ISIS beheads 14-year-old boy. He was arrested for missing Friday prayers


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

URFA – Extremists of the Islamic State (ISIS) beheaded on Saturday a Syrian teenager in the northern city of Jarablus after accusing him of apostasy.

The 14-year-old boy was arrested by ISIS militants for missing Friday prayers at the central mosque of Jarablus, where pro-ISIS preachers usually deliver speeches promoting the group’s alleged Caliphate.

ISIS beheads Syrian teenager on charges of 'apostasy' - ARA News

Do not worry folks. It is cool. Not done by Christians or white people. So, really nothing to be all that upset about.

I wonder how many liberals (not really liberals but American hating, Christian hating socialists that we call liberals.) will express their disgust with out giving us.....the old......YEAH BUT CHRISTIANS!!!!!!
Hooray for ISIS! Muslim self righteous killers of innocent defenseless people everywhere. Islam ...were are all the "GOOD" Muslims when we need them? Like all the good NAZIS, scarce as hen's teeth.
I'm not Sigmund Freud, but here's the real reason I think this religious bloodbath makes liberal filth get down on their knees and open wide: because today's liberals are so filled with pathological self-hatred of the West, they subconsciously (or maybe consciously) get off when the antithesis of the West (Pisslam) kills fellow westerners. If anyone has a better explanation, I'm all ears!

URFA – Extremists of the Islamic State (ISIS) beheaded on Saturday a Syrian teenager in the northern city of Jarablus after accusing him of apostasy.

The 14-year-old boy was arrested by ISIS militants for missing Friday prayers at the central mosque of Jarablus, where pro-ISIS preachers usually deliver speeches promoting the group’s alleged Caliphate.

ISIS beheads Syrian teenager on charges of 'apostasy' - ARA News

Do not worry folks. It is cool. Not done by Christians or white people. So, really nothing to be all that upset about.

I wonder how many liberals (not really liberals but American hating, Christian hating socialists that we call liberals.) will express their disgust with out giving us.....the old......YEAH BUT CHRISTIANS!!!!!!

Then there was that dedicated ISIS soldier in Lebanon whose 40 year old mother asked him to consider leaving ISIS because of the dangers. So what he did was take her out in front of the public and executed her ---- humanely though, using ballistics. ISIS extremist reportedly kills his mother in public execution in Syria | Fox News

I do not blame the liberals in the USA or Europe for allowing this to continue. I blame the political leaders for not having taken definitive action more than one year ago to wipe them out. Never mind the gratitude which would have poured in --secretly -- from Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Kuwait, etc. for having done everyone an enormous act of goodness.

URFA – Extremists of the Islamic State (ISIS) beheaded on Saturday a Syrian teenager in the northern city of Jarablus after accusing him of apostasy.

The 14-year-old boy was arrested by ISIS militants for missing Friday prayers at the central mosque of Jarablus, where pro-ISIS preachers usually deliver speeches promoting the group’s alleged Caliphate.

ISIS beheads Syrian teenager on charges of 'apostasy' - ARA News

Do not worry folks. It is cool. Not done by Christians or white people. So, really nothing to be all that upset about.

I wonder how many liberals (not really liberals but American hating, Christian hating socialists that we call liberals.) will express their disgust with out giving us.....the old......YEAH BUT CHRISTIANS!!!!!!

Clearly this is a monstrous act. I am sure you'll get around to expressing your own disgust just as soon as you finish using his severed head as political soccer ball. There is something terribly wrong with you.
I'm not Sigmund Freud, but here's the real reason I think this religious bloodbath makes liberal filth get down on their knees and open wide: because today's liberals are so filled with pathological self-hatred of the West, they subconsciously (or maybe consciously) get off when the antithesis of the West (Pisslam) kills fellow westerners. If anyone has a better explanation, I'm all ears!

No this is accurate, it's a combination of self-hatred of Western Civilisation and it's values coupled with pathological altruism, both of course brought about by the brainwashing of Cultural Marxism.
But the Crusades! The Crusades!
Yes, the crusades, 500 years ago. Hell, each any every slight, real or imagined, Islam needs to exploit in its hateful pogroms against ANYONE or ANYTHING to dominate in the name of...submission to a belief system based on 1 century mythos. Wow.

URFA – Extremists of the Islamic State (ISIS) beheaded on Saturday a Syrian teenager in the northern city of Jarablus after accusing him of apostasy.

The 14-year-old boy was arrested by ISIS militants for missing Friday prayers at the central mosque of Jarablus, where pro-ISIS preachers usually deliver speeches promoting the group’s alleged Caliphate.

