Islam and the 1st Amendment


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
David Deming proposes a Constitutional Amendment and taxation to exclude Islam from the protections of the 1st Amendment in order to preserve America and Western Civilization....

Donald Trump created a media firestorm when he called for a moratorium on Muslim immigration to the US. Trump was denounced as a xenophobic racist -- as if Islam was not a religion, but a race (go figure). Trump's announcement was apparently prompted by a terrorist attack in San Bernardino, California, where two Islamic terrorists killed fourteen people. The San Bernardino incident followed in the wake of a coordinated strike by ISIS in November that slaughtered 130 people in Paris, France.

It's an absurd but deadly circus. Time after time, Islamic terrorists murder innocent people, and leftists immediately fall all over themselves to embrace Muslims and declare Islam to be a "religion of peace." In my home state, the director of the Oklahoma chapter of CAIR denounced anti-Muslim rhetoric and warned, "hateful words too often lead to violence." Listening to this sort of propaganda one might obtain the impression that Christian Crusaders were massacring innocent Muslims. The reality is that Islamic terrorists worldwide are intent not just on the genocide of Christians but the replacement of Western Civilization by a universal caliphate. If any people doubt this, I would invite them to watch the Frontline documentary, The Rise of Isis.

A group called the Islamic Circle of North America has been putting up billboards in major cities in the US. The billboards read "Muhammad believed in peace, social justice, and women's rights." Of course he did. Muhammad's idea of peace and social justice was killing anyone who refused to accept his religion. And it is true that women have certain rights in Islam. So did African slaves in the antebellum South. Southern States enacted Slave Codes that detailed and protected these rights. It's easy to completely deceive people with half-truths.

Michael Moore scaled the heights of stupidity by standing outside the Trump Tower in New York City holding up a sign that read, "we are all Muslim." Moore knows we're not literally all Muslims, so presumably his message was that we're all capable of being victims of religious discrimination. President Obama has steadfastly refused to even acknowledge the existence of Islamic terrorism. The message we're supposed to take from this is that Islam is just another religion, like Buddhism, Hinduism, or Presbyterianism.

In 1997, a left-wing think tank in the UK, the Runnymede Trust, coined the neologism "Islamophobia." "Islamophobia" is now defined in a lengthy Wikipedia article as "prejudice against, hatred towards, or fear of the religion of Islam or Muslims." A phobia is an irrational fear. Thus the term by its very existence presumes what necessarily must be demonstrated: that dislike of Islam is irrational.

We're repeatedly assured that Islamic terrorists are not Islamic, that Islam is a religion of peace, and we should wholeheartedly embrace our peaceful Muslim brothers and open our borders to them. We're supposed to accept all of this while we're being slaughtered like sheep. What makes the promulgation of this nonsense possible and acceptable to a large segment of our society is simple ignorance. According to a recent Pew Poll, most Americans "know little or nothing about Islam."

I know something about Islam, and I'm writing to tell you that it's worse than you think. When Donald Trump suggested a cessation to Muslim immigration he didn't go far enough. We need a Constitutional Amendment to exclude Islam from the protections of the First Amendment. I hesitate to suggest such a radical idea, but will explain myself at length.

Mod Edit --- trimmed for copyright..

Islam is nothing like Christianity. For that matter, it's unlike every other religion on earth. Islam is not just a religion -- it's a vicious totalitarian system that governs every aspect of human behavior. Islam is not based on concepts of love or mercy. It's based on tyranny, killing, and suppression. Islam is utterly antithetical to the Western ideal of individual freedom. The very word "Islam" means "submission." William Muir (1819-1905) was perhaps the most perspicacious and knowledgeable Western scholar who ever studied Islam. The first one-hundred and five pages of his monumental Life of Mahomet is devoted to a discussion and evaluation of primary and original sources. Muir concluded "the sword of Mahomet, and the Koran, are the most fatal enemies of civilization, liberty, and truth, which the world has yet known."

