Is The Pending Impeachment Trial of Donald Trump UnConstitutional? (Poll)

Will there be a Senate Impeachment Trial of Donald Trump, or won't there?

  • No, Justice Roberts will adjourn the "trial" as unconstitutional

    Votes: 2 9.1%
  • Yes, the democrats will hold a Senate trial with or without Justice Roberts

    Votes: 3 13.6%
  • No, Alan Dershowitz will present a motion of dismissal as unconstitutional, and Roberts will agree.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes, Justice Roberts will allow the trial to proceed before ruling on constitutionality

    Votes: 5 22.7%
  • No, Nancy will decide that sending the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate is counterproductive

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes, Schumer will insist that the Articles sent from the House MUST have a trial

    Votes: 5 22.7%
  • Other outcome, I'll descrbe in my post

    Votes: 7 31.8%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2009
The AL part of PA
Although I would love for the democrats to waste a month or two on an impeachment trial that will never get 67 votes, I need to point out the simple fact that the US Constitution limits impeachment to "office holders", which Trump is not.

"...the American impeachment process is remedial, not penal: it is limited to office holders, and judgments are limited to no more than removal from office and disqualification to hold future office."

So the impeachment trial, or not, is a win-win for Trump and the GOP, because the democrats will lose votes during the "illegal" trial.
It shows how stupid democrats are, the party that thinks the island of Guam will capsize, and are happy wasting the senate's time.

So what cards are left to play by both parties and Chief Justice Roberts?
Although I would love for the democrats to waste a month or two on an impeachment trial that will never get 67 votes, I need to point out the simple fact that the US Constitution limits impeachment to "office holders", which Trump is not.

"...the American impeachment process is remedial, not penal: it is limited to office holders, and judgments are limited to no more than removal from office and disqualification to hold future office."

So the impeachment trial, or not, is a win-win for Trump and the GOP, because the democrats will lose votes during the "illegal" trial.
It shows how stupid democrats are, the party that thinks the island of Guam will capsize, and are happy wasting the senate's time.

So what cards are left to play by both parties and Chief Justice Roberts?

There will be no Senate Hearing. There is no law to support convicting a president of a high crime when he's not even president anymore! The whole point of the conviction is to convict to remove him from office. If the Dems try to go forward with this and Roberts goes along, our SCOTUS is now as worthless and political as our other branches and I'll know Robert's tirade in refusing to hear Trump's case was purely political-- -- first Roberts created the dilemma of a riot at the Capitol over the unresolved election he refused to address then preside over an illegal impeachment with no charges, no witnesses, and no hearings that only happened because of his cowardess?
Although I would love for the democrats to waste a month or two on an impeachment trial that will never get 67 votes, I need to point out the simple fact that the US Constitution limits impeachment to "office holders", which Trump is not.

"...the American impeachment process is remedial, not penal: it is limited to office holders, and judgments are limited to no more than removal from office and disqualification to hold future office."

So the impeachment trial, or not, is a win-win for Trump and the GOP, because the democrats will lose votes during the "illegal" trial.
It shows how stupid democrats are, the party that thinks the island of Guam will capsize, and are happy wasting the senate's time.

So what cards are left to play by both parties and Chief Justice Roberts?

"It is limited to office holders" - Where does it say it doesn't apply to former office holders? Doesn't really matter to me actually as long as they get a censure which bans him from ever holding another elected office.

Besides, Twice Impeached Trump will always and forever be Twice Impeached Trump. And he managed that in one term, a record that is highly unlikely to ever be broken. :)
this impeachment is constitutional.

As I said in the other thread, impeachment is a political process, not an administration of justice.

The only thing that matters in an impeachment process is votes. No crime is required, and no evidence necessary. Only votes.

Justice Roberts and the entire Supreme Court would be wrong to deem the process unconstitutional right now.

There may be an argument that the impeachment process is moot because it is only intended to remove a sitting president. Thus, any action taken after the president has left office is unconstitutional, but there in no clear language forbidding a post-term conviction.
Although I would love for the democrats to waste a month or two on an impeachment trial that will never get 67 votes, I need to point out the simple fact that the US Constitution limits impeachment to "office holders", which Trump is not.

