Israel doesnt care as long as your blowing up an Arab country every few months!


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
United States-Israel Alliance: Which Country Rules? Norman Finkelstein v. James Petras

These are not my words but Finkelstein, just wanted to make that clear, I should of put quotation marks around them.

Listen to the whole thing but if you cant just go to min 19 and listen for a few mins.

What Finkelstien likes to forget is who is in charge, he makes it sound like it was Americans who wanted to go into Iraq, even though Israel controls our congress and Bush had all Zionist Jews as his advisors.

I'm quit sure he is talking about the PNAC document, well look who the authors were.
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will listen later this week since I am pressed for time,just posting now for a bookmark here. the shills of israels handlers will be here soon im sure.sayit,hossfly,ect,ect to try and derail this truth discussion.
The Obama regime just overthrew 2 governments in the Middle East who were at peace with Israel, with their neighbors and us, and replaced them with violent terrorists hell bent on the destruction of Israel and their neighbors, and us. Muslims are top advisors to Obama and Hillary. It is a brand new day. Wake up.
The Obama regime just overthrew 2 governments in the Middle East who were at peace with Israel, with their neighbors and us, and replaced them with violent terrorists hell bent on the destruction of Israel and their neighbors, and us. Muslims are top advisors to Obama and Hillary. It is a brand new day. Wake up.

OH who are the two regimes who were at peace with Israel?
Egypt and Libya. A thirty year peace for Egypt and Israel, complete with exchanging ambassadors, opening up trade and trade routes, and not killing each other. Chilly but peaceful, until Obama and Clinton decided to mix things up a bit with their Arab Spring theory..
Egypt and Libya. A thirty year peace for Egypt and Israel, complete with exchanging ambassadors, opening up trade and trade routes, and not killing each other. Chilly but peaceful, until Obama and Clinton decided to mix things up a bit with their Arab Spring theory..

Egypt and Libya. A thirty year peace for Egypt and Israel, complete with exchanging ambassadors, opening up trade and trade routes, and not killing each other. Chilly but peaceful, until Obama and Clinton decided to mix things up a bit with their Arab Spring theory..

that Arab spring was a nightmare. In a way I felt bad for Gaddafi. Now I read Morsi and Israel got along as well, then Sisi backstabbed him, I read the UAE backed that coup. I felt bad for Morsi as well. I also realize that we have neocons in our gov that like war and are after power, oil and land, Cheney is drilling in the Golan heights now. When is enough enough.

I don't think they want stability in the ME.
United States-Israel Alliance: Which Country Rules? Norman Finkelstein v. James Petras

These are not my words but Finkelstein, just wanted to make that clear, I should of put quotation marks around them.

Listen to the whole thing but if you cant just go to min 19 and listen for a few mins.

What Finkelstien likes to forget is who is in charge, he makes it sound like it was Americans who wanted to go into Iraq, even though Israel controls our congress and Bush had all Zionist Jews as his advisors.

I'm quit sure he is talking about the PNAC document, well look who the authors were.

Peneloopy does not care how badly she mucks up the English language so long
as she can continue to spit her moronic shit into cyberspace
Egypt and Libya. A thirty year peace for Egypt and Israel, complete with exchanging ambassadors, opening up trade and trade routes, and not killing each other. Chilly but peaceful, until Obama and Clinton decided to mix things up a bit with their Arab Spring theory..

Egypt and Libya. A thirty year peace for Egypt and Israel, complete with exchanging ambassadors, opening up trade and trade routes, and not killing each other. Chilly but peaceful, until Obama and Clinton decided to mix things up a bit with their Arab Spring theory..

that Arab spring was a nightmare. In a way I felt bad for Gaddafi. Now I read Morsi and Israel got along as well, then Sisi backstabbed him, I read the UAE backed that coup. I felt bad for Morsi as well. I also realize that we have neocons in our gov that like war and are after power, oil and land, Cheney is drilling in the Golan heights now. When is enough enough.

