NANCY PELOSI went on TV blasting the national guard and other emergency protective groups while asking for who in the chain of command ordered them?

IT SEEMS TO WORK to chase Antifa back to their dungeons and dragons basements.
So why is Pelosi and DC mayor chasing the national guard out of their hotel hating on law and order fighting back on terrorist groups like Antifa? Perhaps it's because shes one of the chain of command on that other side?
During her speach she flashed a symbol using her back hand facing the audience, she flashed a four finger V which was quite long and obvious a signal sign so I looked it up and sure enough that symbol:
The V sign, when the palm is facing toward the person giving the sign, has long been an insulting gesture in England, and later in the rest of the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, Canada, India, Pakistan and New Zealand. It is frequently used to signify defiance (especially to authority), contempt, or derision.
Does anyone know if Antifa or Resist terrorists uses this sign as well?
Discuss, but behave please.

What "seems to work"? Firing on innocent civilians engaged in peaceful protest? You think that is why the protests are peaceful?

Numerous white supremacists have been arrested across the USA for inciting riots. For posing as "antifa", and for looting. Well financed crews of young white males on skateboards, with piles of bricks on the corners, and fleets of trucks to clean out high end stores, were shut down.

Poverty, sickness and death. That's what Republicans have given the American working men and women. Poverty, illness and death. People are seeing that now. Forty years of Republican economic policies - and this is the result.

Economic inequality. Wealthy people benefitting financially from the pandemic, and all previous economic crashes, while the working men and women have lost their wealth, their wages have stagnated, and they can't afford to get sick, while sickness and death is all around them.
Is the right always going to give pigs a blank check to kill anyone they deem unworthy of living?

Violent threats need to be neutralized. Where and how does the Left feel entitled to throw rocks, bricks, bottles, and liquids at law Enforcement??
DeBlasio set the dangerous precedence when he had police stand down to those water bottle incidences months ago. From there they knew what they could get away with thus tying the hands of the police and challenging their authority. I believe a few people pointed out how dangerous this was and as usual we see why the hard way.
NANCY PELOSI went on TV blasting the national guard and other emergency protective groups while asking for who in the chain of command ordered them?

IT SEEMS TO WORK to chase Antifa back to their dungeons and dragons basements.
So why is Pelosi and DC mayor chasing the national guard out of their hotel hating on law and order fighting back on terrorist groups like Antifa? Perhaps it's because shes one of the chain of command on that other side?
During her speach she flashed a symbol using her back hand facing the audience, she flashed a four finger V which was quite long and obvious a signal sign so I looked it up and sure enough that symbol:
The V sign, when the palm is facing toward the person giving the sign, has long been an insulting gesture in England, and later in the rest of the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, Canada, India, Pakistan and New Zealand. It is frequently used to signify defiance (especially to authority), contempt, or derision.
Does anyone know if Antifa or Resist terrorists uses this sign as well?
Discuss, but behave please.

What "seems to work"? Firing on innocent civilians engaged in peaceful protest? You think that is why the protests are peaceful?

Numerous white supremacists have been arrested across the USA for inciting riots. For posing as "antifa", and for looting. Well financed crews of young white males on skateboards, with piles of bricks on the corners, and fleets of trucks to clean out high end stores, were shut down.

Poverty, sickness and death. That's what Republicans have given the American working men and women. Poverty, illness and death. People are seeing that now. Forty years of Republican economic policies - and this is the result.

Economic inequality. Wealthy people benefitting financially from the pandemic, and all previous economic crashes, while the working men and women have lost their wealth, their wages have stagnated, and they can't afford to get sick, while sickness and death is all around them.
What you posted is called denial and deflection or displaced behavior the first thing we learn in Psychology 101.
- Because Pelosi is a crazed, diseased pustule intent upon having the "fundamental change" of the new Communism take root in America.

- Because Bowser (woof!) is of the same ilk, and realizes that 70% of her constituency know no more than her that housing by contract out-of-district NG in a private hotel has nothing to do with the forced occupation prohibited under the 3rd Amendment.

Once again a stupid hateful thread on a Democrat. The one truth in every one of these threads is this, they know Donald Trump is beyond redemption, and the deplorable will continued to dominate this message board with outrageous character assassinations of Democrats.

