Is there any other country that has more political divide than the US?


Jan 10, 2007
I've been on 3 political message boards (American) over the last few years and one thing remains a constant - the complete and utter divide between Americans - be it liberals, democrats, conservatives, republicans, independent, what have you.

I've never seen anything quite like it in any other country (between religion and tribes, yes, politically (at this level) no). Why are Americans so hard up on toting their party line (regardless of which side) instead of coming together as a people and holding their government accountable (again regardless of who is in office)?

From what I gather from other western nations (including my own), it's the people vs. the government (regardless of party) but in the US it's like a cult...why? Here, I see people and especially politicians constantly switching parties and it really is no big deal, and doesn't make them any less trustworthy or stable.

I look at most of your responses and almost always someone says 'because liberals this or republicans that''s soooooooooo boring. Why can't people have their opinions based on what the believe or feel is right - instead of having 'typical lib or typical republican' thrown in their face???

Are Americans overly stubborn and hard headed? Is that why? It maybe loyalty but is it really being loyal to yourself or your party?

Any thoughts?
That's religious difference more than it is political

I've never seen anything quite like it in any other country (between religion and tribes, yes, politically (at this level) no).
I think the media would have you believe we are a divided country. My day to day existance tells me otherwise.

Iraq is a perfectly legitimate example of a political divide. The difference is here you can see the seperation b/t ones relgion and ones politics. I think for muslims and especially the extremists, their relgion is their politics
I think the media would have you believe we are a divided country. My day to day existance tells me otherwise.

Iraq is a perfectly legitimate example of a political divide. The difference is here you can see the seperation b/t ones relgion and ones politics. I think for muslims and especially the extremists, their relgion is their politics

You don't think America is divided?? Well ok, but my opinion on this has absolutely nothing to do with the media AT ALL - it's the exchange between Americans that makes it very clear.
In China, dissidents are shot.

No dissent there, believe me.

You're missing the point. That's government vs. people - I don't think China as a whole is divided, as I think most Chinese would want to have human rights that their government has denied them. However, in the US (from my perspective as an outsider), there appears to be a clear divide (over party lines, really) which most of you have acknowledged in one form or another.

I'm not asking if there is a divide, I'm asking why? This is not just a anti/pro Bush thing either - it's been like this pre-Bush jr and sr.

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