
Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
This was brought to my attention for the first time,

but now makes sense to questions I raised in the past and suggestions I made that these people are compromised by or tied to organized crime.
Every political proposal & move they make and argument against secure boarders and ICE reveals a pattern of protection and carte blange for the cartels that is beyond just poor judgement or bizarre, making their protection of organized crime and unusual hatred for mob prosecuters like Giuliani, very suspicious.
So is this why Pelosi sides with the cartels?
Her corrupt politician father is said to have had ties to lucky Luciano and heroine smuggling into the United States-NOW IT ALL MAKES SENSE-THIS UNUSUAL BEHAVIOR DOESN'T COME FROM NOTHING-THERE'S ALWAYS MOTIVE!
This was brought to my attention for the first time,

but now makes sense to questions I raised in the past and suggestions I made that these people are compromised by or tied to organized crime.
Every political proposal & move they make and argument against secure boarders and ICE reveals a pattern of protection and carte blange for the cartels that is beyond just poor judgement or bizarre, making their protection of organized crime and unusual hatred for mob prosecuters like Giuliani, very suspicious.
So is this why Pelosi sides with the cartels?
Her corrupt politician father is said to have had ties to lucky Luciano and heroine smuggling into the United States-NOW IT ALL MAKES SENSE-THIS UNUSUAL BEHAVIOR DOESN'T COME FROM NOTHING-THERE'S ALWAYS MOTIVE!

Pelosi's dad was mafia.
This was brought to my attention for the first time,

but now makes sense to questions I raised in the past and suggestions I made that these people are compromised by or tied to organized crime.
Every political proposal & move they make and argument against secure boarders and ICE reveals a pattern of protection and carte blange for the cartels that is beyond just poor judgement or bizarre, making their protection of organized crime and unusual hatred for mob prosecuters like Giuliani, very suspicious.
So is this why Pelosi sides with the cartels?
Her corrupt politician father is said to have had ties to lucky Luciano and heroine smuggling into the United States-NOW IT ALL MAKES SENSE-THIS UNUSUAL BEHAVIOR DOESN'T COME FROM NOTHING-THERE'S ALWAYS MOTIVE!

Pelosi's dad was mafia.
I did not know that, and how do we as a country allow no security vetting in our political process to allow this kind of compromise exist in our system?
The mob had ties to Sal Alinsky and the Chicago progressive movement, what if they are part of this fascist socialist stuff and financing lawlessness going on now to regain control? That is as much a national threat as anything else going on.
This was brought to my attention for the first time,

but now makes sense to questions I raised in the past and suggestions I made that these people are compromised by or tied to organized crime.
Every political proposal & move they make and argument against secure boarders and ICE reveals a pattern of protection and carte blange for the cartels that is beyond just poor judgement or bizarre, making their protection of organized crime and unusual hatred for mob prosecuters like Giuliani, very suspicious.
So is this why Pelosi sides with the cartels?
Her corrupt politician father is said to have had ties to lucky Luciano and heroine smuggling into the United States-NOW IT ALL MAKES SENSE-THIS UNUSUAL BEHAVIOR DOESN'T COME FROM NOTHING-THERE'S ALWAYS MOTIVE!

Pelosi's dad was mafia.
I did not know that, and how do we as a country allow no security vetting in our political process to allow this kind of compromise exist in our system?
The mob had ties to Sal Alinsky and the Chicago progressive movement, what if they are part of this fascist socialist stuff and financing lawlessness going on now to regain control? That is as much a national threat as anything else going on.

There are different rules for us and them. :(
This was brought to my attention for the first time,

but now makes sense to questions I raised in the past and suggestions I made that these people are compromised by or tied to organized crime.
Every political proposal & move they make and argument against secure boarders and ICE reveals a pattern of protection and carte blange for the cartels that is beyond just poor judgement or bizarre, making their protection of organized crime and unusual hatred for mob prosecuters like Giuliani, very suspicious.
So is this why Pelosi sides with the cartels?
Her corrupt politician father is said to have had ties to lucky Luciano and heroine smuggling into the United States-NOW IT ALL MAKES SENSE-THIS UNUSUAL BEHAVIOR DOESN'T COME FROM NOTHING-THERE'S ALWAYS MOTIVE!

Pelosi's dad was mafia.
I did not know that, and how do we as a country allow no security vetting in our political process to allow this kind of compromise exist in our system?
The mob had ties to Sal Alinsky and the Chicago progressive movement, what if they are part of this fascist socialist stuff and financing lawlessness going on now to regain control? That is as much a national threat as anything else going on.
There are just so many good uses for a “ broom” unfortunately Nancy rides around on hers... I mean I just find it very interesting that SAN Fran used to be such an amazing place Before she dug her heels In and now I wouldn’t want to travel there even if someone paid for my gas and offered me a free hotel room. How many years has she rode the gravy train of public office for and why isn’t there a time limit .If Nancy looks after her neck of the woods this way just think what she and people like her will eventually do to the rest of the country given enough time. I understand that she on the other hand lives in the lap of luxury maybe screaming from her windows let them eat cake just like Marie Antoinette supposedly shouted... Well most of us know how that worked out for her and Louis in France all those years ago...If even a smidget of what is locked away in her closet is true can any of us really truthfully think she has our best in her heart or is it just a fascade covering a rotten core ...
This was brought to my attention for the first time,

but now makes sense to questions I raised in the past and suggestions I made that these people are compromised by or tied to organized crime.
Every political proposal & move they make and argument against secure boarders and ICE reveals a pattern of protection and carte blange for the cartels that is beyond just poor judgement or bizarre, making their protection of organized crime and unusual hatred for mob prosecuters like Giuliani, very suspicious.
So is this why Pelosi sides with the cartels?
Her corrupt politician father is said to have had ties to lucky Luciano and heroine smuggling into the United States-NOW IT ALL MAKES SENSE-THIS UNUSUAL BEHAVIOR DOESN'T COME FROM NOTHING-THERE'S ALWAYS MOTIVE!

