Israel Has Oil (Shale) Deposits Similar to Saudi Arabia, Knesset Learns


Gold Member
Jun 10, 2015
There are about 250 billion barrels of oil in oil shale in Israel, similar to the amount of oil Saudi Arabia has, Professor Eugene Kendall told the Knesset, calling on it to exploit the resources.

“We know where they lie,” Kendall, former head of the National Economic Council in the Prime Minister’s Office, told the Knesset’s Special Committee for Overseeing the Fund for Managing State Revenues from the Tax on Profits from Gas and Oil on Tuesday, and said that a committee that was not authorized to deal with oil decided not to approve even a 20-acre experiment either.

“Tens of billions of dollars lie underground and nobody is doing anything with it,” he added.

Committee head Member of Knesset (MK) Avi Dichter said Kendall’s revelation was “dramatic and has a lot of weight.”

Oil shale is an organic-rich fine-grained sedimentary rock containing kerogen, a solid mixture of organic chemical compounds, from which liquid hydrocarbons can be produced.

Oil shale is similar to petroleum and can be refined into many different substances, including diesel fuel, gasoline, and liquid petroleum gas.

Oil shale in Israel is widespread covering approximately 15% of its territory, but is an undeveloped resource, largely because of economic and technological constraints.

According to the Geological Survey of Israel, deposits that could have the biggest economic potential are located in the northern Negev.

Oil shale development in Israel has caused protests among environmental organizations.

However, Dichter said during the committee session that “the economic and state protection problems are no less important than the environmental protection problems.”


An oil leak in the Arava area of Southern Israel, on December 4, 2014.


For years I've heard many people say this would come,
but isn't the environmental question the same as with the US fracking?

Anyone understands the involved technologies?
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There are about 250 billion barrels of oil in oil shale in Israel, similar to the amount of oil Saudi Arabia has, Professor Eugene Kendall told the Knesset, calling on it to exploit the resources.

“We know where they lie,” Kendall, former head of the National Economic Council in the Prime Minister’s Office, told the Knesset’s Special Committee for Overseeing the Fund for Managing State Revenues from the Tax on Profits from Gas and Oil on Tuesday, and said that a committee that was not authorized to deal with oil decided not to approve even a 20-acre experiment either.

“Tens of billions of dollars lie underground and nobody is doing anything with it,” he added.

Committee head Member of Knesset (MK) Avi Dichter said Kendall’s revelation was “dramatic and has a lot of weight.”

Oil shale is an organic-rich fine-grained sedimentary rock containing kerogen, a solid mixture of organic chemical compounds, from which liquid hydrocarbons can be produced.

Oil shale is similar to petroleum and can be refined into many different substances, including diesel fuel, gasoline, and liquid petroleum gas.

Oil shale in Israel is widespread covering approximately 15% of its territory, but is an undeveloped resource, largely because of economic and technological constraints.

According to the Geological Survey of Israel, deposits that could have the biggest economic potential are located in the northern Negev.

Oil shale development in Israel has caused protests among environmental organizations.

However, Dichter said during the committee session that “the economic and state protection problems are no less important than the environmental protection problems.”


An oil leak in the Arava area of Southern Israel, on December 4, 2014.


I've heard many Evangelical Christians say this for years,
but isn't the environmental question the same as with the US fracking?

Anyone understands the involved technologies?

Oil Shale extraction is kind of messy, and the product is more costly to produce than just pumping out crude oil, even with fracking technology.

The thing is Israel's economy has been more focused on end products, and not resource extraction.

In any event, it's not like the shale oil is going anywhere, and when crude oil recoveries begin to drop, it will still be there for them to exploit.
“May God give you Of the dew of heaven and the fat of the earth, Abundance of new grain and wine... Cursed be they who curse you, Blessed they who bless you.”

Beresheet 27​
There are about 250 billion barrels of oil in oil shale in Israel, similar to the amount of oil Saudi Arabia has, Professor Eugene Kendall told the Knesset, calling on it to exploit the resources.

“We know where they lie,” Kendall, former head of the National Economic Council in the Prime Minister’s Office, told the Knesset’s Special Committee for Overseeing the Fund for Managing State Revenues from the Tax on Profits from Gas and Oil on Tuesday, and said that a committee that was not authorized to deal with oil decided not to approve even a 20-acre experiment either.

“Tens of billions of dollars lie underground and nobody is doing anything with it,” he added.

Committee head Member of Knesset (MK) Avi Dichter said Kendall’s revelation was “dramatic and has a lot of weight.”

Oil shale is an organic-rich fine-grained sedimentary rock containing kerogen, a solid mixture of organic chemical compounds, from which liquid hydrocarbons can be produced.

Oil shale is similar to petroleum and can be refined into many different substances, including diesel fuel, gasoline, and liquid petroleum gas.

Oil shale in Israel is widespread covering approximately 15% of its territory, but is an undeveloped resource, largely because of economic and technological constraints.

According to the Geological Survey of Israel, deposits that could have the biggest economic potential are located in the northern Negev.

Oil shale development in Israel has caused protests among environmental organizations.

However, Dichter said during the committee session that “the economic and state protection problems are no less important than the environmental protection problems.”


An oil leak in the Arava area of Southern Israel, on December 4, 2014.


I've heard many Evangelical Christians say this for years,
but isn't the environmental question the same as with the US fracking?

Anyone understands the involved technologies?

Oil Shale extraction is kind of messy, and the product is more costly to produce than just pumping out crude oil, even with fracking technology.

The thing is Israel's economy has been more focused on end products, and not resource extraction.