I don't think they want stability in the ME.

I think that all you want is shit.
Rosie. Did you read the 6 part series yet by Ex Jesuit Alberto Rivera? Yes or no?

here is the link and all 6 comics are on there - have a look.

Alberto Rivera The Jesuit Priest Who Told The Truth

yes----I read it-----makes me nervous. I do not believe most of it.....
but I do believe that there are all kinds of stories about the popes and
the monasteries. I grew up in a Nazi town----where the Nazis were
generally WASPS -------who generally did not like "others" like
"wops" <<< that's Italian catholics. Thus I heard some of those
stories long ago. I do believe that in so large and powerful an organization---
there are at least a few people heavy into intrigues----but not some vast
evil single minded conspiracy thing.
Did you read all six parts? All six comic books, Rosie? You have to read all six. Why would you be nervous! You're a Jew! Did you get Bibi's message? Deuteronomy 31:6 See Random Variable's thread on it. I put that link over there for you so you can read the entire series on Rivera.
Did you read all six parts? All six comic books, Rosie? You have to read all six. Why would you be nervous! You're a Jew! Did you get Bibi's message? Deuteronomy 31:6 See Random Variable's thread on it. I put that link over there for you so you can read the entire series on Rivera.

I think I read the whole thing-----started on PAGE 1 and stopped at THE END---it
was long. As to the bible quotation yesterday-----it was appropriate to the
situation-----somehow ----thru some really psychotic sophistry----idiots here are
managing to translate it to ATTACK IRAN --- BOMB IRAN
United States-Israel Alliance: Which Country Rules? Norman Finkelstein v. James Petras

These are not my words but Finkelstein, just wanted to make that clear, I should of put quotation marks around them.

Listen to the whole thing but if you cant just go to min 19 and listen for a few mins.

What Finkelstien likes to forget is who is in charge, he makes it sound like it was Americans who wanted to go into Iraq, even though Israel controls our congress and Bush had all Zionist Jews as his advisors.

I'm quit sure he is talking about the PNAC document, well look who the authors were.

Peneloopy does not care how badly she mucks up the English language so long
as she can continue to spit her moronic shit into cyberspace

Not my words Rosie, listen and weep.
United States-Israel Alliance: Which Country Rules? Norman Finkelstein v. James Petras

These are not my words but Finkelstein, just wanted to make that clear, I should of put quotation marks around them.

Listen to the whole thing but if you cant just go to min 19 and listen for a few mins.

What Finkelstien likes to forget is who is in charge, he makes it sound like it was Americans who wanted to go into Iraq, even though Israel controls our congress and Bush had all Zionist Jews as his advisors.

I'm quit sure he is talking about the PNAC document, well look who the authors were.

Peneloopy does not care how badly she mucks up the English language so long
as she can continue to spit her moronic shit into cyberspace

Not my words Rosie, listen and weep.

ROFLMAO weep over the words of FINKLESTEIN? his own mother----his
Well, the lady is just stating fact.

Well, Haniyah, this Muslim Arab is just stating facts too (even though you are a Brotherhood supporter).

Mother of all evils Arab News

MSHARI AL-ZAYDI is a Saudi, paid and bought by the Saudi monarchy who are Wahabi a competing (to the Muslim Brotherhood) fundamentalist cult. Both are a bunch of crazy religious fanatics. You can support the Wahabis, but they are even more anti women rights than the Muslim Brotherhood.
Well, the lady is just stating fact.

Well, Haniyah, this Muslim Arab is just stating facts too (even though you are a Brotherhood supporter).

Mother of all evils Arab News

MSHARI AL-ZAYDI is a Saudi, paid and bought by the Saudi monarchy who are Wahabi a competing (to the Muslim Brotherhood) fundamentalist cult. Both are a bunch of crazy religious fanatics. You can support the Wahabis, but they are even more anti women rights than the Muslim Brotherhood.


And "Worldwide Jooooo-ish Kornspiracies" are 'finest kind', I tellz ya !!!

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