Is West Virginia about to learn...


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008
...what we learned in 2009...

We had a Democrat US Rep for many years...I voted for him as did many other Conservatives...until he voted for Obamacare in the face of overwhelming repudiation of Obamacare by his constituents.


We believed we could trust him...we were wrong.

I hope West Virginia's faith in Joe Manchin is well placed in light of the upcoming $3.5 trillion debacle vote...but if it not...he'll go the way of old Ike Skelton...remembered as a traitor to his district to this day.
...what we learned in 2009...

We had a Democrat US Rep for many years...I voted for him as did many other Conservatives...until he voted for Obamacare in the face of overwhelming repudiation of Obamacare by his constituents.

View attachment 544547

We believed we could trust him...we were wrong.

I hope West Virginia's faith in Joe Manchin is well placed in light of the upcoming $3.5 trillion debacle vote...but if it not...he'll go the way of old Ike Skelton...remembered as a traitor to his district to this day.
I have never trusted Manchin. His uncle A. James Manchin was accused of losing some 300 million from the WVa. State pension funds.....with an excuse that he simply made some bad investments. He died after impeachment while under investigation and 100 million was never recovered or accounted for on any spread sheet, the GOOD OLE BOY political machine attempted to cover up this (cough, cough) 300 million mistake, and ended up having to make a scape coat out of one of Manchin's political appointees (Glen Gainer....who was sentenced for criminal activity..actually he had no clue who he was dealing with).

Joe was a nobody and suddenly found access to unlimited campaign contributions while being wealthy enough to purchase boats and summer houses.....being elected to the Governorship and then to the US Senate where he always professes to be for the working man in public but behind the scenes he kisses the proverbial kester of those who hold political power in DC.

He cares only about his career......and has openly suggested that he might change political parties if it benefited him.

Yet, he wins easily.
We meaning my family.

I think West Virginia is split on Joe because he is not a "radical" democrat like Warren, Sanders or Cortez. He comes on the TV in election commercials holding a rifle, and saying that he's "one of us". He uses turkey hunters in his commercials and military vets. Charleston, Wheeling, Morgantown and Martinsburg are the only things keeping him alive.
He cares only about his career......and has openly suggested that he might change political parties if it benefited him.

Joe has always said he would not change parties which is what he says in your article.
We meaning my family.

I think West Virginia is split on Joe because he is not a "radical" democrat like Warren, Sanders or Cortez. He comes on the TV in election commercials holding a rifle, and saying that he's "one of us". He uses turkey hunters in his commercials and military vets. Charleston, Wheeling, Morgantown and Martinsburg are the only things keeping him alive.

Manchin won all larger cities. The Republicans need to not run a carpetbagger if they want to win.
Joe has always said he would not change parties which is what he says in your article.
Yeah..........he threatens every time he thinks his ass is in a political sling. WVA is a very conservative state, with the majority of those who are registered Democrat are BLUE DOG DEMOCRATS who believe in God, Guns and Guts. Do you believe any politician that leans into the wind with a wet finger all the time? As presented...... Manchin comes from a corrupt political machine.

WVa. is no. 6 in a list of the 15 most conservative states.

100% voting record aligned with Biden. How does Manchin get away with this record with a constituent base that overwhelming supported Donald Trump? He keeps hinting that He is really a Republican at heart........until its time to vote again, then he jumps like a frog toward the middle of the pond.

Pay no attention to what Manchin says in public, just look at his voting record in the senate. Manchin has aligned himself with Joe Biden......100%. He threatens to cross the line in order hide one of his 2 faces from the folks back home who are by majority BLUE DOG conservatives. "My daddy voted democrat, I will vote democrat......yet, its strange once a national election rolls around, its a 180 and WVA goes conservative. Why? One word......COAL. That's the only reason Manchin keeps winning.......he has his dirty political hand up to the wrist with the Coal Owners who routinely sell out the citizens of the state for a dollar.

In the past.......with all the TAXES on the production of coal...........WVA should be one of the richest states in the union (historically).......where is the money actual? Its laundered and kicked back to one of the most corrupt political machines in the United States of America. The democrat party of WVa. Its so corrupt that the machine was capable of sending to DC....a US SENATOR who once held a high office in the KKK of AMERICA and this Senator remained in power until his death in 2010........Robert KKK BYRD.
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I currently live in WV. Manchin was a popular governor…and he keeps getting elected.
The Dems are putting him in a no win scenario...if he votes in favor of the $3.5 trillion...he will lose enough Republican votes to lose his seat.

If he goes against it...he loses Democrats votes...but WV is more Red than Blue {2020 Trump 68.7, Biden 29.6}...and a no vote will likely secure his seat in perpetuity.

That's the political calculus as I see it.
Joe will win. Mark it.
That's what they said about Ike Skelton...

In 2008 he won my district with 66% of the vote...after his Obamacare vote in 2009 he lost the seat he'd held since 1977 with only 45% of the vote...a 21% drop.

Same thing will happen to Joe in a state that went damn near 70/30 for Trump in 2020.
He has never threatened to leave the Democrat party.

And his uncle was as pure as the driven snow? :abgg2q.jpg: Can't see the forest for the trees? Its the Hypocrisy that is the point. Its all a show for the national press when he hints at supporting the GOP......
As stated........He coming from a conservative state........hints at changing parties with regularity, especially when the subject is COAL (yet he continually casts a liberal vote). Manchin's hero is Blow Job Bill Clinton ....and he attempts to mirror his political career by saying whatever it takes........Why is he voting with Biden 100% of the time? He has his corrupt eyes set on the White House in the near future. That's all this nation needs another lying southern democrat in power with a corrupt political machine behind him.

The quint essential 2 faced politician that our founders warned against. They wear one face in public and another in private.
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