Israeli soldier who shot dead a Palestinian child acquitted

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
RAMALLAH, (PIC)-- An Israeli Court acquitted, Tuesday, an Israeli soldier who shot and killed Ahmad Mousa, 10, during a nonviolent protest against the Annexation Wall in Ni’lin village, near the central West Bank city of Ramallah in 2008, despite his confession that he fired two bullets at the child.

The incident took place in July of 2008, the soldier shot the child in the head leading to instant death. During his court testimony, the soldier said that “not firing back at those who hurl stones at the army is considered weakness; therefore, I opened fire”.

The Judge claimed that “There was no proof that the bullets fired by the soldier were the cause of the death of the child,” despite the fact that she acknowledged that the soldier opened fire using live ammunition while his life was not in danger.

Israeli soldier who shot dead a Palestinian child acquitted
DO Palestinians go on trial for killing innocent Israelis?

Oh wait no, they celebrate on the streets with candy and joy !
RAMALLAH, (PIC)-- An Israeli Court acquitted, Tuesday, an Israeli soldier who shot and killed Ahmad Mousa, 10, during a nonviolent protest against the Annexation Wall in Ni’lin village, near the central West Bank city of Ramallah in 2008, despite his confession that he fired two bullets at the child.

The incident took place in July of 2008, the soldier shot the child in the head leading to instant death. During his court testimony, the soldier said that “not firing back at those who hurl stones at the army is considered weakness; therefore, I opened fire”.

The Judge claimed that “There was no proof that the bullets fired by the soldier were the cause of the death of the child,” despite the fact that she acknowledged that the soldier opened fire using live ammunition while his life was not in danger.

Israeli soldier who shot dead a Palestinian child acquitted
Another nail in Israel's Moral Compass internationally...The Arabs are not forgetting these atrocities, the result slaughtered children on both sides.
RAMALLAH, (PIC)-- An Israeli Court acquitted, Tuesday, an Israeli soldier who shot and killed Ahmad Mousa, 10, during a nonviolent protest against the Annexation Wall in Ni’lin village, near the central West Bank city of Ramallah in 2008, despite his confession that he fired two bullets at the child.

The incident took place in July of 2008, the soldier shot the child in the head leading to instant death. During his court testimony, the soldier said that “not firing back at those who hurl stones at the army is considered weakness; therefore, I opened fire”.

The Judge claimed that “There was no proof that the bullets fired by the soldier were the cause of the death of the child,” despite the fact that she acknowledged that the soldier opened fire using live ammunition while his life was not in danger.

Israeli soldier who shot dead a Palestinian child acquitted
Another nail in Israel's Moral Compass internationally...The Arabs are not forgetting these atrocities, the result slaughtered children on both sides.

In case you've missed, the soldier was JUDGED for his wrong doings, which proves Israel HAS morales. Have you ever seen Islamic Palestinian brigades being put in court of justice when killing Jewish children?

Jews don't forget these atrocities, we don't forget the slaughtered children and babies such as Shalhevet Pass, Helena Rapp, Offir Nahum, the Schevischorder children...

Israel has more morales than the Palestinian war criminals.
RAMALLAH, (PIC)-- An Israeli Court acquitted, Tuesday, an Israeli soldier who shot and killed Ahmad Mousa, 10, during a nonviolent protest against the Annexation Wall in Ni’lin village, near the central West Bank city of Ramallah in 2008, despite his confession that he fired two bullets at the child.

The incident took place in July of 2008, the soldier shot the child in the head leading to instant death. During his court testimony, the soldier said that “not firing back at those who hurl stones at the army is considered weakness; therefore, I opened fire”.The Judge claimed that “There was no proof that the bullets fired by the soldier were the cause of the death of the child,” despite the fact that she acknowledged that the soldier opened fire using live ammunition while his life was not in danger.

Israeli soldier who shot dead a Palestinian child acquitted
Another nail in Israel's Moral Compass internationally...The Arabs are not forgetting these atrocities, the result slaughtered children on both sides.

In case you've missed, the soldier was JUDGED for his wrong doings, which proves Israel HAS morales. Have you ever seen Islamic Palestinian brigades being put in court of justice when killing Jewish children?

Jews don't forget these atrocities, we don't forget the slaughtered children and babies such as Shalhevet Pass, Helena Rapp, Offir Nahum, the Schevischorder children...

Israel has more morales than the Palestinian war criminals.

just more proof of israeli apartheid, you heartless bitch...

