ISIS outdoes all other terrorist organizations when it comes to recruiting


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Three UK girls ran away to become ISIS brides (slaves). What can they be thinking? Article states that they are straight A students. I can only wonder what they are being taught.

We can imagine what ISIS members are telling these young people. I highly doubt they are honest with any of them. If these girls knew what was in store for them, I don't believe they would run away from their homes. Just the fact that they bothered to pack bags tells me they have no idea what awaits them. They won't be needing anything in those bags. They will soon don that ghastly apparel that all Muslim women are forced to wear and learn what it's like to live as a possession to be used and abused at the will of the men.

By all accounts, ISIS can write the book when it comes to recruiting young people into their savage group. And they'll do it while the Obama administration sympathizes with them and cares about their grievances.

"It’s no secret that ISIS has been successful using social media to recruit westerners to their cause. Most recently, three high school girls from the UK left the comforts of home for the cold, hard reality of Turkey and, eventually, Syria.

The girls, aged 15-16, boarded an airplane headed for Turkey without leaving any information or a goodbye for loved ones. It is presumed that the girls went to join the estimated
550 women from around the world who have become brides for jihadi fighters."
Three UK girls ran away to become ISIS brides (slaves). What can they be thinking? Article states that they are straight A students. I can only wonder what they are being taught.

We can imagine what ISIS members are telling these young people. I highly doubt they are honest with any of them. If these girls knew what was in store for them, I don't believe they would run away from their homes. Just the fact that they bothered to pack bags tells me they have no idea what awaits them. They won't be needing anything in those bags. They will soon don that ghastly apparel that all Muslim women are forced to wear and learn what it's like to live as a possession to be used and abused at the will of the men.

By all accounts, ISIS can write the book when it comes to recruiting young people into their savage group. And they'll do it while the Obama administration sympathizes with them and cares about their grievances.

"It’s no secret that ISIS has been successful using social media to recruit westerners to their cause. Most recently, three high school girls from the UK left the comforts of home for the cold, hard reality of Turkey and, eventually, Syria.

The girls, aged 15-16, boarded an airplane headed for Turkey without leaving any information or a goodbye for loved ones. It is presumed that the girls went to join the estimated
550 women from around the world who have become brides for jihadi fighters."
As a consequence of your stupidity you're not even aware of the fact that the hatred you express for Islam in this post feeds the narrative of the West being hostile to Muslims, the same theme ISIS uses to recruit.

And like ISIS you seek to propagate your message of hate by using lies, such as the lie that the Obama administration “sympathizes” with ISIS or “cares about their grievances,” when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

You and ISIS are equally ridiculous with your war of hatred and lies.
This idea that Obama likes ISIS is based on nothing except conservatives inability to distinguish the billion or so Muslims from the several thousand who are actively fighting for the so-called Islamic state.
ISIS are rock stars. No one seems to get it. JVTeam kiss my ass.


These dudes are amazing. Unless one recognizes how awesome they are there is no defeat up and coming.
This idea that Obama likes ISIS is based on nothing except conservatives inability to distinguish the billion or so Muslims from the several thousand who are actively fighting for the so-called Islamic state.
Hey, all ISIS needs is jobs.

Maybe Obama has some of those shovelready jobs he promised so they can bury the bodies.
This idea that Obama likes ISIS is based on nothing except conservatives inability to distinguish the billion or so Muslims from the several thousand who are actively fighting for the so-called Islamic state.

No. The ability to recognize that your asshole in chief is still trying to overthrow Assad to give his country to the syrian sunni muslim brotherhood.

Because Obama the idiot is still trying this shit it leaves a power vacuum that lets ISIS rock. Oh just like Libya. Oh just like Yemen. Oh and............over and over and over.
This idea that Obama likes ISIS is based on nothing except conservatives inability to distinguish the billion or so Muslims from the several thousand who are actively fighting for the so-called Islamic state.
Hey, all ISIS needs is jobs.

Maybe Obama has some of those shovelready jobs he promised so they can bury the bodies.


Keystone for Syrians.
This idea that Obama likes ISIS is based on nothing except conservatives inability to distinguish the billion or so Muslims from the several thousand who are actively fighting for the so-called Islamic state.
Hey, all ISIS needs is jobs.