Read more: Articles: Islam and the First Amendment
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I think muslims should have the first amendment right just like anyone else. But is the "anyone else" that gets trampled on that I don't like(don't take that to mean that I support muslims getting trampled).
Like that principal deciding to eliminate valentines day, Christmas and thanksgiving. THEY are to assimilate. NOT the other way around. If they don't like America, then why fuckin come here?
I think muslims should have the first amendment right just like anyone else. But is the "anyone else" that gets trampled on that I don't like(don't take that to mean that I support muslims getting trampled).
Like that principal deciding to eliminate valentines day, Christmas and thanksgiving. THEY are to assimilate. NOT the other way around. If they don't like America, then why fuckin come here?
I'm ok with Islam because the muslims I've met seem like ok folks ... but Valentine's Day's gotta go, I'm telling you. It's the devil's seed implanted to control males who normally drink beer and watch tv ... which are our God given rights.
I think muslims should have the first amendment right just like anyone else. But is the "anyone else" that gets trampled on that I don't like(don't take that to mean that I support muslims getting trampled).
Like that principal deciding to eliminate valentines day, Christmas and thanksgiving. THEY are to assimilate. NOT the other way around. If they don't like America, then why fuckin come here?
they come here to conquer not to assimilate....that is the very essence of Islam....
Its the TINKERBELLE phenomenon. Everytime a child says "I don't believe
in fairies------an innocent fairy drops dead"--------Everytime a child says "I don't like
I think muslims should have the first amendment right just like anyone else. But is the "anyone else" that gets trampled on that I don't like(don't take that to mean that I support muslims getting trampled).
Like that principal deciding to eliminate valentines day, Christmas and thanksgiving. THEY are to assimilate. NOT the other way around. If they don't like America, then why fuckin come here?
they come here to conquer not to assimilate....that is the very essence of Islam....
I wont argue that lol. I just don't think we should relinquish their rights because they want to serve totalitarianism..
I think muslims should have the first amendment right just like anyone else. But is the "anyone else" that gets trampled on that I don't like(don't take that to mean that I support muslims getting trampled).
Like that principal deciding to eliminate valentines day, Christmas and thanksgiving. THEY are to assimilate. NOT the other way around. If they don't like America, then why fuckin come here?
they come here to conquer not to assimilate....that is the very essence of Islam....
I wont argue that lol. I just don't think we should relinquish their rights because they want to serve totalitarianism..
so you're OK with them establishing totalitarian enclaves within America....?
Rightwing gun nuts have slaughtered more Americans in mass shootings than Islamists since 9/11.

Why can't we increase surveillance over both rightwing gun nuts and Islamists?

The Republican congress just blocked legislation that would have prevented Muslims on the terrorist watch list from getting guns.

If the USA is serious about combatting domestic terrorism, it must go after radical Islamic extremism and rightwing gun nuts.

We must stop the next Timothy McVeigh, whose rightwing anti-government zealotry caused him to blow up an entire building. Nobody on the right wants to talk about the considerable terrorism and slaughter coming from their own side.

God help us.
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Rightwing gun nuts have slaughtered more Americans in mass shootings than Islamists since 9/11.

Why can't be increase surveillance over both rightwing gun nuts and Islamists?

The Republican congress just blocked legislation that would have prevented Muslims on the terrorist watch list from getting guns.

If the USA is serious about combatting domestic terrorism, it must go after radical Islamic extremism and rightwing gun nuts.

We must stop the next Timothy McVeigh, whose rightwing anti-government zealotry caused him to blow up an entire building. Nobody on the right wants to talk about the considerable terrorism and slaughter coming from their own side.

God help us.

this is not a gun problem.....unless it's for the lack of guns for self defense....

looks to me you have a big problem with all those brand new 'rightwing gun nuts' over there in Europe.......gosh i wonder why?

Europeans stocking up on guns after mass sex attacks | New York Post
Islamic invasion pulls trigger: Europe now scrambles for guns
Shotguns have 'virtually sold out' in Austria amid migrant fears
I think muslims should have the first amendment right just like anyone else. But is the "anyone else" that gets trampled on that I don't like(don't take that to mean that I support muslims getting trampled).
Like that principal deciding to eliminate valentines day, Christmas and thanksgiving. THEY are to assimilate. NOT the other way around. If they don't like America, then why fuckin come here?
they come here to conquer not to assimilate....that is the very essence of Islam....
I wont argue that lol. I just don't think we should relinquish their rights because they want to serve totalitarianism..
so you're OK with them establishing totalitarian enclaves within America....?
No. An Islamic "enclave" would be illegal, wouldn't it?
David Deming proposes a Constitutional Amendment and taxation to exclude Islam from the protections of the 1st Amendment in order to preserve America and Western Civilization....

Donald Trump created a media firestorm when he called for a moratorium on Muslim immigration to the US. Trump was denounced as a xenophobic racist -- as if Islam was not a religion, but a race (go figure). Trump's announcement was apparently prompted by a terrorist attack in San Bernardino, California, where two Islamic terrorists killed fourteen people. The San Bernardino incident followed in the wake of a coordinated strike by ISIS in November that slaughtered 130 people in Paris, France.

It's an absurd but deadly circus. Time after time, Islamic terrorists murder innocent people, and leftists immediately fall all over themselves to embrace Muslims and declare Islam to be a "religion of peace." In my home state, the director of the Oklahoma chapter of CAIR denounced anti-Muslim rhetoric and warned, "hateful words too often lead to violence." Listening to this sort of propaganda one might obtain the impression that Christian Crusaders were massacring innocent Muslims. The reality is that Islamic terrorists worldwide are intent not just on the genocide of Christians but the replacement of Western Civilization by a universal caliphate. If any people doubt this, I would invite them to watch the Frontline documentary, The Rise of Isis.