Yitzhar settlers riot following outpost evacuation - Israel News, Ynetnews

Dozens of settlers hurled stones at security forces on Thursday after the IDF and the police razed three structures at the Kipa Sruga outpost near the settlement of Yitzhar.

One settler was arrested on suspicion he was violating a restraining order.

In response, settlers hurled stones at the security forces and several of them torched tires and entered nearby Palestinian villages.

The settlers, on their part, are claiming that the soldiers hit photographers who tried to document the evacuation and exercised excessive force.

on the one hand, shooting a ten year old palestinian child in the head is justiied. on the other hand, illegal settlers who allege being hit buy an IDF soldiers is "excessive force."

yes, you and your country men are cold hearted, disgusting low lifes and the whole world will be a better and safer place when your artificial state is wiped off the face of the fucking earth.

i only hope that when israelis face war crime trials in the future *and they will), that we have the technology to recall statements like yours and try people like you for supporting the killings of these children. tou deserve it.
DO Palestinians go on trial for killing innocent Israelis?


Killing Israelis is ok, since Israel has NO CIVILIANS!

Just ask Tinnie.

i have never, ever seen PF Tinsmore condone, celebrate, excuse or justify the killing of any child.

i have seen you do so.

you do not fool me.

to you, these dead israeli children are nothing but political fodder so that your precious and promised "light unto the nations" and your "beacon of democracy" may continue her relentless genocidal war and her heartless ethnic cleansing of an indigenous people from a land "promised" you by your angry and vengeful and racist fucking god.

hell is not hot enough nor eternity long enough for this precious YHWH for whom you so callously and without a scintilla of human care celebrate and mock the deaths of small children.
Another nail in Israel's Moral Compass internationally...The Arabs are not forgetting these atrocities, the result slaughtered children on both sides.

In case you've missed, the soldier was JUDGED for his wrong doings, which proves Israel HAS morales. Have you ever seen Islamic Palestinian brigades being put in court of justice when killing Jewish children?

Jews don't forget these atrocities, we don't forget the slaughtered children and babies such as Shalhevet Pass, Helena Rapp, Offir Nahum, the Schevischorder children...

Israel has more morales than the Palestinian war criminals.

just more proof of israeli apartheid, you heartless bitch...

Yitzhar settlers riot following outpost evacuation - Israel News, Ynetnews

Dozens of settlers hurled stones at security forces on Thursday after the IDF and the police razed three structures at the Kipa Sruga outpost near the settlement of Yitzhar.

One settler was arrested on suspicion he was violating a restraining order.

In response, settlers hurled stones at the security forces and several of them torched tires and entered nearby Palestinian villages.

The settlers, on their part, are claiming that the soldiers hit photographers who tried to document the evacuation and exercised excessive force.

on the one hand, shooting a ten year old palestinian child in the head is justiied. on the other hand, illegal settlers who allege being hit buy an IDF soldiers is "excessive force."

yes, you and your country men are cold hearted, disgusting low lifes and the whole world will be a better and safer place when your artificial state is wiped off the face of the fucking earth.

i only hope that when israelis face war crime trials in the future *and they will), that we have the technology to recall statements like yours and try people like you for supporting the killings of these children. tou deserve it.

Where did I say I justify throwing stones at security forces? I never said such a thing and this action is to be condemned. Stop claiming like I said it's alright.!

BUT, and there is a big but, there is no reason why the actions of the soldiers could not be put on film. Since the crime of Amona, it is important that these films are taken in pictures, not only the Palestinian whines!

What I see is that YOU are the heartless person, crimes are crimes only when they concern Palestinians, but obviously war crimes of HAMAS are to be tolerated. You started bashing and saying bad things as soon as I mentioned Hamas' tactics, apperently those terrorists are so liked by you you cannot handle the truth.

Israelis who do wrong need to be put to justice, but NOT civilians who are attacked and underfire.@!

And people like YOU need to grow a heart. your hypocrisy is sky high, and your insides are wicked to the CORE
DO Palestinians go on trial for killing innocent Israelis?


Killing Israelis is ok, since Israel has NO CIVILIANS!

