Israel must stop instigating war in middleast.

Hamas didn't start what is going on in Lebanon. And you might want to go do some research because the government of Israel, especially under Netanyahu, is not innocent.
Hezbollah started firing rockets into Israel on October 8th. Why? No reason.
Yemeni Houthis from the Ansar Allah movement announced the start of numerous military operations on strategic waterways in the Red Sea, the Indian Ocean and the Arabian Sea “in support of the Palestinian and Lebanese resistance movements”, as well as in response to US and British aggression against Yemen. This was reported by Al Masirah TV channel.

Brig. Gen. Yahya Saria said the first operation targeted the British oil tanker Cordelia Moon in the Red Sea. The vessel was reportedly hit by a combination of eight ballistic and cruise missiles, a drone and a guided boat. The vessel sustained significant damage as a result of the attack.

A second operation targeted the Marathopolis vessel in the Indian Ocean, which was struck by a cruise missile. A subsequent operation again targeted the same vessel, which was sailing in the Arabian Sea northeast of the Socotra Archipelago. This third strike involved a drone, which reportedly took a direct hit.

The Yemeni armed forces explained the military action as part of a broader effort to support the Palestinian and Lebanese peoples.

On October 1, Saria also announced that Yemen's Ansar Allah movement had struck Israeli military installations in Tel Aviv and Eilat. He said the Yemeni Air Force struck a military target in the Jaffa area with a Jaffa drone, as well as military targets in the Umm al-Rashrash neighborhood of Eilat with four Sammad-4 drones.
The Houthis and the North Koreans are the two honey baders of this world. They don't care.
You sound like a member of Harris/Walz campaign team. You never back up anything with facts.

Fact: no wars under Trump four years.

Fact: multiple wars in just the first two years alone under Biden/Harris.

You would prefer WWIII as long as your candidate wins.

Americans will choose their president in November. I'm comfortable in the knowledge I have which extends well beyond what Fox, CNN, MSNBC or ABC tell me.

China is going to win. You're welcome.
Just FYI1727815849980.png

Trump's air strikes in Afghanistan dramatically increased civilian deaths

Trump is human filth, a deranged monstrous egotistical scumbag. He has NO redeeming qualities, if you for one second regard him with anything other than contempt, you're done for.

Trump's "no wars" lie is a lie, he lies and people are often so gullible they believe him.
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Hezbollah started firing rockets into Israel on October 8th. Why? No reason.


Oh yes, you're right, look, no reason.

Are you gaslighting me? Even if your stats were accurate in some form, in Ukraine alone there are at least 200k dead, many reject that value. 600k Russians dead. 42k dead in Gaza, 1200 Israeli citizens and almost 700 soldiers dead with more war breaking out with Hezbollah as we speak.

This doesn't include the increased harassment by China to Vietnam, Japan, Philippines and the terrorism occurring in key trade routes.

For the love of...
Are you gaslighting me? Even if your stats were accurate in some form, in Ukraine alone there are at least 200k dead, many reject that value. 600k Russians dead. 42k dead in Gaza, 1200 Israeli citizens and almost 700 soldiers dead with more war breaking out with Hezbollah as we speak.

This doesn't include the increased harassment by China to Vietnam, Japan, Philippines and the terrorism occurring in key trade routes.

For the love of...

As I said, the "no wars" lie is a lie, a made up factoid, defined in such a way to impress the gullible.

Trump moved the US embassy to Jerusalem, a (illegal) provocation that was just one of the factors that led up to Oct 7th, it was a HUGE provocation.

What "wars" did Biden start? what "wars" did Obama start (not that they have clean hands, but what are you choosing to define as a "war").

Trump started a war on his own people, against his own country.
You sound like a member of Harris/Walz campaign team. You never back up anything with facts.

Fact: no wars under Trump four years.

Fact: multiple wars in just the first two years alone under Biden/Harris.

You would prefer WWIII as long as your candidate wins.

Americans will choose their president in November. I'm comfortable in the knowledge I have which extends well beyond what Fox, CNN, MSNBC or ABC tell me.

China is going to win. You're welcome.
Everything I said is supported.

Syria: US fires 59 Tomahawk missiles on air base in response to suspected gas attack

trump drops MOAB

Trump falsely claims ‘no terrorist attacks’ and ‘no wars’ during his presidency​

At least 65 active duty troops died in hostile action in Trump’s presidency, the records show, as he ramped up commitments in Iraq and Syria to fight the ISIS terrorist group while also launching airstrikes on Syria as punishment for a chemical weapons attack. (During the town hall, Trump bragged, “We beat ISIS, knocked them out.”) Trump also escalated hostilities with Iran, including the killing of Iranian General Qasem Soleimani. Trump said at the time the strike was carried out in accordance with the Authorization for Use of Military Force resolution of 2001.

Trump often has a poor memory and a tenuous grasp on history, as these examples yet again show. There were jihadi-inspired terrorist attacks in the United States during his presidency, as he himself noted at the time. It’s also false to claim that he’s the first president since 1948 not to have had any wars on his watch. Jimmy Carter earns that honor.

Trump Drops the Mother of All Bombs on Afghanistan​

You make disingenuous comments that are not supported by fact.

Wars were going on during TRUMP. That is a fact. If you want WW3 Trump is your pick.

You don't have any knowledge.
Are you gaslighting me? Even if your stats were accurate in some form, in Ukraine alone there are at least 200k dead, many reject that value. 600k Russians dead. 42k dead in Gaza, 1200 Israeli citizens and almost 700 soldiers dead with more war breaking out with Hezbollah as we speak.