Why is the question. Do they hate democracy, have they been so brainwashed the cannot see the reality of how Trumpism is a manifestation of fascism?

See: fascism | Definition, Characteristics, & History
what is beyond redemption is the measures the left will try to justify to overthrow an elected official.

the rest of you dumbasses are just being emotional puppets.
And what measures are those exactly?
NANCY PELOSI went on TV blasting the national guard and other emergency protective groups while asking for who in the chain of command ordered them?

IT SEEMS TO WORK to chase Antifa back to their dungeons and dragons basements.
So why is Pelosi and DC mayor chasing the national guard out of their hotel hating on law and order fighting back on terrorist groups like Antifa? Perhaps it's because shes one of the chain of command on that other side?
During her speach she flashed a symbol using her back hand facing the audience, she flashed a four finger V which was quite long and obvious a signal sign so I looked it up and sure enough that symbol:
The V sign, when the palm is facing toward the person giving the sign, has long been an insulting gesture in England, and later in the rest of the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, Canada, India, Pakistan and New Zealand. It is frequently used to signify defiance (especially to authority), contempt, or derision.
Does anyone know if Antifa or Resist terrorists uses this sign as well?
Discuss, but behave please.
How could it the military chase Antifa out of the city when there was no evidence they were ever there to begin with?

The topic is also about signals/signs and why or how they are used to signal orders or for other purposes.
Now anyone who has paid attention knows by now that I notice things most people miss.
I'm very observant.
When Carol Burnett used to tug her ear she was signalling to her daughter a sign of goodnight.
Be observant, politicians and staff signal each other during testimonies with signs that might be signalling to back off or proceed further during questioning or to keep silence, from a subtle hand gesture, nose or eyebrow brush/swipe of a pinky or the direction of the label of the bottle being suddenly and unecessarilly readjusted and turned around either by the Senator or by the person in the hot seat.
We take these things for granted, but when syncronizing in secrecy these signals are vital to make moves unnoticed to the public who is unnaware of them.
Now Go back to Mueller and notice everytime he had amnesia and did his Vinny Barbarino
what/where /when act and look for the signals they gave each other. :) Notice anything, like his hand gesture??
Had the increase in law enforcement never happened Nancy Pelosi would be giving tearful speeches about how Trump's lack of leadership led to a loss of control.

There is no limit to the depths you will sink to in order to desparage, denigrate and attack others. No "U Pluribus Unum" for you is there Tipsy?

Every decision Trump has taken since becoming President is the wrong one. The ones that has lead to the crashing of the US economy, that unleashed a pandemic on the American people, that cancelled the program to work with police forces across America to end police brutality, the one to close the worldwide pandemic office, the one to fire the head of the CDC for "disloyalty" and replace her with the useless buffoon that Trump hired.

"Loss of control". That's why Trump is hunkering down behind the new constructed barricades and walls around the White House. Trump has lost control of the narrative. Control of his base, control of the nation. The people are seeing that the Emperor not only has no clothes, he has no brains, no heart and no courage at all.

Remember when the communists were driven from Europe by ever largers throngs of people refusing to be governed by them any longer, just convening in the nation's squares and cities? This is like that. Retired military leaders are telling the army not to let this lying, dangerous, piece of shit President use you to kill Americans exercising their First Amendment rights.
- Because Pelosi is a crazed, diseased pustule intent upon having the "fundamental change" of the new Communism take root in America.

- Because Bowser (woof!) is of the same ilk, and realizes that 70% of her constituency know no more than her that housing by contract out-of-district NG in a private hotel has nothing to do with the forced occupation prohibited under the 3rd Amendment.

Once again a stupid hateful thread on a Democrat. The one truth in every one of these threads is this, they know Donald Trump is beyond redemption, and the deplorable will continued to dominate this message board with outrageous character assassinations of Democrats.

Why is the question. Do they hate democracy, have they been so brainwashed the cannot see the reality of how Trumpism is a manifestation of fascism?

See: fascism | Definition, Characteristics, & History
what is beyond redemption is the measures the left will try to justify to overthrow an elected official.

the rest of you dumbasses are just being emotional puppets.