Just ask Tinnie.

i have never, ever seen PF Tinsmore condone, celebrate, excuse or justify the killing of any child.

i have seen you do so.

you do not fool me.

to you, these dead israeli children are nothing but political fodder so that your precious and promised "light unto the nations" and your "beacon of democracy" may continue her relentless genocidal war and her heartless ethnic cleansing of an indigenous people from a land "promised" you by your angry and vengeful and racist fucking god.

hell is not hot enough nor eternity long enough for this precious YHWH for whom you so callously and without a scintilla of human care celebrate and mock the deaths of small children.

"i have never, ever seen PF Tinsmore condone, celebrate, excuse or justify the killing of any child."

That is not what I said.

Tinnie simply said that there are no civilians in Israel, thefore there is no war crimes against them, AND we don't need or DESERVE any kind of justice or protection system.

He said it as it is, so if you didn't see it, it's not my problem. And it's not my issue with you, anyway.

To me, those children are of my people. At the same breath I can twist what you've said now onto YOUR side.

As for you insulting my religion, Who cares. Keep on babbling. only shows you're being a coward. I bet you've never had a real argument with a Jew or a Zionist, so you probably feel brave you're behind the screen.

so talk to the hand:eusa_hand:
DO Palestinians go on trial for killing innocent Israelis?

Oh wait no, they celebrate on the streets with candy and joy !

palestinians are regularly tried in israeli courts for far less serious offenses and found guilty with far less evidence and given far more severe sentences than are israelis.

israel has turned killing young children into a sport that soldiers in "the most moral army in the world" engage in jubilantly and boast about their depravity, even to such an extent that they have t-shirts made celebrating their skills at commiting infanticide.
RAMALLAH, (PIC)-- An Israeli Court acquitted, Tuesday, an Israeli soldier who shot and killed Ahmad Mousa, 10, during a nonviolent protest against the Annexation Wall in Ni’lin village, near the central West Bank city of Ramallah in 2008, despite his confession that he fired two bullets at the child.

The incident took place in July of 2008, the soldier shot the child in the head leading to instant death. During his court testimony, the soldier said that “not firing back at those who hurl stones at the army is considered weakness; therefore, I opened fire”.

The Judge claimed that “There was no proof that the bullets fired by the soldier were the cause of the death of the child,” despite the fact that she acknowledged that the soldier opened fire using live ammunition while his life was not in danger.

Israeli soldier who shot dead a Palestinian child acquitted
Another nail in Israel's Moral Compass internationally...The Arabs are not forgetting these atrocities, the result slaughtered children on both sides.

In case you've missed, the soldier was JUDGED for his wrong doings, which proves Israel HAS morales. Have you ever seen Islamic Palestinian brigades being put in court of justice when killing Jewish children?

Jews don't forget these atrocities, we don't forget the slaughtered children and babies such as Shalhevet Pass, Helena Rapp, Offir Nahum, the Schevischorder children...

Israel has more morales than the Palestinian war criminals.
you have always got to fool us you are gods chosen prima donna victims and arab life is worth less to you than cockroaches

israeli justice, such as it is ..............values arab life far less than jewish life

blatantly and outrageously so

high time you learned that the 10 commandments apply to ALL EQUALLY, NOT JUST JEWS
In case you've missed, the soldier was JUDGED for his wrong doings,

By a corrupt, biased court with no intention of finding him guilty.
He killed an unarmed kid because, by his own admission, he'd look like a wimp if he didn't.

I hope the bastard's house get a rocket through it's roof.

If the soldier was not threatened he made a wrongdoing by shooting the child.

"biased, corrupt court with no intention of finding him guilty" is only in YOUR opinion. We think the same thing when the Israeli high court gives rediculous punishments to Palestinian killers.
DO Palestinians go on trial for killing innocent Israelis?

Oh wait no, they celebrate on the streets with candy and joy !

palestinians are regularly tried in israeli courts for far less serious offenses and found guilty with far less evidence and given far more severe sentences than are israelis.

israel has turned killing young children into a sport that soldiers in "the most moral army in the world" engage in jubilantly and boast about their depravity, even to such an extent that they have t-shirts made celebrating their skills at commiting infanticide.

"palestinians are regularly tried in israeli courts for far less serious offenses and found guilty with far less evidence and given far more severe sentences than are israelis."

Not surprisingly, you've missed his point completely.
He asked if the Palestinians are judged by their OWN justice systems when killing Israeli children.

The answer is obvious.
Another nail in Israel's Moral Compass internationally...The Arabs are not forgetting these atrocities, the result slaughtered children on both sides.

