Is There No News Topic Able To Knock This Administration’s Stench Out Of The #1 Spot?


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
Conservatives want to believe just as the Big Orange Head, that Comey’s testimony absolved Big Orange of any obstruction of justice. But, it appears that is not true.

Like the Big Orange Head, conservatives desperately wish some other news report would come out to take the pressure off their Orange hero.

However, this is not to be. Because as of June 14, “Mueller is investigating alleged Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election and possible collusion with the Trump campaign.”

For Mueller to continue the investigation, the belief in Comey’s testimony vindicating Big Orange is obviously premature, as Comey included in his earlier statements that “it would be up to special counsel Mueller ‘to sort that out.’ "

The Big Orange Head’s advisers must be warning him NOT to fire Mueller. That would be the worst mistake he could make. He would be admitting his guilt.

Special counsel is investigating Trump for possible obstruction of justice: report

So, what else has happened that might help distract attention from the stench of Big Orange’s ongoing corruption? Maybe the next one.

200 Democrats File Lawsuit Against Big Orange

Ah yes. Remember the days when politicians sorted out their differences as civilized people. Well, the Republicans ended all that with their pettiness as they tried to limit President Obama to one term, and prolong the economic disaster caused by Dubya’s and their own idiocy.

Lawsuits by the House Speaker (Boehner), obstruction of all policy proposals meant to help end the devastating effects of the GOP’s 2008 financial crash. (It was a crisis caused by eight years of Dubya’s stupidity, with his useless wars, tax cuts for the fat cats, and congressional Republicans piling on with cuts to safety net programs and other policies that help average Americans.)

But is WAS the GOP that set the standard for today's dysfunctional government behavior. So, they have only themselves to blame for the Democrat’s lawsuit concerning Big Orange’s conflicts of interest.

This news topic is no help in distracting from Big Orange’s corruption.

Nearly 200 Democratic lawmakers file lawsuit against President Trump

Perhaps this topic?

Session’s Sorry Attempt To Razzle Dazzle Senator Kamala Harris

.Jeff Sessions, like members of the Republican Committee trying to cover up the Big Orange Head’s corruption, are finding experienced prosecutor Kamala Harris a strong woman they are unable to push around.

Her take-no-prisoners interrogation style was too intense for a conservative sissy like Jeff Sessions. His sorry attempt to razzle dazzle Harris failed, as she kept her questions specific to keep him on track. So, Arizona’s McCain stepped in to save Sessions from further embarrassing himself.

McCain, like the other Republicans in the room, find Harris’ knowledge of law intimidating, so he requested Committee Chairman Richard M. Burr to intervene.

Unlike other freshmen senators, Senator Harris has the experience and knowledge to slap down these old Republican farts, and they don’t like it. They realize covering up for Big Orange’s criminal family is not going to be easy.

As Senator Harris proved during her interrogations of Rosenstein and Sessions, she can make monkeys out of these idiot conservatives.

This just article at the following site just makes Big Orange look even worse. So no help here.

Sen. Kamala Harris leaves Sessions 'nervous' in interrogation over his refusal to disclose conversations with Trump

The following could be the story Big Orange and his fans have been waiting for.

Today, We Might Have Seen History Made

Conservatives have longed for an armed insurrection against the U.S. government. That is, unless the GOP is in control. Then, the Republican-lapdogs-of-the-rich are supposed to receive nothing but cooperation and respect, as they screw average Americans in every way possible.

But today, Thomas Jefferson’s words have come back to haunt conservatives (and perhaps inspire some to rethink their opposition to common sense gun control laws), " ‘The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure,’ Jefferson wrote in a letter to William S. Smith, a diplomatic official in London, on November 13, 1787.”

James Hodgkinson took Jefferson’s statement seriously, and used his Second Amendment right to bear arms, to begin his own, one-man-revolution.

Despite the sometimes wishes of conservatives, this is illegal, and has drawn rebuke from liberals and conservatives alike.

However, had such an incident occurred during the Obama presidency, and it had been congressional Democrats shot, it is extremely doubtful any conservatives would have condemned the shooter as a “terrorist”. Conservatives would have touted Hodgkinson’s crime as a patriotic act.

Naturally, the reports of this crime will, indeed, knock Big Orange’s corruption off the front page. But only for a few days, as the shooter was killed by police. The public’s notoriously short collective memory will quickly forget the event and the name of the shooter.

