Is This Proof of New Human Evolution and Global Warming?


Gold Member
Apr 26, 2016
Williamsburg, KY
Science Followers: Average normal human temperature has begun to drop from the old 98.6 to a new 97.9. Is this evidence of current human evolution due to global warming and the extreme hot to cold weather swings allowing us to better adapt?

Science Followers: Average normal human temperature has begun to drop from the old 98.6 to a new 97.9. Is this evidence of current human evolution due to global warming and the extreme hot to cold weather swings allowing us to better adapt?

But if there is global warming and the planet is HEATING up, how can you have a cold weather swing? Egad you liberals are the stupidest fucks on this planet...
This, from the link, is the explanation for the temperature decrease: those who lived in the 1800s “just had a really harder life. They had a lot more infections —things like tuberculosis and syphilis and rheumatic heart disease — and they lived under harsher conditions ... Their lives were just harsh enough that they had to rev up their bodies all the time to keep themselves safe, to keep themselves healthy.”
Science Followers: Average normal human temperature has begun to drop from the old 98.6 to a new 97.9. Is this evidence of current human evolution due to global warming and the extreme hot to cold weather swings allowing us to better adapt?

But if there is global warming and the planet is HEATING up, how can you have a cold weather swing? Egad you liberals are the stupidest fucks on this planet...

How? FIRST OFF I am not a liberal. That is always the go to ad hominem attack to kick off things with posters like you. Secondly, if you pay attention and study the science, you get the huge swing in temperatures and weather due to the melting polar ice caps that lower the currents and raise the ocean levels. You get a die off of plants that helped lower carbon monoxide levels and are turned into kindling that causes HUGE wildfires pouring ash and smoke into the atmosphere, along with man caused deforestation. You should open your eyes and mind before just attacking people you don't agree with.
This, from the link, is the explanation for the temperature decrease: those who lived in the 1800s “just had a really harder life. They had a lot more infections —things like tuberculosis and syphilis and rheumatic heart disease — and they lived under harsher conditions ... Their lives were just harsh enough that they had to rev up their bodies all the time to keep themselves safe, to keep themselves healthy.”

It's a hypothesis. It isn't proven, but regardless would still show human evolution to a new lifestyle.
Science Followers: Average normal human temperature has begun to drop from the old 98.6 to a new 97.9. Is this evidence of current human evolution due to global warming and the extreme hot to cold weather swings allowing us to better adapt?

But if there is global warming and the planet is HEATING up, how can you have a cold weather swing? Egad you liberals are the stupidest fucks on this planet...

How? FIRST OFF I am not a liberal. That is always the go to ad hominem attack to kick off things with posters like you. Secondly, if you pay attention and study the science, you get the huge swing in temperatures and weather due to the melting polar ice caps that lower the currents and raise the ocean levels. You get a die off of plants that helped lower carbon monoxide levels and are turned into kindling that causes HUGE wildfires pouring ash and smoke into the atmosphere, along with man caused deforestation. You should open your eyes and mind before just attacking people you don't agree with.
Oh so you are too ashamed to call yourself a liberal. Then you are a spineless moderate.

Is that the same science that says "men with titties are women"? Lets clarify your definition of science first..

As for melting ice caps...

NASA Study: Mass Gains of Antarctic Ice Sheet Greater than Losses
A new NASA study says that an increase in Antarctic snow accumulation that began 10,000 years ago is currently adding enough ice to the continent to outweigh the increased losses from its thinning glaciers.
The research challenges the conclusions of other studies, including the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) 2013 report, which says that Antarctica is overall losing land ice.

What i wasnt supposed to provide facts over your truth as Sleepy Joe, the groper, Biden says?
I challenge your lack of intelligence anytime you want to bring it on, you moderate pajama boy...

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