"...the American impeachment process is remedial, not penal: it is limited to office holders, and judgments are limited to no more than removal from office and disqualification to hold future office."

So the impeachment trial, or not, is a win-win for Trump and the GOP, because the democrats will lose votes during the "illegal" trial.
It shows how stupid democrats are, the party that thinks the island of Guam will capsize, and are happy wasting the senate's time.

So what cards are left to play by both parties and Chief Justice Roberts?
Besides, Twice Impeached Trump will always and forever be Twice Impeached Trump. And he managed that in one term, a record that is highly unlikely to ever be broken. :)
Never underestimate the insatiable thirst for partisan revenge and political theater.

These assholes in both of these political parties will waste trillions of our dollars distracting us from their self-enriching legal money-laundering scheme called "Congress."

We need a constitutional convention.
Although I would love for the democrats to waste a month or two on an impeachment trial that will never get 67 votes, I need to point out the simple fact that the US Constitution limits impeachment to "office holders", which Trump is not.

Which he WAS when he committed the acts for which he's been impeached the second time.

Impeachment ALREADY HAPPENED. It's in the history books. All that hasn't yet happened, is the TRIAL.
YOUR OWN THREAD TITLE makes that distinction --- then you tried to pivot to the impeachment.... the previous event. Didn't work.

Fake poll w/ loaded answers, bait thread. As such, dismissed.
Although I would love for the democrats to waste a month or two on an impeachment trial that will never get 67 votes, I need to point out the simple fact that the US Constitution limits impeachment to "office holders", which Trump is not.

"...the American impeachment process is remedial, not penal: it is limited to office holders, and judgments are limited to no more than removal from office and disqualification to hold future office."

So the impeachment trial, or not, is a win-win for Trump and the GOP, because the democrats will lose votes during the "illegal" trial.
It shows how stupid democrats are, the party that thinks the island of Guam will capsize, and are happy wasting the senate's time.

So what cards are left to play by both parties and Chief Justice Roberts?

"It is limited to office holders" - Where does it say it doesn't apply to former office holders? Doesn't really matter to me actually as long as they get a censure which bans him from ever holding another elected office.

Besides, Twice Impeached Trump will always and forever be Twice Impeached Trump. And he managed that in one term, a record that is highly unlikely to ever be broken. :)
LOL!! Think about what you are reading without the partisan TDS filter. Ready.... Okay, read the words again:
it is limited to office holders
Okay, read the words again:
it is limited to office holders (not former office holders!!)

If that doesn't sink in, then you are one of those stupid democrats that think the island of Guam will capsize.

"Impeached Trump" got 10m more votes in 2020 than the unimpeached Trump got in 2016.
Think about that, now Trump was impeached TWICE!!
Although I would love for the democrats to waste a month or two on an impeachment trial that will never get 67 votes, I need to point out the simple fact that the US Constitution limits impeachment to "office holders", which Trump is not.

Which he WAS when he committed the acts for which he's been impeached the second time.

Impeachment ALREADY HAPPENED. It's in the history books. All that hasn't yet happened, is the TRIAL.
YOUR OWN THREAD TITLE makes that distinction --- then you tried to pivot to the impeachment.... the previous event. Didn't work.

Fake poll w/ loaded answers, bait thread. As such, dismissed.
1. Impeachment is limited to office holders, period. The House impeached Trump when he was an office holder, but without a hearing, or any recognized legitimate House process. Even so, say the House Impeachment is ruled legitimate by the USSC.
2. When the Senate receives the Articles for trial, President Trump will no longer be the US President.
3. The OP question is: can the senate hold an impeachment trial for a non-president? (not that complex a question)
4. The poll presents several options, you are free to put up your opinion. There is no "bait" just a few options. Put up or shut up.

p.s. you post a lot but don't have much content?! Try putting a post up with real sound ideas for a change, with backup links.
Although I would love for the democrats to waste a month or two on an impeachment trial that will never get 67 votes, I need to point out the simple fact that the US Constitution limits impeachment to "office holders", which Trump is not.