In any event, it's not like the shale oil is going anywhere, and when crude oil recoveries begin to drop, it will still be there for them to exploit.

I'm sure the economy can be adjusted.
The question is rather about the consequences in a tiny country,
the Aravah valley is no further than an hour and a half drive from Jerusalem.
There are about 250 billion barrels of oil in oil shale in Israel, similar to the amount of oil Saudi Arabia has, Professor Eugene Kendall told the Knesset, calling on it to exploit the resources.

“We know where they lie,” Kendall, former head of the National Economic Council in the Prime Minister’s Office, told the Knesset’s Special Committee for Overseeing the Fund for Managing State Revenues from the Tax on Profits from Gas and Oil on Tuesday, and said that a committee that was not authorized to deal with oil decided not to approve even a 20-acre experiment either.

“Tens of billions of dollars lie underground and nobody is doing anything with it,” he added.

Committee head Member of Knesset (MK) Avi Dichter said Kendall’s revelation was “dramatic and has a lot of weight.”

Oil shale is an organic-rich fine-grained sedimentary rock containing kerogen, a solid mixture of organic chemical compounds, from which liquid hydrocarbons can be produced.

Oil shale is similar to petroleum and can be refined into many different substances, including diesel fuel, gasoline, and liquid petroleum gas.

Oil shale in Israel is widespread covering approximately 15% of its territory, but is an undeveloped resource, largely because of economic and technological constraints.

According to the Geological Survey of Israel, deposits that could have the biggest economic potential are located in the northern Negev.

Oil shale development in Israel has caused protests among environmental organizations.

However, Dichter said during the committee session that “the economic and state protection problems are no less important than the environmental protection problems.”


An oil leak in the Arava area of Southern Israel, on December 4, 2014.


I've heard many Evangelical Christians say this for years,
but isn't the environmental question the same as with the US fracking?

Anyone understands the involved technologies?

Oil Shale extraction is kind of messy, and the product is more costly to produce than just pumping out crude oil, even with fracking technology.

The thing is Israel's economy has been more focused on end products, and not resource extraction.

In any event, it's not like the shale oil is going anywhere, and when crude oil recoveries begin to drop, it will still be there for them to exploit.

I'm sure the economy can be adjusted.
The question is rather about the consequences in a tiny country,
the Aravah valley is no further than an hour and a half drive from Jerusalem.

The thing is it doesn't need to be now.

The oil shales in Israel aren't the type where the oil can be released by fracking, it's the type you need to dig/mine out of the ground and process in a plant that breaks up the rock and extracts the oil. This process hasn't been found to produce oil at a cost that is currently economically viable at current crude oil prices.
The Potential for Israeli Natural Gas and Oil Development

They're hoarding it- but, from the looks of that picture they should have a "Super Fund" for cleaning up the mess the hoarding is executing.
There are about 250 billion barrels of oil in oil shale in Israel, similar to the amount of oil Saudi Arabia has, Professor Eugene Kendall told the Knesset, calling on it to exploit the resources.

“We know where they lie,” Kendall, former head of the National Economic Council in the Prime Minister’s Office, told the Knesset’s Special Committee for Overseeing the Fund for Managing State Revenues from the Tax on Profits from Gas and Oil on Tuesday, and said that a committee that was not authorized to deal with oil decided not to approve even a 20-acre experiment either.

“Tens of billions of dollars lie underground and nobody is doing anything with it,” he added.

Committee head Member of Knesset (MK) Avi Dichter said Kendall’s revelation was “dramatic and has a lot of weight.”

Oil shale is an organic-rich fine-grained sedimentary rock containing kerogen, a solid mixture of organic chemical compounds, from which liquid hydrocarbons can be produced.

Oil shale is similar to petroleum and can be refined into many different substances, including diesel fuel, gasoline, and liquid petroleum gas.

Oil shale in Israel is widespread covering approximately 15% of its territory, but is an undeveloped resource, largely because of economic and technological constraints.

According to the Geological Survey of Israel, deposits that could have the biggest economic potential are located in the northern Negev.

Oil shale development in Israel has caused protests among environmental organizations.

However, Dichter said during the committee session that “the economic and state protection problems are no less important than the environmental protection problems.”


An oil leak in the Arava area of Southern Israel, on December 4, 2014.


For years I've heard many people say this would come,
but isn't the environmental question the same as with the US fracking?

Anyone understands the involved technologies?

Yeah, I knew Israel had oil, 10 years ago.

In fact, I watched a video made by the Chirstian man who started searching for the oil, from a Church group. His Church was in Texas, and we are connected to that Church.

So he was an oil executive, of an oil company. Not like Exxon, or some other large company, but a smaller oil company.

He was in church, and came across Job 29:6 which says
"When I washed my steps with butter, and the rock poured me out rivers of oil"

He looked at 'rock poured me out rivers of oil', and started thinking about that.

Then he heard a sermon about Deuteronomy 32:13 which says
"He made him ride on the heights of the land
and fed him with the fruit of the fields.
He nourished him with honey from the rock,
and with oil from the flinty crag"

This oil exec said, there must be oil in Israel, and no one has found it. And he decided to go to Israel and start exploration.

The Leviathan gas field, was discovered by Noble Energy, which is based in Houston Texas, and that guy we watched from 2008, is the guy who found the gas fields in 2010.

Now we see that they have struck massive amounts of shale oil from the Golan Heights.

That's rather unsurprising to people like me. Golan Heights "ride on the heights of the land", Shale, "Flinty Crag" oil.

So... the Bible is true once again? Yes.... yes it is. :)

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