A group called the Islamic Circle of North America has been putting up billboards in major cities in the US. The billboards read "Muhammad believed in peace, social justice, and women's rights." Of course he did. Muhammad's idea of peace and social justice was killing anyone who refused to accept his religion. And it is true that women have certain rights in Islam. So did African slaves in the antebellum South. Southern States enacted Slave Codes that detailed and protected these rights. It's easy to completely deceive people with half-truths.

Michael Moore scaled the heights of stupidity by standing outside the Trump Tower in New York City holding up a sign that read, "we are all Muslim." Moore knows we're not literally all Muslims, so presumably his message was that we're all capable of being victims of religious discrimination. President Obama has steadfastly refused to even acknowledge the existence of Islamic terrorism. The message we're supposed to take from this is that Islam is just another religion, like Buddhism, Hinduism, or Presbyterianism.

In 1997, a left-wing think tank in the UK, the Runnymede Trust, coined the neologism "Islamophobia." "Islamophobia" is now defined in a lengthy Wikipedia article as "prejudice against, hatred towards, or fear of the religion of Islam or Muslims." A phobia is an irrational fear. Thus the term by its very existence presumes what necessarily must be demonstrated: that dislike of Islam is irrational.

We're repeatedly assured that Islamic terrorists are not Islamic, that Islam is a religion of peace, and we should wholeheartedly embrace our peaceful Muslim brothers and open our borders to them. We're supposed to accept all of this while we're being slaughtered like sheep. What makes the promulgation of this nonsense possible and acceptable to a large segment of our society is simple ignorance. According to a recent Pew Poll, most Americans "know little or nothing about Islam."

I know something about Islam, and I'm writing to tell you that it's worse than you think. When Donald Trump suggested a cessation to Muslim immigration he didn't go far enough. We need a Constitutional Amendment to exclude Islam from the protections of the First Amendment. I hesitate to suggest such a radical idea, but will explain myself at length.

There was a time when I would have wholeheartedly embraced the extension of religious toleration to Islam. The idea that Islamic terrorism is promulgated by a tiny, radical minority that does not represent the heart of the faith is certainly a plausible proposition for anyone who has not studied the history of Islam. It is precisely because I know something about Islam and its history that I am led to the conclusion that our Constitution must be amended.

My views on Islam are informed by the research I did when writing the second volume of my history of science, Early Christianity, the Rise of Islam and the Middle Ages. Prior to studying the history of Islam, I would have assumed that it is just another religion. Views of religion held by most people in the US have been strongly influenced by the historical dominance of Christianity in Western Civilization. We tend to view religion as a matter of individual conscience. Different denominations may have different views on obscure matters of doctrine, but all religions are seen as promoting peace, justice, love, and mercy. Ignorant of the true nature of Islam, most Americans implicitly see it as a nothing more than a quaint variant of Christianity.

Islam is nothing like Christianity. For that matter, it's unlike every other religion on earth. Islam is not just a religion -- it's a vicious totalitarian system that governs every aspect of human behavior. Islam is not based on concepts of love or mercy. It's based on tyranny, killing, and suppression. Islam is utterly antithetical to the Western ideal of individual freedom. The very word "Islam" means "submission." William Muir (1819-1905) was perhaps the most perspicacious and knowledgeable Western scholar who ever studied Islam. The first one-hundred and five pages of his monumental Life of Mahomet is devoted to a discussion and evaluation of primary and original sources. Muir concluded "the sword of Mahomet, and the Koran, are the most fatal enemies of civilization, liberty, and truth, which the world has yet known."

Read more: Articles: Islam and the First Amendment
Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

Nothing says "American Freedom" like Conservatives proposing to deny religious freedom to some Americans.
David Deming proposes a Constitutional Amendment and taxation to exclude Islam from the protections of the 1st Amendment in order to preserve America and Western Civilization....

Donald Trump created a media firestorm when he called for a moratorium on Muslim immigration to the US. Trump was denounced as a xenophobic racist -- as if Islam was not a religion, but a race (go figure). Trump's announcement was apparently prompted by a terrorist attack in San Bernardino, California, where two Islamic terrorists killed fourteen people. The San Bernardino incident followed in the wake of a coordinated strike by ISIS in November that slaughtered 130 people in Paris, France.