Which he WAS when he committed the acts for which he's been impeached the second time.

Impeachment ALREADY HAPPENED. It's in the history books. All that hasn't yet happened, is the TRIAL.
YOUR OWN THREAD TITLE makes that distinction --- then you tried to pivot to the impeachment.... the previous event. Didn't work.

Fake poll w/ loaded answers, bait thread. As such, dismissed.
1. Impeachment is limited to office holders, period. The House impeached Trump when he was an office holder, but without a hearing, or any recognized legitimate House process. Even so, say the House Impeachment is ruled legitimate by the USSC.
2. When the Senate receives the Articles for trial, President Trump will no longer be the US President.
3. The OP question is: can the senate hold an impeachment trial for a non-president? (not that complex a question)
4. The poll presents several options, you are free to put up your opinion. There is no "bait" just a few options. Put up or shut up.

p.s. you post a lot but don't have much content?! Try putting a post up with real sound ideas for a change, with backup links.
Although I would love for the democrats to waste a month or two on an impeachment trial that will never get 67 votes, I need to point out the simple fact that the US Constitution limits impeachment to "office holders", which Trump is not.

Which he WAS when he committed the acts for which he's been impeached the second time.

Impeachment ALREADY HAPPENED. It's in the history books. All that hasn't yet happened, is the TRIAL.
YOUR OWN THREAD TITLE makes that distinction --- then you tried to pivot to the impeachment.... the previous event. Didn't work.

Fake poll w/ loaded answers, bait thread. As such, dismissed.
1. Impeachment is limited to office holders, period. The House impeached Trump when he was an office holder, but without a hearing, or any recognized legitimate House process. Even so, say the House Impeachment is ruled legitimate by the USSC.
2. When the Senate receives the Articles for trial, President Trump will no longer be the US President.
3. The OP question is: can the senate hold an impeachment trial for a non-president? (not that complex a question)
4. The poll presents several options, you are free to put up your opinion. There is no "bait" just a few options. Put up or shut up.

p.s. you post a lot but don't have much content?! Try putting a post up with real sound ideas for a change, with backup links.

You must be new here, Pilgrim. This is YOU telling ME to substantiate, with YOUR record? :laughing0301:

The answer to your fake poll is simple. So simple it's not even listed. The impeachment process has run its full course, it's done ---- and the point that you tried to shift it there from the trial, still stands.

The trial determines whether that impeachment has merit enough to impose penalties on the accused. It's been done before and now it'll be done again.

Funny you "forgot" to list that in your little push-poll. Isn't it.
Although I would love for the democrats to waste a month or two on an impeachment trial that will never get 67 votes, I need to point out the simple fact that the US Constitution limits impeachment to "office holders", which Trump is not.

"...the American impeachment process is remedial, not penal: it is limited to office holders, and judgments are limited to no more than removal from office and disqualification to hold future office."

So the impeachment trial, or not, is a win-win for Trump and the GOP, because the democrats will lose votes during the "illegal" trial.
It shows how stupid democrats are, the party that thinks the island of Guam will capsize, and are happy wasting the senate's time.

So what cards are left to play by both parties and Chief Justice Roberts?

"It is limited to office holders" - Where does it say it doesn't apply to former office holders? Doesn't really matter to me actually as long as they get a censure which bans him from ever holding another elected office.

Besides, Twice Impeached Trump will always and forever be Twice Impeached Trump. And he managed that in one term, a record that is highly unlikely to ever be broken. :)
LOL!! Think about what you are reading without the partisan TDS filter. Ready.... Okay, read the words again:
it is limited to office holders
Okay, read the words again:
it is limited to office holders (not former office holders!!)

If that doesn't sink in, then you are one of those stupid democrats that think the island of Guam will capsize.

"Impeached Trump" got 10m more votes in 2020 than the unimpeached Trump got in 2016.
Think about that, now Trump was impeached TWICE!!