Illinois man James T. Hodgkinson identified as suspected gunman in Virginia shooting

Could any news topic, short of all-out-war with North Korea, take the public's and the world's focus away from the abject corruption of the Big Orange Head, his henchmen, and his family?

We'll see.

Last edited:
Conservatives want to believe just as the Big Orange Head, that Comey’s testimony absolved Big Orange of any obstruction of justice. But, it appears that is not true.

Like the Big Orange Head, conservatives desperately wish some other news report would come out to take the pressure off their Orange hero.

However, this is not to be. Because as of June 14, “Mueller is investigating alleged Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election and possible collusion with the Trump campaign.”

For Mueller to continue the investigation, the belief in Comey’s testimony vindicating Big Orange is obviously premature, as Comey included in his earlier statements that “it would be up to special counsel Mueller ‘to sort that out.’ "

The Big Orange Head’s advisers must be warning him NOT to fire Mueller. That would be the worst mistake he could make. He would be admitting his guilt.

Special counsel is investigating Trump for possible obstruction of justice: report

So, what else has happened that might help distract attention from the stench of Big Orange’s ongoing corruption? Maybe the next one.

200 Democrats File Lawsuit Against Big Orange

Ah yes. Remember the days when politicians sorted out their differences as civilized people. Well, the Republicans ended all that with their pettiness as they tried to limit President Obama to one term, and prolong the economic disaster caused by Dubya’s and their own idiocy.

Lawsuits by the House Speaker (Boehner), obstruction of all policy proposals meant to help end the devastating effects of the GOP’s 2008 financial crash. (It was a crisis caused by eight years of Dubya’s stupidity, with his useless wars, tax cuts for the fat cats, and congressional Republicans piling on with cuts to safety net programs and other policies that help average Americans.)

But is WAS the GOP that set the standard for today's dysfunctional government behavior. So, they have only themselves to blame for the Democrat’s lawsuit concerning Big Orange’s conflicts of interest.

This news topic is no help in distracting from Big Orange’s corruption.

Nearly 200 Democratic lawmakers file lawsuit against President Trump

Perhaps this topic?

Session’s Sorry Attempt To Razzle Dazzle Senator Kamala Harris

.Jeff Sessions, like members of the Republican Committee trying to cover up the Big Orange Head’s corruption, are finding experienced prosecutor Kamala Harris a strong woman they are unable to push around.

Her take-no-prisoners interrogation style was too intense for a conservative sissy like Jeff Sessions. His sorry attempt to razzle dazzle Harris failed, as she kept her questions specific to keep him on track. So, Arizona’s McCain stepped in to save Sessions from further embarrassing himself.

McCain, like the other Republicans in the room, find Harris’ knowledge of law intimidating, so he requested Committee Chairman Richard M. Burr to intervene.

Unlike other freshmen senators, Senator Harris has the experience and knowledge to slap down these old Republican farts, and they don’t like it. They realize covering up for Big Orange’s criminal family is not going to be easy.

As Senator Harris proved during her interrogations of Rosenstein and Sessions, she can make monkeys out of these idiot conservatives.

This just article at the following site just makes Big Orange look even worse. So no help here.

Sen. Kamala Harris leaves Sessions 'nervous' in interrogation over his refusal to disclose conversations with Trump

The following could be the story Big Orange and his fans have been waiting for.

Today, We Might Have Seen History Made

Conservatives have longed for an armed insurrection against the U.S. government. That is, unless the GOP is in control. Then, the Republican-lapdogs-of-the-rich are supposed to receive nothing but cooperation and respect, as they screw average Americans in every way possible.

But today, Thomas Jefferson’s words have come back to haunt conservatives (and perhaps inspire some to rethink their opposition to common sense gun control laws), " ‘The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure,’ Jefferson wrote in a letter to William S. Smith, a diplomatic official in London, on November 13, 1787.”

James Hodgkinson took Jefferson’s statement seriously, and used his Second Amendment right to bear arms, to begin his own, one-man-revolution.

Despite the sometimes wishes of conservatives, this is illegal, and has drawn rebuke from liberals and conservatives alike.

However, had such an incident occurred during the Obama presidency, and it had been congressional Democrats shot, it is extremely doubtful any conservatives would have condemned the shooter as a “terrorist”. Conservatives would have touted Hodgkinson’s crime as a patriotic act.