Well now, another ludicrous example ^^^ of an Idiot-Gram. This time a new iteration, a run on sentence along with an absurd ad hominem wrapped in dissonance created by reality. Denial doesn't always appear with such anger as expressed in this idiot-gram.

Why do Trump supporters thrive on BIG LIES and continue to support Authoritarianism? Our country is the longest lasting democracy in world history, and Trumpism is the greatest threat to our existence since Lincoln was President.

Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure...

this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.

Nice deflection, that's your only strategy?

Oh no, I have a lot more. But these words are scripture, and well worth taken as a reminder of what a Principle President does to hold our country together when it was in desperate need of leadership.

It was not a Dog and Pony Shows filled periods of Narcissistic Rage***, by a President who is mentally and emotionally not fit to be President of the United States.


- Because Pelosi is a crazed, diseased pustule intent upon having the "fundamental change" of the new Communism take root in America.

- Because Bowser (woof!) is of the same ilk, and realizes that 70% of her constituency know no more than her that housing by contract out-of-district NG in a private hotel has nothing to do with the forced occupation prohibited under the 3rd Amendment.

Once again a stupid hateful thread on a Democrat. The one truth in every one of these threads is this, they know Donald Trump is beyond redemption, and the deplorable will continued to dominate this message board with outrageous character assassinations of Democrats.

Why is the question. Do they hate democracy, have they been so brainwashed the cannot see the reality of how Trumpism is a manifestation of fascism?

See: fascism | Definition, Characteristics, & History
what is beyond redemption is the measures the left will try to justify to overthrow an elected official.

the rest of you dumbasses are just being emotional puppets.

Well now, another ludicrous example ^^^ of an Idiot-Gram. This time a new iteration, a run on sentence along with an absurd ad hominem wrapped in dissonance created by reality. Denial doesn't always appear with such anger as expressed in this idiot-gram.

Why do Trump supporters thrive on BIG LIES and continue to support Authoritarianism? Our country is the longest lasting democracy in world history, and Trumpism is the greatest threat to our existence since Lincoln was President.

Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure...

this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.

Nice deflection, that's your only strategy?

Oh no, I have a lot more. But these words are scripture, and well worth taken as a reminder of what a Principle President does to hold our country together when it was in desperate need of leadership.

It was not a Dog and Pony Shows filled periods of Narcissistic Rage***, by a President who is mentally and emotionally not fit to be President of the United States.


Yes we all know about his narcissism and it did not outway the benefits that personality brings when needing to be perfect it leads to making sure EVERYTHING IS DONE RIGHT, but if you WOULD admit Obama was a worse narcissist then you'd notice his revenge on Flynn and Trump and willingness to sabotage his nation and get h8s friends and loyalist arrested to keep his legacy entact=the worst of all eglonaniacs.
So 1 narcissist is openly guilty accepted and it's a helpful trait most time (not always) and the former Presidents narcissm is never addressed, burried/hidden and a traitor to national interest.
Hillary is a bit the same way, look at her million and one blames for her loss and how vengeful she is and how she is a wrecking ball to her party and nation.
Once again self reflect, you'll always find your hate is always at a mirror image.
NANCY PELOSI went on TV blasting the national guard and other emergency protective groups while asking for who in the chain of command ordered them?

IT SEEMS TO WORK to chase Antifa back to their dungeons and dragons basements.
So why is Pelosi and DC mayor chasing the national guard out of their hotel hating on law and order fighting back on terrorist groups like Antifa? Perhaps it's because shes one of the chain of command on that other side?
During her speach she flashed a symbol using her back hand facing the audience, she flashed a four finger V which was quite long and obvious a signal sign so I looked it up and sure enough that symbol:
The V sign, when the palm is facing toward the person giving the sign, has long been an insulting gesture in England, and later in the rest of the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, Canada, India, Pakistan and New Zealand. It is frequently used to signify defiance (especially to authority), contempt, or derision.
Does anyone know if Antifa or Resist terrorists uses this sign as well?
Discuss, but behave please.

antifa doesn't exist int he US bud

this is like saying all militia movements are connected, nope

we aren't in europe you dumb ****. These are not the same people nor do they have the same ideology
NANCY PELOSI went on TV blasting the national guard and other emergency protective groups while asking for who in the chain of command ordered them?