Then it should say CURRENT office holders. Sorry, but a second impeachment is perfectly constitutional.
Although I would love for the democrats to waste a month or two on an impeachment trial that will never get 67 votes, I need to point out the simple fact that the US Constitution limits impeachment to "office holders", which Trump is not.

Which he WAS when he committed the acts for which he's been impeached the second time.

Impeachment ALREADY HAPPENED. It's in the history books. All that hasn't yet happened, is the TRIAL.
YOUR OWN THREAD TITLE makes that distinction --- then you tried to pivot to the impeachment.... the previous event. Didn't work.

Fake poll w/ loaded answers, bait thread. As such, dismissed.
1. Impeachment is limited to office holders, period. The House impeached Trump when he was an office holder, but without a hearing, or any recognized legitimate House process. Even so, say the House Impeachment is ruled legitimate by the USSC.
2. When the Senate receives the Articles for trial, President Trump will no longer be the US President.
3. The OP question is: can the senate hold an impeachment trial for a non-president? (not that complex a question)
4. The poll presents several options, you are free to put up your opinion. There is no "bait" just a few options. Put up or shut up.

p.s. you post a lot but don't have much content?! Try putting a post up with real sound ideas for a change, with backup links.
Although I would love for the democrats to waste a month or two on an impeachment trial that will never get 67 votes, I need to point out the simple fact that the US Constitution limits impeachment to "office holders", which Trump is not.

Which he WAS when he committed the acts for which he's been impeached the second time.

Impeachment ALREADY HAPPENED. It's in the history books. All that hasn't yet happened, is the TRIAL.
YOUR OWN THREAD TITLE makes that distinction --- then you tried to pivot to the impeachment.... the previous event. Didn't work.

Fake poll w/ loaded answers, bait thread. As such, dismissed.
1. Impeachment is limited to office holders, period. The House impeached Trump when he was an office holder, but without a hearing, or any recognized legitimate House process. Even so, say the House Impeachment is ruled legitimate by the USSC.
2. When the Senate receives the Articles for trial, President Trump will no longer be the US President.
3. The OP question is: can the senate hold an impeachment trial for a non-president? (not that complex a question)
4. The poll presents several options, you are free to put up your opinion. There is no "bait" just a few options. Put up or shut up.

p.s. you post a lot but don't have much content?! Try putting a post up with real sound ideas for a change, with backup links.

You must be new here, Pilgrim. This is YOU telling ME to substantiate, with YOUR record? :laughing0301:

The answer to your fake poll is simple. So simple it's not even listed. The impeachment process has run its full course, it's done ---- and the point that you tried to shift it there from the trial, still stands.

The trial determines whether that impeachment has merit enough to impose penalties on the accused. It's been done before and now it'll be done again.

Funny you "forgot" to list that in your little push-poll. Isn't it.
1. I'm here 3-years longer than you, and you have 8x as many "posts".
Most of which are partisan food fight "quips" with minimal content.

2. We agree that the "impeachment" by the House is done. The House has the "Sole Power of Impeachment", so what?
Impeachment by itself has no further action. Its a paper Nancy can frame and stare at.

3. The U.S. Constitution says the following:
" The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments....Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States;..."

4. So the Articles of Impeachment are like indictments, charges to be evaluated at a senate trial per the Constitution. I'm not trying to "shift" anything, the trial is what the Constitution calls for as part of the impeachment process.

5. So I think you are saying that you believe that the impeachment of Trump will proceed normally after the House sends the Articles to the Senate, correct? We disagree. I hope you are right, but I believe that constitutional Impeachment and Trial is only for office holders.

Although I would love for the democrats to waste a month or two on an impeachment trial that will never get 67 votes, I need to point out the simple fact that the US Constitution limits impeachment to "office holders", which Trump is not.

"...the American impeachment process is remedial, not penal: it is limited to office holders, and judgments are limited to no more than removal from office and disqualification to hold future office."

