you are the victims of savage persecution. It's been a hundred years since you've been able to enjoy slaughtering tens of millions of Christians, even the little ones so that none unto him remained alive. Oh! The persecution by the goyim who have prevented you from obedience to your religion by not offering their necks to your knives. The agony!
50% of US billionaires are Jews due to the horrid persecution you poor people suffer

It's the opposite
You hate us because when we come to a country we are poor and become wealthy within 3 generations.
No shlomo, we hate you because you destroy
Elaborate, starting from 1AD.
But we donā€™t live in a world where Jews can live safely wherever they want. We never have.
Ah, yes, the eternal victims. 50% of US billionaires are Jews due to the horrid persecution you poor people suffer at the hands of the Gentile animals amongst whom you are forced to live due to the logistics of fleecing. Poor things, always with a genocide just around the corner threatening to slow down your ongoing cultural and civil genocide against your host populations. Your terror must be awful given the precariousness of your situation--a full 2% of the population and only 66% of President* Biden's cabinet. And you were forced to go to the extreme measure of stealing the last election in order get your obedient zombie-carcass in the White House. How you suffer! No wonder you live in such fear and hatred of the rest of humanity. Everyone knows you are God's Superduper specialness superior master supremacist race and until you have 100% of the cabinet positions, you are the victims of savage persecution. It's been a hundred years since you've been able to enjoy slaughtering tens of millions of Christians, even the little ones so that none unto him remained alive. Oh! The persecution by the goyim who have prevented you from obedience to your religion by not offering their necks to your knives. The agony!
50% of US billionaires are Jews due to the horrid persecution you poor people suffer

It's the opposite
You hate us because when we come to a country we are poor and become wealthy within 3 generations.
No shlomo, we hate you because you destroy
Elaborate, starting from 1AD.
I'd rather start with the present and the destruction of our institutions, nations, and culture and work backwards to the destruction of Israel by wicked Judah in the 5th century BC.
But we donā€™t live in a world where Jews can live safely wherever they want. We never have.
Ah, yes, the eternal victims. 50% of US billionaires are Jews due to the horrid persecution you poor people suffer at the hands of the Gentile animals amongst whom you are forced to live due to the logistics of fleecing. Poor things, always with a genocide just around the corner threatening to slow down your ongoing cultural and civil genocide against your host populations. Your terror must be awful given the precariousness of your situation--a full 2% of the population and only 66% of President* Biden's cabinet. And you were forced to go to the extreme measure of stealing the last election in order get your obedient zombie-carcass in the White House. How you suffer! No wonder you live in such fear and hatred of the rest of humanity. Everyone knows you are God's Superduper specialness superior master supremacist race and until you have 100% of the cabinet positions, you are the victims of savage persecution. It's been a hundred years since you've been able to enjoy slaughtering tens of millions of Christians, even the little ones so that none unto him remained alive. Oh! The persecution by the goyim who have prevented you from obedience to your religion by not offering their necks to your knives. The agony!
50% of US billionaires are Jews due to the horrid persecution you poor people suffer

It's the opposite
You hate us because when we come to a country we are poor and become wealthy within 3 generations.
No shlomo, we hate you because you destroy
Elaborate, starting from 1AD.
I'd rather start with the present and the destruction of our institutions, nations, and culture and work backwards to the destruction of Israel by wicked Judah in the 5th century BC.
Elaborate on how the US Christians on Wall Street would only hire self-hating Jews and tell me the Christians aren't in on it.
But we donā€™t live in a world where Jews can live safely wherever they want. We never have.
Ah, yes, the eternal victims. 50% of US billionaires are Jews due to the horrid persecution you poor people suffer at the hands of the Gentile animals amongst whom you are forced to live due to the logistics of fleecing. Poor things, always with a genocide just around the corner threatening to slow down your ongoing cultural and civil genocide against your host populations. Your terror must be awful given the precariousness of your situation--a full 2% of the population and only 66% of President* Biden's cabinet. And you were forced to go to the extreme measure of stealing the last election in order get your obedient zombie-carcass in the White House. How you suffer! No wonder you live in such fear and hatred of the rest of humanity. Everyone knows you are God's Superduper specialness superior master supremacist race and until you have 100% of the cabinet positions, you are the victims of savage persecution. It's been a hundred years since you've been able to enjoy slaughtering tens of millions of Christians, even the little ones so that none unto him remained alive. Oh! The persecution by the goyim who have prevented you from obedience to your religion by not offering their necks to your knives. The agony!
50% of US billionaires are Jews due to the horrid persecution you poor people suffer

It's the opposite
You hate us because when we come to a country we are poor and become wealthy within 3 generations.
No shlomo, we hate you because you destroy
Elaborate, starting from 1AD.
I'd rather start with the present and the destruction of our institutions, nations, and culture and work backwards to the destruction of Israel by wicked Judah in the 5th century BC.
Elaborate on how the US Christians on Wall Street would only hire self-hating Jews and tell me the Christians aren't in on it.
I'm surprised that you read his drivel, let alone respond to it. I have him on "ignore". You should too.
Thereā€™s a story that US President Joe Biden has told many times over the years about his first trip to Israel.