IT SEEMS TO WORK to chase Antifa back to their dungeons and dragons basements.
So why is Pelosi and DC mayor chasing the national guard out of their hotel hating on law and order fighting back on terrorist groups like Antifa? Perhaps it's because shes one of the chain of command on that other side?
During her speach she flashed a symbol using her back hand facing the audience, she flashed a four finger V which was quite long and obvious a signal sign so I looked it up and sure enough that symbol:
The V sign, when the palm is facing toward the person giving the sign, has long been an insulting gesture in England, and later in the rest of the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, Canada, India, Pakistan and New Zealand. It is frequently used to signify defiance (especially to authority), contempt, or derision.
Does anyone know if Antifa or Resist terrorists uses this sign as well?
Discuss, but behave please.

What "seems to work"? Firing on innocent civilians engaged in peaceful protest? You think that is why the protests are peaceful?

Numerous white supremacists have been arrested across the USA for inciting riots. For posing as "antifa", and for looting. Well financed crews of young white males on skateboards, with piles of bricks on the corners, and fleets of trucks to clean out high end stores, were shut down.

Poverty, sickness and death. That's what Republicans have given the American working men and women. Poverty, illness and death. People are seeing that now. Forty years of Republican economic policies - and this is the result.

Economic inequality. Wealthy people benefitting financially from the pandemic, and all previous economic crashes, while the working men and women have lost their wealth, their wages have stagnated, and they can't afford to get sick, while sickness and death is all around them.
What you posted is called denial and deflection or displaced behavior the first thing we learn in Psychology 101.

LOL, Herein is an example of Psyc I, or Psyc 101:

  • Chapter 1: The Origins of Psychology
  • Chapter 2: The Methods of Psychology
  • Chapter 3: Biological Psychology
  • Chapter 4: Sensation & Perception
  • Chapter 5: Learning & Behavior
  • Chapter 6: States of Consciousness
  • Chapter 7: Memory
  • Chapter 8: Motivation
  • Chapter 9: Stress & Health
  • Chapter 10: Cognition: Thinking, Language, and Intelligence
  • Chapter 11: Human Development
  • Chapter 12: Personality
  • Chapter 13: Psychological Disorders
  • Chapter 14: Therapy
  • Chapter 15: Social Psychology
Clearly you made up your claim and you have never taken the first psychology course, usually taken by all persons who attend a 4-year college or U in their Freshman Year.
The topic is also about signals/signs and why or how they are used to signal orders or for other purposes.
Now anyone who has paid attention knows by now that I notice things most people miss.
I'm very observant.
When Carol Burnett used to tug her ear she was signalling to her daughter a sign of goodnight.
Be observant, politicians and staff signal each other during testimonies with signs that might be signalling to back off or proceed further during questioning or to keep silence, from a subtle hand gesture, nose or eyebrow brush/swipe of a pinky or the direction of the label of the bottle being suddenly and unecessarilly readjusted and turned around either by the Senator or by the person in the hot seat.
We take these things for granted, but when syncronizing in secrecy these signals are vital to make moves unnoticed to the public who is unnaware of them.
Now Go back to Mueller and notice he had amnesia and look for the signals they gave each other. :) Notice anything, like his hand gesture??

They're communicating in code!!!!! You mean like "OK" symbols we see all of the time from white supremacists, and the other dog whistle signals that Trump gives the radical right all of the time, when feigning ignorance. Like "when the looting starts, the shooting starts". He claims he didn't know where that one came from. Just like he claimed not to know who David Duke was when told that Duke had endorsed him for President in 2016, yet had said he didn't need support from guys like David Duke in 2004 when he considered a run as an independent. His 2004 statement showed he knew EXACTLY who Duke is.

When you're latest conspiracy theory is stuff that Trump and his staff have been flat out caught doing on multiple occasions both during the campaign and since the election, sending out dog whistles to Trump's white supremacist base, and then feigning innocence when caught doing it.