Naturally, the reports of this crime will, indeed, knock Big Orange’s corruption off the front page. But only for a few days, as the shooter was killed by police. The public’s notoriously short collective memory will quickly forget the event and the name of the shooter.

Illinois man James T. Hodgkinson identified as suspected gunman in Virginia shooting

Could any news topic, short of all-out-war with North Korea, take the public's and the world's focus away from the abject corruption of the Big Orange Head, his henchmen, and his family?

We'll see.


I stopped reading at Big Orange Head
Just hang in there goofy.
We'll all be just fine.
Buy a nightlight
Conservatives want to believe just as the Big Orange Head, that Comey’s testimony absolved Big Orange of any obstruction of justice. But, it appears that is not true.

Like the Big Orange Head, conservatives desperately wish some other news report would come out to take the pressure off their Orange hero.

However, this is not to be. Because as of June 14, “Mueller is investigating alleged Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election and possible collusion with the Trump campaign.”

For Mueller to continue the investigation, the belief in Comey’s testimony vindicating Big Orange is obviously premature, as Comey included in his earlier statements that “it would be up to special counsel Mueller ‘to sort that out.’ "

The Big Orange Head’s advisers must be warning him NOT to fire Mueller. That would be the worst mistake he could make. He would be admitting his guilt.

Special counsel is investigating Trump for possible obstruction of justice: report

So, what else has happened that might help distract attention from the stench of Big Orange’s ongoing corruption? Maybe the next one.

200 Democrats File Lawsuit Against Big Orange

Ah yes. Remember the days when politicians sorted out their differences as civilized people. Well, the Republicans ended all that with their pettiness as they tried to limit President Obama to one term, and prolong the economic disaster caused by Dubya’s and their own idiocy.

Lawsuits by the House Speaker (Boehner), obstruction of all policy proposals meant to help end the devastating effects of the GOP’s 2008 financial crash. (It was a crisis caused by eight years of Dubya’s stupidity, with his useless wars, tax cuts for the fat cats, and congressional Republicans piling on with cuts to safety net programs and other policies that help average Americans.)

But is WAS the GOP that set the standard for today's dysfunctional government behavior. So, they have only themselves to blame for the Democrat’s lawsuit concerning Big Orange’s conflicts of interest.

This news topic is no help in distracting from Big Orange’s corruption.

Nearly 200 Democratic lawmakers file lawsuit against President Trump

Perhaps this topic?

Session’s Sorry Attempt To Razzle Dazzle Senator Kamala Harris

.Jeff Sessions, like members of the Republican Committee trying to cover up the Big Orange Head’s corruption, are finding experienced prosecutor Kamala Harris a strong woman they are unable to push around.

Her take-no-prisoners interrogation style was too intense for a conservative sissy like Jeff Sessions. His sorry attempt to razzle dazzle Harris failed, as she kept her questions specific to keep him on track. So, Arizona’s McCain stepped in to save Sessions from further embarrassing himself.

McCain, like the other Republicans in the room, find Harris’ knowledge of law intimidating, so he requested Committee Chairman Richard M. Burr to intervene.

Unlike other freshmen senators, Senator Harris has the experience and knowledge to slap down these old Republican farts, and they don’t like it. They realize covering up for Big Orange’s criminal family is not going to be easy.

As Senator Harris proved during her interrogations of Rosenstein and Sessions, she can make monkeys out of these idiot conservatives.

This just article at the following site just makes Big Orange look even worse. So no help here.

Sen. Kamala Harris leaves Sessions 'nervous' in interrogation over his refusal to disclose conversations with Trump

The following could be the story Big Orange and his fans have been waiting for.

Today, We Might Have Seen History Made

Conservatives have longed for an armed insurrection against the U.S. government. That is, unless the GOP is in control. Then, the Republican-lapdogs-of-the-rich are supposed to receive nothing but cooperation and respect, as they screw average Americans in every way possible.

But today, Thomas Jefferson’s words have come back to haunt conservatives (and perhaps inspire some to rethink their opposition to common sense gun control laws), " ‘The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure,’ Jefferson wrote in a letter to William S. Smith, a diplomatic official in London, on November 13, 1787.”