As a freshman senator in 1973, Biden was granted a meeting with prime minister Golda Meir, who together with Yitzhak Rabin briefed Biden on the many threats Israel faced, showing him a series of maps.

ā€œI guess she could see the sense of apprehension on my face,ā€ Biden said in a 2010 retelling of the story. ā€œShe said, ā€˜Senator, donā€™t look so worriedā€¦ We Israelis have a secret weapon.ā€™ And I thought she only had said this to me, no one else in the whole worldā€¦ And I thought she was going to tell me about a new secret weapon.ā€

So what is Israelā€™s secret weapon, Biden asked eagerly.

ā€œWe have nowhere else to go,ā€ replied Golda.

In 2021, when Israelis travel the world and find success in a broad range of fields, when technology and globalization make a large ā€“ but privileged ā€“ segment of the global population feel like they hold the world in their hands, some may think that statement is an anachronism.

And yet Goldaā€™s words are as relevant today as ever, with the past two weeks of another mini-war with Hamas and the accompanying spike of antisemitism only further proving her point.

We, the Jewish people, have nowhere else to go.

Israelis and the vast majority of Jews in the world who feel a strong connection to Israel already knew this, of course.

Just walk down the street in Israel and ask any random passerby if they think they would be alive today if there was no Israel. Chances are the person would say ā€œno.ā€

The majority of Israeli Jews, descended from the 850,000 refugees of the ethnic cleansing of Jews from North Africa and the Middle East ā€“ minus our tiny corner of the region ā€“ have good reason to say ā€œno.ā€

I would also say no.

It was the pre-state Yishuv that kept all four of my maternal great-grandparents from meeting the deadly fate of their relatives at the hands of pogromists and then Nazis, and there are countless Israelis with similar stories.

But Hamas and their acolytes, the useful idiots in the West echoing the terrorist groupā€™s charter by chanting the genocidal rallying cry: ā€œFrom the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,ā€ seem to have missed this point.

When Palestinians compare Israel to crusaders, theyā€™re saying weā€™re a blip in history, destined to be driven out by a heroic Muslim-led army as was done to the crusaders after 88 years.

But when Palestinians who have picked up on leftist lingo, along with their fellow travelers, present Israel as an illegitimate ā€œsettler colonyā€ ā€“ as one meme that was shared by influential accounts in recent weeks claimed ā€“ they forget a key difference between Israel and actual settler colonies.

When the European Crusades conquered Jerusalem, when the French settled in much of North Africa, when the British took over India, to name some settler colonies, they were still the satellites of a home country, even as they remained for generations. When mid-20th-century rebellions in the colonies were too violent or costly, the European governments packed up and left, evacuating their citizens along with them.

We are in Israel so that we never have to pack our bags and leave again, so that we donā€™t have to keep the proverbial suitcase by the door. It is because Israel itself is our historic and present home country, and there is no satellite for us.

Palestinians and their advocates like to tell Israelis to go ā€œbackā€ to Poland or Russia or wherever else ā€“ itā€™s always Eastern Europe and not the part of the world from where the majority of Israelis actually come. But, of course, those places are not our homes, and the circumstances under which much of our ancestors left show that those places never were our homes.

In the last two weeks, there has been a 500% spike in recorded antisemitic incidents in the UK, according to the Community Security Trust, and a wave of antisemitic assaults, vandalism and harassment of Jews has hit cities across North America, from Montreal to New York to Tucson to Los Angeles. In Western Europe, antisemitism is there all the time, and it has been for years.

It seems unlikely that this uptick in violence will kick off a wave of Jewish immigration to Israel. While the percentage of American Jews ā€“ the largest Diaspora community ā€“ who have experienced antisemitism is on the rise, most are able to live safely and comfortably, as Jews should be able to do anywhere in the world.

But we donā€™t live in a world where Jews can live safely wherever they want. We never have.