Like when Trump said he was "joking" about asking the Russians to hack the DNC, even though the Russians hacked the DNC on the very day when Trump asked them to. When Trump says and does these things, he enables those whose interests are not in making America great, they're enabling those who would bring America to her knees, which is where you are right now.
NANCY PELOSI went on TV blasting the national guard and other emergency protective groups while asking for who in the chain of command ordered them?

Meanwhile, in NYC, De Blasio refuses help from the National Guard to quell the rioting and destruction.

- Because Pelosi is a crazed, diseased pustule intent upon having the "fundamental change" of the new Communism take root in America.

- Because Bowser (woof!) is of the same ilk, and realizes that 70% of her constituency know no more than her that housing by contract out-of-district NG in a private hotel has nothing to do with the forced occupation prohibited under the 3rd Amendment.

Once again a stupid hateful thread on a Democrat. The one truth in every one of these threads is this, they know Donald Trump is beyond redemption, and the deplorable will continued to dominate this message board with outrageous character assassinations of Democrats.

Why is the question. Do they hate democracy, have they been so brainwashed the cannot see the reality of how Trumpism is a manifestation of fascism?

See: fascism | Definition, Characteristics, & History
what is beyond redemption is the measures the left will try to justify to overthrow an elected official.

the rest of you dumbasses are just being emotional puppets.
And what measures are those exactly?

you look outside lately?

let's just say a few months ago trump said the madness behind covid would end and be replaced with another rage but covid itself wasn't going anywhere.

just the rage.

oops - there it goes. where are all the people who mocked trump on this now? probably out in the street destroying shit and saying it's their right, becoming the victim at any attempt to stop them.

the effort to undermine trump and circumvent the constitution is appalling. you want to change the system, go through it. going around it is the same as destroying it.

and yes, i'm against that.
NANCY PELOSI went on TV blasting the national guard and other emergency protective groups while asking for who in the chain of command ordered them?

IT SEEMS TO WORK to chase Antifa back to their dungeons and dragons basements.
So why is Pelosi and DC mayor chasing the national guard out of their hotel hating on law and order fighting back on terrorist groups like Antifa? Perhaps it's because shes one of the chain of command on that other side?
During her speach she flashed a symbol using her back hand facing the audience, she flashed a four finger V which was quite long and obvious a signal sign so I looked it up and sure enough that symbol:
The V sign, when the palm is facing toward the person giving the sign, has long been an insulting gesture in England, and later in the rest of the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, Canada, India, Pakistan and New Zealand. It is frequently used to signify defiance (especially to authority), contempt, or derision.
Does anyone know if Antifa or Resist terrorists uses this sign as well?
Discuss, but behave please.
What a crock of shit and shinola!
Had the increase in law enforcement never happened Nancy Pelosi would be giving tearful speeches about how Trump's lack of leadership led to a loss of control.

There is no limit to the depths you will sink to in order to desparage, denigrate and attack others. No "U Pluribus Unum" for you is there Tipsy?

Every decision Trump has taken since becoming President is the wrong one. The ones that has lead to the crashing of the US economy, that unleashed a pandemic on the American people, that cancelled the program to work with police forces across America to end police brutality, the one to close the worldwide pandemic office, the one to fire the head of the CDC for "disloyalty" and replace her with the useless buffoon that Trump hired.

"Loss of control". That's why Trump is hunkering down behind the new constructed barricades and walls around the White House. Trump has lost control of the narrative. Control of his base, control of the nation. The people are seeing that the Emperor not only has no clothes, he has no brains, no heart and no courage at all.

Remember when the communists were driven from Europe by ever largers throngs of people refusing to be governed by them any longer, just convening in the nation's squares and cities? This is like that. Retired military leaders are telling the army not to let this lying, dangerous, piece of shit President use you to kill Americans exercising their First Amendment rights.
this said from the bitch attacking every fucking move trump makes. you are who you bitch at. 100%.
Funny how anytime democrats get a threading letter or have their offices vandalized they are quick to increase their security, but they somehow take issue with increasing security for private citizens/business owners when they face the same...
- Because Pelosi is a crazed, diseased pustule intent upon having the "fundamental change" of the new Communism take root in America.