James Hodgkinson took Jefferson’s statement seriously, and used his Second Amendment right to bear arms, to begin his own, one-man-revolution.

Despite the sometimes wishes of conservatives, this is illegal, and has drawn rebuke from liberals and conservatives alike.

However, had such an incident occurred during the Obama presidency, and it had been congressional Democrats shot, it is extremely doubtful any conservatives would have condemned the shooter as a “terrorist”. Conservatives would have touted Hodgkinson’s crime as a patriotic act.

Naturally, the reports of this crime will, indeed, knock Big Orange’s corruption off the front page. But only for a few days, as the shooter was killed by police. The public’s notoriously short collective memory will quickly forget the event and the name of the shooter.

Illinois man James T. Hodgkinson identified as suspected gunman in Virginia shooting

Could any news topic, short of all-out-war with North Korea, take the public's and the world's focus away from the abject corruption of the Big Orange Head, his henchmen, and his family?

We'll see.


I stopped reading at Big Orange Head

Speed read baby!
Conservatives want to believe just as the Big Orange Head, that Comey’s testimony absolved Big Orange of any obstruction of justice. But, it appears that is not true.

Like the Big Orange Head, conservatives desperately wish some other news report would come out to take the pressure off their Orange hero.

However, this is not to be. Because as of June 14, “Mueller is investigating alleged Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election and possible collusion with the Trump campaign.”

For Mueller to continue the investigation, the belief in Comey’s testimony vindicating Big Orange is obviously premature, as Comey included in his earlier statements that “it would be up to special counsel Mueller ‘to sort that out.’ "

The Big Orange Head’s advisers must be warning him NOT to fire Mueller. That would be the worst mistake he could make. He would be admitting his guilt.

Special counsel is investigating Trump for possible obstruction of justice: report

So, what else has happened that might help distract attention from the stench of Big Orange’s ongoing corruption? Maybe the next one.

200 Democrats File Lawsuit Against Big Orange

Ah yes. Remember the days when politicians sorted out their differences as civilized people. Well, the Republicans ended all that with their pettiness as they tried to limit President Obama to one term, and prolong the economic disaster caused by Dubya’s and their own idiocy.

Lawsuits by the House Speaker (Boehner), obstruction of all policy proposals meant to help end the devastating effects of the GOP’s 2008 financial crash. (It was a crisis caused by eight years of Dubya’s stupidity, with his useless wars, tax cuts for the fat cats, and congressional Republicans piling on with cuts to safety net programs and other policies that help average Americans.)

But is WAS the GOP that set the standard for today's dysfunctional government behavior. So, they have only themselves to blame for the Democrat’s lawsuit concerning Big Orange’s conflicts of interest.

This news topic is no help in distracting from Big Orange’s corruption.

Nearly 200 Democratic lawmakers file lawsuit against President Trump

Perhaps this topic?

Session’s Sorry Attempt To Razzle Dazzle Senator Kamala Harris

.Jeff Sessions, like members of the Republican Committee trying to cover up the Big Orange Head’s corruption, are finding experienced prosecutor Kamala Harris a strong woman they are unable to push around.

Her take-no-prisoners interrogation style was too intense for a conservative sissy like Jeff Sessions. His sorry attempt to razzle dazzle Harris failed, as she kept her questions specific to keep him on track. So, Arizona’s McCain stepped in to save Sessions from further embarrassing himself.

McCain, like the other Republicans in the room, find Harris’ knowledge of law intimidating, so he requested Committee Chairman Richard M. Burr to intervene.

Unlike other freshmen senators, Senator Harris has the experience and knowledge to slap down these old Republican farts, and they don’t like it. They realize covering up for Big Orange’s criminal family is not going to be easy.

As Senator Harris proved during her interrogations of Rosenstein and Sessions, she can make monkeys out of these idiot conservatives.

This just article at the following site just makes Big Orange look even worse. So no help here.

Sen. Kamala Harris leaves Sessions 'nervous' in interrogation over his refusal to disclose conversations with Trump

The following could be the story Big Orange and his fans have been waiting for.

Today, We Might Have Seen History Made

Conservatives have longed for an armed insurrection against the U.S. government. That is, unless the GOP is in control. Then, the Republican-lapdogs-of-the-rich are supposed to receive nothing but cooperation and respect, as they screw average Americans in every way possible.