ISIS beheads Syrian teenager on charges of 'apostasy' - ARA News

Do not worry folks. It is cool. Not done by Christians or white people. So, really nothing to be all that upset about.

I wonder how many liberals (not really liberals but American hating, Christian hating socialists that we call liberals.) will express their disgust with out giving us.....the old......YEAH BUT CHRISTIANS!!!!!!

Then there was that dedicated ISIS soldier in Lebanon whose 40 year old mother asked him to consider leaving ISIS because of the dangers. So what he did was take her out in front of the public and executed her ---- humanely though, using ballistics. ISIS extremist reportedly kills his mother in public execution in Syria | Fox News

I do not blame the liberals in the USA or Europe for allowing this to continue. I blame the political leaders for not having taken definitive action more than one year ago to wipe them out. Never mind the gratitude which would have poured in --secretly -- from Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Kuwait, etc. for having done everyone an enormous act of goodness.

Trust this. If the pathetic left wing pieces of American hating shit held rallies demanding justice for these victims, those fucking politicians would act.

The left are not ignorant. Not the ones that post here. We give them the information on a daily basis and they have no responses. Look at their fucking rallies for the fat thug that they falsely thought was murdered by a " white cop." Day after day, long winded utter bullshit from them.Yes, we know the democrats use such cases to further divide the country and inflame racial tensions for political expediency. We know the democrats use blacks and every other minority as pawns. Oh, we get it.

However, in this day and age of information there is no excuse. They are losers. They deserve zero respect. They are gasbags. Hypocrites about everything.

If they displayed just a little disgust with out giving us the old....YEAH BUT CHRISTIANS, or ALL RELIGIONS SUCK when there are actions by FUCKING STINK MUSLIMS, there would be a sliver of hope.

URFA – Extremists of the Islamic State (ISIS) beheaded on Saturday a Syrian teenager in the northern city of Jarablus after accusing him of apostasy.

The 14-year-old boy was arrested by ISIS militants for missing Friday prayers at the central mosque of Jarablus, where pro-ISIS preachers usually deliver speeches promoting the group’s alleged Caliphate.

ISIS beheads Syrian teenager on charges of 'apostasy' - ARA News

Do not worry folks. It is cool. Not done by Christians or white people. So, really nothing to be all that upset about.

I wonder how many liberals (not really liberals but American hating, Christian hating socialists that we call liberals.) will express their disgust with out giving us.....the old......YEAH BUT CHRISTIANS!!!!!!

Then there was that dedicated ISIS soldier in Lebanon whose 40 year old mother asked him to consider leaving ISIS because of the dangers. So what he did was take her out in front of the public and executed her ---- humanely though, using ballistics. ISIS extremist reportedly kills his mother in public execution in Syria | Fox News

I do not blame the liberals in the USA or Europe for allowing this to continue. I blame the political leaders for not having taken definitive action more than one year ago to wipe them out. Never mind the gratitude which would have poured in --secretly -- from Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Kuwait, etc. for having done everyone an enormous act of goodness.

Trust this. If the pathetic left wing pieces of American hating shit held rallies demanding justice for these victims, those fucking politicians would act.

The left are not ignorant. Not the ones that post here. We give them the information on a daily basis and they have no responses. Look at their fucking rallies for the fat thug that they falsely thought was murdered by a " white cop." Day after day, long winded utter bullshit from them.Yes, we know the democrats use such cases the further divide the country and inflame racial tensions for political expediency. We know the democrats use blacks and every other minority as pawns. Oh, we get it.

However, in this day and age of information there is no excuse. They are losers. They deserve zero respect. They gasbags. Hypocrites about everything.

If they displayed just a little disgust with out giving us the old....YEAH BUT CHRISTIANS, or ALL RELIGIONS SUCK when there would be a sliver of hope.
Not liking Islam right now, well, ever since 9/11 actually. Exactly WHAT is their redeeming value, again? That medieval mentality and their obstinate clinging to a pathetic mythos that is obviously based in 1st century AD flat Earth mentality? And why do liberals defend these barbarians, anyway?
This will continue for generations. Sad but true. Why? It's fairly simple. Until we, as a people, take the step to be as ruthless to them, as they are to us, we will be victims.

Send in the 82nd Airborne and unleash the dogs of war. Wipe them off the face of the earth and then come home. ANY politician who opens his worthless, slimy mouth - throw him in jail.

When these rag wearing assholes understand resolve, they will either fight and die or run and hide. Every time one of these assholes rears his ugly head - cut it off. That's the only way we will ever have any hope of stopping this shit.
This will continue for generations. Sad but true. Why? It's fairly simple. Until we, as a people, take the step to be as ruthless to them, as they are to us, we will be victims.