The rise in antisemitic attacks comes from those who claim to be standing up for the Palestinians in the latest round of fighting between Israel and Gaza. Mobs of young, keffiyeh-wearing men maraud the streets of LA asking diners in a sushi restaurant if theyā€™re Jewish ā€“ not Israeli ā€“ so they can pick someone to assault.

In Manhattan, one man took part in a pro-Palestinian march and then went on to bludgeon a Jewish man; the NYPD is using the victimā€™s bloody kippah as evidence of a hate crime. The assailant, by the way, was featured in an Instagram post by supermodel Bella Hadid, whose father is Palestinian and who participated in the same march. She has nearly 45 million followers. And those are just a couple of examples.

There is something deeply ironic about people trying to ā€œfree Palestineā€ by attacking Diaspora Jews. By turning their violence on Jews outside of Israel, by driving around Jewish neighborhoods to intimidate and assault the residents, by asking people on the street if they are Jewish while brandishing knives, they are expressing their desire to ethnically cleanse their Western countries of Jews.

Donā€™t they know where Jews go when theyā€™re ethnically cleansed? To Israel, that very place from where they want Jews removed.

But weā€™re not like the crusaders. Weā€™re still here, 73 years later, and no number of Hamas rockets will get us out of here, not even 4,000 in 11 days, nor will antisemitic attacks on our brothers and sisters in the Diaspora.

And the reason is that we still have our secret weapon: We still have nowhere else to go.

What is insane about that is that Jews were never threatened by Moslems.
Moslems consider themselves to be reformed Jews, sharing the same Old Testament.
The Quran says Judaism is valid, and Jews not to be harmed.
Never have Jews been harmed over religion, by anyone.
Jews have only been harmed when they have been traitors or evil in some way.
The claim everyone else is out to murder us and we are innocent, is impossible to believe.
We even have it in the Old Testament, that Joshua murdered all the Canaanite women and children after taking Jericho from the Canaanites.
Thereā€™s a story that US President Joe Biden has told many times over the years about his first trip to Israel.

As a freshman senator in 1973, Biden was granted a meeting with prime minister Golda Meir, who together with Yitzhak Rabin briefed Biden on the many threats Israel faced, showing him a series of maps.

ā€œI guess she could see the sense of apprehension on my face,ā€ Biden said in a 2010 retelling of the story. ā€œShe said, ā€˜Senator, donā€™t look so worriedā€¦ We Israelis have a secret weapon.ā€™ And I thought she only had said this to me, no one else in the whole worldā€¦ And I thought she was going to tell me about a new secret weapon.ā€

So what is Israelā€™s secret weapon, Biden asked eagerly.

ā€œWe have nowhere else to go,ā€ replied Golda.

In 2021, when Israelis travel the world and find success in a broad range of fields, when technology and globalization make a large ā€“ but privileged ā€“ segment of the global population feel like they hold the world in their hands, some may think that statement is an anachronism.

And yet Goldaā€™s words are as relevant today as ever, with the past two weeks of another mini-war with Hamas and the accompanying spike of antisemitism only further proving her point.

We, the Jewish people, have nowhere else to go.

Israelis and the vast majority of Jews in the world who feel a strong connection to Israel already knew this, of course.

Just walk down the street in Israel and ask any random passerby if they think they would be alive today if there was no Israel. Chances are the person would say ā€œno.ā€

The majority of Israeli Jews, descended from the 850,000 refugees of the ethnic cleansing of Jews from North Africa and the Middle East ā€“ minus our tiny corner of the region ā€“ have good reason to say ā€œno.ā€

I would also say no.

It was the pre-state Yishuv that kept all four of my maternal great-grandparents from meeting the deadly fate of their relatives at the hands of pogromists and then Nazis, and there are countless Israelis with similar stories.

But Hamas and their acolytes, the useful idiots in the West echoing the terrorist groupā€™s charter by chanting the genocidal rallying cry: ā€œFrom the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,ā€ seem to have missed this point.

When Palestinians compare Israel to crusaders, theyā€™re saying weā€™re a blip in history, destined to be driven out by a heroic Muslim-led army as was done to the crusaders after 88 years.

But when Palestinians who have picked up on leftist lingo, along with their fellow travelers, present Israel as an illegitimate ā€œsettler colonyā€ ā€“ as one meme that was shared by influential accounts in recent weeks claimed ā€“ they forget a key difference between Israel and actual settler colonies.

When the European Crusades conquered Jerusalem, when the French settled in much of North Africa, when the British took over India, to name some settler colonies, they were still the satellites of a home country, even as they remained for generations. When mid-20th-century rebellions in the colonies were too violent or costly, the European governments packed up and left, evacuating their citizens along with them.

