isn't this the real root of the isis problem ?


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2010
well, this came up in another thread and i thought it timely and threadworthy. it's world politics not just American.

let's start with this please. i'll add some critical examples (videos).

everyone has seen the toddler saying she hates jews because they are apes and pigs.

barely old enough to learn language concepts, let alone this type of hate, which for the child, becomes a lifetime emotional prison sentence.

these are the tame ones folks...
It is an aspect of the problem, but this sort of thinking exists everywhere in various degrees. Look at the demonization of our democratically elected president as an example. Look at the republican attitude towards immigrants. Look to the white power militias in America. Lots of hatred to go around. Does that explain ISIS? hardly, it may just be the middle east religious states will have to go through their own particular religious wars as Europe did long ago. See article below on Isis.

Evil grows in the most unlikely places sometimes. Read Stanley Milgram or check out this video: Philip Zimbardo The psychology of evil Talk Video

Interesting piece on IS, What ISIS Really Wants - The Atlantic

"If you think the United States could never elect an Adolf Hitler to power, note that David Duke would have become governor of Louisiana if it had just been up to the white voters in that state." Robert Altemeyer

"The devil is an optimist if he thinks he can make people worse than they are." Karl Kraus
It is an aspect of the problem, but this sort of thinking exists everywhere in various degrees. Look at the demonization of our democratically elected president as an example.

More moral equivalence crapola. Seen any GOP beheadings? Even "moderate" Muslims hate Jews and want to exterminate Israel.
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It is an aspect of the problem, but this sort of thinking exists everywhere in various degrees. Look at the demonization of our democratically elected president as an example. Look at the republican attitude towards immigrants. Look to the white power militias in America. Lots of hatred to go around. Does that explain ISIS? hardly, it may just be the middle east religious states will have to go through their own particular religious wars as Europe did long ago. See article below on Isis.

Evil grows in the most unlikely places sometimes. Read Stanley Milgram or check out this video: Philip Zimbardo The psychology of evil Talk Video

Interesting piece on IS, What ISIS Really Wants - The Atlantic

"If you think the United States could never elect an Adolf Hitler to power, note that David Duke would have become governor of Louisiana if it had just been up to the white voters in that state." Robert Altemeyer

"The devil is an optimist if he thinks he can make people worse than they are." Karl Kraus

thank you, that's a lot of good information. also thank you for that nice picture/avatar..

it reminds me of what a lovely family the Obamas are. it's not easy being in a fish bowl and under the microscope at the same time, especially as a kid growing up..

irrespective of my politics and bone to pick, this is their time in the white house

they are a lovely young dynamic American family, and that counts, and means a lot.
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my next poll question would be, "is it part of the religion or not "
that's the fuckin' elephant itr right ?

i think we all know what the is is in this instance. there is no is in isis.
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It is an aspect of the problem, but this sort of thinking exists everywhere in various degrees. Look at the demonization of our democratically elected president as an example.

More moral equivalence crapola. Seen any GOP beheadings? Even "moderate" Muslims hate Jews and want to exterminate Israel.
what's up w/that ?

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