- Because Bowser (woof!) is of the same ilk, and realizes that 70% of her constituency know no more than her that housing by contract out-of-district NG in a private hotel has nothing to do with the forced occupation prohibited under the 3rd Amendment.

Once again a stupid hateful thread on a Democrat. The one truth in every one of these threads is this, they know Donald Trump is beyond redemption, and the deplorable will continued to dominate this message board with outrageous character assassinations of Democrats.

Why is the question. Do they hate democracy, have they been so brainwashed the cannot see the reality of how Trumpism is a manifestation of fascism?

See: fascism | Definition, Characteristics, & History
what is beyond redemption is the measures the left will try to justify to overthrow an elected official.

the rest of you dumbasses are just being emotional puppets.
And what measures are those exactly?

you look outside lately?

let's just say a few months ago trump said the madness behind covid would end and be replaced with another rage but covid itself wasn't going anywhere.

just the rage.

oops - there it goes. where are all the people who mocked trump on this now? probably out in the street destroying shit and saying it's their right, becoming the victim at any attempt to stop them.

the effort to undermine trump and circumvent the constitution is appalling. you want to change the system, go through it. going around it is the same as destroying it.

and yes, i'm against that.
And that equates to “overthrow” how?

Don’t let your emotion get the best of you. Inflammatory rhetoric doesn’t serve anyone.
- Because Pelosi is a crazed, diseased pustule intent upon having the "fundamental change" of the new Communism take root in America.

- Because Bowser (woof!) is of the same ilk, and realizes that 70% of her constituency know no more than her that housing by contract out-of-district NG in a private hotel has nothing to do with the forced occupation prohibited under the 3rd Amendment.

Once again a stupid hateful thread on a Democrat. The one truth in every one of these threads is this, they know Donald Trump is beyond redemption, and the deplorable will continued to dominate this message board with outrageous character assassinations of Democrats.

Why is the question. Do they hate democracy, have they been so brainwashed the cannot see the reality of how Trumpism is a manifestation of fascism?

See: fascism | Definition, Characteristics, & History
what is beyond redemption is the measures the left will try to justify to overthrow an elected official.

the rest of you dumbasses are just being emotional puppets.

Well now, another ludicrous example ^^^ of an Idiot-Gram. This time a new iteration, a run on sentence along with an absurd ad hominem wrapped in dissonance created by reality. Denial doesn't always appear with such anger as expressed in this idiot-gram.

Why do Trump supporters thrive on BIG LIES and continue to support Authoritarianism? Our country is the longest lasting democracy in world history, and Trumpism is the greatest threat to our existence since Lincoln was President.

Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure...

this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.

Nice deflection, that's your only strategy?

Oh no, I have a lot more. But these words are scripture, and well worth taken as a reminder of what a Principle President does to hold our country together when it was in desperate need of leadership.

It was not a Dog and Pony Shows filled periods of Narcissistic Rage***, by a President who is mentally and emotionally not fit to be President of the United States.


Yes we all know about his narcissism and it did not outway the benefits that personality brings when needing to be perfect it leads to making sure EVERYTHING IS DONE RIGHT, but if you WOULD admit Obama was a worse narcissist then you'd notice his revenge on Flynn and Trump and willingness to sabotage his nation and get h8s friends and loyalist arrested to keep his legacy entact=the worst of all eglonaniacs.
So 1 narcissist is openly guilty accepted and it's a helpful trait most time (not always) and the former Presidents narcissm is never addressed, burried/hidden and a traitor to national interest.
Hillary is a bit the same way, look at her million and one blames for her loss and how vengeful she is and how she is a wrecking ball to her party and nation.
Once again self reflect, you'll always find your hate is always at a mirror image.

Once again you've proved to be ignorant on the issues of Abnormal Psychology, usually the third course in the Psychology Curriculum; the 2nd would be Social Psychology. Don't pretend to be competent and credible when many of us who post here have graduate degrees and know a poser when we read them.

Trump meets the criteria for Personality Disorders (PD) in each of the three clusters. Anyone who is curious to compare Trump's behavior, rhetoric and deeds, with the criteria for PD's can google DSM 5.

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