Israeli's don't waste time in getting back to business

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA
How can they be for peace? :eusa_hand: Right after Bibi's speech they go ahead w/ this? :eusa_doh: This move is telling everyone involved: "f you" :eusa_whistle:

Israel approves 1,100 new homes in east Jerusalem - Yahoo! News

The U.S. expressed deep disappointment over Israel's approval of the settlements. State Department spokesman Victoria Nuland said it was counterproductive to efforts to restart direct negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians.
Since capturing east Jerusalem, Israel has annexed the area and ringed it with about 10 Jewish enclaves that are meant to solidify its control. Gilo, which is close to the Palestinian city of Bethlehem, is among the largest, with about 50,000 residents. Israel's annexation of east Jerusalem has not been internationally recognized.

The U.S. needs to seriously consider.....oh hell..... cut-off aid now. Hows that? :)
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Did't the Jews say many times that Jerusalem is off the table?

Whats wrong with them building housing on their own land?
"their own land" is not internationally recognized. See the first post :rolleyes: Here, I'll re-post it for you:
Israel's annexation of east Jerusalem has not been internationally recognized.

While the diplomats haggle, deadly tensions are mounting in the nascent Palestine | World news | The Observer

Keep your finger off the trigger until you want to..... oh fuck
Build, Baby, Build!:clap2:

Eugene Rostow, Legal scholar, former Dean of the Yale Law School, Under Secretary of State in the Johnson administration, US State Dept Legal Advisor, Drafter of UN Res. 242 pertaining to Israeli land in the West Bank...
The British Mandate recognized the right of the Jewish people to "close settlement" in the whole of the Mandated territory [Palestine]. The Jewish right of settlement in Palestine west of the Jordan river, that is, in Israel, the West Bank, Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip, was made unassailable. That right has never been terminated and cannot be terminated except by a recognized peace between Israel and its neighbors. And perhaps not even then, in view of Article 80 of the U.N. Charter, "the Palestine article," which provides that "nothing in the Charter shall be construed ... to alter in any manner the rights whatsoever of any states or any peoples or the terms of existing international instruments...."
Resolved: are the settlements legal? Israeli West Bank policies
A Conservative Estimate of Total Direct U.S. Aid to Israel: Almost $114 Billion

Congress Watch | A Conservative Estimate of Total Direct U.S. Aid to Israel: Almost $114 Billion

so no economic aid?

Bogus website, asshole :lol:

Admiral Mike Mullen, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Stresses Importance of US--Israel Relationship
Terrific to spend time with General Ashkenazi discussing critical areas of mutual interest. It is the recognition of the importance of this relationship, the strength of the relationship, the criticality of the relationship, The need that we have as two militaries to meet challenges together has never been more important and I would reaffirm the strength of the friendship, the relationship, and the importance of the engagement. I always learn when I come to Israel. Israeli interests are also vital national interests of the United States. This relationship is as strong as it's ever been and will continue to grow
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In addition, there is the more than $1.5 billion in private U.S. funds that go to Israel annually in the form of $1 billion in private tax-deductible donations and $500 million in Israeli bonds

US Financial Aid To Israel - Figures, Facts And Impact

Total U.S. aid to Israel is approximately one-third of the American foreign- aid budget, even though Israel comprises just .001 percent of the world's population and already has one of the world's higher per capita incomes.

go ahead now and say only insults to you credibility of cut and paste jobs.
Published by the American Educational Trust, a non-profit foundation incorporated in Washington, DC to provide the American
public with balanced and accurate information concerning U.S. relations with Middle Eastern states. Material from the
Washington Report on Middle East Affairs may be printed at no charge with attribution to the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs.

Yeah a real bogus site.
Published by the American Educational Trust, a non-profit foundation incorporated in Washington, DC to provide the American
public with balanced and accurate information concerning U.S. relations with Middle Eastern states. Material from the
Washington Report on Middle East Affairs may be printed at no charge with attribution to the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs.

Yeah a real bogus site.

Bogus website, asshole :lol:

A bulk of the criticism for the publication comes from pro-Israel groups such as AIPAC, Jewish World Review, the Anti-Defamation League, the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America as well as conservative oriented news outlets like Fox News and the Jerusalem Post. Specific cases include:

In 1992, then AIPAC Deputy Director of Research and Information Michael Lewis charged that "Arabists" have become a major problem for Israel in the United States, distributing copies of the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs to an audience as evidence. He also wrote up his critique in AIPAC's "Near East Report." The Washington Report printed a rebuttal of Lewis' accusations.[34] In 1997 Michael Lewis accused the Washington Report of promoting conspiracy theories (notably regarding the USS Liberty Incident ) and publishing reports that accuse Israel and Zionists of being collectively responsible for many issues in the United States and the Middle East.[35] Lewis is now AIPAC's Director of Policy Analysis.[36]