In case you've missed, the soldier was JUDGED for his wrong doings, which proves Israel HAS morales. Have you ever seen Islamic Palestinian brigades being put in court of justice when killing Jewish children?

Jews don't forget these atrocities, we don't forget the slaughtered children and babies such as Shalhevet Pass, Helena Rapp, Offir Nahum, the Schevischorder children...

Israel has more morales than the Palestinian war criminals.
you have always got to fool us you are gods chosen prima donna victims and arab life is worth less to you than cockroaches

israeli justice, such as it is ..............values arab life far less than jewish life

blatantly and outrageously so

high time you learned that the 10 commandments apply to ALL EQUALLY, NOT JUST JEWS

The term "God's chosen" is used 99% of the times by Anti-semites, not by Jews. since the Bible says it, it is an excuse for Anti-semitic hatred, saying that Jews believe that Jewish blood is "richer".

You fall to the same catagory others have before you, Ahmed.

bring out something new. That excuse for hate is getting old.

Killing Israelis is ok, since Israel has NO CIVILIANS!

Just ask Tinnie.

i have never, ever seen PF Tinsmore condone, celebrate, excuse or justify the killing of any child.

i have seen you do so.

you do not fool me.

to you, these dead israeli children are nothing but political fodder so that your precious and promised "light unto the nations" and your "beacon of democracy" may continue her relentless genocidal war and her heartless ethnic cleansing of an indigenous people from a land "promised" you by your angry and vengeful and racist fucking god.

hell is not hot enough nor eternity long enough for this precious YHWH for whom you so callously and without a scintilla of human care celebrate and mock the deaths of small children.

"i have never, ever seen PF Tinsmore condone, celebrate, excuse or justify the killing of any child."

That is not what I said.

Tinnie simply said that there are no civilians in Israel, thefore there is no war crimes against them, AND we don't need or DESERVE any kind of justice or protection system.

He said it as it is, so if you didn't see it, it's not my problem. And it's not my issue with you, anyway.

To me, those children are of my people. At the same breath I can twist what you've said now onto YOUR side.

As for you insulting my religion, Who cares. Keep on babbling. only shows you're being a coward. I bet you've never had a real argument with a Jew or a Zionist, so you probably feel brave you're behind the screen.

so talk to the hand:eusa_hand:

all i feel when i am behind a screen is that i am behing a screen. it requires neither bravery, nor imdicates cowardice.

you would lose that bet. i certainly do not seek out jews or zionists to harrass them, but i certainly do not shy away from encounters with them when israel is brought up. in the arrogance so common among your kind, they assume that we, the great unwashed, or goyim as you like to refer us as, are ignorant. not all of us are. i am not. usually these "discussions" result in my antagonist throwing up their hands and storming out screaming the usual "anti-semite"...preceded by some colourful descriptive adjectives, of course. i myself have an ability to be passionate and yet remain calm in such volatile ssituations. it makes me look good. sometimes, casual observers or passerbys, eavesdroppers, what have you, engage me in conversations afterwords, generally remarking that they didn't know that and they ask me more questions.

by the way, i have also encountered israelis . they usually agree with me. i shared a cab with a young ex IDF soldier about a month ago and we had a very pleasant conversation. he wanted to become a citizen. i gave him my number and told him if he needed any help...

P F Tinsmore is a good man, from what i have seen.
In case you've missed, the soldier was JUDGED for his wrong doings, which proves Israel HAS morales. Have you ever seen Islamic Palestinian brigades being put in court of justice when killing Jewish children?

Jews don't forget these atrocities, we don't forget the slaughtered children and babies such as Shalhevet Pass, Helena Rapp, Offir Nahum, the Schevischorder children...

Israel has more morales than the Palestinian war criminals.

just more proof of israeli apartheid, you heartless bitch...

Yitzhar settlers riot following outpost evacuation - Israel News, Ynetnews

Dozens of settlers hurled stones at security forces on Thursday after the IDF and the police razed three structures at the Kipa Sruga outpost near the settlement of Yitzhar.

One settler was arrested on suspicion he was violating a restraining order.

In response, settlers hurled stones at the security forces and several of them torched tires and entered nearby Palestinian villages.

The settlers, on their part, are claiming that the soldiers hit photographers who tried to document the evacuation and exercised excessive force.

on the one hand, shooting a ten year old palestinian child in the head is justiied. on the other hand, illegal settlers who allege being hit buy an IDF soldiers is "excessive force."

yes, you and your country men are cold hearted, disgusting low lifes and the whole world will be a better and safer place when your artificial state is wiped off the face of the fucking earth.

i only hope that when israelis face war crime trials in the future *and they will), that we have the technology to recall statements like yours and try people like you for supporting the killings of these children. tou deserve it.