This doesn't include the increased harassment by China to Vietnam, Japan, Philippines and the terrorism occurring in key trade routes.

For the love of...
None of these are American wars. China is doing what it has always done and Chine beat Trump when he tried to wage a trade war with them. American farmers suffered because of it. Trump would not have stopped any of this.
I hate to say it - but you're a dickhead, go and find a conspiracy fantasy site.

Trump killed civilians like every president has and does and he lost the election, he's a failure, move on and get a life, he can't even get assassinated properly.
Proves my point that you fuckers on the left are worthless pieces of shit, and can only win when you steal elections, because no one with intelligence would vote for the DEI candidate with a vagina and her tampon loving she man.
As I said, the "no wars" lie is a lie, a made up factoid, defined in such a way to impress the gullible.

Trump moved the US embassy to Jerusalem, a (illegal) provocation that was just one of the factors that led up to Oct 7th, it was a HUGE provocation.

What "wars" did Biden start? what "wars" did Obama start (not that they have clean hands, but what are you choosing to define as a "war").

Trump started a war on his own people, against his own country.
Hows it smell way up Uranus?
Proves my point that you fuckers on the left are worthless pieces of shit, and can only win when you steal elections, because no one with intelligence would vote for the DEI candidate with a vagina and her tampon loving she man.
Buckle up dunce, he's going to lose again :auiqs.jpg:

This is an excellent assessment of an emasculated and effete United States, Trump would fare no better, nobody tells Israel what to do.
There has been no peace in the ME since 1948 and arguably decades before that even, when the tree of death was planted in the ME by the foolish British Empire.

Israel is a tree and it's fruit is death, destruction, hatred and misery - the tree must be cut down before peace can return, if the tree is left to grow then it's diseased fruit will continue to contaminate people's lives.
There is no peace because of the hatred of the Jews and not because of the Jews who are entirely peaceful when left to themselves. Blame that irrational hatred and intolerance for no peace in the Middle East. Not the Jews who just wanted/needed a tiny TINY piece of land where they could live as they chose in peace. There is no peace because of people like you who blame the Jews for everything and turn a blind eye to the hateful sins of the Arabs, Egyptians, Iranians.
There is no peace because of the hatred of the Jews and not because of the Jews who are entirely peaceful when left to themselves.
What you see today in the Middle East is hatred for the reactionary nationalist regime. Jews appear hated because they support that regime. There was hatred of Germans during WW2, especially those who supported the Third Reich.
Blame that irrational hatred and intolerance for no peace in the Middle East. Not the Jews who just wanted/needed a tiny TINY piece of land where they could live as they chose in peace.
Colonizing already occupied and peaceful land with huge numbers of foreigners and setting up a Jew supremacist government over all the non-Jews who were living there is certain to lead to conflict as it has in all colonial adventures like Africa for example.

The foreign colonialists have NO RIGHT to barge into a land where Arabs are the majority and steal their land and forcibly evict 750,000 of them making them now refugees in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Gaza.

You seem out of your depth, how long have you been holding this strange view of Israel?
View attachment 1020615

This is an excellent assessment of an emasculated and effete United States, Trump would fare no better, nobody tells Israel what to do.

I am sick and fucking tired of Israel playing it's victim card. What has happened to Israel is of it's own making.

Right now, with it's own indiscriminate killing of innocent civilians in both Gaza and Lebanon will result in new generation of Ant-Israeli Terrorists. BiBi does not about who he kills, he just wants to kill. He has years blood on his hands. The war he created is very unpopular in Israel and he knows the moment it ends, he is out on ass and possible War Crimes Charges.
What you see today in the Middle East is hatred for the reactionary nationalist regime. Jews appear hated because they support that regime. There was hatred of Germans during WW2, especially those who supported the Third Reich.

Colonizing already occupied and peaceful land with huge numbers of foreigners and setting up a Jew supremacist government over all the non-Jews who were living there is certain to lead to conflict as it has in all colonial adventures like Africa for example.

The foreign colonialists have NO RIGHT to barge into a land where Arabs are the majority and steal their land and forcibly evict 750,000 of them making them now refugees in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Gaza.

You seem out of your depth, how long have you been holding this strange view of Israel?
I am a student and teacher of history and know probably as much about how all that evolved as anyone here at USMB. Your understanding of the history is seriously lacking.

The Israelis were perfectly willing to live peacefully among the relatively few Palestinians occupying the tiny land that became Israel. The radical militant Zionists had already been suppressed by the British they had attacked and the moderate Jews of Israel who did not want that kind of activity.

Nobody evicted the Palestinians. The majority left in 1948 to get out of the way so that armies from Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon could annihilate all the Jews including the 600,000 or so who had been living on that land most or all of their lives. Those Palestinians who chose to stay with the Jews were not only allowed to stay but became full citizens of Israel with representation on the Knesset and their descendants make up more than 20% of the Israeli population now.

Those who left were not allowed to return. Any ejected were those aiding and abetting the attacking armies.

The land of Israel had no significant meaning to the Arabs. There was no actual country there prior to 1948. No government authority other than the British. It was profoundly significant to the Jews.
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I am a student and teacher of history and know probably as much about how all that evolved as anyone here at USMB. Your understanding of the history is seriously lacking.
Very well, what did I say to you so far that you dispute?
Israel has never attacked anybody unless they attacked first or were at Israel's border intending to attack. Israel has every right to fight back when they are attacked though.

Require the Arabs/Egyptians/Iranians to stop threatening, attacking, trying to obliterate Israel and/or commit total genocide on the Jews and there will be peace in the Middle East unless they all attack each other.
Israel is at peace with the Arabs and Egyptian and have been for years. What are you babbling about?

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