We are in Israel so that we never have to pack our bags and leave again, so that we donā€™t have to keep the proverbial suitcase by the door. It is because Israel itself is our historic and present home country, and there is no satellite for us.

Palestinians and their advocates like to tell Israelis to go ā€œbackā€ to Poland or Russia or wherever else ā€“ itā€™s always Eastern Europe and not the part of the world from where the majority of Israelis actually come. But, of course, those places are not our homes, and the circumstances under which much of our ancestors left show that those places never were our homes.

In the last two weeks, there has been a 500% spike in recorded antisemitic incidents in the UK, according to the Community Security Trust, and a wave of antisemitic assaults, vandalism and harassment of Jews has hit cities across North America, from Montreal to New York to Tucson to Los Angeles. In Western Europe, antisemitism is there all the time, and it has been for years.

It seems unlikely that this uptick in violence will kick off a wave of Jewish immigration to Israel. While the percentage of American Jews ā€“ the largest Diaspora community ā€“ who have experienced antisemitism is on the rise, most are able to live safely and comfortably, as Jews should be able to do anywhere in the world.

But we donā€™t live in a world where Jews can live safely wherever they want. We never have.

The rise in antisemitic attacks comes from those who claim to be standing up for the Palestinians in the latest round of fighting between Israel and Gaza. Mobs of young, keffiyeh-wearing men maraud the streets of LA asking diners in a sushi restaurant if theyā€™re Jewish ā€“ not Israeli ā€“ so they can pick someone to assault.

In Manhattan, one man took part in a pro-Palestinian march and then went on to bludgeon a Jewish man; the NYPD is using the victimā€™s bloody kippah as evidence of a hate crime. The assailant, by the way, was featured in an Instagram post by supermodel Bella Hadid, whose father is Palestinian and who participated in the same march. She has nearly 45 million followers. And those are just a couple of examples.

There is something deeply ironic about people trying to ā€œfree Palestineā€ by attacking Diaspora Jews. By turning their violence on Jews outside of Israel, by driving around Jewish neighborhoods to intimidate and assault the residents, by asking people on the street if they are Jewish while brandishing knives, they are expressing their desire to ethnically cleanse their Western countries of Jews.

Donā€™t they know where Jews go when theyā€™re ethnically cleansed? To Israel, that very place from where they want Jews removed.

But weā€™re not like the crusaders. Weā€™re still here, 73 years later, and no number of Hamas rockets will get us out of here, not even 4,000 in 11 days, nor will antisemitic attacks on our brothers and sisters in the Diaspora.

And the reason is that we still have our secret weapon: We still have nowhere else to go.

What is insane about that is that Jews were never threatened by Moslems.
Moslems consider themselves to be reformed Jews, sharing the same Old Testament.
The Quran says Judaism is valid, and Jews not to be harmed.
Never have Jews been harmed over religion, by anyone.
Jews have only been harmed when they have been traitors or evil in some way.
The claim everyone else is out to murder us and we are innocent, is impossible to believe.
We even have it in the Old Testament, that Joshua murdered all the Canaanite women and children after taking Jericho from the Canaanites.
Are you an idiot or psychotic?
Thereā€™s a story that US President Joe Biden has told many times over the years about his first trip to Israel.

As a freshman senator in 1973, Biden was granted a meeting with prime minister Golda Meir, who together with Yitzhak Rabin briefed Biden on the many threats Israel faced, showing him a series of maps.

ā€œI guess she could see the sense of apprehension on my face,ā€ Biden said in a 2010 retelling of the story. ā€œShe said, ā€˜Senator, donā€™t look so worriedā€¦ We Israelis have a secret weapon.ā€™ And I thought she only had said this to me, no one else in the whole worldā€¦ And I thought she was going to tell me about a new secret weapon.ā€

So what is Israelā€™s secret weapon, Biden asked eagerly.

ā€œWe have nowhere else to go,ā€ replied Golda.

In 2021, when Israelis travel the world and find success in a broad range of fields, when technology and globalization make a large ā€“ but privileged ā€“ segment of the global population feel like they hold the world in their hands, some may think that statement is an anachronism.

And yet Goldaā€™s words are as relevant today as ever, with the past two weeks of another mini-war with Hamas and the accompanying spike of antisemitism only further proving her point.

We, the Jewish people, have nowhere else to go.

Israelis and the vast majority of Jews in the world who feel a strong connection to Israel already knew this, of course.