But today, Thomas Jefferson’s words have come back to haunt conservatives (and perhaps inspire some to rethink their opposition to common sense gun control laws), " ‘The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure,’ Jefferson wrote in a letter to William S. Smith, a diplomatic official in London, on November 13, 1787.”

James Hodgkinson took Jefferson’s statement seriously, and used his Second Amendment right to bear arms, to begin his own, one-man-revolution.

Despite the sometimes wishes of conservatives, this is illegal, and has drawn rebuke from liberals and conservatives alike.

However, had such an incident occurred during the Obama presidency, and it had been congressional Democrats shot, it is extremely doubtful any conservatives would have condemned the shooter as a “terrorist”. Conservatives would have touted Hodgkinson’s crime as a patriotic act.

Naturally, the reports of this crime will, indeed, knock Big Orange’s corruption off the front page. But only for a few days, as the shooter was killed by police. The public’s notoriously short collective memory will quickly forget the event and the name of the shooter.

Illinois man James T. Hodgkinson identified as suspected gunman in Virginia shooting

Could any news topic, short of all-out-war with North Korea, take the public's and the world's focus away from the abject corruption of the Big Orange Head, his henchmen, and his family?

We'll see.


Seriously Dude??? You think running Hotels and Resorts conflicts with the Constitution??? Those 200 Mental Midget Congress Critters who are filing a nuisance suit are just about your speed... Go play with them.. The STENCH you smell is all the made-up news and garbage that the Left is feasting on.. I don't consume it. No smell here..
Yes, the typical conservative defense of Republican corruption.

Thank you for helping prove my points. Please continue to do so.

Conservatives want to believe just as the Big Orange Head, that Comey’s testimony absolved Big Orange of any obstruction of justice. But, it appears that is not true.

Like the Big Orange Head, conservatives desperately wish some other news report would come out to take the pressure off their Orange hero.

However, this is not to be. Because as of June 14, “Mueller is investigating alleged Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election and possible collusion with the Trump campaign.”

For Mueller to continue the investigation, the belief in Comey’s testimony vindicating Big Orange is obviously premature, as Comey included in his earlier statements that “it would be up to special counsel Mueller ‘to sort that out.’ "

The Big Orange Head’s advisers must be warning him NOT to fire Mueller. That would be the worst mistake he could make. He would be admitting his guilt.

Special counsel is investigating Trump for possible obstruction of justice: report

So, what else has happened that might help distract attention from the stench of Big Orange’s ongoing corruption? Maybe the next one.

200 Democrats File Lawsuit Against Big Orange

Ah yes. Remember the days when politicians sorted out their differences as civilized people. Well, the Republicans ended all that with their pettiness as they tried to limit President Obama to one term, and prolong the economic disaster caused by Dubya’s and their own idiocy.

Lawsuits by the House Speaker (Boehner), obstruction of all policy proposals meant to help end the devastating effects of the GOP’s 2008 financial crash. (It was a crisis caused by eight years of Dubya’s stupidity, with his useless wars, tax cuts for the fat cats, and congressional Republicans piling on with cuts to safety net programs and other policies that help average Americans.)

But is WAS the GOP that set the standard for today's dysfunctional government behavior. So, they have only themselves to blame for the Democrat’s lawsuit concerning Big Orange’s conflicts of interest.

This news topic is no help in distracting from Big Orange’s corruption.

Nearly 200 Democratic lawmakers file lawsuit against President Trump

Perhaps this topic?

Session’s Sorry Attempt To Razzle Dazzle Senator Kamala Harris

.Jeff Sessions, like members of the Republican Committee trying to cover up the Big Orange Head’s corruption, are finding experienced prosecutor Kamala Harris a strong woman they are unable to push around.

Her take-no-prisoners interrogation style was too intense for a conservative sissy like Jeff Sessions. His sorry attempt to razzle dazzle Harris failed, as she kept her questions specific to keep him on track. So, Arizona’s McCain stepped in to save Sessions from further embarrassing himself.

McCain, like the other Republicans in the room, find Harris’ knowledge of law intimidating, so he requested Committee Chairman Richard M. Burr to intervene.

Unlike other freshmen senators, Senator Harris has the experience and knowledge to slap down these old Republican farts, and they don’t like it. They realize covering up for Big Orange’s criminal family is not going to be easy.