So the impeachment trial, or not, is a win-win for Trump and the GOP, because the democrats will lose votes during the "illegal" trial.
It shows how stupid democrats are, the party that thinks the island of Guam will capsize, and are happy wasting the senate's time.

So what cards are left to play by both parties and Chief Justice Roberts?

"It is limited to office holders" - Where does it say it doesn't apply to former office holders? Doesn't really matter to me actually as long as they get a censure which bans him from ever holding another elected office.

Besides, Twice Impeached Trump will always and forever be Twice Impeached Trump. And he managed that in one term, a record that is highly unlikely to ever be broken. :)
LOL!! Think about what you are reading without the partisan TDS filter. Ready.... Okay, read the words again:
it is limited to office holders
Okay, read the words again:
it is limited to office holders (not former office holders!!)

If that doesn't sink in, then you are one of those stupid democrats that think the island of Guam will capsize.

"Impeached Trump" got 10m more votes in 2020 than the unimpeached Trump got in 2016.
Think about that, now Trump was impeached TWICE!!

Then it should say CURRENT office holders. Sorry, but a second impeachment is perfectly constitutional.
Are you a legal expert? A USSC justice or a law professor? If not, you need to backup your claim with proof, here's Dershowitz:
Although I would love for the democrats to waste a month or two on an impeachment trial that will never get 67 votes, I need to point out the simple fact that the US Constitution limits impeachment to "office holders", which Trump is not.

"...the American impeachment process is remedial, not penal: it is limited to office holders, and judgments are limited to no more than removal from office and disqualification to hold future office."

So the impeachment trial, or not, is a win-win for Trump and the GOP, because the democrats will lose votes during the "illegal" trial.
It shows how stupid democrats are, the party that thinks the island of Guam will capsize, and are happy wasting the senate's time.

So what cards are left to play by both parties and Chief Justice Roberts?

Don't be so sure.. Trump is toxic .. He and his sons have said they will destroy the GOP. The Rep party has no real option but to purge the party of Trumps by making sure Donald can never hold office again. Remember, Trump has always been famous for revenge. He hates the Republicans because they didn't save him.
Although I would love for the democrats to waste a month or two on an impeachment trial that will never get 67 votes, I need to point out the simple fact that the US Constitution limits impeachment to "office holders", which Trump is not.

"...the American impeachment process is remedial, not penal: it is limited to office holders, and judgments are limited to no more than removal from office and disqualification to hold future office."

So the impeachment trial, or not, is a win-win for Trump and the GOP, because the democrats will lose votes during the "illegal" trial.
It shows how stupid democrats are, the party that thinks the island of Guam will capsize, and are happy wasting the senate's time.

So what cards are left to play by both parties and Chief Justice Roberts?

Don't be so sure.. Trump is toxic .. He and his sons have said they will destroy the GOP. The Rep party has no real option but to purge the party of Trumps by making sure Donald can never hold office again. Remember, Trump has always been famous for revenge. He hates the Republicans because they didn't save him.
Trump is over. He's not scary. In 4-years he will be 78 and he won't be running again. He'd never make it past the primaries.
The GOP can't be destroyed. The democrats and Hollywood, and the MSM have been try that for decades.
Trump started the "populist" or "America First" movement. That is a winner, while "conservatism" is a loser. Republicans aren't stupid all the time.

p.s. Trump could have won easily in 2020 if he knew how to play the part instead of playing the bully like in that 1st debate. He needed a "brain" like Karl Rove to keep him gaining voters instead of always alienating voters.
Although I would love for the democrats to waste a month or two on an impeachment trial that will never get 67 votes, I need to point out the simple fact that the US Constitution limits impeachment to "office holders", which Trump is not.

Which he WAS when he committed the acts for which he's been impeached the second time.

Impeachment ALREADY HAPPENED. It's in the history books. All that hasn't yet happened, is the TRIAL.
YOUR OWN THREAD TITLE makes that distinction --- then you tried to pivot to the impeachment.... the previous event. Didn't work.