Pelosi's dad was mafia.
I did not know that, and how do we as a country allow no security vetting in our political process to allow this kind of compromise exist in our system?
The mob had ties to Sal Alinsky and the Chicago progressive movement, what if they are part of this fascist socialist stuff and financing lawlessness going on now to regain control? That is as much a national threat as anything else going on.
There are just so many good uses for a “ broom” unfortunately Nancy rides around on hers... I mean I just find it very interesting that SAN Fran used to be such an amazing place Before she dug her heels In and now I wouldn’t want to travel there even if someone paid for my gas and offered me a free hotel room. How many years has she rode the gravy train of public office for and why isn’t there a time limit .If Nancy looks after her neck of the woods this way just think what she and people like her will eventually do to the rest of the country given enough time. I understand that she on the other hand lives in the lap of luxury maybe screaming from her windows let them eat cake just like Marie Antoinette supposedly shouted... Well most of us know how that worked out for her and Louis in France all those years ago...If even a smidget of what is locked away in her closet is true can any of us really truthfully think she has our best in her heart or is it just a fascade covering a rotten core ...
I don't think she even lives in that house people protest at. It's probably a humble looking decoy.
She'd have to be crazy staying there knowing her policies and holdout not just create a French revolt type scenerio, but her protectors probably would not take a bullet for her nor step in their way.
This was brought to my attention for the first time,

but now makes sense to questions I raised in the past and suggestions I made that these people are compromised by or tied to organized crime.
Every political proposal & move they make and argument against secure boarders and ICE reveals a pattern of protection and carte blange for the cartels that is beyond just poor judgement or bizarre, making their protection of organized crime and unusual hatred for mob prosecuters like Giuliani, very suspicious.
So is this why Pelosi sides with the cartels?
Her corrupt politician father is said to have had ties to lucky Luciano and heroine smuggling into the United States-NOW IT ALL MAKES SENSE-THIS UNUSUAL BEHAVIOR DOESN'T COME FROM NOTHING-THERE'S ALWAYS MOTIVE!

Pelosi's dad was mafia.
I did not know that, and how do we as a country allow no security vetting in our political process to allow this kind of compromise exist in our system?
The mob had ties to Sal Alinsky and the Chicago progressive movement, what if they are part of this fascist socialist stuff and financing lawlessness going on now to regain control? That is as much a national threat as anything else going on.
There are just so many good uses for a “ broom” unfortunately Nancy rides around on hers... I mean I just find it very interesting that SAN Fran used to be such an amazing place Before she dug her heels In and now I wouldn’t want to travel there even if someone paid for my gas and offered me a free hotel room. How many years has she rode the gravy train of public office for and why isn’t there a time limit .If Nancy looks after her neck of the woods this way just think what she and people like her will eventually do to the rest of the country given enough time. I understand that she on the other hand lives in the lap of luxury maybe screaming from her windows let them eat cake just like Marie Antoinette supposedly shouted... Well most of us know how that worked out for her and Louis in France all those years ago...If even a smidget of what is locked away in her closet is true can any of us really truthfully think she has our best in her heart or is it just a fascade covering a rotten core ...
I don't think she even lives in that house people protest at. It's probably a humble looking decoy.
She'd have to be crazy staying there knowing her policies and holdout not just create a French revolt type scenerio, but her protectors probably would not take a bullet for her nor step in their way.
Probably not she apparently owns somewhere in the neighborhood of 9 properties or so I looked it up... Can’t believe she is 2 Nd in line after Pence to be President of the United States interesting to say the least...
... how do we as a country allow no security vetting in our political process to allow this kind of compromise exist in our system?
The mob had ties to Sal Alinsky and the Chicago progressive movement, what if they are part of this fascist socialist stuff and financing lawlessness going on now to regain control? That is as much a national threat as anything else going on.
The Tammany Hall political machines worked that way. The Ward Bosses were usually the same people who controlled or worked for the organized criminals of their ward.

When FDR became President, he moved that urban political machine model to the Federal government and treated agencies like the old urban wards.

Take it from there, broski.
... how do we as a country allow no security vetting in our political process to allow this kind of compromise exist in our system?
The mob had ties to Sal Alinsky and the Chicago progressive movement, what if they are part of this fascist socialist stuff and financing lawlessness going on now to regain control? That is as much a national threat as anything else going on.
The Tammany Hall political machines worked that way. The Ward Bosses were usually the same people who controlled or worked for the organized criminals of their ward.

When FDR became President, he moved that urban political machine model to the Federal government and treated agencies like the old urban wards.

Take it from there, broski.
It's not just being in their mob family, because we all know you don't have to be part of the family for it to be a national security threat.
Once your family member is involved you are compromised by the threats of the situation being revealed or intimidation threats in general.
It's just like the weird behavior of some politicians, once they involve in corruption or unsavory campaign conduct or funds then they are compromised by the people that can expose their illegal activities unless they play ball with the blackmailers. This is why Biden taking China money through his son made him compromised and emboldened to Chinas whims thus in their pockets made a puppet who is forced to dance whenever China chooses to pull the string.
Biden doesn't have to be part of the CCP or an agent to be a national security risk, he just has to be compromised through his corruption, in the same way Pelosi doesn't have to be "in the mob", just compromised by her corruption and ties where "favors" never end.=selling her soul to the devil.

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