As Senator Harris proved during her interrogations of Rosenstein and Sessions, she can make monkeys out of these idiot conservatives.

This just article at the following site just makes Big Orange look even worse. So no help here.

Sen. Kamala Harris leaves Sessions 'nervous' in interrogation over his refusal to disclose conversations with Trump

The following could be the story Big Orange and his fans have been waiting for.

Today, We Might Have Seen History Made

Conservatives have longed for an armed insurrection against the U.S. government. That is, unless the GOP is in control. Then, the Republican-lapdogs-of-the-rich are supposed to receive nothing but cooperation and respect, as they screw average Americans in every way possible.

But today, Thomas Jefferson’s words have come back to haunt conservatives (and perhaps inspire some to rethink their opposition to common sense gun control laws), " ‘The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure,’ Jefferson wrote in a letter to William S. Smith, a diplomatic official in London, on November 13, 1787.”

James Hodgkinson took Jefferson’s statement seriously, and used his Second Amendment right to bear arms, to begin his own, one-man-revolution.

Despite the sometimes wishes of conservatives, this is illegal, and has drawn rebuke from liberals and conservatives alike.

However, had such an incident occurred during the Obama presidency, and it had been congressional Democrats shot, it is extremely doubtful any conservatives would have condemned the shooter as a “terrorist”. Conservatives would have touted Hodgkinson’s crime as a patriotic act.

Naturally, the reports of this crime will, indeed, knock Big Orange’s corruption off the front page. But only for a few days, as the shooter was killed by police. The public’s notoriously short collective memory will quickly forget the event and the name of the shooter.

Illinois man James T. Hodgkinson identified as suspected gunman in Virginia shooting

Could any news topic, short of all-out-war with North Korea, take the public's and the world's focus away from the abject corruption of the Big Orange Head, his henchmen, and his family?

We'll see.


Seriously Dude??? You think running Hotels and Resorts conflicts with the Constitution??? Those 200 Mental Midget Congress Critters who are filing a nuisance suit are just about your speed... Go play with them.. The STENCH you smell is all the made-up news and garbage that the Left is feasting on.. I don't consume it. No smell here..

Yes it does. Running any business that takes money from foreign governments violates the emollients clause.
The left refuses to accept the results of the election, demonstrating their lack of respect for our Constitution and laws. Keep showing the American people who you really are libs.
Yes, the typical conservative defense of Republican corruption.

Thank you for helping prove my points. Please continue to do so.


What corruption?

Once again Progs are going with the thrown Spaghetti method. Throw everything against the wall and see what sticks.
The left can't win at the ballot box, they can't win in court, so now they are waging a propaganda war in the media and trying to incite criminal violence in the streets.
Conservatives want to believe just as the Big Orange Head, that Comey’s testimony absolved Big Orange of any obstruction of justice. But, it appears that is not true.

Like the Big Orange Head, conservatives desperately wish some other news report would come out to take the pressure off their Orange hero.

However, this is not to be. Because as of June 14, “Mueller is investigating alleged Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election and possible collusion with the Trump campaign.”

For Mueller to continue the investigation, the belief in Comey’s testimony vindicating Big Orange is obviously premature, as Comey included in his earlier statements that “it would be up to special counsel Mueller ‘to sort that out.’ "

The Big Orange Head’s advisers must be warning him NOT to fire Mueller. That would be the worst mistake he could make. He would be admitting his guilt.

Special counsel is investigating Trump for possible obstruction of justice: report

So, what else has happened that might help distract attention from the stench of Big Orange’s ongoing corruption? Maybe the next one.

200 Democrats File Lawsuit Against Big Orange

Ah yes. Remember the days when politicians sorted out their differences as civilized people. Well, the Republicans ended all that with their pettiness as they tried to limit President Obama to one term, and prolong the economic disaster caused by Dubya’s and their own idiocy.

Lawsuits by the House Speaker (Boehner), obstruction of all policy proposals meant to help end the devastating effects of the GOP’s 2008 financial crash. (It was a crisis caused by eight years of Dubya’s stupidity, with his useless wars, tax cuts for the fat cats, and congressional Republicans piling on with cuts to safety net programs and other policies that help average Americans.)

But is WAS the GOP that set the standard for today's dysfunctional government behavior. So, they have only themselves to blame for the Democrat’s lawsuit concerning Big Orange’s conflicts of interest.