Maybe Obama has some of those shovelready jobs he promised so they can bury the bodies.
Look here doofus, it is a fact that so many left Europe to fight for ISIS because the various countries there have done an extremely poor job integrating them into society. They welcomed them in and then shunned them for decent education and employment. It's really too late to reverse things in the short-term but recognizing the problem and taking steps towards solving it is far better than ignoring it like you seem to be. America is very good at absorbing other cultures and that's why we do not have the same problem to the extent Europe does.
This idea that Obama likes ISIS is based on nothing except conservatives inability to distinguish the billion or so Muslims from the several thousand who are actively fighting for the so-called Islamic state.
Hey, all ISIS needs is jobs.

Maybe Obama has some of those shovelready jobs he promised so they can bury the bodies.
Look here doofus, it is a fact that so many left Europe to fight for ISIS because the various countries there have done an extremely poor job integrating them into society. They welcomed them in and then shunned them for decent education and employment. It's really too late to reverse things in the short-term but recognizing the problem and taking steps towards solving it is far better than ignoring it like you seem to be. America is very good at absorbing other cultures and that's why we do not have the same problem to the extent Europe does.
Europe decided not to let them melt into their social fabric because Muslim leaders demanded it. Sort of the way Democrats want us to go bi-lingual and not force immigrants to learn the constitution.... dickhead. Number one priority should be in order live in America you need to learn to be an American. Democrats think that's wrong. Instead they want them to hate this country, so they'll vote like in Europe.
Look here doofus, it is a fact that so many left Europe to fight for ISIS because the various countries there have done an extremely poor job integrating them into society. They welcomed them in and then shunned them for decent education and employment.

You're blaming ISIS recruitment on the Native Peoples of Europe? Holy shit
It's much easier to recruit people when they have nothing to lose.
Look here doofus, it is a fact that so many left Europe to fight for ISIS because the various countries there have done an extremely poor job integrating them into society. They welcomed them in and then shunned them for decent education and employment.

You're blaming ISIS recruitment on the Native Peoples of Europe? Holy shit
It's much easier to recruit people when they have nothing to lose.

Holy shit. That's all I can say.

You're an ISIS sympathizer.
This idea that Obama likes ISIS is based on nothing except conservatives inability to distinguish the billion or so Muslims from the several thousand who are actively fighting for the so-called Islamic state.
Hey, all ISIS needs is jobs.

Maybe Obama has some of those shovelready jobs he promised so they can bury the bodies.

Is this because of lack of jobs...Marie Harf ?

Child Soldiers or Cubs Shown in Latest ISIS Video - NBC News
Look here doofus, it is a fact that so many left Europe to fight for ISIS because the various countries there have done an extremely poor job integrating them into society. They welcomed them in and then shunned them for decent education and employment.

You're blaming ISIS recruitment on the Native Peoples of Europe? Holy shit
It's much easier to recruit people when they have nothing to lose.

Or if your people are raised to be so hateful that getting a chance to saw off heads sounds appealing to the sick fucks.
This idea that Obama likes ISIS is based on nothing except conservatives inability to distinguish the billion or so Muslims from the several thousand who are actively fighting for the so-called Islamic state.
Hey, all ISIS needs is jobs.

Maybe Obama has some of those shovelready jobs he promised so they can bury the bodies.
Look here doofus, it is a fact that so many left Europe to fight for ISIS because the various countries there have done an extremely poor job integrating them into society. They welcomed them in and then shunned them for decent education and employment. It's really too late to reverse things in the short-term but recognizing the problem and taking steps towards solving it is far better than ignoring it like you seem to be. America is very good at absorbing other cultures and that's why we do not have the same problem to the extent Europe does.
Europe decided not to let them melt into their social fabric because Muslim leaders demanded it. Sort of the way Democrats want us to go bi-lingual and not force immigrants to learn the constitution.... dickhead. Number one priority should be in order live in America you need to learn to be an American. Democrats think that's wrong. Instead they want them to hate this country, so they'll vote like in Europe.
Learn to be an American? What is that to you?
Look here doofus, it is a fact that so many left Europe to fight for ISIS because the various countries there have done an extremely poor job integrating them into society. They welcomed them in and then shunned them for decent education and employment.

You're blaming ISIS recruitment on the Native Peoples of Europe? Holy shit
It's much easier to recruit people when they have nothing to lose.

Or if your people are raised to be so hateful that getting a chance to saw off heads sounds appealing to the sick fucks.
If Muslims were actually raised that way we would have a much, much bigger problem on our hands. You do know there are a billion of them and an estimated 30,000 active members of ISIS? So if Muslims are raised that way it only takes in an astonishingly small percentage.

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