Is This Happening Elsewhere?


Undocumented Reg. User
Nov 12, 2009
In a galaxy far far away...
Here in Grand Rapids, MI some Obama backers are getting their undies in a bunch over some Republican yard signs. Much angst being displayed in newspaper letters to the editor and on local TV and radio.

A lot of folks displaying Romney/Ryan signs have an accompanying one. They're red background with white lettering that read, Take Our Country Back In November! So of course some lefties are dealing race cards over them as well as unpatriotic cards and others.


A. Why all the fuss?
B. Happening anywhere else?
Because in the history of election campaigning, no person, group, political Party or sign maker has EVER used a phrase like "take out country back" before THIS year.


Note to the dopey lib alarmists. If EVERYTHING is claimed to be a sign of "racism," then there is no longer any meaning in the term. You dolts have effectively erased it as a word packing any actual value.

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