This news topic is no help in distracting from Big Orange’s corruption.

Nearly 200 Democratic lawmakers file lawsuit against President Trump

Perhaps this topic?

Session’s Sorry Attempt To Razzle Dazzle Senator Kamala Harris

.Jeff Sessions, like members of the Republican Committee trying to cover up the Big Orange Head’s corruption, are finding experienced prosecutor Kamala Harris a strong woman they are unable to push around.

Her take-no-prisoners interrogation style was too intense for a conservative sissy like Jeff Sessions. His sorry attempt to razzle dazzle Harris failed, as she kept her questions specific to keep him on track. So, Arizona’s McCain stepped in to save Sessions from further embarrassing himself.

McCain, like the other Republicans in the room, find Harris’ knowledge of law intimidating, so he requested Committee Chairman Richard M. Burr to intervene.

Unlike other freshmen senators, Senator Harris has the experience and knowledge to slap down these old Republican farts, and they don’t like it. They realize covering up for Big Orange’s criminal family is not going to be easy.

As Senator Harris proved during her interrogations of Rosenstein and Sessions, she can make monkeys out of these idiot conservatives.

This just article at the following site just makes Big Orange look even worse. So no help here.

Sen. Kamala Harris leaves Sessions 'nervous' in interrogation over his refusal to disclose conversations with Trump

The following could be the story Big Orange and his fans have been waiting for.

Today, We Might Have Seen History Made

Conservatives have longed for an armed insurrection against the U.S. government. That is, unless the GOP is in control. Then, the Republican-lapdogs-of-the-rich are supposed to receive nothing but cooperation and respect, as they screw average Americans in every way possible.

But today, Thomas Jefferson’s words have come back to haunt conservatives (and perhaps inspire some to rethink their opposition to common sense gun control laws), " ‘The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure,’ Jefferson wrote in a letter to William S. Smith, a diplomatic official in London, on November 13, 1787.”

James Hodgkinson took Jefferson’s statement seriously, and used his Second Amendment right to bear arms, to begin his own, one-man-revolution.

Despite the sometimes wishes of conservatives, this is illegal, and has drawn rebuke from liberals and conservatives alike.

However, had such an incident occurred during the Obama presidency, and it had been congressional Democrats shot, it is extremely doubtful any conservatives would have condemned the shooter as a “terrorist”. Conservatives would have touted Hodgkinson’s crime as a patriotic act.

Naturally, the reports of this crime will, indeed, knock Big Orange’s corruption off the front page. But only for a few days, as the shooter was killed by police. The public’s notoriously short collective memory will quickly forget the event and the name of the shooter.

Illinois man James T. Hodgkinson identified as suspected gunman in Virginia shooting

Could any news topic, short of all-out-war with North Korea, take the public's and the world's focus away from the abject corruption of the Big Orange Head, his henchmen, and his family?

We'll see.


Seriously Dude??? You think running Hotels and Resorts conflicts with the Constitution??? Those 200 Mental Midget Congress Critters who are filing a nuisance suit are just about your speed... Go play with them.. The STENCH you smell is all the made-up news and garbage that the Left is feasting on.. I don't consume it. No smell here..

Yes it does. Running any business that takes money from foreign governments violates the emollients clause.



As for the veracity of the cases against him:

Opinion | New Foreign Emoluments Clause lawsuits against Trump are up against history and standing
Conservatives want to believe just as the Big Orange Head, that Comey’s testimony absolved Big Orange of any obstruction of justice. But, it appears that is not true.

Like the Big Orange Head, conservatives desperately wish some other news report would come out to take the pressure off their Orange hero.

However, this is not to be. Because as of June 14, “Mueller is investigating alleged Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election and possible collusion with the Trump campaign.”

For Mueller to continue the investigation, the belief in Comey’s testimony vindicating Big Orange is obviously premature, as Comey included in his earlier statements that “it would be up to special counsel Mueller ‘to sort that out.’ "

The Big Orange Head’s advisers must be warning him NOT to fire Mueller. That would be the worst mistake he could make. He would be admitting his guilt.

Special counsel is investigating Trump for possible obstruction of justice: report

So, what else has happened that might help distract attention from the stench of Big Orange’s ongoing corruption? Maybe the next one.