Where did I say I justify throwing stones at security forces? I never said such a thing and this action is to be condemned. Stop claiming like I said it's alright.!

BUT, and there is a big but, there is no reason why the actions of the soldiers could not be put on film. Since the crime of Amona, it is important that these films are taken in pictures, not only the Palestinian whines!

What I see is that YOU are the heartless person, crimes are crimes only when they concern Palestinians, but obviously war crimes of HAMAS are to be tolerated. You started bashing and saying bad things as soon as I mentioned Hamas' tactics, apperently those terrorists are so liked by you you cannot handle the truth.

Israelis who do wrong need to be put to justice, but NOT civilians who are attacked and underfire.@!

And people like YOU need to grow a heart. your hypocrisy is sky high, and your insides are wicked to the CORE

not at all. my post was about the actions by the IDF when they encounter stone throwing jewish adults contrasted with their actions when they encounter stone throwing jewish children.

i really do not think you would condone IDF soldiers shooting jewish settlers in the head as they did the palestinian child, mahmad mousa.

i don't care whether someone films whatever or not. i was merely remarking on the apartheid nature of the israeli state, a nature that seems to be embraced by every zionist. the disparity of treatment defines apartheid...and far worse.

i have never condoned war crimes by HAMAS, or anyone. i have, however, understood the resistance of the palestinian people to the brutal oppression of them and their children by the israelis. if it even minimally appears as though i condone any violence against children, it is for the sole purpose of applying the values of the zionists and throwing it back in their faces un an attempt to perhaps evoke a bit of empathy on their parts. it doesn't ever work.
RAMALLAH, (PIC)-- An Israeli Court acquitted, Tuesday, an Israeli soldier who shot and killed Ahmad Mousa, 10, during a nonviolent protest against the Annexation Wall in Ni’lin village, near the central West Bank city of Ramallah in 2008, despite his confession that he fired two bullets at the child.

The incident took place in July of 2008, the soldier shot the child in the head leading to instant death. During his court testimony, the soldier said that “not firing back at those who hurl stones at the army is considered weakness; therefore, I opened fire”.

The Judge claimed that “There was no proof that the bullets fired by the soldier were the cause of the death of the child,” despite the fact that she acknowledged that the soldier opened fire using live ammunition while his life was not in danger.

Israeli soldier who shot dead a Palestinian child acquitted
Another nail in Israel's Moral Compass internationally...The Arabs are not forgetting these atrocities, the result slaughtered children on both sides.

In case you've missed, the soldier was JUDGED for his wrong doings, which proves Israel HAS morales. Have you ever seen Islamic Palestinian brigades being put in court of justice when killing Jewish children?

Jews don't forget these atrocities, we don't forget the slaughtered children and babies such as Shalhevet Pass, Helena Rapp, Offir Nahum, the Schevischorder children...

Israel has more morales than the Palestinian war criminals.

Have you ever seen Islamic Palestinian brigades being put in court of justice...

Was it illegal for the Americans to kill the British in 1812?

Omri Abu awaiting his sentencing at a Ramle Magistrate's Court, Oct. 30
DO Palestinians go on trial for killing innocent Israelis?

Oh wait no, they celebrate on the streets with candy and joy !

palestinians are regularly tried in israeli courts for far less serious offenses and found guilty with far less evidence and given far more severe sentences than are israelis.

israel has turned killing young children into a sport that soldiers in "the most moral army in the world" engage in jubilantly and boast about their depravity, even to such an extent that they have t-shirts made celebrating their skills at commiting infanticide.

"palestinians are regularly tried in israeli courts for far less serious offenses and found guilty with far less evidence and given far more severe sentences than are israelis."

Not surprisingly, you've missed his point completely.
He asked if the Palestinians are judged by their OWN justice systems when killing Israeli children.

The answer is obvious.

I didn't want to get into this fight, however: Lipush is an obvious Talmudic extremist who probably follows Israel's High Rabbi's view that a "Palestinian is not worth the fingernail of a Jew." The hypocracy of having a"Heart" by Lipush is a fraud.

Killing a child of ten by an Israeli soldier is a crime against humanity, and Israel will someday be brought to Justice.

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