Fake poll w/ loaded answers, bait thread. As such, dismissed.
1. Impeachment is limited to office holders, period. The House impeached Trump when he was an office holder, but without a hearing, or any recognized legitimate House process. Even so, say the House Impeachment is ruled legitimate by the USSC.
2. When the Senate receives the Articles for trial, President Trump will no longer be the US President.
3. The OP question is: can the senate hold an impeachment trial for a non-president? (not that complex a question)
4. The poll presents several options, you are free to put up your opinion. There is no "bait" just a few options. Put up or shut up.

p.s. you post a lot but don't have much content?! Try putting a post up with real sound ideas for a change, with backup links.
Although I would love for the democrats to waste a month or two on an impeachment trial that will never get 67 votes, I need to point out the simple fact that the US Constitution limits impeachment to "office holders", which Trump is not.

Which he WAS when he committed the acts for which he's been impeached the second time.

Impeachment ALREADY HAPPENED. It's in the history books. All that hasn't yet happened, is the TRIAL.
YOUR OWN THREAD TITLE makes that distinction --- then you tried to pivot to the impeachment.... the previous event. Didn't work.

Fake poll w/ loaded answers, bait thread. As such, dismissed.
1. Impeachment is limited to office holders, period. The House impeached Trump when he was an office holder, but without a hearing, or any recognized legitimate House process. Even so, say the House Impeachment is ruled legitimate by the USSC.
2. When the Senate receives the Articles for trial, President Trump will no longer be the US President.
3. The OP question is: can the senate hold an impeachment trial for a non-president? (not that complex a question)
4. The poll presents several options, you are free to put up your opinion. There is no "bait" just a few options. Put up or shut up.

p.s. you post a lot but don't have much content?! Try putting a post up with real sound ideas for a change, with backup links.

You must be new here, Pilgrim. This is YOU telling ME to substantiate, with YOUR record? :laughing0301:

The answer to your fake poll is simple. So simple it's not even listed. The impeachment process has run its full course, it's done ---- and the point that you tried to shift it there from the trial, still stands.

The trial determines whether that impeachment has merit enough to impose penalties on the accused. It's been done before and now it'll be done again.

Funny you "forgot" to list that in your little push-poll. Isn't it.
1. I'm here 3-years longer than you, and you have 8x as many "posts".
Most of which are partisan food fight "quips" with minimal content.

Then you've had three extra years to figure things out, and you've failed.
Go ahead, crunch the numbers on my posts and present them here.

2. We agree that the "impeachment" by the House is done. The House has the "Sole Power of Impeachment", so what?
Impeachment by itself has no further action. Its a paper Nancy can frame and stare at.

And we agree that you led off "asking" about the TRIAL and then immediately switched to the "impeachment", trying to sell this snake oil that said impeachment --- which we've established has been done .... can't be done. Even though it already IS.

3. The U.S. Constitution says the following:
" The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments....Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States;..."

Yep. And that's where the trial is in fact going ------ the Senate. Obviously the first remedy will be moot by then; the second will not.

4. So the Articles of Impeachment are like indictments, charges to be evaluated at a senate trial per the Constitution. I'm not trying to "shift" anything, the trial is what the Constitution calls for as part of the impeachment process.

Yet your title designated that trial, which is in the future, while your post NUMBER ONE immediately tried to shift that event to "impeachment' .... which is in the past.

5. So I think you are saying that you believe that the impeachment of Trump will proceed normally after the House sends the Articles to the Senate, correct? We disagree. I hope you are right, but I believe that constitutional Impeachment and Trial is only for office holders.

-- which is an interesting shift from your post 1 position that impeachment ITSELF is only for office holders.

You can't squirm out of this. It's on the record.

And yes, you have my assessment correct, now why isn't it found in the poll?
Because it's a fake poll, that's why. A push-poll. That's a fake poll made up to look like a poll that is clearly pushing an agenda rather than posing an open question. Like asking "would you be less likely to vote for John McCain if you knew he had fathered an illegitimate black child". It's mendacious bullshit, and it got called out.

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