Just walk down the street in Israel and ask any random passerby if they think they would be alive today if there was no Israel. Chances are the person would say ā€œno.ā€

The majority of Israeli Jews, descended from the 850,000 refugees of the ethnic cleansing of Jews from North Africa and the Middle East ā€“ minus our tiny corner of the region ā€“ have good reason to say ā€œno.ā€

I would also say no.

It was the pre-state Yishuv that kept all four of my maternal great-grandparents from meeting the deadly fate of their relatives at the hands of pogromists and then Nazis, and there are countless Israelis with similar stories.

But Hamas and their acolytes, the useful idiots in the West echoing the terrorist groupā€™s charter by chanting the genocidal rallying cry: ā€œFrom the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,ā€ seem to have missed this point.

When Palestinians compare Israel to crusaders, theyā€™re saying weā€™re a blip in history, destined to be driven out by a heroic Muslim-led army as was done to the crusaders after 88 years.

But when Palestinians who have picked up on leftist lingo, along with their fellow travelers, present Israel as an illegitimate ā€œsettler colonyā€ ā€“ as one meme that was shared by influential accounts in recent weeks claimed ā€“ they forget a key difference between Israel and actual settler colonies.

When the European Crusades conquered Jerusalem, when the French settled in much of North Africa, when the British took over India, to name some settler colonies, they were still the satellites of a home country, even as they remained for generations. When mid-20th-century rebellions in the colonies were too violent or costly, the European governments packed up and left, evacuating their citizens along with them.

We are in Israel so that we never have to pack our bags and leave again, so that we donā€™t have to keep the proverbial suitcase by the door. It is because Israel itself is our historic and present home country, and there is no satellite for us.

Palestinians and their advocates like to tell Israelis to go ā€œbackā€ to Poland or Russia or wherever else ā€“ itā€™s always Eastern Europe and not the part of the world from where the majority of Israelis actually come. But, of course, those places are not our homes, and the circumstances under which much of our ancestors left show that those places never were our homes.

In the last two weeks, there has been a 500% spike in recorded antisemitic incidents in the UK, according to the Community Security Trust, and a wave of antisemitic assaults, vandalism and harassment of Jews has hit cities across North America, from Montreal to New York to Tucson to Los Angeles. In Western Europe, antisemitism is there all the time, and it has been for years.

It seems unlikely that this uptick in violence will kick off a wave of Jewish immigration to Israel. While the percentage of American Jews ā€“ the largest Diaspora community ā€“ who have experienced antisemitism is on the rise, most are able to live safely and comfortably, as Jews should be able to do anywhere in the world.

But we donā€™t live in a world where Jews can live safely wherever they want. We never have.

The rise in antisemitic attacks comes from those who claim to be standing up for the Palestinians in the latest round of fighting between Israel and Gaza. Mobs of young, keffiyeh-wearing men maraud the streets of LA asking diners in a sushi restaurant if theyā€™re Jewish ā€“ not Israeli ā€“ so they can pick someone to assault.

In Manhattan, one man took part in a pro-Palestinian march and then went on to bludgeon a Jewish man; the NYPD is using the victimā€™s bloody kippah as evidence of a hate crime. The assailant, by the way, was featured in an Instagram post by supermodel Bella Hadid, whose father is Palestinian and who participated in the same march. She has nearly 45 million followers. And those are just a couple of examples.

There is something deeply ironic about people trying to ā€œfree Palestineā€ by attacking Diaspora Jews. By turning their violence on Jews outside of Israel, by driving around Jewish neighborhoods to intimidate and assault the residents, by asking people on the street if they are Jewish while brandishing knives, they are expressing their desire to ethnically cleanse their Western countries of Jews.

Donā€™t they know where Jews go when theyā€™re ethnically cleansed? To Israel, that very place from where they want Jews removed.

But weā€™re not like the crusaders. Weā€™re still here, 73 years later, and no number of Hamas rockets will get us out of here, not even 4,000 in 11 days, nor will antisemitic attacks on our brothers and sisters in the Diaspora.

And the reason is that we still have our secret weapon: We still have nowhere else to go.

They murdered Rabin, didn't they?

The Arab Jews were not ethically cleansed so put that lie aside. The Arab Jews left in 1948, 1956, 1967 and 1974.
One murder vs how many Muslim on Muslim murders?
Notice how stupid you are.

Its not 1 murder.
Zionist murdered tens of thousand of innocent Palestinian villagers.
But Yitzhak Rabin was Israeli hero and general, so for a settler to murder him show insane fanaticism.
Is a Zionist settler will murder Yitshak Rabin, they can and will murder anyone and everyone that gets in their way.

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