Send in the 82nd Airborne and unleash the dogs of war. Wipe them off the face of the earth and then come home. ANY politician who opens his worthless, slimy mouth - throw him in jail.

When these rag wearing assholes understand resolve, they will either fight and die or run and hide. Every time one of these assholes rears his ugly head - cut it off. That's the only way we will ever have any hope of stopping this shit.

The West could finish this very quickly.....5 Atomic Bombs should do it.

Damn. Now THAT is STRICT! What do they do to you if caught jerking off with your dad's porno rags?

URFA – Extremists of the Islamic State (ISIS) beheaded on Saturday a Syrian teenager in the northern city of Jarablus after accusing him of apostasy.

The 14-year-old boy was arrested by ISIS militants for missing Friday prayers at the central mosque of Jarablus, where pro-ISIS preachers usually deliver speeches promoting the group’s alleged Caliphate.

ISIS beheads Syrian teenager on charges of 'apostasy' - ARA News

Do not worry folks. It is cool. Not done by Christians or white people. So, really nothing to be all that upset about.

I wonder how many liberals (not really liberals but American hating, Christian hating socialists that we call liberals.) will express their disgust with out giving us.....the old......YEAH BUT CHRISTIANS!!!!!!

Then there was that dedicated ISIS soldier in Lebanon whose 40 year old mother asked him to consider leaving ISIS because of the dangers. So what he did was take her out in front of the public and executed her ---- humanely though, using ballistics. ISIS extremist reportedly kills his mother in public execution in Syria | Fox News

I do not blame the liberals in the USA or Europe for allowing this to continue. I blame the political leaders for not having taken definitive action more than one year ago to wipe them out. Never mind the gratitude which would have poured in --secretly -- from Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Kuwait, etc. for having done everyone an enormous act of goodness.

Trust this. If the pathetic left wing pieces of American hating shit held rallies demanding justice for these victims, those fucking politicians would act.

The left are not ignorant. Not the ones that post here. We give them the information on a daily basis and they have no responses. Look at their fucking rallies for the fat thug that they falsely thought was murdered by a " white cop." Day after day, long winded utter bullshit from them.Yes, we know the democrats use such cases to further divide the country and inflame racial tensions for political expediency. We know the democrats use blacks and every other minority as pawns. Oh, we get it.

However, in this day and age of information there is no excuse. They are losers. They deserve zero respect. They are gasbags. Hypocrites about everything.

If they displayed just a little disgust with out giving us the old....YEAH BUT CHRISTIANS, or ALL RELIGIONS SUCK when there are actions by FUCKING STINK MUSLIMS, there would be a sliver of hope.
You forgot the whine-o's, wait what they called again?.. Oh, yeah RINOs, progressives (regressives) on both sides of the aisle, and those stupid, self-hating New World Order wack-jobs.
Religion is fucking evil. I'll fight against all its forms.
Even the leftist eco-terrorist, mother earth, tree hugging, hippy religions? Or just the ones that go back a few hundred years? Last I checked Buddism was still pretty peace-loving... Or are they evil too? How about the Aztec's? The ancient Egyptians? The various Native American "religions"(more a way of life, but much the same)? Your statement is pretty sweeping, are you truely prepaired to back it up?
This will continue for generations. Sad but true. Why? It's fairly simple. Until we, as a people, take the step to be as ruthless to them, as they are to us, we will be victims.

Send in the 82nd Airborne and unleash the dogs of war. Wipe them off the face of the earth and then come home. ANY politician who opens his worthless, slimy mouth - throw him in jail.

When these rag wearing assholes understand resolve, they will either fight and die or run and hide. Every time one of these assholes rears his ugly head - cut it off. That's the only way we will ever have any hope of stopping this shit.

What's standing in the way of totally doing ISIL/ISIS/Daesh, very few things, they are - The Bedwetters, The Cuckservatives, The U F-cking N and the variety of Human Rights groups.
Religion is fucking evil. I'll fight against all its forms.
Even the leftist eco-terrorist, mother earth, tree hugging, hippy religions? Or just the ones that go back a few hundred years? Last I checked Buddism was still pretty peace-loving... Or are they evil too? How about the Aztec's? The ancient Egyptians? The various Native American "religions"(more a way of life, but much the same)? Your statement is pretty sweeping, are you truely prepaired to back it up?

Actually, thanks for reminding me....I must get out there now and hug a tree, I forgot my daily tree-hugging....OMG WHAT would Al Gore say :eek-52:

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