Is the Third Industrial 'Digital' Revolution Making Parties Obsolete?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Why do we need national parties any more? They used to serve an important purpose in the old horse and buggy days of allowing wiser heads to meet regionally/nationally and compare notes, collect donations , trade horses and pick leaders.

We can all do this now nationally ovfer the internet; so why do we need national parties?

Feeling like more change is coming that we cannot see, like a large whale that swims by in the night just below the surface....

At start of campaign, the last gasp of political parties?

As the nation begins the process of electing a new president, the roles of the Republican and Democratic parties are undergoing fundamental shifts that are threatening their impact on both elections and policy.
Built in the 19th century, grown dominant in the 20th, they are largely out of date in this new age.
They still control the ballot and machinery such as the primaries. But they do not hold the loyalty of the people. The largest party in America now is no party — with the ranks of people calling themselves independents at the highest level in more than 75 years of polling. The parties do not control the message. People learn about politics from social media instead of traditional means such as mailings or campaign rallies. And the parties are no longer the sole banker of politics. Big-money interests now effectively create shadow parties with extensive networks of donors of their own.

The result: People are tuning out and turning away.
In 2012, average voter turnout for statewide primaries for president, governor and U.S. Senate plunged to its lowest level since the modern primary system became popular in 1972.

“No one likes political parties anymore,” said Jan Leighley, who studies voter behavior at American University, where she is a professor of government.
“They no longer have to work through the political process,” added Will Marshall, president of the Progressive Policy Institute.
It’s a historic change in voter behavior. The Democratic and Republican parties have dominated American politics since the mid-1850s. They grew and prospered as inclusive coalitions that tolerated diverse views for the sake of winning elections and then consolidating power....
In the 2014 election, California had twice as many registered independents as it did 20 years earlier. The same year, Florida had 47 percent more independent voters than a decade earlier.

Most indifferent to parties: young Americans. Nearly half the millennials identified as independents in 2014, Pew found, more than the combined total of those willing to be called either Democrats or Republicans.
“I never want to write down that I’m a Republican,” said Rebecca Sorensen, a sophomore at Penn State. She leans Republican but is reluctant to openly identify with the party because she supports abortion rights.
Historically, children adopted their parents’ political views, including identification with the two major parties. Not anymore.

Unfortunately this could result in community based control. Which means gossipy tm soviet styles will get control.

people don't flee small town communities for no reason.

what I mean is, im not comfortable with Lucy Hamilton coming over every morning to sift out the burnt cornflakes from my breakfast.
Unfortunately this could result in community based control. Which means gossipy tm soviet styles will get control.

people don't flee small town communities for no reason.

what I mean is, im not comfortable with Lucy Hamilton coming over every morning to sift out the burnt cornflakes from my breakfast.
lol, well I doubt anyone's going to raid your coffee ground stash, but this could provide more direct access to the political system to the masses and Democratize it more.

We have the least representative system of all the democratic Republics and democracies in the world.

Unfortunately this could result in community based control. Which means gossipy tm soviet styles will get control.

people don't flee small town communities for no reason.

what I mean is, im not comfortable with Lucy Hamilton coming over every morning to sift out the burnt cornflakes from my breakfast.
lol, well I doubt anyone's going to raid your coffee ground stash, but this could provide more direct access to the political system to the masses and Democratize it more.

We have the least representative system of all the democratic Republics and democracies in the world.

It feels soviet to me. Im big on individualism.
Unfortunately this could result in community based control. Which means gossipy tm soviet styles will get control.

people don't flee small town communities for no reason.

what I mean is, im not comfortable with Lucy Hamilton coming over every morning to sift out the burnt cornflakes from my breakfast.
lol, well I doubt anyone's going to raid your coffee ground stash, but this could provide more direct access to the political system to the masses and Democratize it more.

We have the least representative system of all the democratic Republics and democracies in the world.

It feels soviet to me. Im big on individualism.

WTF does having more parties represented in a democratic process have to do with the Soviet Union? Or individualism?
Unfortunately this could result in community based control. Which means gossipy tm soviet styles will get control.

people don't flee small town communities for no reason.

what I mean is, im not comfortable with Lucy Hamilton coming over every morning to sift out the burnt cornflakes from my breakfast.
lol, well I doubt anyone's going to raid your coffee ground stash, but this could provide more direct access to the political system to the masses and Democratize it more.

We have the least representative system of all the democratic Republics and democracies in the world.

It feels soviet to me. Im big on individualism.

WTF does having more parties represented in a democratic process have to do with the Soviet Union? Or individualism?
It means I have to pick a team, but im comfy bitching about the two party system.

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