In 2000 Jonathan S. Tobin wrote in Jewish World Review that the publication was "the guidebook to the Arabist lobby in the United States," that it "specializes in defaming Israel," and that it is "a must-read for friends of Israel who want a reliable indicator of the thinking of the anti-Israel crowd."[37] In a book published in 2002 Rafael Medoff, founding director of the David Wyman Institute for Holocaust Studies, wrote that "in addition to the standard denunciations of Israeli policies, the Washington Report has published articles belittling the magnitude of the Holocaust, listing the names of Jewish publishers of leading U.S. newspapers to demonstrate 'Zionist' control of the media, and accusing Israel of 'Nazi-style' genocide against the Arabs. Each issue is filled with wild conspiracy theories about Israel and pro-Israel lobbying groups, accusing them of orchestrating everything from the Monica Lewinsky scandal to the assassination of John F. Kennedy."[clarification needed]

During the George W. Bush administration, the Anti-Defamation League criticized the publication for hosting an essay by Paul Craig Roberts in which he writes the "fanatical neoconservatives and Israelis are using Bush to commit the United States to a catastrophic course."[38] The Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America ("CAMERA"), which has been noted for its pro-Israel media monitoring and advocacy,[39][40][41][42], describes The Washington Report as being "virulently anti-Israel".[43] The Jewish Virtual Library (a member of the Israel on Campus Coalition) says of the Washington Report that it "publishes many articles that are considered to be anti-Israel and anti-Zionist" and "supports the false accusation that there was a coverup regarding" the USS Liberty incident.[44]

In February 2010 Fox News reported that the Washington Report had deleted from a 2007 article a comment by Rashad Hussain, the newly appointed U.S. envoy to the Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC), calling the prosecution of Sami Al-Arian a “politically motivated persecution.” Editor Delinda Hanley told Fox News she believed the change was made in February 2009, because the comments attributed to Hussain were actually made by Sami al-Arian's daughter, Laila, who also attended the event. But article's author, Shereen Kandil, told Fox News that she did not confuse the two people. The White House also attributed the comments to Al-Arian's daughter.[45][46] (In 2006, Al-Arian had entered a guilty plea to a charge of conspiracy to help people associated with the Palestinian Islamic Jihad.[47]) Hussain himself said he had made the remarks in response to a question from Laila Al-Arian, but had complained to the Washington Report shortly after they were published that they "lacked context", and the publication eventually removed the remarks.
better than ur reiterated Bullshit rhetoric.

You lost, again, asshole. You never learn.

Admiral Mike Mullen, Chairman US Joint Chiefs of Staff, Reaffirms Strong US--Israeli Bond in Visit To Israel.
I have frequently spoken and met with my counterpart, General Ashkenazi, and that relatonship [with Israel] is a critical relationship that I cherish, as I do and we do from the United States to Israel to the People of Israel.

There's literally not a day that I don't think of you and your countrymen. I'd like to raise a glass to both our countries, to both our militaries and to great success in the future. The closeness of our two countries has never been more important. You're a very special group of people
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How can they be for peace? :eusa_hand: Right after Bibi's speech they go ahead w/ this? :eusa_doh: This move is telling everyone involved "f you"

What do you expect? The USA is shielding Israel from any consequences by International Community for its actions.
ISA is as much responsible as Israel is.
How can they be for peace? :eusa_hand: Right after Bibi's speech they go ahead w/ this? :eusa_doh: This move is telling everyone involved "f you"

Israel approves 1,100 new homes in east Jerusalem - Yahoo! News

The U.S. expressed deep disappointment over Israel's approval of the settlements. State Department spokesman Victoria Nuland said it was counterproductive to efforts to restart direct negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians.
Since capturing east Jerusalem, Israel has annexed the area and ringed it with about 10 Jewish enclaves that are meant to solidify its control. Gilo, which is close to the Palestinian city of Bethlehem, is among the largest, with about 50,000 residents. Israel's annexation of east Jerusalem has not been internationally recognized.

The U.S. needs to seriously consider.....oh hell..... cut-off aid now. Hows that? :)
Naaaahhhh.... their telling the vile Palestinian terrorist Mulatto's and and their buddy Obama f u ....:eusa_eh:
The U.S. needs to stop throwing U.S. tax-payers $ down that rathole of a place. This is how much I care about that monotheistic piece of land:) :

The U.S. needs to stop throwing U.S. tax-payers $ down that rathole of a place.

Are you mentally ill or just plain stupid?

Israel receives no money. The Arab and Muslim shitholes receive most US foreign aid.
It's All Your Money: Foreign Aid to Muslim/Arab nations - Fox News

And, Israelis purchase upwards of $15 billion/year in American goods while poor shits like you buy from China.

Office of the United States Trade Representative...
U.S. goods exports [to Israel] in 2008 were $14.5 billion, up 11.3 percent from the previous year. Corresponding U.S. imports from Israel were $22.3 billion, up 7.4 percent. Israel is currently the 20th largest export market for U.S. goods.

Israel | Office of the United States Trade Representative
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