Is toxic femininity a thing?


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
With all the talk of toxic masculinity I wonder if anyone's talking about how toxic females can be. I haven't seen anything printed anywhere, so I'd like to open the discussion.

For three years I lived in a four bedroom house with ten people in my extended family. This was while I was sick and unable to live on my own. The household consisted of my father, his wife (my step-mother), his three children, me, my wife, and our three children.

During the entire time, my wife and my step-mother waged war on each other relentlessly and I was caught in the middle. The war was about who would make dinner, who would put the kids to bed, when the kids would go to bed, who would clean the house, etc.

If you've ever seen the show Everyone Loves Raymond, you might understand. The non-stop war between Raymond's wife and mother over these issues is something I can identify with. Raymond, like me, was caught in the middle in a "no-win" situation.

Dr. Laura Schlesinger, who has since been exiled to Siberia for saying the "n" word, noted that a household could have any number of men and they would all get along, but if there were two women in household, there would be non-stop war.

Also, note that the Chinese symbol for "trouble" is two women under the same roof.

Does anyone else have something to add on this topic?
Another thing I've learned about women is that they are much more dangerous to make as enemies than men.

Almost all men follow a certain set of rules in dealing with other people, including enemies. There are limits, some things they will not do.

But with women, there are no rules. Therefore, you never know how the attack will come, or from what direction.
I'm not talking about all women, of course. Some women are saints.
Yes ... it's called Chlamydia

It sure APPEARS to be a thing. Some women seem to be SUCH feminists, you'd want to stay FAR away from them. Their toxic vibes could kill you from across a room! And I'm only being half-sarcastic.
Right, but I'm not talking about feminists, that's a problem I have little experience with.

I am talking about the problems of dealing with traditional-minded women who will fight over control of who gets to run the household.

Or, the problem of the wife of your boss who gets involved with her husband's business and thinks she has the right to order you around.
Traditional minded women, or girls, can be just as toxic as feminists. Here's an example:

I was at a camping site sitting with my back turned to a large group of teenage girls. For some reason, I was invisible to them and they spoke frankly to each other as if no man could hear them.

The leader, a loudmouth who was easy to overhear, was explaining to the younger girls that on no account should they EVER date a young man who did not meet the following qualifications:

1) He should be tall
2) He should be good-looking
3) He should have a car
4) He should come from a rich family

On another occasion, I was sitting in class at university when I overheard two girls talking. One of them said to the other: "I would never date a guy who didn't have a Porsche!"

I turned around with a shocked look on my face, and the two girls looked embarrassed.

But that's reality.

Men want women who are good looking and maybe has a nice personality, but women have a whole laundry list of things they want from a man.
when you needed to move in, there should have been some ground rules laid out b4 hand. y'all shoulda figured out the chores/cooking duties ahead of time, but perhaps a sit down with all involved could settle things down.

the only thing that should not be up for discussion are the rules that YOU & YOUR WIFE have regarding YOUR children. ie bedtime etc.... they are YOUR KIDS.
& better watch out if certain poster sees this thread - cause you will be called a 'parasite' & your parents didn't do a good job w/ you if you had to move in with them (even temporarily) due to an illness.
Traditional minded women, or girls, can be just as toxic as feminists. Here's an example:

I was at a camping site sitting with my back turned to a large group of teenage girls. For some reason, I was invisible to them and they spoke frankly to each other as if no man could hear them.

The leader, a loudmouth who was easy to overhear, was explaining to the younger girls that on no account should they EVER date a young man who did not meet the following qualifications:

1) He should be tall
2) He should be good-looking
3) He should have a car
4) He should come from a rich family

On another occasion, I was sitting in class at university when I overheard two girls talking. One of them said to the other: "I would never date a guy who didn't have a Porsche!"

I turned around with a shocked look on my face, and the two girls looked embarrassed.

But that's reality.

Men want women who are good looking and maybe has a nice personality, but women have a whole laundry list of things they want from a man.

That is called "marrying up". It's a thing or was a thing and is/was associated with women whose success was/is found through their husbands.
If a woman prances around claiming that she superior, entitled to make all decisions, order everyone else around because of her gender and possession of certain genitals, and demands that the other sex be her submissive "helpmate," she is toxic. The same applies to men who do the same thing. Playing identity politics really, really sucks. These clowns must be rejected. Decent people don't do this.
With all the talk of toxic masculinity I wonder if anyone's talking about how toxic females can be. I haven't seen anything printed anywhere, so I'd like to open the discussion.

For three years I lived in a four bedroom house with ten people in my extended family. This was while I was sick and unable to live on my own. The household consisted of my father, his wife (my step-mother), his three children, me, my wife, and our three children.

During the entire time, my wife and my step-mother waged war on each other relentlessly and I was caught in the middle. The war was about who would make dinner, who would put the kids to bed, when the kids would go to bed, who would clean the house, etc.

If you've ever seen the show Everyone Loves Raymond, you might understand. The non-stop war between Raymond's wife and mother over these issues is something I can identify with. Raymond, like me, was caught in the middle in a "no-win" situation.

Dr. Laura Schlesinger, who has since been exiled to Siberia for saying the "n" word, noted that a household could have any number of men and they would all get along, but if there were two women in household, there would be non-stop war.

Also, note that the Chinese symbol for "trouble" is two women under the same roof.

Does anyone else have something to add on this topic?
To me, it sounds like that the ladies in your family need to learn how to take turns at everything.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Many hands make light work, men and women both. Therefore perhaps everyone underneath the roof should be given some form of responsibility if they want to have the privilege of being there at all.

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