It's an absurd but deadly circus. Time after time, Islamic terrorists murder innocent people, and leftists immediately fall all over themselves to embrace Muslims and declare Islam to be a "religion of peace." In my home state, the director of the Oklahoma chapter of CAIR denounced anti-Muslim rhetoric and warned, "hateful words too often lead to violence." Listening to this sort of propaganda one might obtain the impression that Christian Crusaders were massacring innocent Muslims. The reality is that Islamic terrorists worldwide are intent not just on the genocide of Christians but the replacement of Western Civilization by a universal caliphate. If any people doubt this, I would invite them to watch the Frontline documentary, The Rise of Isis.

A group called the Islamic Circle of North America has been putting up billboards in major cities in the US. The billboards read "Muhammad believed in peace, social justice, and women's rights." Of course he did. Muhammad's idea of peace and social justice was killing anyone who refused to accept his religion. And it is true that women have certain rights in Islam. So did African slaves in the antebellum South. Southern States enacted Slave Codes that detailed and protected these rights. It's easy to completely deceive people with half-truths.

Michael Moore scaled the heights of stupidity by standing outside the Trump Tower in New York City holding up a sign that read, "we are all Muslim." Moore knows we're not literally all Muslims, so presumably his message was that we're all capable of being victims of religious discrimination. President Obama has steadfastly refused to even acknowledge the existence of Islamic terrorism. The message we're supposed to take from this is that Islam is just another religion, like Buddhism, Hinduism, or Presbyterianism.

In 1997, a left-wing think tank in the UK, the Runnymede Trust, coined the neologism "Islamophobia." "Islamophobia" is now defined in a lengthy Wikipedia article as "prejudice against, hatred towards, or fear of the religion of Islam or Muslims." A phobia is an irrational fear. Thus the term by its very existence presumes what necessarily must be demonstrated: that dislike of Islam is irrational.

We're repeatedly assured that Islamic terrorists are not Islamic, that Islam is a religion of peace, and we should wholeheartedly embrace our peaceful Muslim brothers and open our borders to them. We're supposed to accept all of this while we're being slaughtered like sheep. What makes the promulgation of this nonsense possible and acceptable to a large segment of our society is simple ignorance. According to a recent Pew Poll, most Americans "know little or nothing about Islam."

I know something about Islam, and I'm writing to tell you that it's worse than you think. When Donald Trump suggested a cessation to Muslim immigration he didn't go far enough. We need a Constitutional Amendment to exclude Islam from the protections of the First Amendment. I hesitate to suggest such a radical idea, but will explain myself at length.

There was a time when I would have wholeheartedly embraced the extension of religious toleration to Islam. The idea that Islamic terrorism is promulgated by a tiny, radical minority that does not represent the heart of the faith is certainly a plausible proposition for anyone who has not studied the history of Islam. It is precisely because I know something about Islam and its history that I am led to the conclusion that our Constitution must be amended.

My views on Islam are informed by the research I did when writing the second volume of my history of science, Early Christianity, the Rise of Islam and the Middle Ages. Prior to studying the history of Islam, I would have assumed that it is just another religion. Views of religion held by most people in the US have been strongly influenced by the historical dominance of Christianity in Western Civilization. We tend to view religion as a matter of individual conscience. Different denominations may have different views on obscure matters of doctrine, but all religions are seen as promoting peace, justice, love, and mercy. Ignorant of the true nature of Islam, most Americans implicitly see it as a nothing more than a quaint variant of Christianity.

Islam is nothing like Christianity. For that matter, it's unlike every other religion on earth. Islam is not just a religion -- it's a vicious totalitarian system that governs every aspect of human behavior. Islam is not based on concepts of love or mercy. It's based on tyranny, killing, and suppression. Islam is utterly antithetical to the Western ideal of individual freedom. The very word "Islam" means "submission." William Muir (1819-1905) was perhaps the most perspicacious and knowledgeable Western scholar who ever studied Islam. The first one-hundred and five pages of his monumental Life of Mahomet is devoted to a discussion and evaluation of primary and original sources. Muir concluded "the sword of Mahomet, and the Koran, are the most fatal enemies of civilization, liberty, and truth, which the world has yet known."

Read more: Articles: Islam and the First Amendment
Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

Nothing says "American Freedom" like Conservatives proposing to deny religious freedom to some Americans.

Rightwing gun nuts have slaughtered more Americans in mass shootings than Islamists since 9/11.
Why can't be increase surveillance over both rightwing gun nuts and Islamists?
The Republican congress just blocked legislation that would have prevented Muslims on the terrorist watch list from getting guns.
If the USA is serious about combatting domestic terrorism, it must go after radical Islamic extremism and rightwing gun nuts.
We must stop the next Timothy McVeigh, whose rightwing anti-government zealotry caused him to blow up an entire building. Nobody on the right wants to talk about the considerable terrorism and slaughter coming from their own side.
God help us.

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