200 Democrats File Lawsuit Against Big Orange

Ah yes. Remember the days when politicians sorted out their differences as civilized people. Well, the Republicans ended all that with their pettiness as they tried to limit President Obama to one term, and prolong the economic disaster caused by Dubya’s and their own idiocy.

Lawsuits by the House Speaker (Boehner), obstruction of all policy proposals meant to help end the devastating effects of the GOP’s 2008 financial crash. (It was a crisis caused by eight years of Dubya’s stupidity, with his useless wars, tax cuts for the fat cats, and congressional Republicans piling on with cuts to safety net programs and other policies that help average Americans.)

But is WAS the GOP that set the standard for today's dysfunctional government behavior. So, they have only themselves to blame for the Democrat’s lawsuit concerning Big Orange’s conflicts of interest.

This news topic is no help in distracting from Big Orange’s corruption.

Nearly 200 Democratic lawmakers file lawsuit against President Trump

Perhaps this topic?

Session’s Sorry Attempt To Razzle Dazzle Senator Kamala Harris

.Jeff Sessions, like members of the Republican Committee trying to cover up the Big Orange Head’s corruption, are finding experienced prosecutor Kamala Harris a strong woman they are unable to push around.

Her take-no-prisoners interrogation style was too intense for a conservative sissy like Jeff Sessions. His sorry attempt to razzle dazzle Harris failed, as she kept her questions specific to keep him on track. So, Arizona’s McCain stepped in to save Sessions from further embarrassing himself.

McCain, like the other Republicans in the room, find Harris’ knowledge of law intimidating, so he requested Committee Chairman Richard M. Burr to intervene.

Unlike other freshmen senators, Senator Harris has the experience and knowledge to slap down these old Republican farts, and they don’t like it. They realize covering up for Big Orange’s criminal family is not going to be easy.

As Senator Harris proved during her interrogations of Rosenstein and Sessions, she can make monkeys out of these idiot conservatives.

This just article at the following site just makes Big Orange look even worse. So no help here.

Sen. Kamala Harris leaves Sessions 'nervous' in interrogation over his refusal to disclose conversations with Trump

The following could be the story Big Orange and his fans have been waiting for.

Today, We Might Have Seen History Made

Conservatives have longed for an armed insurrection against the U.S. government. That is, unless the GOP is in control. Then, the Republican-lapdogs-of-the-rich are supposed to receive nothing but cooperation and respect, as they screw average Americans in every way possible.

But today, Thomas Jefferson’s words have come back to haunt conservatives (and perhaps inspire some to rethink their opposition to common sense gun control laws), " ‘The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure,’ Jefferson wrote in a letter to William S. Smith, a diplomatic official in London, on November 13, 1787.”

James Hodgkinson took Jefferson’s statement seriously, and used his Second Amendment right to bear arms, to begin his own, one-man-revolution.

Despite the sometimes wishes of conservatives, this is illegal, and has drawn rebuke from liberals and conservatives alike.

However, had such an incident occurred during the Obama presidency, and it had been congressional Democrats shot, it is extremely doubtful any conservatives would have condemned the shooter as a “terrorist”. Conservatives would have touted Hodgkinson’s crime as a patriotic act.

Naturally, the reports of this crime will, indeed, knock Big Orange’s corruption off the front page. But only for a few days, as the shooter was killed by police. The public’s notoriously short collective memory will quickly forget the event and the name of the shooter.

Illinois man James T. Hodgkinson identified as suspected gunman in Virginia shooting

Could any news topic, short of all-out-war with North Korea, take the public's and the world's focus away from the abject corruption of the Big Orange Head, his henchmen, and his family?

We'll see.


Seriously Dude??? You think running Hotels and Resorts conflicts with the Constitution??? Those 200 Mental Midget Congress Critters who are filing a nuisance suit are just about your speed... Go play with them.. The STENCH you smell is all the made-up news and garbage that the Left is feasting on.. I don't consume it. No smell here..

Yes it does. Running any business that takes money from foreign governments violates the emollients clause.

That's complete and utter bullshit. You're not required to inquire of guests whether they are in a position that MAKES it a conflict..

Welcome to Trump Resorts --- HERE -- fill out 3 page US govt form on every one of your business or official govt contacts with the President of the United States.. Good luck with that fantasy...

MORE of concern might be the drug kingpins and mafia bosses that spend a week there.. NONE of anyone's business..

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